arilka���noun. 1�•�Parrotfishes and Wrasses (generic). Labridae, Scaridae. Marryun inimany mira arilka. ‘The boy got a lot of parrot fish.’ See:�kunjarraj�‘Large parrot fish or wrasse’; milarrarru�‘three particular parrot fishes’. Category:�Parrotfish.
2�•�Blue Tuskfish, big Wrasse. Choerodon cyanodus. Variant:�Iwaidja: Ardilka. Category:�Fish. Anth: These are big edible wrasses; they have blue bones and live on the reef.
kunjarraj���noun. large, blue Wrasses and Parrotfishes. Labridae family, Macropharyngodon spp.. See:�arilka�‘smaller one of the same type’. Category:�Parrotfish.
milarrarru���noun. Thick-lipped Wrasse, Violet-lined Parrotfish, Blue-barred Parrotfish. Anth: poisonous Hemigymnus melapterus, Scarus globiceps, Scarus pyrrhostethus. See:�arrarru�‘Pugnose ponyfish’; arilka�‘Parrotfishes and Wrasses (generic)’. Category:�Parrotfish.
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