

ikpiny���noun. traditional torch used to fish by night, made by tying up walurru bark with munmunka vine. Jitapa mampu mampuyirrantung like muka pata bark nuka, ikpin. ‘Jit, they would light those bark torches.’ Iwuwutangung make like candle, light mampungulangung, yungku mampuwarawning, iwuwutangung ikpin ‘They would tie it up and make like a candle, they made a light, lit the fire and made an ikpin torch.’ See:�magarnpaburning stick used as a torch; wulurru; irraj. Category:�Tools, men's, Fire.

irri���noun. 1�•�oil, fat, hair oil, fuel. See:�kinilangani. Syn:�murrkaj. Category:�Fire, Other, Hair.

2�•�stew. Category:�Illness.

coverb. Restrict:�LL object (grease) softening, melting. Kanilangani irri. ‘It (fat) is melting. For example when you cook meat and the fat starts bubbling out, or when marge or butter melts.’ Category:�Cooking.

jinyngu���noun. unlit. Muka mata yungku mata jinyngu. ‘This firewood is unlit.’ Category:�Fire.

coverb. dark , in darkness, in the dark. Usage:�occurs with kerra and kiwraka. With kiwraka it means 'get up when it is still dark' or 'go off early in the morning' Yarran jinynguga. ‘He came after dark’. yurakangung jinynguga ‘he was up early in the morning’. Ant:�kiwruju. See:�walngakpalngakdaybreak when visibility is improving but not perfect. Category:�Sleep.

jirring���noun. wooden spoon, stirring rod. Category:�Fire.

jit���coverb. 1�•�fish on a moonless night. Warra kamumu awuran jit. ‘The women have gone fishing (on a moonless night).’ Category:�Hunting.

2�•�light bark torches. Jit kiwiyitpa ‘They lit bark torches.’ Category:�Fire.

3�•�use torches for light. Kampuwarawnapa kawa jit kiwuyirran. ‘They light them and go along with torches providing illumination.’ Kampuwarawn, kawapa jit kampuyirran. ‘They light them and go along with torches providing illumination.’ Category:�Fire.

jirt���coverb. Restrict:�MA object light a fire. Ma kokanyi jirt! ‘Light the fire!’ Category:�Fire.

julu1���noun. matches. Category:�Fire.

kamaniwarawn���tv. Restrict:�VE object light a cooking fire. Light any small wooden object. Mampuwarawng yungku la iwuwunyantung tuka kirrwara. ‘They lit a fire and heated the outside part of it.’ Nginji amirawng kirrk kayirrk la ngatawarawng. ‘They sung Nginji and then we lit the fire.’ Ngatawarawngapa ngatawunyan mata, nganangka. mata manyatpung Nawurlany, imajungan. ‘We lit the fire, we burned the clapsticks that Nawurlany used, who died.’ See:�kiniyitilight a grass fire; kininilakpalunyalight a fire using another fire. Category:�Fire.

kamarkpa���iv. Restrict:�VE subject 1�•�the area is burning off, can refer to grass fires seen from far away, volanoes. Mata mirlak kamarkpa. ‘The grass is burning.’ markpany ‘area be burnt out’. Wula marlkpangung antangung ‘A volcano is burning, burning.’ See:�kamarlkpakpaburning season. Category:�Fire.

2�•�wanting a fight. Yarran markpany kirrk ta wanji la imarrk. ‘He wants to fight in his head and in his stomach.’ Ngapi kunpanawun murnin kamarlkpaga wanyji. ‘I'm going to hit you because I'm getting angry.’ Kingawun lirri marnti kulakajpun markpang. ‘He's angry it might not be good if you ask him something as he's angry. Don't go and say anything to him because he's angry, angry.’ Syn:�lirri. Category:�Hate, anger.

3�•�the ground is burning hot. Note: Can just mean that ground is hot, without any implication that burning has occurred. For example, the ground may be hot because of the sun. See:�mawatpuarea be burnt out. Category:�Soil.

kayarlgayarl���noun. fire. Category:�Fire.

kila���iv. 1�•�hot, heat, cook, burn. kamala, iwany, it cooked, mawany HH Text 1; angpany HH Text 1; apany it cooked; ilangung he was burning (Warruwi BLPC 2:20); angkang AD Tape 1991 3B. Ara iwany yungku mawij. ‘Alas, little brother has burned himself in the fire.’ Tuka malangung mata yungku iwuwunyantung wurul ja iwiya. ‘Then they would heat it through on the fire.’ Kanta ta kunak. ‘The ground is hot (because it is burning)’. See:�kinilaeat; kiniwunyacook. Category:�Sickness, Cooking, Fire.

2�•�have fever. Category:�Sickness.

3�•�angry. Ngala wanyji. ‘I'm getting angry (Lit:I'm nearly burning)’. Ngala mira marnti kunpun. ‘I'm getting really angry I might hit you.’ See:�kamarkpa. Category:�Hate, anger.


kininilakpalunya���tv. Restrict:�MA object light fire, by taking something burning from another place to light it. For example, light a grass fire by taking a burning stick from a part that is already burning. Nganuni light, ngiwalakpalunya kalurru la kanmatpi mata lighter. ‘Give me a light to light my cigarette because you've got a lighter.’ See:�kamaniwarawnlight a cooking fire. Category:�Fire.

kiningartpulati���Restrict:�MA object tv. turn off the power, power go off (on its own). Category:�General change of state, General.

Restrict:�VE object 2: kamaningartpulati�•�tv. put out fire, turn off stove. Kamaningartpulatiki mata yungku. ‘He's putting out the fire.’ kungartpulatja ‘used when telling someone to put out a fire’. Category:�Fire, Cooking.

kiniwurlnga���tv. circle. Kurrayanti nakapa ja marrwati kiniwurlnga ja inyarlgan kiw pagap. ‘Look at the sea eagle circling over the floating turtle.’ See:�kapurlngenwalk wobbly; kinimarrawurlngago around, circle; kilatpulngaturn around. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.

Restrict:�LL object 2�•�tv. smoke ceremonially, or dance in circle. Nginjipa amirawng, la ngatarrajpany kirrk, la ngarrungpulngankantiny ta wakapa tuka minyngu . ‘Nginji they sung, and we stood around and we smoked the area where the ceremony was.’ "Pa awuranka ngatpirawnik rtil la ngarrungpulngakangung ta wakapa tuka algaj ngatangalingan minyngu . ‘Then they came over and we sang together and we smoked the area whe we had had the ceremony.’ Ngarrungpulngakantiny la ngatpirawng kirrk. Ngarriwung larr . ‘We smoked the area and we sang. Then we finished it.’ Category:�Fire, General ritual.


kiniwunya���tv. cook, heating over fire, burn. Warramumpik inypaning ingawunyangung irratat. ‘The woman was sitting cooking the meat.’ yiwunyangung ‘they cooked it’. See:�kilacook; kiniwunyakakeep cooking; kanilakpunyaroast meat in coals. Category:�Cooking, Fire.


kiniyiti���tv. light a grass fire, not a cooking fire. Kiniyitiki. ‘He is burning rubbish.’ Kampayiti. ‘They are lighting a fire.’ Ikpin iwumangungapa, iwutangung kirrk. Parang la mamapuyitjang iwuwunyatung. Pa awangkung, iwuyirrantung. Inirrkangung. ‘They used to get Ikpin torches which they made by tying them up. Then they lit them and they burned. They used to go shining them on fish. They speared fish.’ Note: Refers to story of Yumparrparr who now shoots across the sky as a meteor. See:�kiniyitpamake lights using fire. Syn:�kamaniwarawn. Category:�Fire.

kiniyitpa���tv. make lights by burning torch or fires. Ja yara karrayan ja kiniyitpa ke warak "Aku, nukapa yurnparrparr kerra warak." ‘Sometimes we see the lights he makes as he goes along (shooting stars and other stars). We say, "Ah, that's the giant going along."’ Jit kiwiyitpa ‘They lit bark torches.’ Kamangayitpa. ‘She is collecting firewood.’ See:�kiniyitilight fire. Category:�Fire. Anth: The giant has a special thing to make light in the sky.


kiniyurlka���tv. 1�•�bury, cover, plant. Usage:�Can be used for burying humans or animals, unlike -e kunak inypuyurljiny they buried her; iwuyurljiny They buried him; kiniyurkaka. Atiyurkangung ta walij. ‘He was planting the food (yams).’ Nungmatpa karrkaj ingayalmany mirnta waka wiyu inypuyurljiny Ilarryarru pa kinyu pata pukapa. ‘And on the other side, when she died, they buried her at Ilyarru, she's lying there. They were there’. Kurlajuk kingayurlka. ‘She (turtle) buries her eggs.’ See:�kiyurjinbe buried; kiwrlkatindisappear. Category:�Manipulation, Concealment.

Restrict:�LL object 2: kaniyurlka�•�cover with sand. Ngapi Inyjalarrku ngamirawng. Ngarrunjurjiny arakap tuka Nawurlany nuyu. ‘I sang Inyjalarrku song. We covered the area where Nawurlany's things were.’ Angamany mangayurrkjiny nuyu wun ja luluj. ‘She grabbed it and threw it in the dogs eyes.’ Katiyurlka. ‘He plants food, or puts food in sand to cook it.’ Category:�Concealment.

Restrict:�LL object 3: kaniyurlka�•�make a smoke signal. Kaniyurlka nuyu. ‘He sends him a smoke signal.’ Kangpuyurlka. ‘They send a smoke signal.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Fire.

kiwirnngalkpun���iv. Restrict:�VE subject a burning fire of embers, when a fire becomes all embers and the flames have settled down. Manawirnngalkpun kirrk la arriwawunya kiyap. ‘When the fire becomes embers we will cook the fish.’ Kamawirnngalkpun mata yungku. ‘The fire's burned down to embers.’ See:�kiningalkpuncrack, pound. Category:�Fire.

kunkarlk���noun. 1�•�tree type. Premna serratifolia. Variant:�Iwaidja: Girdbu. See:�kunkarrkChinese Fingernail clam; purllight fire with firesticks. Category:�Trees and bushes. Anth: tree from which upright firestick is obtained

2�•�upright part of fire stick. Category:�Tools, men's, Fire.

kungany���noun. smoke. Wungany kingawunapa kingunjanymin. ‘He gets smoked and he gets darker.’ Category:�Fire.

malijpularr���noun. 1�•�the small intestines. Mata nigi la malijpularr. ‘The stomach and intestines.’ See:�malawurtwarrkilarge intestine; wurriwurri nuyularge intestine. See main entry: ilijpularr. Category:�Organs and torso.

2�•�many small chips of wood. Category:�Fire.

manganypum���noun. white ashes left from a fire. Syn:�yurrwiri. Category:�Fire.

mangaralk���noun. tongue of flame. See main entry: ngaralk. Category:�Fire.

mapaj���noun. tobacco (white) ashes. Category:�Toxic plants, Fire.

mawatpu���noun. ash. Makiny. Mawatpu kirrk. ‘No, it has just been burnt out.’ mata mawatpu ‘ash’. See:�kamarkpaburn; yurrwiriwhite ashes. Category:�Fire.

miyurrk���noun. a smoke fire to catch animals, especially kangaroo. Anth: People would cover themselves with antbed to protect themselves from heat. Also used to refer to smoke that is hanging over the land as seen from a distance. Kutpayanti mata miyurrk kamaw parrparr. ‘Look at the smoke, it stretches a long way.’ Ara, arrkpana ngulam arrkanama miyurrk nuyu arriwalalku ngarrurru ayang. ‘In the morning we will go and make a smoke fire so we can spear kangaroos.’ Category:�Fire.

munmunka���noun. 1�•�Goat�€š�„ôs-foot convulvulus. Ipomoea pes-caprae. Variant:�Iwaidja: Murnmurnka or Anmulang. Nuka ja munmunka ja iwumangung pata arrarrkpi iwumangung parak tuka kunak. Tuka malangung mata yungku iwuwunyantung wurul ja iwiya. Kayirrk la iwutpangung tuka wun la tuka rluj la tuka wiwari. ‘People used to get the beach vine and take it home. There they would heat the leaves through on the fire. Then they would put it on a sore eye or a boil or any type of sore.’ Anth: Beach vine with a large purple flower very distinctive and easy to identify. It is the only one that grows right on the sand. The leaves are heated and used as a poultice for sores. Kiwuma imurra malany kiwuta munmunka. ‘They get a lot (of stringybark bark) and then tie it up with Ipomoea vine (making ikpin torches).’ Category:�Trees and bushes, Medicine.

2�•�beach grass type with star like flowers. Spinifex longifolius. See:�WanjikpuBeach Spinifex. Category:�Grasses, Fire. Anth: Used to cook turtle - the throat of the turtle is cut open, the grass is stuffed in. The throat is closed up and the grass is left in there while it cooks.

3�•�beach grass type with typical elongated grass flower. Category:�Grasses.

parlawrr���coverb. Restrict:�VE subject burst into flames. Makapa kamala parlawrr mata yungku. ‘The fire is bursting into flames.’ Naka ja arrarrkpi kimin wu yanat piyu tuka yanat ilakpirij nuyu manala parlawarr mata yungku. ‘That man is going 'wu' with his mouth so that the fire will burst into (flame).’ Category:�Fire.

parrajang���noun. fireworks. Category:�Other, Fire.

pi���coverb. blow on. Anmina pi. ‘Blow (on the fire).’ Syn:�wu. Category:�Automatic actions, Fire.

pirl���noun. cripple. Nuka ja pirl. ‘He's the cripple’. See:�ngalpirlcripple (female); wirlnuisance. Category:�Physical disability and injury.

coverb. 1�•�cut across, through, squeeze, divide something. Atiwuk pirl ta kantijawa. ‘He cut through the bread.’ Nganiwut pirl ja nuka. ‘This thing is squeezing me.’ Tukapa angkuwung pirl wemin ta Warrarakuku la wemin ta kinyuryi muwarn. ‘They've already divded it, the Warrarakuku - they're the sun set side.’ Category:�Divide, cut, tear, Pressing.

Restrict:�LL object 2�•�cross mountains, land or bodies of water. angkanawut pirl they will go across; kangkuwut pirlga They are going across. Aku, angkuwuk pirlgapa kupuny. ‘They came across to the place by canoe.’ angkuwuk pirl warak ‘They went across to the other side.’ Ngapi ngungput pirl ta alan. ‘I cut across the path.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Impact.

3�•�chop up, divide. innyej pirl ‘he cut it short (MA, e.g. string)’. kinnyet pirl ‘he is cutting it short (MA obj)’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.

Restrict:�LL object 4�•�cut story, conversation short. ngungej pirl. anyej pirl ‘he cut it short (LL: a story/conversation)’. anyeny pirl ‘he just stopped’. Awulalkanyjiliny apa angpaj pirl innyung. ‘They had a meeting for a while. They shortened that meeting and he gave him.’ Category:�Language.

5�•�pinch hard. kininyji pirl. ‘He pinched him.’ Kunuka nuyi ta kannginyji pirl? ‘Why are you pinching yourself?’ Nganyjuk pirl ta ngapi wiyu. ‘I'm pinching myself.’ See:�wirlwirlsqueeze (kininyji). Category:�Pressing.

6�•�choke. Wularrutapa iwuwutiny pirl. ‘They have choked him already.’ iwutin pirl ‘he choked.’ Category:�Pressing, Head.

Restrict:�VE subject 7�•�burn through. Muka mata yungku mata kamala pirl. ‘This fire is burning through, in the middle (ie. as a camp fire does).’ See:�pirlpirlflowing strongly; wirlpirlflowing; purllight with firesticks. Category:�Fire.

Restrict:�MA subject 8�•�be a cripple, for example need a wheelchair or suffer from paralysis. Kinima pirl ‘He's a cripple.’ Nuka ja inimaj pirl kiwani. ‘He became a cripple.’ Syn:�mirngij. Category:�Physical disability and injury.

puluwuj���coverb. fan the fire. Category:�Fire.

wuluwujpuluwuj���coverb. fan oneself or a fire. Arrarrkpi kimin wuluwujpuluwuj nuyu manala parlawarr mata yungku. ‘The man will fan the fire so it will burst into flames.’ See:�wublow on fire. Category:�Fire.

wuluwujpuluwuj���coverb. fan oneself or a fire. Arrarrkpi kimin wuluwujpuluwuj nuyu manala parlawarr mata yungku. ‘The man will fan the fire so it will burst into flames.’ See:�wublow on fire. Category:�Fire.

purl���coverb. Restrict:�FE object rub two sticks together to make fire, light a fire with firesticks. Awaning inyjuwunik purl. ‘They lit a fire using fire sticks.’ Awaning inyjuwunik purl mata yungku. ‘They lit a fire using fire sticks.’ See:�wurlwurldunk someone; wurlpurlberth canoes. Syn:�wu. See:�pirlburn through; kunkarlkupright part of firestick (feminine). Category:�Fire.

wirlngujnguj���noun. coals. Variant:�less commonly used term. Syn:�wirlngukuk. Category:�Fire.

wirlngukuk���noun. 1�•�coals. Variant:�more commonly used term. Muka mata kamaw kamala mata wirlngukuk. ‘These coals are burning.’ Syn:�wirlngujnguj. See:�mamun wirlngukukthe hot time immediately preceding the Wet season, October to December. Category:�Fire.

2�•�dots, spots. Nuwurnnyak wirlngukuk. ‘It has spots (describing Trumpeter Whiting, Siliago maculata burrus).’ Category:�Colours and light.

wu2���coverb. 1�•�blow (on a fire to get it to burn), blow on with the mouth. Kimin pu. ‘He is blowing on the fire.’ Naka ja arrarrkpi kimin wu yanat piyu tuka yanat ilakpirij nuyu manala parlawarr mata yungku. ‘That man is going 'wu' with his mouth so that the fire will burst into (flame).’ See:�wuluwujpuluwujfan oneself or a fire. Syn:�pi. Category:�Automatic actions, Fire.

Restrict:�FE object 2�•�light a fire with fire stick. Kinyiwun pu. ‘He is lighting the fire using a fire stick.’ Syn:�purl. Category:�Fire.

wulurru���noun. paperbark torch, roll of paperbark. Anth: We put paperbark together and make it into a stick or club by winding string about it. Used when calling in a ceremony. Used for lighting during dancing and also to beat girl during kinyngen warlk ceremony. Not used to take sea hunting at night because it burns too quickly. Wulurru ta karrungatpi nuyu karrungpun manjat wu pata kiwarlukpa. ‘We have the wulurru for the sake of the dancers.’ See:�walurrustringybark; maryawupaperbark tree; ikpinytraditional torch type. Category:�Fire, General ritual.

yungku���noun. fire, firewood. See:�warlktree (generic term). Category:�Fire.

yurrwiri���noun. white ashes of a burnt-out fire. Yarran iwany iyarrkpunyjiliny yurrwiriyu yung. ‘They burned it all up until there were only ashes left.’ See:�mawatpuash. Syn:�manganypum. Category:�Fire.

Parent category:

Cooking and fire