arrapulyu���noun. Saltwater catfishes, Giant Salmon catfish and Smaller Salmon catfish. Saltwater catfishes. Arius thalassinus, Arius graeffei. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wirtu. See:�ikaman�‘freshwater catfish’; marrnguny�‘Freshwater nailfish (generic), Eel-tailed catfish, Hyrtl's catfish (Yellowfinned Catfish), Black catfish’. Category:�Catfish.
ikaman���noun. freshwater catfish, Triangular Shield Catfish. Neoarius leptaspis. Variant:�Iwaidja: Ikaman. Ikaman la wururi ja nuwuran mawuruwuj la marrnguny. ‘The freshwater catfish and herring live in the fresh water and the eel-tailed catfish too.’ See:�arrapulyu�‘Saltwater catfish’; marrnguny�‘Eel-tailed catfish’. Category:�Catfish.
marrnguny���noun. 1�•�Freshwater nailfish (generic), Eel-tailed catfish, Hyrtl's catfish (Yellowfinned Catfish), Black catfish. Neosilurus hyrtlii, Neosilurus Ater, Plotosidae family. Variant:�Iwaidja: Kalahala. See:�nularrunya�‘Saltwater catfish type’; ikaman�‘catfish’; arrapulyu�‘catfish’; marruny�‘Bonefish’; minynguri�‘Chingilt’; manjururrk�‘single-gilled eel’. Category:�Catfish.
2�•�Eel. Ikaman la wururi ja nuwuran mawuruwuj la marrnguny. ‘The freshwater catfish and herring live in the fresh water and eels too.’ Category:�Herring.
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