N - n
nulilil���noun. a newborn baby. ninyjelel. ja nulilil ‘the new baby’.
nagalawurrpu���noun. a mob of, a group of (birds or animals). Category:�Appearance.
nagamarrang���crossreference. See:�namarrang�‘subsection, skin name of the Namartku moiety’.
nagangila���crossreference. See:�nangila�‘subsection’.
nagangkangila���crossreference. See:�nangkangila�‘subsection group term’.
nagarrpurrk���noun. my punyi who is your iji. Anth: Hearer replies using narrajngi See:�ngalgarrngpuk; narrajngi�‘My iji who is your punyi’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nagumtuj���noun. the first son in the family to be initiated into mardayin or wuwarr ceremonies, to become namangkalarra. Variant:�term of address. See:�namangkalarra�‘Wuwarr initiate’. Category:�Initiation.
najaman���noun. 1�•�first born child. Nuka ja ngapi ja marryun ja najaman. ‘This is my first-born child.’ Ingamany najaman. ‘She's given birth to her birth to her first child.’ Ingamany jita najaman. ‘She had her first baby.’ Syn:�anpulawnut; Ant:�namawij. Category:�Ages.
2�•�first menstrual period. Inyimany najaman. ‘She is having her first menstrual period.’ Inyimanyapa ja najaman ‘She had her first period.’ Syn:�warlk (kinnyen), muru (kinnyen). Category:�Reproduction.
najapirn���noun. sword fish. Category:�Fish.
najardawu���noun. whirlwind. Naka ngarrayawng najardawu ilangaling kapin yungku. ‘We saw a whirlwind standing up like fire (ie. a spiral of smoke).’ Category:�Wind. Syn:�ngarrana.
najarrari���noun. common species of flying fox that visits Warruwi in the mango season. Category:�Mammals.
najparati���noun. a very big dugong. See:�marntingunyuny�‘dugong’. Category:�Mammals.
naka���dem. that. See:�makas�‘that’; nuwutpaka�‘you there (plural)’.
nakurruminyjilang���noun. wild gooseberries. Category:�Plant food, Trees and bushes.
nakurrututu���noun. unknown fish. Nakurrututu kinymalkpa kinypani. ‘Nakurrututu comes out and sits down.’ See:�kamanilanta wurak�‘Mudskipper’; namarrwut; murlayintayin�‘New Guinea Mudskipper’; walmuri�‘puffer fish’. Category:�Fish. Anth: Makes a grunting sound which can be heard on a calm day (Berndt and Berndt 1970).
narlngarr���noun. a goanna type. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians. Anth: It has very fine markings on its back and 'no fat' in its tail. It is found on the mainland.
namajumpu���noun. skeleton. jita namajungpu. Pata namajungpu, warranyngiw la jita nigi. ‘Their skeletons, mother and child.’ See:�iyarrmulu�‘skeleton’; kungkampupu�‘skull’. Category:�Other.
namalak���noun. my ngawiny who is your ngaya or My kamu who is your ngawiny. See:�ngalmalak�‘My ngawiny who is your ngaya' or 'My kamu who is your ngawiny’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
namalal���noun. good. Category:�Goodness. See:�numalal�‘good’.
namalurru���noun. stick used for hitting down geese. Arrkpana arrkanalalku mata namalurru ngartu. ‘Let's go and cut my namalurru stick.’ Anth: The hunter sits in an observation post (jalngarr) in a tree. Another man at the bottom picks up the geese. The namalurru stick is cut and heated over a fire to strengthen it before use. See:�artakamul�‘short throwing stick used to hit magpie geese’. Category:�Tools, men's.
namarlaja���noun. an orphan, an uncared-for child. See:�namarlanmarlaja�‘orphaned children’. Category:�Ages.
namarlanmarlaja���noun. orphaned or uncared-for children. See:�namarlaja�‘orphan’. Category:�Ages.
namanamaj���noun. patrilineal descent line. People of a common patrilineal descent share a common clan name. See:�yurrumu�‘patrilineal name’. Syn:�nguya. Category:�Peoples and clans.
namangajijij���noun. small intestine. Category:�Organs and torso.
namangkalarra���noun. Wuwarr initiate. See:�nagumtuj�‘first initiated son’. Category:�Initiation.
namarntulpiny���noun. spirit or ghost. Kurrayanti maniyitiny kerra warak ja namarntulpiny. ‘Look, the spirit man has lit (a fire-stick) and is going along there.’ Category:�Supernatural. Note: Refers to story of Yumparrparr who now shoots across the sky as a meteor. Anth: This term is not used to refer to deceased people.
namapa���noun. a hostile warlike person or group. Tumatpa wiwalu awuranka namapa awanginka. ‘The hostile group came to fight.’ Tukapa namapapa yurankawu. ‘A big group of people went for revenge.’ Ya imalkpanykapa ja namapapa awunilagatpung. ‘Yeah, the group of fighters arrived and he surrounded them.’ Category:�Peoples and clans.
namararri���crossreference. See:�namurarri�‘a person who has a debilitating or wasting illness such as leprosy’.
namarrang���noun. subsection, skin name of the Namartku moiety. Category:�family, inc moieties.
Namarrawanyja���name. one of the five clans on Warruwi, came after the first two: Mangalara and Murawn. Category:�Dreamtime names.
namarrwut���noun. Jawfish. Opistognathus spp.. See:�nakurrututu�‘possible synonym’. Category:�Fish.
namatpa1���noun. other, another one. See:�numatpa�‘other, another one’; mara�‘other, masciline’. Category:�Appearance.
namatpa2���noun. oysters found growing on mangroves. La naka namatpa tuka nganykarrarr kiw. ‘And that namatpa is found in the mangroves.’ See:�arnmilwil�‘oysters removed by cutting whole mangrove root’. Category:�Shellfish.
namartku���noun. male of the martkumartku moiety. See:�ngalmartku�‘moiety name (female)’; martkumartku�‘plural name of one moiety’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
namawij���noun. youngest son of a set of siblings. See:�mawij�‘younger sibling’; ngalmawij�‘youngest daughter’; wulkurr�‘oldest sibling in set of siblings’. Ant:�najaman. Category:�family, inc moieties.
namirtpagarri���noun. the last rains of the wet season, the knock 'em downs which break down the long grass. Category:�Rains.
namiyingi���noun. my wawu who is your ngawiny. Anth: Hearer replies using kulakpaminy See:�ngalmiyingi�‘my wawu who is your ngawiny’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
namurlu���noun. my wiwi who is your mawawiny (poison cousin). Anth: Hearer replies using kuyagaru. Ngampiwi ja kuyagaru? Nuka ja namurlu. ‘Where is my mawawiny who is your wiwi? There he is, my wiwi who is your mawawiny.’ Ngampiwi ja namurlu? ‘Where's my wiwi?’ See:�ngalmurlu�‘my wiwi who is your mawawiny, (poison cousin)’; kuyagaru�‘'my mawawiny who is your wiwi', poison cousins talking about each other to the set of siblings that link them’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
namumuyak���noun. 1�•�dream time period. Category:�Longer.
2�•�dream time people. Category:�Peoples and clans.
namurarri���noun. a person who has a debilitating or wasting illness such as leprosy. Ya, anpajinypajiyi namararri kunima. ‘You might be injured or become seriously ill.’ namurrarri inimang ‘he's deformed’. Nukapa ja wurakpa ja kiniwun ja namurarri la muj kawuntuwinypun pata marrik awarray juju pata kamaju. Kampuma wanpirlk la muj mangiri kampartpan tuka panikin. Kayirrk la kawuntuwinypun ke yirrk ja namurarri. ‘The wurakpa tree cures wasting sickness and is also used as for people who are not able to walk around anymore. They get the seeds and also the bark and boil it in a pot. They they wash them (the sick people) and all the sickness goes from them.’ See:�kimaranmararrikun�‘sick’. Category:�Physical disability and injury.
namurrunti���noun. bad. See:�numurrunti�‘bad or old’. Category:�Goodness.
nankurta���noun. Diamond-scale Mullet. Liza vaigiensis. See:�wuta�‘very arge mullet’. Category:�Mullets. Anth: "Round nose". This is small, with a squared-off tail. It lives in muddy estuarine waters in mangrove creeks and rivers upstream to the intertidal zone. It lies in the muddy shallows with nose and eyes sticking up out of the water. Note: This seems to be the only mullet name linked clearly with a species name.
nanung���noun. husband or husband's brother, sister's husband, wife's brother, also used for potential spouses MBS and FZS although these may be called marnmarn if they are not considered potential spouses. See:�nganung�‘wife or wife's sister, husband's sister, brother's wife, also used for potential spouses MBD and FZD although they may be called marnmarn if they are not considered potential spouses’; marnmarn�‘father's mother and siblings, woman's son's children, reciprocal’; marrakarrak�‘mother's cousin, brother's cousin, father's sister's cousin’; wilkumu�‘spouse’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nangarrajku���noun. male of the nangarrangarrajku moiety. See:�nangarrangarrajku�‘plural name of one moiety’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nangarrangarrajku���noun. name of one of two matrimoieties. See:�nangarrajku�‘male of the nangarrangarrajku moiety’; martkumartku�‘plural name of one moiety’; ngalmartku�‘female member of the martkumartku moiety’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nangarrangarrij���noun. plural form of nangarrij subsection, skin name. Pata nawangawangari, nangarrangarrij. ‘Those Nawangari and Nangarrij.’ See:�nangarrij�‘skin name within the nangarrajku moiety’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nangarrij���noun. subsection, skin name within the nangarrajku moiety. See:�nangarrangarrij�‘plural form of nangarrij’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nangarrkang���noun. 1�•�my male ngaya who is your ngatimuninymurlu. Anth: Hearer replies using narnayirriiny. Category:�family, inc moieties. Note: Not reciprocal.
2�•�my ngaya who is your punyi. See:�narnayirriny�‘cross-cousins linked refer to each other with this word when talking to the siblings that links them’; ngalngarrkang�‘my female ngaya who is your ngatimuninymurlu’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nangartam���noun. jaw, cheek. Wugarra iwuwany nuyu la iwaning antajing nuyu parrwarr ta nangartam nuyu. ‘They at a lot of his cheek and there was a hole right through his cheek.’ See:�ilangararru�‘jaw, jawbone’. Category:�Head.
nangeymong���noun. my male mawawiny: poison cousin or son-in-law. See:�ngalngeymong�‘female poison cousin’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nangila���noun. subsection, skin name within the namartku moiety. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nangkangila���noun. plural form of the nangila subsection, skin name. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nanguj���noun. a time in the recent past, eg. yesterday, the other day, last week. Usage:�Seems to need to be at the beginning of clause Nanguj ngarruran Anjumu ngatpirawning pu pata tuwarlkparrakanut. ‘The other day we went to Anjumu to sing to the old people.’ nanguj putarr ‘a little while ago, e.g. 10 days’. Nanguj ngarrunnyetpang wula ‘Yesterday we had an earthquake.’ See:�wutarr�‘a little bit further’. Syn:�nungmatpa warntatarr, arukaruk. Category:�Longer.
nangura���noun. refers to a male goat. Variant:�vulgar language. Category:�Introduced animals.
narnayirriny���noun. 1�•�cross-cousins linked refer to each other with this word when talking to the siblings that links them. Anth: Hearer replies using nangarrkang See:�ngalayirriny�‘cross-cousins refer to each other with this word when talking to the siblings that links them’; nangarrkang�‘My male ngaya who is your ngatimuninymurlu’; ngalngarrkang�‘my female ngaya who is your ngatimuninymurlu’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
2�•�my punyi who is your ngaya. Category:�family, inc moieties.
napaka���dem. that, far distant. japaka, tapaka, wapaka. Napaka, kerra warak. ‘There he is over there, going along.’ Category:�Location and distance.
napakarriwun���noun. sacred place, dreaming place. Yunyi karrarra warak tuka napakarriwun wanyji ngarrunarrikpay la ngarrimung. ‘We mustn't go close to sacred places or we will be destroyed.’ See:�naparrarru�‘sacred site’. Category:�Supernatural, Landscape.
napala���part. perhaps, or. Napala nuka awuran rtil tuka ajput. ‘Perhaps he went with them to the beach.’ See:�manpala�‘both’. Category:�Appearance.
napalal���noun. good. Category:�Goodness. See:�numalal�‘good’.
napanpal���noun. wide. Category:�Size and weight. See:�nuwanpal�‘wide’.
naparramny���noun. small species of bat. Category:�Mammals.
naparrarru���noun. sacred site. See:�napakarriwun�‘sacred site’. Category:�Supernatural, Landscape.
napatpa���noun. other, another one. See:�numatpa�‘other, another one’. Category:�Appearance.
napinyjiny���noun. fresh tasting grain or yam foods. Taka ta napinyjiny ta kantijawa. ‘That is fresh flour.’ See:�numinyjiny�‘safe’; natirri�‘state, bitter tasting’. Category:�Plant food, Tubers.
napulurrumpi���noun. crowd of people. Napulurrumpi kilangali ja arrarrkpi. ‘They were talking and sitting in a group.’ Category:�Appearance.
napurlkarr���noun. a very big sugar-bag, honey-comb. Napurlkarr ja kupulak. ‘This is a very big kupulak sugar-bag.’ Category:�Bees and honey.
napurrunti���noun. bad. See:�numurrunti�‘bad or old’.
naputjanputjan���noun. clothing of deceased person and other personal possessions. See:�atjiyarrkarrk�‘possessions of living person’; manpurrawa�‘clothing’. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items, Mourning.
narut���noun. Surgeon fishes, including Pencil Surgeonfish. Acanthurus dussumieri, Acanthurus spp.. Variant:�Iwaidja: Narrut. Narut ja nakawk. Jit, kawa kampuyirran. Kawunpuyirran la kiwirrka ja narut or kiyap. ‘They go along providing illumination with torches and they spear Narut fish or other fish.’ Arnakuj walarrirntirn kawaga lirri. Narut awuniwung. ‘Arnakuj and Walarrirntirn come to fight. Narut hits them.’ See:�miyarrurl�‘fighting stick type said to emulate the razor sides of Narut's tail’; mumpuli marruny�‘Coral Cod’. Category:�Fish.
narrajngi���noun. my iji who is your punyi. Anth: Hearer replies using nagarrpurrk. See:�ngaltajngi�‘My kamu who is your wirlupirlu’; nagarrpurrk�‘My punyi who is your iji’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
narranarra���noun. reed type. Anth: They grow near the banks of creeks and have a sorghum-like head. People used to make blankets and belts out of them. See:�moko�‘string belt made from narranarra’. Category:�Small plants.
natakpi���noun. heavy. See:�nulakpi�‘heavy’. Category:�Size and weight.
natakuru���noun. narrow. See main entry: nulakuru. Category:�Size and weight.
nataman���crossreference. See main entry: ilaman.
natirri���noun. stale, bitter tasting. Taka ta kantijawa ta natirri. ‘That flour is stale.’ See:�napinyjiny�‘fresh tasting grain or yam foods’. Category:�Illness.
nawagaj���noun. subsection, skin name of the namartku moiety. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nawaj���crossreference. See:�nawagaj�‘subsection, skin name of the namartku moiety’.
nawamut���noun. subsection, skin name of the nangarrajku moiety. See:�nawumawumut�‘plural of subsection, skin name nawumut’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nawanawa���coverb. talk about another person. Kawani nawanawa numiyi ngapi. ‘They are talking about me.’ Category:�Language.
nawanpal���noun. 1�•�wide. See main entry: nuwanpal. Category:�Size and weight.
2�•�one of two main bones in a turtle's arm. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
3�•�large flat type of clapsticks. See:�nganangka�‘clapsticks’; palapala�‘large flat surface’. Category:�Tools, men's, Play, perform, joke. Anth: The large flat clapstick is also referred to as nigi while the smaller one is malijpakpak.
nawangari���noun. subsection, skin name of the namartku moiety. See:�nawangawangari�‘plural of nawangari’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nawangawangari���noun. plural of subsection, skin name nawangari. Pata nawangawangari, nangarrangarrij. ‘Those Nawangari and Nangarrij.’ See:�nawangari�‘skin name of the namartku moiety’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nawariyi���noun. 1�•�Whistle duck, may be used specifically for Plumed Whistling-duck, or smaller Whistle ducks. Dendrocygna eytoni. See:�nawarrkitu�‘Wandering Whistle-duck’; piwuj�‘Green pygmy-goose’. Category:�Small birds.
2�•�used as a generic for larger ducks without a specific name, while smaller ones are called piwuj. Category:�Small birds.
nawarrkitu���noun. Wandering Whistle-duck, or may be used just for bigger Whistle ducks. Dendrocygna arcuata. Nawariyu akutju, la pata wimun putarr we call nawarrkitu, pata wimun. ‘That one is a Whistle-duck too but the bigger ones we call nawarrkitu, the bigger ones’. See:�nawariyi�‘Plumed Whistling-duck’. Category:�Small birds.
nawartakorlayi���noun. a very large nawayati turtle. See:�nawayati�‘turtle type with big head’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
nawayati���noun. turtle type with a big head. See:�nawartakorlayi�‘a very large nawayati turtle’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
Nawinyku���noun. traditional owner of an area of Neyngku country. See:�Kunwinyku�‘Used by Kunwinjku people to described their language and their group of people.’. Syn:�Neyngku. Category:�Dreamtime names.
naworneng���noun. a person who makes people laugh. See:�ngalworneng�‘a female who is a good story teller and can make people laugh’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
nawukuku���noun. a means of 'poisoning' people. Category:�Sorcery. Anth: Someone used to gather dog, snake or crocodile bones and burn them in a fire. Then they would kill a goanna and take its gall and mix with powder from the bones and then put it into a bamboo container stopping both ends with beeswax. To use it one would sprinkle it on the person or put it in his tea. It was used in the East Alligator River area, not used now.
nawulungarru���noun. spoken between people who share a punyi but not a kamu to refer to their punyis. Your punyi who is also my punyi. Also used by people who call each other kuwuji, even if they don't actually share a punyi. See:�ngalulungarru�‘Spoken between people who share a punyi but not a kamu to refer to their linking relatives’. Category:�family, inc moieties. Note: reciprocal
nawurl���noun. crab hole. Ngawu la ngungayawng nawurl la wukej kinypani karnjawarra. ‘Come here, I have seen a crab hole with a crab inside.’ Category:�Crustaceans.
nawurlany���noun. subsection, skin name of the nangarrajku moiety. See:�nawurlawurlany�‘plural of subsection, skin name nawurlany’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nawurlawurlany���noun. plural of subsection, skin name nawurlany. See:�nawurlany�‘skin name of the nangarrajku moiety’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nawumawumut���noun. plural of subsection, skin name nawumut. See:�nawamut�‘subsection, skin name of the nangarrajku moiety’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nawumut���crossreference. See:�nawamut�‘subsection, skin name of the nangarrajku moiety’.
nawunawu���noun. whale. Anth: There is a skeleton of one of these on a beach at Warruwi, it is sacred to the Kalpu people, so no young children or women are to go near it. Category:�Mammals.
nawurnirri���noun. without, not having, not possessing. See:�nuwurnirri�‘without, not possessing’. Category:�Holding, sticking, Concealment.
nawurnnyak���noun. having, possessing. See:�nuwurnnyak�‘having, possessing’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
nawurnpany���noun. poor thing. Ay, nukapa ja yurlkatingan ja nawurnpany kirrk ja imalkpany." ‘Oh, it's the poor little thing who disappeared who's come back."’ jita ngawurnpany kirrk. ‘poor thing (female)’. pata nawurnpany kirrk pularr ‘poor little things (pl)’. Category:�Judgement, evaluation.
nawuyuk���noun. subsection, skin name of the namartku moiety. See:�nawuyuwuyuk�‘plural of subsection, skin name nawuyuk’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nawuyuwuyuk���noun. plural of subsection, skin name nawuyuk. See:�nawuyuk�‘subsection, skin name of the namartku moiety’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nayalak���noun. small brown flying fox species. Category:�Mammals.
nayikjik���noun. tall hairy bushman who must not be touched or leprosy will result. Category:�Dreamtime names. Anth: One is said to have been killed at Wajpi and another at Warruwi.
naykamarrang���noun. friend-namarrang. See:�nayk-�‘a masculine 'friend, relation' prefix to subsection, skin names’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
naykamarrang���noun. the first rains of the wet season. Kerraga arrunpaniwun ja walmat ja naykamarrang. ‘The first rains are coming and will hit us.’ See:�walmat�‘rain’. Category:�Rains.
naykangila���noun. friend-nangila. See:�nayk-�‘a masculine 'friend, relation' prefix to subsection, skin names’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
naykawaj���noun. friend-nawaj. See:�nayk-�‘a masculine 'friend, relation' prefix to subsection, skin names’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
naykngarrij���noun. friend-nangarrij. See:�nayk-�‘a masculine 'friend, relation' prefix to subsection, skin names’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
naykpangari���noun. friend-nawangari. See:�nayk-�‘a masculine 'friend, relation' prefix to subsection, skin names’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
naykpurlany���noun. friend-nawurlany. See:�nayk-�‘a masculine 'friend, relation' prefix to subsection, skin names’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
naykuyuk���noun. friend-nawuyuk. See:�nayk-�‘a masculine 'friend, relation' prefix to subsection, skin names’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
naykwamut���noun. friend-nawumut. See:�nayk-�‘a masculine 'friend, relation' prefix to subsection, skin names’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
nayuma���noun. Sweetlips, some species. Plectorhynchus sp. including Plectorhynchus gibbosus. Nayuma innyakan nuyu maykuk Narut. ‘Sweetlips makes a maykuk for Narut.’ See:�walgawalga�‘Brown Sweetlips’; wirni�‘Many-spotted Sweetlips’. Category:�Fish. Anth: eats cockles and seaweed
neyelak���noun. a person says this to their kamu about their kamu's mawawiny who is the speaker's punyi. Anth: In some circumstances nuwapa can be used to reply, because someone's mawawiny becomes a ngawiny after that mawawiny's father dies. See:�ngalyelak�‘a person says this to their punyi about their punyi's mawawiny who is the speaker's wirlupirlu’; ngalwapa�‘my ngawiny who is your wirlupirlu’; nuwapa�‘my son who is your punyi(male speaker), my brother's son who is your punyi (female speaker)’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
Neyngku���noun. used by Mawng people to describe the Kunwinjku language and people. See:�Kunwinyku�‘Used by Kunwinjku people to described their language and their group of people’; Nawinyku�‘Traditional owner of an area of Neyngku country’. Category:�Dreamtime names.
nigi���noun. mother, or mother's brother. Usage:�term of reference, not used by children Jita nigi la wilijpularr. ‘The mother and children.’ Ta nigi la atijpularr. ‘The thumb and fingers.’ Mata nigi la malijpularr. ‘The stomach and intestines.’ See:�kamu�‘mother’; mayakpu�‘father, reference only’; ngalmu�‘mother's brother’; ingalalk�‘woman's son, man's sister's son (of a man), mother's brother’; ninyngalalk�‘woman's daughter, man's sister's daughter, mother’; marrakarrak�‘mother's cousin, brother's cousin, father's sister's cousin’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nilangapi���pro. you (singular) and I. See:�nuyi�‘you (singular)’.
nimi���noun. 1�•�the blocked off end of the honeycomb in the tree. Arrungpayarrun arrkpanarra arrkpamalkpa ngaw ta nimi. ‘We will follow it along (ie. with the axe) until we come to the end of it.’ See:�inimi amparlarr�‘people from the topside of Alligator River’. Category:�Bees and honey.
2�•�the underneath side. Kamalangali mata warlk la arrkpana arrkanamajpungku nimi ngaw. ‘We will lift up the underneath part of the tree.’ Category:�Location and distance.
3�•�buttocks. See:�niminimi�‘go to back (of something)’; mimi�‘rib’. Category:�Organs and torso.
niminimi���coverb. 1�•�go to back (of something). Does not mean to walk backwards or to go back where a person was before. Angarranyi niminimi. ‘Move backwards.’ kerra niminimi ‘go to the back of a group’. Category:�Horizontal movements. See:�inimi�‘lower back’; nimi�‘buttocks’.
noun. greedy (used of children). Tuka ta niminimi kata. ‘You eat too much.’ See:�atimi�‘last bit of food’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
ninyalijap���noun. young, small. Category:�Size and weight, Illness and death. See main entry: ilijap.
ninyaliwi���noun. worthless, no good. See:�yaliwi�‘evil thing’.
ninyarnangkat���noun. alive, hard, brave, strong. See:�yarnangkat�‘strong, brave, hard (to touch), alive’. Category:�Illness and death, Goodness.
ninyarntulyak���noun. tall, long. See:�yarntulyak�‘long, tall’. Category:�Size and weight.
ninyara���noun. other, another. See main entry: yara. Category:�Appearance.
ninyarakap���noun. one. See:�yarakap�‘one’. Category:�Amounts.
ninyarawungut���noun. a few (other than human). See:�yarawungut�‘a few’. Category:�Amounts.
ninyarkalu���noun. light in weight. See:�yarkalu; ninyjakpi�‘heavy’. Category:�Size and weight.
ninyaryak���noun. 1�•�wet. Category:�Properties of surface.
2�•�'runs around' with men. See:�yaryak. Category:�Movement relating to moving object.
ninyimi���noun. her lower back. See main entry: inimi. Category:�Organs and torso.
ninyimpiyung���noun. hesistation for female name. See:�piyung�‘about that place’. Category:�Mawng personal names, Females.
ninyjakpi���noun. 1�•�heavy. See:�nulakpi�‘heavy’; ninyarkalu�‘light in weight’. Category:�Size and weight.
2�•�important. See:�nulakpi�‘important’. Category:�Goodness.
ninyjakpi jita ninymarrk���noun. pregnant, literally, she is heavy in front. Category:�Reproduction.
ninyjakpirij���noun. mouth (of a woman). See main entry: ilakpirij. Category:�Head.
ninyjakuru���noun. narrow. See main entry: nulakuru. Category:�Size and weight.
ninyjarlmu���noun. spirit. See main entry: iyarlmu. Category:�Supernatural.
ninyjaman���crossreference. See:�ilaman�‘voice, taste’.
ninyjangararru���noun. jaw, jawbone. See main entry: ilangararru. Category:�Head.
ninyjarri���noun. leg. See main entry: ilarri. See:�ninykarnpa�‘leg of a female or other class FE entity’. Category:�Limbs.
ninyjatparlilil���noun. weak. See main entry: nulatparlilil. Category:�Healing and fitness.
ninyjayik���noun. her bone. Category:�Other. See main entry: iyayik.
ninyjelel���noun. newborn female infant. See:�nulelel�‘newborn baby’. Category:�Ages.
ninyjigi���noun. tooth. Category:�Head. See main entry: iyigi.
ninyjijpularr���noun. the young of a species. Category:�Reproduction.
ninyjililut���noun. 1�•�soft. See:�nulililut�‘soft, like a baby’. Category:�Properties of surface.
2�•�soft-shelled crab. See:�ninypimpim�‘soft crab shell’. Category:�Crustaceans.
3�•�refers to a rising star before its starts to twinkle. Category:�Sky.
ninyjirri���noun. 1�•�dangerous, angry. Category:�Hate, anger. See:�ninyminyjiny�‘peaceful person’.
2�•�hot sun. Category:�Sky.
ninyjirri jita muwarn���phrase. See:�wuwukuwuk�‘feel hot to touch’.
ninyjurtpuj���noun. short. See main entry: ilurtpuj. Category:�Size and weight.
ninykarnpa���noun. leg of a female or other class FE entity. See main entry: igarnpa. Syn:�ninyjarri. Category:�Limbs.
ninykarra���crossreference. See main entry: igarra.
ninymalal���noun. good. Category:�Goodness.
ninymarrk���noun. belly, stomach, womb. See main entry: imarrk. Category:�Organs and torso.
ninymatpa���noun. other, other one. See:�numatpa�‘other, another one’. Category:�Appearance.
ninymawurr���noun. arm, claw of crab. See main entry: imawurr. Category:�Crustaceans.
ninymilinmilirri���noun. difficult (of performance). See main entry: numilinmilirri. Category:�Judgement, evaluation, Play, perform, joke.
ninyminyjiny���noun. peaceful person. See:�numinyjiny�‘peaceful, safe’; ninyjirri�‘dangerous, angry’. Category:�Goodness.
ninymirriyangkat���noun. tame, safe. See:�numirriyangkat�‘tame, safe’. Category:�Hate, anger.
ninymun���noun. important woman. See main entry: imun. Category:�Peoples and clans.
ninymungkurryuwu���noun. nape of the neck. See main entry: imungkurryuwu. Category:�Head.
ninymurra���noun. many, a lot of. Usage:�used with collective nouns of FE, personal nouns take wimurra Category:�Appearance. Ninymurra jita karnjawarra kinyu. ‘There are many crabs lying there.’ See:�imurra�‘many’.
ninymurrunti���noun. bad. See:�numurrunti.
ninynimi���noun. lower part of the back. See:�inimi�‘lower back’. Category:�Organs and torso.
ninyngalalk���noun. woman's daughter, man's sister's daughter, mother. Usage:�reference term Ngampiwi ninyngalalk Rosemary? ‘Anne or Jenny M. could say this about Ruth.’ ninyngalalk nuyu Bunug ‘you could say this to refer to Anne who is Bunug's ZD’. See:�ingalalk�‘woman's son, man's sister's son (of a man), mother's brother’; kamangawunpurrkut�‘mother's brother's daughter’; nigi�‘mother or mother's brother’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
ninyngararlk���noun. a large female dugong. See:�ningararlk�‘large male dugong’. Category:�Mammals. Anth: It has long tusks and is a loner.
ninyngijalk���noun. body. See main entry: ingijalk. Category:�Other.
ninyngurlaj���noun. name. See main entry: ingurlaj. Category:�Mawng personal names.
ninyngurlyak���noun. important, respected, famous. See main entry: ingurlyak. Category:�Goodness.
ninyparlkparrakan���noun. old woman. Category:�Ages. See:�nuwarlkparrakan�‘old man’.
ninypari���noun. wound, a sore on the body. See main entry: iwari. Category:�Physical disability and injury.
ninypimpim���noun. soft crab shell. See:�ninyjililut�‘soft-shelled crab’; kiniyulun�‘cast off shell’. Category:�Crustaceans.
ninypugi���noun. old, worn out. Usage:�not used of people See main entry: iwugi. Category:�Properties of surface.
ninypulwarak���noun. a person who comes from afar (a woman). See:�nuwulwarak�‘stranger, foreigner’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
ninypurnirri���noun. without, not having, not possessing. Juka jita ninypurnirri warranyngiw. ‘She does not have have any children.’ See:�nuwurnirri�‘without, not possessing’; ninypurnnyak�‘she has, possesses’. Category:�Holding, sticking, Concealment.
ninypurnnyak���noun. she has, possesses. See:�nuwurnnyak�‘having, possessing’; ninypurnirri�‘without’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
ninypuran���noun. country a person belongs to, where they are from. Juka jita ninypuran Putawin. ‘She comes from Darwin.’ See main entry: nuwuran. Category:�Peoples and clans.
ninytarrkpuk���noun. native cat, also known as quoll. Category:�Mammals. Anth: Lives in the rock country.
ningararlk���noun. a large male dugong. See:�ninyngararlk�‘large female dugong’. Category:�Mammals. Anth: It has long tusks and is a loner.
ningkaryak���noun. full tide, outgoing tidal current. Weli kerra warak mirriya kimurnanganiga ‘A tide goes out and then the tide comes back in again.’ Ant:�weli. See:�mirriya�‘half moon tide’; weli�‘low tide, incoming tidal current’; kilawurtin. Category:�Water bodies. Note: Contrasted with weli as used for incoming and outgoing tidal currents.
nirnurr���noun. sleep in the eyes. Katju ngulamngulam ta karrpajpungkin naka nirnurr kiw ngarrurru tuka wun. ‘When we get up in the morning there is sleep in our eyes.’ Category:�Secretions and substances.
nipa���noun. Demonstrative, very uncommon. Napaka kilaja wularrut. ‘He's started to call out.’ See:�tipa�‘there, middle, distance’.
niyigi���crossreference. See:�nigi�‘mother’.
nujurnti���noun. large Mactra sp. clam. See:�pijurnti�‘Trough clam, mactra alta’; witunyji�‘shellfish type’. Category:�Shellfish.
nuka���dem. this, near me. juka, tuka, muka, tuka, puka. Ngarri pa arlarrarr ngatpurnirri ja nukawk nuyu. ‘We don't have anything like those other people.’ See:�nukuka�‘that’; nuwutpuka�‘you here (plural)’; juka�‘this, near me’; muka�‘this’.
nukang���pro. used as a hesitation form, before you remember the word you need, maybe indicates that thing will be mentioned in the future. Parang la muj ngarrartayantung ta awarnting ta aparlkparrantung nukang inymarlirrinymikpinang. ‘However, we could also see (the wild plums) hanging there, white ones, which ones were shining (ie. the ripe ones).’ See:�wuyang�‘usual’. Category:�Language.
nukiri���noun. your (singular) skin. See:�ingiri�‘skin’. Category:�Other.
nukpartpalmili���noun. your (singular) forehead. See:�iwartpalmili�‘his forehead’. Category:�Head.
nukuka���dem. you (singular) there, near distance. Nukuka kankangali, kilaja nuwu kapapa. ‘You there, he is calling you from over there (much further away).’ See main entry: nuka. Category:�Location and distance.
nukurrunti���crossreference. See:�numurrunti�‘bad’.
nulaji���noun. greedy person, person who eats a lot. Variant:�vulgar language. ngalaji, nutaji, nuwutaji, *, *, *. See:�kilaji�‘greedy’. Category:�Goodness, Illness.
nulakpi���noun. heavy, important. nukakpi, nuwutakpi, ninyjakpi, nuntakpi, malakpi, natakpi. See:�anpulakpi. Nulakpi ja arrarrkpi. ‘He is an important man.’ Nulakpi ja arrarrkpi. ‘He's a business man.’ Kaniwurrun kirrk. Nulakpi ja arrarrkpi. ‘He knows everything. He's an important man.’ See:�kilakpiwen�‘become heavy’; kinilakpiwa�‘make strong, heavy’; ingurlyak�‘important’; nuntakpi; ngalakpi�‘I am heavy’; kilakpiwen�‘become heavy’; malakpi�‘heavy’. Category:�Size and weight, Goodness.
nulakpurlak���noun. noisy. ngalakpulakpulak ‘I am a noisy person’. Yanat ja nulakpurlak. ‘He is a noisy person.’ See:�nulakpuntakpuj�‘quiet (masculine)’; nulakpurlakpurlak�‘voice heard from far away’. Category:�Other, Language.
nulakpurlakpurlak���noun. voice far away, echo. ngalakpurlakpurlak, arrkakpurlakpurlak, malakpurlakpurlak ‘a sound trees make, heard from far away’; Could not elicit, Wilakpurlakpurlak. ngalakpulakpulak ‘My voice is soft, e.g. because I have a cold.’ Wilakpurlakpurlak kawunginka. ‘Their voices talking softly (he can hear them far away).’ Awalyungan wilakpurlakpurlak ‘They heard many people talking’. See:�kingalkitun�‘make sound in the distance’; nulakpurlak�‘noisy’. Category:�Language.
nulakpuntakpuj���noun. a quiet person who doesn't talk at length. Or a child who doesn't run around having fun with other kids much. *, *, *, tulakpuntakpuj. Nulakpuntakpuj. ‘He's quiet, doesn't speak much.’ Naka nulakputakpuj. ‘He's quiet.’ Ant:�nulakpurlak. See:�malakpuj�‘quietly’. Category:�Goodness.
nulakputirri���noun. sour or bitter to taste. ngalakputirri, nuntakputirri ‘tea without enough sugar’; *malakputirri, *atakputirri. Like ngapi ngalakputirri. ‘I'm not good at singing.’ Paki nulakputirri. ‘Tobacco which is not strong enough.’ Category:�Illness.
nulakuru���noun. narrow, tight. ninyjakuru, nuntakuru, malakuru, natakuru. Nulakuru ja dress. ‘The dress is too tight.’ Nuntakuru ta alan. ‘The track is very narrow (e.g. trees are growing in from the sides)’. malakuru mata warlk ‘a narrow stick or tree’. See:�kilakurunymin�‘tighten, narrow, pull together’. Ant:�nuwanpal. Category:�Size and weight.
nularrunya���noun. Catfish type? See:�marrnguny�‘catfish type’. Category:�Fish. Anth: This fish makes a hole in the coral that it lives in.
nulatitit���noun. heat mirage, unclear visibility. Nuka arrarrkpi yarrang parak nulatitit. ‘(We couldn't see) the man going along in the distance.’ Category:�Weather.
nulatparlangkat���noun. strong, fast. ninyjatparlangkat, nuntatparlangkat ‘a river with a current that is too strong to cross.’; malatparlangkat ‘a fire that burns fast because there is a lot of wind, or clapsticks, nganangka being played too fast.’; natatparlangkat ‘a strong wind’; anpulatparlangkat. Nuka ja nulatparlangkat. ‘He's a strong little boy (said for example of a boy walking along carrying something heavy).’ Natatparlangkat ta kuwinu, kakurrin. ‘The clouds are moving very fast.’ See:�anpulatparlangkat�‘strong’; nulatparlilil; ngalatparlangkat�‘I am strong’; kinilatparlangkata�‘strengthen’. Category:�Arrangement, Healing and fitness.
nulatparlilil���noun. weak. ngalatparlilil, ninyjatparlilil, nuntatparlilil, malatparlilil, natatparlilil ‘a slow wind’; anpulatparlilil. Nulakparlilil, kerra juju marlakan. ‘He's weak and tired, so he walks slowly.’ Nulakparlilil ja kurrula, marlakan kilawurtinka. ‘The tide is going out slowly.’ nuntakparlilil ta ngaralk ‘having a tired tongue when we talk’. See:�nulatparlangkat�‘strong’; kilatparlilinymin�‘become weak’. Category:�Healing and fitness.
nulawnut���noun. a male elder. Syn:�anpulawnut. See:�anpulawnut pularr�‘elders’. Category:�Ages.
nulilil���noun. a newborn baby. ninyjelel. ja nulilil ‘the new baby’.
nulilil���noun. a newborn baby. ninyjelel. ja nulilil ‘the new baby’.
nulililut���noun. soft, like a baby. ninyjililut ‘e.g. a crab when it's soft and is good to eat’; nuntililut ‘e.g. the sand’; malililut ‘soft VE item, or soft part of ear’; *natililut *atililut, tulililut. Ninyjililut jita karnjawarra. ‘The mud crab is soft.’ Nuntilililut ta ajput. ‘The sand is soft.’ Malililut mata warlk, kamawajiyi. ‘The wood is soft (rotten), it's falls apart (when you touch it).’ See:�ninyjililut�‘soft’; nulilil�‘new baby’; ngalililut�‘I am soft (to feel)’. Category:�Properties of surface.
nulinyanat���pro. you and her. Kurrurran nulinyanat. ‘You both went.’ nulinyanat ‘you and her’.
nulirri���noun. dangerous, angry, cheeky. nukirri, ninyjirri, nuntirri, malirri ‘dangerous fire’; natirri, anpulirri, tulirri. Yunyi kankangali tuka ninyjirri muwarn. ‘Don't stand in the hot sun.’ Tulirri pata arrarrkpi, pata anpulirri. ‘The men are angry, they're dangerous.’ See:�kilirrinymin�‘angry’; ngalirri�‘i am an angry person, a dangerous person’; numinyjiny�‘peaceful, safe, satsified’. Category:�Goodness, fear, shock, surprise.
numalal���noun. good. ngamalal, arrkpalalut, ngatpalalut, nukpalal, nuwutpalalut, ninymalal, nungmalal, namalal, napalal, tumalalut. See:�numalalpalal�‘sort of good’; numurrunti�‘bad or old’; tumalalut�‘good (people)’. Category:�Goodness.
numalalpalal���noun. he, it is good, but there is some fault. napalalpalal. Malany nungmalalpalal kangputpa warak ta ngaralk? ‘So, is the meeting going well?’ Napalalpalal. ‘They taste nice (yams)’. See:�numalal�‘good’; numurrutpurrunti�‘bad but not that bad’. Category:�Goodness.
numarlarrakpin���noun. thin, can be said of a boy or a dog or horse. nukparlarrakpin, nuwutparlarrakpin, ninymarlarrakpin ‘not listed’; nungmarlarrakpin, namarlarrakpin, naparlarrakpin ‘e.g. a thin yam’; tumarlarrakpin. Category:�Shape.
numariyirrk���noun. a stranger, outsider. ninymariyirrk, nungmariyirrk, mamariyirrk, tumariyirrk. Ngatpin "Juka Ngarrurranka jita ninymariyirrk." ‘We say "We've come here with this new girl."’ Kapin ja manyirrk yang. ‘When strange men go there.’ Pata tumariyirrk kapin Djambarrpuyngu kawunginka. ‘And some people from outside our country speak Djambarrpuyngu.’ Category:�Peoples and clans. Anth: Used of fellow Aborigines from other areas. For example if a new girl comes to Warruwi they take her to Wulakpirij and call out to the ancestors
numatpa���noun. other, another one. ninymatpa, nungmatpa, namatpa, napatpa, tumatpa. Numatpa iwalu. ‘Someone from another group, has another likeness.’ See:�tumatpa wiwalu�‘people of another group’; yara�‘some, other’; ngarrunuwatpa�‘said to a person to avoid mentioning their mother or father directly to them’. Category:�Appearance.
numilinmilirri���noun. difficult (of performance). ninymilinmilirri, nungmilinmilirri ‘A difficult place. For example, a cliff which is difficult to scramble down. Or some speech that was difficult to understand.’; namilinmilirri ‘e.g a tree that has a straight trunk with no branches coming off it - namilinmirri, you can't climb it (RS Elic 52.eaf)’; *napilinmilirri, tumilinmilirri. Nuka ja numilinmilirri kerra juju ja arrarrkpi. ‘The man is walking along jerkily, as if something is wrong with him.’ Nungmilinmilirri tuka walaya. ‘It's difficult on the cliff.’ La nungmilirri ngaw kani tuka mirlak." kimin nuyu ja ngalmu ja yalkpany nuyu. ‘"Don't behave disrespectfully in the ceremony area." his ngalmu says to him.’ Nungmilirri ngaw. ‘Do something bad to the land (ceremony ground)’. Nungmilirri, mangatpuntakajpu. ‘It's difficult, we don't ask them for anything.’ See:�kinimilin�‘leave behind’; milirri�‘difficult (coverb)’; tumilinmilirriyut�‘difficult (of performance)’. Category:�Judgement, evaluation.
numinyjiny���noun. peaceful, safe, satisfied. nukpinyjiny ‘You are peaceful and don't fight back when somebody tries to fight with you.’; ninyminyjiny, nungminyjiny, naminyjiny ‘a safe fire (not hot so you could burn yourself)’; napinyjiny ‘safe food, not poisonous’; tuminyjinyut. Kiwun numinyjiny. ‘He likes to live a peaceful life.’ Ngaminyjiny la ngilang mira. ‘I am at peace because I can eat plenty.’ Kutpin mali. Naka pata naminyjiny pata yungku. ‘You think that this fire is not dangerous (but it is).’ See:�kiminyjinymakpa�‘peace loving, satisfied’; nulirri�‘dangerous, angry, cheeky’. Category:�Fight.
numirriyangkat���noun. tame, safe. ninymirriyangkat ‘a person who isn't frightened’; nungmirriyangkat ‘a safe place’; kangmirriyangkat ‘a road we feel safe and comfortable on, because we have gotten used to it (driven on it for a few weeks - see RS Elic 52.eaf)’; *namirriyangkat ‘was there in list but not recognised by NG’; *napirriyangkat ‘was there in list but not recognised by NG’; tumirriyangkat ‘not listed’. Numirriyangkat ja jarrang. ‘The horse is tame.’ Kayirrkapa nungmirriyangkat. ‘Now it is safe (a road).’ See:�angmirriyangkat; kinimirriyangkata�‘reassure’; angmirriyangkayiny�‘area of land or road become safe after a death’. Category:�Goodness, fear, shock, surprise.
numurrpikpin���noun. afraid or causes fear. A person that is frightened of something or a fearful animals such as one that is too afraid to come near. ninymurrpikpin, nungmurrpikpin, tumurrpikpin. Ngagarrak ta nungmurtpikpin kunak. ‘Ngagarrak (Cone Point) is a frightening place.’ See:�kinimurtpa�‘fear’; kimurtpin�‘afraid of, afraid for, worried about’. Category:�Peoples and clans, fear, shock, surprise, Supernatural, Landscape.
numurrunti���noun. bad or old. When used about a person it can mean that they are no good at something, or are dangerous, or don't have anything, or are ugly. ngamurrunti, ngatpurrunti, nukpurrunti, ninymurrunti, nungmurrunti, namurrunti, napurrunti ‘an old house or old yam (see egs RS Elic 52.eaf.eaf)’; tumurrunjut. ngatpurrunti ‘We are old’. An iminy nuyu "Arlarrarr, ngapi ngamurrunti." ‘No, I don't have anything.’ Kani ta nungmurrunti kunak. ‘This place is no good (for camping or whatever we are planning to do).’ ja numurrunti ‘the ordinary one (without sorcery knowledge)’. Ant:�numalal. See:�numurrutpurrunti�‘bad but not that bad’; tumurrunti�‘bad people’. Category:�Goodness, Illness and death.
numurrutpurrunti���noun. bad but not as bad as it could have been. See:�numalalpalal; numurrunti�‘bad or old’.
numutput���noun. darkness. Category:�Sky.
coverb. Restrict:�MA subject ; MA object dark, but not pitch dark, still a certain amount can be seen. inimany numutput ‘it's getting dark’; kinima numutput ‘it's getting darker (about 8 or 9 pm)’; kiwanima numutput ‘getting towards midnight’. Kayirrkapa inimany numutput la marrik kiki arrkpi la arrungayanjing. ‘Today, it's dark and we can't see.’ Yarran linitiiij apa wularrut inyuryiliny parak inimany numutput. ‘He played and played until the sun went down and it got dark.’ See:�mangkatmangkat�‘see dimly’. Category:�Sky.
numuyi���part. because of (unpleasant reason). Warranyngiw kunuka nuyu kurrkinka? Kamu nakapa nganiwung. Kamu naka numiyi porl. ‘Children, why are you arguing? Mother, he hit me. Mother, it was because of the ball.’ Kawani nawanawa numiyi ngapi. ‘They are talking about me.’ See:�kimuyi�‘believe’; murnin�‘because, so’.
nuna���noun. non-Aboriginal woman. See:�palanta�‘a non-aboriginal who is not Macassan’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
nuntakpi���noun. 1�•�heavy. Category:�Size and weight. See main entry: nulakpi.
2�•�important. Nuntakpi kunak. ‘Land that is special because of things people have done in the past, e.g. a ceremony ground or Goulburn Island which is special because of people's efforts in the past.’ Nuntakpi ta wulatpiyi. ‘It is an important.’ Category:�Goodness.
nuntakuru���noun. narrow. See main entry: nulakuru. Category:�Size and weight.
nuntirri���noun. dangerous, primarily used to refer to alcohol. Kawani kangpula nuntirri. ‘They are sitting drinking alcohol.’ See:�wupaj�‘alcohol, grog’. See main entry: nulirri. Category:�Toxic plants.
nungmalal���noun. good, general form and also LL form. See main entry: numalal. Category:�Goodness.
nungmatpa���noun. other, another one. See main entry: numatpa. Category:�Appearance.
nungmatpa warntatarr���phrase. the other day, yesterday. Nungmatpa warntatarr ngarruran Nganyamirnali. ‘The other day we went to Nganyamirnali.’ See:�arukaruk�‘yesterday afternoon’; nanguj�‘yesterday, the other day’. Category:�Longer.
nungmijpawarri���noun. last part of the wet season. Category:�Longer.
nungmilinmilirri���noun. difficult (of performance). Nungpaka nungmilinmilirri ta anminy ngartu. ‘What you said was too difficult to understand.’ Category:�Play, perform, joke, Judgement, evaluation. See main entry: numilinmilirri.
nungmilirri���crossreference. See:�milinmilirri�‘difficult’.
nungmirriyangkat���noun. safe. Nungmirriyangkat ta kunak. ‘It is a safe place (ie. no spirits there to hurt the traveller.)’ See main entry: numirriyangkat. Category:�Judgement, evaluation.
nungmurrunti���noun. bad. See main entry: numurrunti.
nungpaka���dem. that (abstract not locational). Nungpaka nungmalal. ‘That is good, that idea or thought.’ Nungpaka la kurriwunya yirrk? ‘That's why you burn it all?’ See:�nungpapaka�‘a long time ago’.
nungpapaka���noun. a long time ago. Araka tuka ta nungpapaka arrarrangung purup. ‘Alas, long ago we camped here sometimes.’ See:�nungpaka�‘that (abstract not locational)’. Category:�Longer.
nungpartpalmili���noun. riverbank, creek bank. See main entry: iwartpalmili. Syn:�wuwartpalmili. Category:�Flowing water.
nungpugi���noun. old ways, traditional ways. Nungpaka kamin ... ta kamin parak, ta ngungunmangung nuwu ta nungpugi warak ta ngungunmangung nuwum, ta manpiri la marntingunyuny nungpaka. ‘That's what they do. I've been telling you what they used to do, the old ways. I've been telling you.’ See:�wuwugi�‘olden time’. Category:�Longer. See main entry: iwugi.
nungpurnirri���noun. without, not having. See main entry: nuwurnirri. Category:�Holding, sticking.
nungunji���noun. black, dark in colour, dirty, Aboriginal. ninyngunji, wungunji, mangunji, nakunji, wingunji. Wungunji ta kurrula. ‘The sea is dirty today (brown coloured).’ See:�kingunjanymin�‘become black, dirty’; kiningunjanyma�‘make black, dirty’. Category:�Properties of surface, Peoples and clans.
nurulyak���noun. mullet in good condition that is especially tasty and is found in creeks, Greenback mullet. Liza subviridis. See:�wuta�‘very large mullet’; walka�‘very small mullet’; warrgirra�‘small mullet’. Category:�Mullets. Anth: Has a lot of 'fat' in it. Come about July when the walurru wattle and mangoes begin to bloom.
nuwalarrpiyiny���noun. an important person, a clever person. See:�kingaturryn�‘know, be a wise man’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
nuwarlkparrakan���noun. old man. ngawarlkparrakan, karrparlkparrakan, ninyparlkparrakan, tuwarlkparrakanut. See:�ninyparlkparrakan�‘old person (female)’; tuwarlkparrakanut�‘old people’; arrparlkparrakanut�‘us old people’; kiwarlkparran�‘be white’; kiwarlkparrakanmin�‘he is becoming old’; kiwirkanymin�‘senile, very old’; ngulku�‘older person, person with white hair’. Category:�Ages. Note: stress on second and penultimate syllables
nuwanpal���noun. wide. ninypanpal, nungpanpal, nawanpal, napanpal. Wumunapa ta nungpanpal ta alan. ‘The road is big and wide.’ See:�nawanpal�‘turtle armbone, flat clapsticks’; murntulwanpal�‘wide bodied canoe, car’; nuyalwanpal�‘wide expanse of sea’; nulakuru�‘narrow’. Category:�Size and weight.
nuwapa���noun. my son who is your punyi(male speaker), my brother's son who is your punyi (female speaker). See:�ngarruwapa�‘This one who is my ngawiny and Nawardi and his older brother call punyi’; ngalwapa�‘My ngawiny who is your wirlupirlu’; neyelak�‘a person says this to their kamu about their kamu's mawawiny who is the speaker's punyi’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nuwartpalurtpuj���noun. short. See:�ilurtpuj�‘short’. Category:�Size and weight.
nuwinypukpuj���noun. smooth. ninypinypukpuj, nungpinypukpuj, nawinypukpuj, napinypukpuj. Category:�Properties of surface.
nuwu���pro. to you, for you (singular). Kurlingka aralpa iminy nuwu? ‘Is it true he said (that) to you?’
nuwul walmurtja���noun. tree type. Croton habrophyllus ; Murraya paniculata. See:�walmurtja�‘jungle’. Category:�Trees and bushes.
nuwulwarak���noun. a person who comes from a long way off, a stranger, a foreigner. ngawulwarak, ninypulwarak, napulwarak, tuwulwarak. See:�nuwul-�‘be from’; nuwuran�‘country a person belongs to’; wul-�‘person coming from’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
nuwulworri���noun. person who comes inland, a bush dweller. People from Oenpelli or further inland. ninypulworri, nawulworri ‘a tree that is found only in inland areas’; napulwawurri, tuwulwawurri. Napulwawurri. ‘Wind from the land (south).’ tuwul warrin See:�nuwul-�‘be from’; wawurri�‘inland, dry land’. but nawaran mantanti, pa nawulworri. ‘but it (tree) is only found on the mainland, inland’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
nuwulwurrula���noun. a coastal dweller. Syn:�kapikapik. See:�kurrula�‘sea’; nuwul-�‘be from’; nuwuran�‘country a person belongs to’; wul-�‘person coming from’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
nuwurnirri���noun. without, not possessing. ngawurnirri, ninypurnirri, nungpurnirri, nawurnirri, napurrniri, tuwurnirriyut. Nuka ja nuwurnirri warramumpik. ‘He is unmarried, ie. does not have a woman.’ Juka arlarrarr, ninypurnirri ninyngurlaj. ‘This one nothing, she doesn't have a name.’ Qeqe ngarrkarrk pata kawungartalku hat la ngarrkarrk tuwurnirri. ‘Yes, two are wearing hats and two are without.’ Ant:�nuwurnnyak. See:�tuwurnirri�‘not having’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
nuwurnnyak���noun. having, possessing. ninypurnnyak, nungpurnnyak, nawurnnyak, napurnnyak, tuwurnnyakut. arrarrkpi ja nuwurnyak kapala ngungpurrun kinnyatpi. ‘A man who has a boat, well that means that he has one.’ Kilangali tuka wanyji warlk nukapa ja nuwurnyak circle. ‘He's standing near a tree (in) this one with a circle.’ Warranyngiwapa atiwurruning ta napurnnyak kakurl ‘The child was thinking about the sweet one.’ See:�nuwurnirri�‘without, not possessing’; ngawurnnyak�‘I have, I possess’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
nuwuran���noun. country a person belongs to, where they are from, clan they are from. arrkpuran, ninypuran, nawuran, tuwuran. Ja nuwuran ngampiwi ja arrarrkpi? ‘Where does that man come from?’ Ngungpurrun nuwuran Wamarli. ‘I think he came from Wamarli.’ Syn:�pani. See:�ninypuran�‘country a person belongs to, where they are from’; tuwuran�‘country people belong to’; arrkpuran�‘we belong to the same land’; nuwul-�‘prefix or particle meaning 'be from' , not used on its own’; nuwulwarak�‘stranger, foreigner’; nuwulwurrula�‘a coastal dweller’; ingalkpany�‘be from place’; kiniwarlka iwuran�‘used to refer to a man's brother-in-law or a pair of brothers-in-law.’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
nuwurrarawungut���noun. few. Category:�Appearance. See main entry: yarawungut.
nuwurri���pro. you (plural). Usage:�occurs as the subject or object of a verb kurlingka nuwurri kurrungmiyarma arrkpana arriwayan pitja. ‘Do you want to come and see the picture.’
nuwurri nuwurru���pro. yours (plural). Nuka ja nuwurri nuwurru. ‘This is yours.’
nuwurrimung���pro. you (plural).
reciprocal, contrastive pronoun. Nuwurrimung kurrilanyi ja inyarlgan la ngarri parangapa. ‘You lot eat the turtle because we have finished.’ Kurrimanyi la nuwurrimung. ‘Each of you take some.’
nuwurru���pro. to you, for you (plural). Kayirrk nganamin nuwurru ta aminy ngartu. ‘Now I will say to you what they said to me.’
nuwutja���noun. inexpert, poor fisherman. ninyputja ‘no good at getting crabs or oysters’; tuwutja. Taka pata tuwutja. ‘They're bad at fishing.’ Ant:�angparti. Category:�Peoples and clans.
nuwutpaka���dem. you there (plural). Nuwutpaka ta nuwurrara kutpana la ngatuka ngatpawani. ‘You others go there and we will stay.’ See:�naka�‘that’.
nuwutparlanga���noun. my daughter-in-law who is your sister-in-law. See:�kurrininy�‘a woman or a man talking to their son about his brother-in-law(s).’; arrkparlanga�‘Our sister-in-law. A woman says this to her sister about their brother's wife’. Category:�family, inc moieties. Anth: reciprocal. Does not extend to sister-in-law's brother etc. nuwutparlanga is similar to kurrininy but refers to a female rather than a male who has married the lower generation.
nuwutpuka���dem. you here (plural). Nuwutpuka ta kutpana la ngatpaka ngatpalu ta ngatpawani. ‘Your group will go and our group will stay.’ See:�nuka�‘this, near me’.
nuwutpuntuj���noun. a man or woman uses this to talk to one of their children about another one. The usage extends to both parents siblings. See:�arrkpuntuj�‘same clan name, or two sisters talking about another sister’. Syn:�nuwutpurrung, kuntij. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nuwutpurrung���noun. a man or woman uses this to talk to one of their children about another male one. Syn:�nuwutpuntuj, kuntij. See:�arrkpurrung�‘brothers who are in the same clan’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nuwutpuwong���noun. your nanung who is my ngiwrawng. Your husband who is my son-in-law (male speaker) or Your husband who is my brother's son-in-law (female speaker). See:�wimek�‘a man and his sister use this word to refer to the man's son when talking to the son's wife’; ngarruwutpuwong�‘a person uses this when talking to their ngawinys about the ngawinys husbands’; kurryarrwiny�‘a man or woman says this to their spouse about their spouse's wirlupirlu or punyi’; innyurawng�‘father-in-law to’; ngantumak�‘my mawawiny who is your husband or wife.’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
nuwutuka���pro. you at that place (plural). Nuwutuka awk kutangali waka? Eqe kani yirrk ngatangali awk. ‘You lot at that place, are you there? Yes, we are all here.’
nuyalwanpal���noun. a large expanse of sea. Kurrula ja nuyalwanpal. ‘The sea is a large expanse of water.’ See:�nuwanpal. Category:�Water bodies.
nuyi���pro. you (singular). Nuyi ngawu arrkpana karnjawarra. ‘You come, we'll go crabbing.’ See:�nilangapi�‘you (singular) and I’.
nuyi nuwu���pro. yours (singular). Mutika ja nuyi nuwu. ‘The car is yours.’
nuyilinyanat���pro. You and her.
nuyimung���pro. you (singular).
reciprocal, contrastive pronoun. Nuyimung anngarntakpuni mata warlk. ‘It is your turn to cut the tree.’
nuyu���pro. to him, for him. Naka ja nawurlany nuyu ja ngarrkarrk luluj. ‘The two dogs are for Nawurlany.’ Anmina nuyu. ‘Say (it) to him.’
prep. purposive preposition. Nganamin ngaw nuyu anpangawurrun. ‘I'm going to tell her, so she will know.’
nuwulworri���noun. person who comes inland, a bush dweller. People from Oenpelli or further inland. ninypulworri, nawulworri ‘a tree that is found only in inland areas’; napulwawurri, tuwulwawurri. Napulwawurri. ‘Wind from the land (south).’ tuwul warrin See:�nuwul-�‘be from’; wawurri�‘inland, dry land’. but nawaran mantanti, pa nawulworri. ‘but it (tree) is only found on the mainland, inland’. Category:�Peoples and clans.