Batfish and butterfish

Batfish and butterfish

kawirrwa���noun. Butterfish. Striped Scat, Spotted Scat. Selenotoca multifasciata, Scatophagus argus (Scatophagidae). Variant:�Iwaidja: Kalarlany. See:�wakpiSpinefoot; marramarraArcherfish; makumakuSicklefish (big brother). Category:�Batfish and butterfish. Anth: These ones are 'small brother' to makumaku.

marramarra���noun. Scribbled Angelfish. Chaetodontopolus duboulayi. Variant:�Iwaidja: Marramarra. Marramarra yuranka inimany iniyurtjiny ingalkpung iwararrkany. ‘Marramarra (Common archerfish) came, took him and buried him, cutting himself (ritually) and weeping.’ See:�manungkuta similar species of fish; Kawirrwafamily to Marramarra; walgawalgabrown sweetlips. Category:�Batfish and butterfish. Anth: Archerfishes live in saltwater and also up the rivers into freshwater. Anth: Can be eaten.

wakpi���noun. Spinefoot, Spotted Scat? Siganus spp.. See:�kawirrwaButterfish; makumakuSicklefish. Category:�Batfish and butterfish. Anth: With a sharp snout and stripes.

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