Physical stance

Physical stance

ap���coverb. 1�•�sit down. Yuran ap iwaning. ‘He sat down and stayed there.’ nguran ap ‘we sat down’. See:�papsit!, be. Category:�Physical stance.

2�•�sit down. ngarraran ap, ngatpaning ‘we all sat down, we sat there’. Category:�Change stance.

yarrk���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�lie open, be a gap, open space. Takapa kanyu yarrk. ‘It is lying open.’ kanyu yarrk ‘a space in an area’. Angpanaw yarrk ngartu ‘Leave a space for me (to sit)’. See:�jarrkmake room; ngatngattear, split. Category:�Landscape, Movement relating to fixed point, Physical stance.

2�•�ask a favour of, request. Yunyi kuwin jarrk. ‘Don't ask him for it (just now).’ Category:�Language.

3�•�taste something sweet. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.

4�•�detect sound from far away. Innyet jarrk. ‘He heard.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.

5�•�split, cut in half. Kuwuk jarrk manpurrwa. ‘You tore the piece of clothing/cloth’. aniwuk jarrk ‘the axe split the island in half’. See:�kannyarlandivide, halve. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.

yarrkjarrk���break, split open, gut. Iniwung yarrkjarrk ja kapala la kunuka yirrik iniwung innyartpungkuny worri ta waka. ‘It tore the boat open and all that, broke it and then lifted it up onto the dry land there.’ See:�karten yarrkjarrkone who uses a different pronunciation. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.


Remain stationary

Change stance