W - w
wagapagap���coverb. float, move in the water. Kamalangali wagapagap mata jutu. ‘The pole in the water is moving, swaying about (ie. it is not firmly implanted).’ See:�pagap�‘float’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
wagari���noun. elbow. Category:�Limbs.
wagay���noun. flying possum. Category:�Mammals. Anth: A very small animal that eats sugarbag.
Wajpi���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.
waka���dem. at that place (not seen). Waka kiwani tuka kunak. ‘He is there in the village.’ ngampiwi yirrik ta waka ‘I'm not sure which places over there.’ ngampi ta waka ‘which place’. Category:�General.
wakapa��� See:�ngampiwi�‘where, which’; kapa�‘there, that place distant from here’.
wakajpakaj���noun. not good at fighting because doesn't know how. Nukpurrunti arrkinkay nuyi wakajpakaj. ‘He's not good at fighting because he doesn't know how.’ Category:�Goodness.
wakij���noun. fishing line. Muka mata wakij. ‘This is a fishing line.’ See:�kalang�‘trawling fishing line’; yaw�‘cast nets or fishing line’. Syn:�magarnpa. Category:�Items for fishing.
wakpart���noun. 1�•�kangaroo or wallaby pouch. Syn:�kujikang. Category:�Mammals.
2�•�pocket in a coat or dress or trousers. Syn:�wakpart. Juka ninypurnyak wakpart. ‘She has got a pouch (ie. she is a female wallaby).’ Syn:�kujikang. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.
wakpi���noun. Spinefoot, Spotted Scat? Siganus spp.. See:�kawirrwa�‘Butterfish’; makumaku�‘Sicklefish’. Category:�Batfish and butterfish. Anth: With a sharp snout and stripes.
walamurru���noun. 1�•�iron pointed digging stick. Ngayirnparrki ngaw walamurru. ‘I think she is a dear (digging with) digging stick (for yams).’ See:�wawaj�‘digging stick’; kupa�‘fish spear used by children’. Category:�Tools, women's.
2�•�iron point on harpoon. Kingarakpin walamurru. ‘Iron point of harpoon.’ Kingarakpin walamurru karryen inyarlgan. ‘We harpoon turtles with an ironpointed harpoon.’ Category:�Tools, men's.
walanurru���noun. Brahminy Kite. Haliastur indus. Category:�Small birds.
Walang���noun. Mawng word used to describe Kunbarlang people or language. Syn:�Kunparlang. Category:�Dreamtime names.
walarrapalarra���noun. Diamond Fish. Variant:�Mayinjinaj term; not commonly used. See:�alkparn�‘Giant Shovelnose Ray’. Category:�Rays. Anth: The old people used to use this term.
walarrirntirn���noun. Porcupine Fish, Starry Pufferfish. Cyclithys spp.? (Diodontidae), Arothron Stellatus?. Arnakuj walarrirntirn kawaga lirri. Narut awuniwung. ‘Arnakuj and Walarrirntirn come to fight. Narut hits them.’ Nukapa ja nulirri. Nukapa! Walarrirntirn. See:�alngkat�‘stone fish’; walmuri�‘Puffer fish, stone fish’. Category:�Fish. Anth: These live on the reef. They have spines sticking out all over. Poisonous.
walarrk���noun. night hawk? Pata wiyiniyirrk mira pa jikirtij-jikirtij la walarrk amalkpany nuyu mampartpungka anjirla ipururr la wularrut atjayawng ta mawngku ja jikirtij-jikirtij nuyu ja Kortaweli. ‘First Willy Wagtail and Night Hawk got there, they took their spears and first Willy Wagtail saw Kortaweli's shelter.’ Category:�Small birds.
walarrkpaj���noun. a very long way off, far. Makiny. La walarrkpaj mira, makiny wupaj. ‘No, it is too far, there is no water.’ La walarrkpaj la ngampi yirrik awk kawuntuwurrun awk pata warra mayakpu ngarrurrru. ‘Far away and all over they know our fathers.’ See:�warak�‘a particle which follows the verb directly to mean that the direction of the action described by the verb is away from the speaker and the hearer’; marnturrkpaj�‘person who walks far’; ilarrkupanya�‘long, tall’. Category:�Location and distance.
walatpalat���adverb. alone. Walatpalat yamin iwaning. ‘He's always on his own.’ Kiwani walatpalat He is on his own, by himself See:�palat�‘alone’. Category:�Activity manner.
walaya���noun. 1�•�cliff. Category:�Large features.
2�•�cliff area of settlement at Warruwi. Category:�Place names.
walem���noun. further south than Gunbalanya, Oenpelli, from Warruwi. Includes Beswick, Daly River, Oenpelli. Nuka ja nuwuran Walem. ‘He comes from further south than Gungalanya.’ See:�imurlk�‘east’; atjirr�‘west’. Category:�Cardinal directions, Landscape.
walgawalga���noun. Brown Sweetlips. Plectorhinchus celebicus. See:�nayuma�‘Sweetlips’; wirni�‘Many-spotted Sweetlips’; marramarra�‘Archerfish’. Category:�Fish.
wali���crossreference. See:�ali�‘turn, in a series, in succession’.
walij���noun. 1�•�vegetable food. This name incldues all grain, yam, and 'flour' type foods as well as fruits, nuts and berries. It is sometimes used to include all types of food. Ta walij katju tuka kunak ta karrata. ‘Vegetable food that lies in the ground that we eat.’ Kaniyalgan nuyu walij. Kangayalgan ngaw walij (female subject) ‘He hunts for his food (eg. goanna).’ See:�walngijpa�‘different, foods’. Category:�Illness, Plant food.
2�•�blackhead. ta walij ‘the blackhead.’ Category:�Sickness.
waliman���noun. axe. Name means a tomahawk sized axe but is often used for a larger axe. It can be used for any type of axe but can also be used to mean a metal axe, not a stone axe. See:�tatken�‘stone axe’; karramalk�‘stone tomahawk’; juwang�‘large axe head’. Category:�Tools, men's, Other.
waliwali���noun. dome shaped coral. Ngeyawng waliwali. ‘I saw the coral.’ Nuka waliwali. ‘This is waliwali.’ See:�wamawun�‘coral’. Category:�Shellfish.
walk���coverb. circumcise. Iwunguliny walk ja marryun. ‘They circumcised the boy.’ Walkapa iwanutpa. ‘They will circumcise him.’ See:�kalk�‘chop’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear, General ritual.
walka���noun. a very small mullet. Liza alata, Mugil species, ?Valamugil buchanani. See:�wuta�‘mullet’; kajarlat�‘Large mullet’; warrgira�‘small mullet’; nurulyak�‘mullet in good condition’. Category:�Mullets. Anth: This lives in the estuary and intertidal zone of the river. It is small and lives in schools.
walkirrij���noun. burial platform. Anth: they used to put the body on a platform and put a fire under it at night and dance. They used to take his spirit away. Category:�Mourning.
walmat���noun. 1�•�rain. Usage:�used with kiniwun, kerra kilatpa kangalkpaga Arruniwuning walmat ta kupurrk. ‘It was raining last night (lit. rain was hitting us last night).’ Kerraga arrunpaniwun ja walmat ja naykamarrang. ‘The first rains are coming and will hit us.’ Nyinkurr kerraga ngarrurru ja walmat. ‘The rain cloud is bringing rain to us.’ See:�naykamarrang�‘first rains of wet season’; nyinkurr�‘approaching rain cloud’; kiniwun (katiwun walmat)�‘rain fall on’. Category:�Rains.
2�•�year, way of measuring years - counting number of rainy seasons. Usage:�Used in special idiom with kinnyaka with MA subject and LL object to mean 'X number of years pass' See:�jungkarra�‘year’. Category:�Longer.
walmukpuk���noun. brain. Nuka ja numurrunti walmukpuk. ‘He has a bad brain, ie. he is a troublemaker.’ Syn:�wukpuk. Category:�Head.
walmuri���noun. Narrow-Lined Puffer, Puffer fish, Toadfish; Blowie. Arothron manilensis, Tetraodontidae. Variant:�Iwaidja: Almurdi. Inyung parak la iwararrkenang walmuri. ‘She lies down for a while and Puffer fish cries’. Kiw tuka waryat, waliwali. ‘It lives in the rocks, the coral reef.’ Anth: The liver of this fish is edible. Their flesh is poisonous. Puffers and toadies are able to increase the size of their bodies by distending their stomachs. They live in the rocks and coral but sometimes are found in creeks and rivers too. Syn:�wumpulnga. See:�nakurrututu�‘Boxfish’; walarrirntirn�‘Porcupine fish (spiny, unlike Puffer)’. Category:�Fish.
walmurtja���noun. jungle. Arrkpana arrapanawun karwuluk tuka walmurtja. ‘Let's go and get yams in the jungle.’ warra walmurtja See:�nuwul walmurtja�‘tree type’. Category:�General terms, Landscape.
warra walmurtja���jungle. Apuyarrukungpu awuran tuka warra walmurtja. ‘They followed them and went to the jungle.’ Category:�General terms, Landscape.
walngakpalngak���noun. about daybreak when the visibility is improving but not perfect. See:�jinyngu�‘in darkness’. Category:�Daily.
coverb. Restrict:�LL object 1�•�see, but not clearly. Ngungayan walngakpalngak murnin ngamaju tuka wun. ‘I see, but not clearly, because my eye is sore, sick.’ Category:�Physical disability and injury.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�not enter area. Naka kannyeyen walngakpalngak. ‘He always goes to that place, but won't go in (e.g. someone's house, not a sacred place)’. Category:�Landscape.
walngijpa���noun. different kinds of food. Arrkpana arrapanala walngijpa. ‘We'll go and eat those different kinds of food.’ See:�walij�‘vegetable food’. Category:�Illness, Plant food.
Walpurnarra���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.
walurru���noun. Stringybark tree. Eucalyptus tetrodonta. Variant:�Iwaidja: Walurru. Muka mata walurru ta amajung pata arrarrkpi amajung mangawj la amajung tuka majarr. Mampumangung mawiya mampumanpukpuning. Aminang nungmalal inyakangung kirrk ja kuyak. ‘People would use Stringybark when they had a cough or sore throat. They would get the leaves and chew them. Then they would be alright and all the sickness would leave them.’ Walurru, naka iwumangung ja ikpin. ‘With stringybark bark, they used to take that Ikpin torch.’ Walurru atjaka. ‘He's making a house of Stringybark.’ See:�walurrunyun�‘stand of stringbarks’; wulurru�‘torch’; ikpiny�‘torch’; nganyumparrga�‘pestle made from walurru tree’. Category:�Trees and bushes, Medicine. Anth: Used to treat sores and was used to make shelters. Bark is now used as canvas for bark paintings. It was used in the past to make ikpiny bark torches. Preparation for treating scabies: use red leaves. Crush in pestle and mortar and boil on fire. Dab red liquid on sores when cool. Only found in the dry season.
walurrunnyun���noun. a stand of walurru, stringy bark trees. Category:�Trees and bushes. See:�walurru�‘stringbark’.
warra walurrunnyun���an area of stringy bark trees. Category:�Landscape, Trees and bushes.
walwal���noun. Guettarda. Guettarda speciosa. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wawa. See:�warlwarl�‘could be same one’. Category:�Trees and bushes, Medicine. Anth: A tree with large shiny leaves which grows on the beaches. It has large broad leaves which are used to put food on. The tree makes a good shade tree. They can be used as medicine - applied to the skin.
walyang���coverb. Restrict:�PL subject elope. Kaningula mararraj kayirrk la kawarra walyang. ‘He made a sweetheart relationship and now they have eloped.’ Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
warla���noun. penis. Syn:�aparrk. See:�warla nuyu�‘male’. Category:�Organs and torso.
warla nuyu���noun. male human. Ilangaling warla nuyu. ‘A male child has been born.’ Ant:�warramurntuj. See:�warla�‘penis’; arrarrkpi�‘man, married man or man who has gone through ceremonies’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
warlang���noun. Queensland Groper. Epinephelus lanceolatus. See:�ngunymin�‘Rock Cod and Groper (generic)’. Category:�Rock cods.
warlangkata���noun. a very large bull. See:�pulikang�‘cow’. Category:�Introduced animals.
warlarr2���noun. a tall person. See:�mamik�‘short’; warlarrparlarr�‘ugly’. Category:�Size and weight, Peoples and clans.
warlarr1���noun. clan or skin grouping. Also used as term of address between people in same group. Ngapi warlarr muwarn ngalangali ta warlarr ngartu la manjulnguny la kuntanek. ‘My clan is sun and manjulnguny and (from my mother) tanek.’ See:�warlarrparlarr�‘ugly’; witparlarrut�‘they of the same moiety and have the same totem’. Category:�Peoples and clans, family, inc moieties.
warlarrparlarr���noun. an ugly person. Jaka jita warlarrparlarr. ‘She is ugly looking.’ See:�warlarr�‘tall, clan group, skin group’. Category:�Goodness, Peoples and clans.
warlawarla���noun. young mangrove sprouts sticking up out of the ground. See:�nganykarrarr�‘mangroves (generic)’. Category:�Plant parts, Mangroves.
warlawrrparlawrr���crossreference. See:�parlawrr�‘burst into flames’.
warlk���noun. tree, generic term, also covers any type of stick, branch or log. Anth: Also used for 'coffin'. Not used for firewood. See:�yungku�‘fire, firewood’. Category:�General terms.
coverb. Restrict:�GEN subject ; Female object first menstrual period, girl's puberty ceremony. Kinyngen warlk. ‘She is having her first period.’ Awunngen warlk. ‘They are having their first period.’ See:�yarl�‘heaped sand used in ceremony’. Syn:�muru (kinnyen), najaman (kinima), yurnu (kinnyen). Category:�Reproduction. Usage:�semantic restriction on experiencer object gender: must be feminine Anth: Also used to refer to the ceremony associated with a girl's first period. The construction is a euphemism for menstrual bleeding it means literally 'her skin was pierced by a stick'. After the first period ceremony negotiations with the future husband begin. Note: Exact synonym with muru
warlpungjurr���noun. possum fur covering for the body. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.
warlwarl���noun. tree sp. See:�walwal�‘Guettarda’. Category:�Trees and bushes, Calendar plants.
warlwat���noun. deep. Warlwat mira ta palu. ‘The palu is very deep.’ See:�itamuki�‘shallow’; palu�‘deep’. Category:�Movement of water, Distance.
Wamarli���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.
wamarn���noun. crabs a similar size to a shore crab or rock crab but they can live in mangroves or rocks. Menippidae ; Xanthidae (some). Category:�Crustaceans. Anth: It has one big claw and one small one. It lives in mangroves and on the rocks. It is good bait and the arms are good to eat.
wamawun���noun. 1�•�Place/coral name. See:�yungiyirk�‘place name’; waliwali�‘coral’. Category:�Place names, Shellfish.
2�•�cancer. Category:�Sickness.
wampa���noun. 1�•�shark (generic). See:�kamawarak�‘Hammerhead shark’. Category:�Sharks.
2�•�Whale shark, Zebra shark. Rhincodon typus, Stegastoma fasciatum. Category:�Sharks.
3�•�Tiger Shark. Galeocerdo cuvier. Category:�Sharks.
wampam���noun. anthill type. See:�wuy�‘anthill type’; magarlmarr�‘brown anthill type’. Category:�Insects.
wampirlpaya���noun. echidna. Category:�Mammals.
wampurrpuyi���noun. emu. Syn:�warramurntupu. Variant:�less commonly used term. Category:�Large birds.
wanji���noun. head. aliwi ngartu ta wanji ‘my memory's no good’. Category:�Head. Note: Also the name of Inyjalarrku dance move Syn:�yurrng.
wanjikpu���noun. Beach Spinifex, a long coarse grass that grows on the beach. Spinifex longifolius. Variant:�Iwaidja: Windjigbun/Winjilbu. See:�Wunjikpunjik�‘also given as a translation of Iwaidja name Windjigbun’; Munmunka�‘Spinifex longifolius’; impurrk�‘sugar cane grass’; Winjulpu�‘plant with similar name’. Category:�Grasses. Anth: It s used to make windbreaks.
Wanjili���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.
wanparntuk���noun. groin. Ngawelkpin wanparntuk. ‘My groin is swollen.’ Punyi nganimarkujpa wanparntuk. ‘Father, I have got growing pains, (literally, my groin is breaking me-like someone opening oysters).’ Wanparntuk arruniwun. ‘My (glands in my) groin are hurting me.’ Category:�Organs and torso.
wanpirlk���noun. seed. Category:�Plant parts.
wanta���noun. gum tree endemic to top end. Smooth trunked tree with white flowers. Eucalyptus.arnhemensis, Eucalyptus clavigera. Anth: Used to make oars. Category:�Trees and bushes.
wanyjarlarr���noun. Queenfish, Skinnyfish. Scomberoides sp.. See:�ngamparlngamparl�‘Amberjack, Queenfish’. Category:�Fish.
wanyji���adverb. near, close by. Usage:�may be followed by oblique pronouns Kilangali wanyji tuka skurl. ‘He is standing near the school.’ Kimalkpaga wanyji. ‘(The boat) is coming closer.’ tuka wumawurr wanyji ngaw ‘near the creek’. See:�wurrkaj�‘nearly, about to’. Category:�Distance, Location and distance.
wanyji kap���working on meaning. Category:�Distance, Location and distance.
Wangaran���noun. Murginella. Category:�Place names.
wangkararrk���noun. cyclone. Category:�Weather. Note: May also occur in other languages.
warna���noun. the soft underlayer of edible skin under the warty material on the back of mun nuyu stingray or under fish scales. Nuja ja mun nuyu imurra warna. ‘The wart backed stingray has a lot of soft skin underneath it.’ Category:�Fish bodyparts.
warnalay���coverb. cry. Variant:�not commonly used. Kiwani warnalaya. ‘He is crying.’ Anth: The old people used to cry for the deceased very early in the morning before sunrise. See:�kiwararrken�‘cry’. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
warnany���noun. 1�•�beeswax, plasticine. Category:�Insects.
2�•�string covered with beeswax used to make maykuk, used to 'curse' someone. See:�maykuk�‘token of deceased’. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items, Sorcery.
warnja���noun. pubic hair. Category:�Hair.
warnja ngaw warramurungunji���phrase. the radiating sun's rays at sunset. Category:�Sky.
warnkaruk���noun. a long sweet yam. Curculigo ensifolia. Warnkaruk kilangali warra inyjurrjum. Malany kamannyatpi warrga la ta manmuyuk nakapa werrk ngarrila warnkaruk. Naka ja numalal pata warramumpik awangkung iwuwuning iwulatjang tuka majang iwumangungka tuka kunak iwulangung ja warnkaruk. ‘The Warnkaruk Yam is found in those areas inland from Wiyarla and Nganyamirnali where there is good ground for yams to grow (called warra inyurrjum). This yam flowers and later near the end of the Dry season we eat them. It is good to eat. The women used to go and dig them up and put them in their dilly bags and eat them.’ Category:�Tubers, Plant food. See:�mutjak�‘yam type’. Anth: The yams are long and thin. They are dug up, lightly roasted, then peeled and eaten. The leaves look just like grass leaves and they grow in the wet season.
warnmalk���noun. tree type. Thespesia populneoides. Category:�Trees and bushes. Anth: Used for making spears jalakaraj 'fishing spear', rlama and arrkijpa and also fruit was used as a spinning top.
warnpelkpikpi���crossreference. See:�kiwelkpin�‘hot, dehydrated, dry out’.
warntatarr���noun. daytime, focus is midday. Muwarn kanjirran ta warntatarr. ‘The sun's shining, it's daytime.’ Warntawurr wungijalk. ‘Full noon.’ See:�ngurrij�‘day, 24-hour period’. Category:�Daily.
warntayu���noun. fit, like an epileptic fit. Kinnyarajpun warntayu. ‘He had a fit.’ kiningula warntarryur ‘It causes fits (an insect, or a a type of pandanus’. See:�rrurulng�‘insect or type of pandanus that causes fits’. Category:�Sickness.
warntilili���noun. unidentified ray type that is has blue spots like manyjirr but smaller. Dasyatis kuhlii. See:�manyjirr�‘Blue-spotted Fantail Ray’. Category:�Rays.
warntuk���noun. log bridge. Arrkanama warntuk parak. ‘We'll cross the creek using a fallen log that acts as a natural bridge.’ Karrkputpa warntuk tuka wumawurr. ‘We lie a log across the creek (so we can cross it).’ Category:�General terms.
wapaka���dem. at that place, far distant. Wapaka awuran. ‘Over there, they went (far away, out of sight).’ See:�apaka�‘length, breadth, distance, size’. Category:�Location and distance.
waraju���part. completely taken away, right away. Iwumany kirrk paraju. ‘They took them completely out of the way.’ Kapa waraju manamalkpa kapa warak tuka wanyji wumawurr. ‘It will have to come out near the creek.’ Nukang ngampi ta tuka? Whalebone ta kaminapa, Whalebone ngarrungparnangajpun parakju. ‘Where was it? They call it Whalebone (beach). We just call it Whalebone.’ See:�warak�‘away’. Category:�Language.
warak���crossreference. See:�arak�‘separate’.
wararru���noun. dugong or turtle hide. Nuka ja marntingunyuny kinnyatpi ja karrkpin ja warurru. ‘The dugong has a thick hide.’ Category:�General, Mammals, Reptiles and amphibians.
warawkparawk���noun. vine type. Tinospora smilacina. Variant:�Iwaidja: Kurdawurdak. Muka mata warawkparawk mata amajung tuka yurnu la ngarlwak. Mamumangung mata mawiya mampuwunyantung wurul tuka yungku la ngarlwak. ‘The used warrwakparrwak for sickness on the the hands, feet and knees. They would take the leaves and heat them through on the fire. Then they would put the leaves on their arms, legs or knees.’ Kamanngawuta warlk. ‘It winds around a tree.’ Category:�Small plants, Medicine. Anth: This plant is found near the beach and in the jungle. It is good for swelling in the hands, feet, knees and joints such as arthritis. Young plants are used to make medicine to heal rluj boils.
wardawarda���noun. a thin supple-branched tree. Category:�Trees and bushes. Anth: From which spear shafts can be made.
wardwardang���noun. Red Bush apple, growing on the beach. Edible fruit tree. Syzygium suborbiculare (beach). Variant:�Iwaidja: Wartawarrang. Wardwardang warlk mata karrkpin. Malany kingatpi ingijalk, wanpirlk la merrk. La mawngku mata karrpani mawngkumawngku. ‘The Wild Apple is a big tree. It has a trunk and fruit and leaves. It makes a good shade for us to sit under.’ See:�Irriyala�‘red Apple (bush form)’; kepkep�‘white apple’. Category:�Trees and bushes, Plant food. Anth: Fruit a pale pink-white colour. Can be eaten.
wareng���noun. 1�•�one who has completed the initiation ceremonies of the kurnapipi. Category:�Initiation.
2�•�Wareng partner, alternative marriage choice, cooks for her partner. Anth: If a wareng is hurt his male partner must be paid 'damages' Category:�Initiation.
wariparip���coverb. Restrict:�VE object fast, recklessly. Kamanima wariparip parak. ‘He is going along very fast.’ Kamanima wariparip mira la wanyji mira. ‘He is going too fast and he's too close.’ Category:�Activity manner.
warpar���coverb. taking down things from up high and putting them together, like clothes on a line or fruits from a tree. See:�par�‘slip’. Category:�Manipulation.
warwuluj���noun. Possum tucker tree, Cocky apple. Planchonia careya. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wartuludj or Rawurawu. Category:�Trees and bushes, Calendar plants, Plant food. Anth: When tree begin to flower (August to September) it is time for the stingrays and sharks to produce young. This is the time to hunt little sharks, which are the only kind Mawng people eat. Edible green fruit is ready a bit before Christmas. Flower and fruit says that it is time for wampa and wun nuyu.
warwunyjuk���noun. milky sap which leaks out from miyulum yam when it is cut raw. Ipomoea graminea. Ta miyulum ta apurra warwunyjuk kakatpi. ‘The miyulum yam has a lot of sap in it.’ See:�miyulum�‘yam type’. Category:�Plant parts, Tubers. Anth: Leaves a dark stain on material.
waryat���noun. 1�•�stone, rock, mountain. Anth: Most important totem of Yarrigarnkurrk totem group. Often used as name for that totem group kapa tuka waryat ‘there in the stone country’. See:�murrgun�‘earthen hill’; kamung�‘sandhill’; waryatparyat�‘stone country’. Category:�Soil, Large features.
2�•�money, cash. Kiki ja waryat? ‘How much is that (money)?’ Category:�Other.
3�•�a fish type which has a very hard skin, ?Leather fish. Anth: It has a small head and four ridges along its body. The flesh and liver are edible. Category:�Fish.
waryatparyat���noun. stone country. See:�waryat�‘stone’. Category:�Landscape.
warra���part. particle that says there is more than one of something. Only used for humans, and a few plants. warra walmurtja ‘jungle, other eg in dict without warra’. Warrapijyikarlu apinyjung." ‘The old people put an increase spell on that place/The old people live and work there a lot (by implication)’. warra mirlakmirlak See:�warra kamumu�‘women, mothers’; warra punyi�‘men, fathers’; warramumpik�‘woman’. Category:�Appearance.
warra���noun. many (used for people). Warra wingurlaj ‘Their names.’ Category:�Amounts.
warra inyjurrjum���noun. good ground for yams to grow. Category:�General terms, Tubers.
warra kamumu���phrase. women. See:�warramumpik�‘woman, women’; warra punyi�‘men’; kamu�‘mother, mother's sisters, father's other wives and her sisters’; warramurntuj�‘female’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
warra ngurrijakurr���noun. little people, who live in the mangroves on Goulburn Island. Category:�Peoples and clans.
warra punyi���noun. fathers, men. See:�warra kamumu�‘women’; arrarrkpi�‘man’; warra�‘particle that says there is more than one of something’; punyi�‘father, father's brother’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
warrajparray���coverb. Dance moving arms from side to side (used in Inyjalarrku dance). Fabric wave in the breeze, leaves on a tree wave in the breeze. Kawulangali warrajparray kiwarlukpa ‘They dance moving their hands from size to side.’ Category:�Play, perform, joke, Wind, General terms.
warraka���noun. 1�•�seeds of the Mankarlaparra water lily. Nymphaea violacea, Nymphaea macrosperma. Variant:�Iwaidja: Warraga (N. violacea and N. macrosperma). Tuka ta wurl ta warraka katangali awk la ngarrapa ngarrata. ‘This is a billabong where warraka grows and we can go and get them and eat them.’ See:�mankarlaparra�‘Water lily’. Category:�Plant food, Tubers, Small plants. Anth: The tuber, root or fruit is yellow and can be eaten after roasting in hot coals and ashes, and peeling off the dark skin. Only Mankarlaparra has this type of root.
2�•�water lily root. Bigger and softer than mawugany. It is round or oval in shape. Both types grow at Anjumu. See:�Mirwulu�‘Nymphoides’. Nymphoides sp including minima, hydrocharoides. Category:�Plant food, Tubers, Small plants.
kakarlukpa warraka���noun. jakana, lotus bird. Category:�Small birds.
warral���noun. Red Paperbark. The type of Paperbark tree which grows the largest. It is important in story about the separation of the two Goulburn Islands. Melaleuca sp.(NT Herbarium voucher no. D120590 ). Variant:�Iwaidja: Warral. Mata Warral mata kamurranymin karrkpin. ‘Warral is the one that grows big (of the paperbarks)’. See:�maryawu�‘paperbark tree’. Anth: Canoes used to be made from this type of tree. Category:�Trees and bushes.
warrarlarla���noun. ceremony connected with Lorrkon and which is used when a young man dies. Category:�Mourning. Anth: Once the bones have been placed in the burial pole, the mother of the deceased calls out. Then he answers naming the person who is responsible for his death. That person is then speared.
warramumpik���noun. woman, married or with children, or of marriagable age. See:�warra kamumu�‘women, mothers’; warramurntuj�‘female’. Category:�Females.
warramurntuj���noun. female. Inyjangaling warramurntuj. ‘A female has been born.’ jita warramurntuj piyu jita wenat kamin marnmarn. ‘and the female of theirs, the one they call Marnmarn.’ Ant:�warla nuyu. See:�warramumpik�‘woman’; warra kamumu�‘women’. Category:�Females.
warramurntupu���noun. emu. Dromaius novaehollandiea. Variant:�most commonly used term. Syn:�wampurrpuyi. Category:�Large birds.
warramurungunji���noun. ancestor who showed people how to use hot sand for warming ceremonies and medical purposes. Category:�Dreamtime names.
warranyngiw���noun. child: young person or child of someone. ja warranyngiw ‘used to refer to child of either sex’. Category:�Ages. Note: Meaning seems quite fluid, can cover older children. Can also mean 'child of' and thus apply to people of any age. Masculine is the default for referring to any nonspecific child
Warrangeyitjij���name. Warruwi clan. Category:�Dreamtime names.
warrangulpu���noun. Darters, cormorants, called Diver Duck locally. Anhinga melanogaster, Phalacrocorax varius, Phalacrocorax melanoleucos. Category:�Small birds.
Warrarakuku���name. Warruwi clan. Category:�Dreamtime names.
warrarrawurnji���noun. female children, young girls. See:�warrawurnji�‘girl’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
warrawarra���coverb. action of larger fish, to round up smaller fish, which causes the jumping of small surface fish while larger fish are feeding on them. Jakalang kerra warrawarra kinila yarrmanaya. ‘The tuna fish are feeding on the jumping hardyheads.’ Category:�Hunting.
warrawurnji���noun. a female child, young girl. warrawurnji anyak ‘little girl’. See:�warrarrawurnji�‘girls’. Category:�Females.
warrga���noun. flower, generic term, smallish plant. Category:�General terms, Plant parts.
warrgili���noun. Spikey Chiton. Acanthopleura spinosa. Variant:�Iwaidja: Warrkbunyu. Nuka ja warrgili ja kannyurjun waryat malany numalal akutju. ‘The chiton clings to the rocks and is good (to eat) as well.’ Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Used as bait. Was eaten in earlier times. Anth: Good bait for catching bluebone fish.
warrgirra���noun. Small mullet, may be used for smaller specimens of Blue-tail Mullet. Mugilidae, Liza tade, ?Valamugil buchanani. See:�kajarlat�‘Large mullet, possibly larger Blue-tail Mullets’; kantikikpuliwanyji�‘small Sand mullet’; wuta�‘very large mullet, Diamond Mullet’; walka�‘very small mullet’; nurulyak�‘mullet in good condition’. Category:�Mullets. Anth: They go about together in a school.
warrij���part. too. Ngarri warrij. Tuka ta kunak ngarrurru, nuyi la ngapi. ‘Us (exclusive) too. It is our (inclusive) country, yours and mine.’ Ta iwulangung nakapa yara awunimirtkujpay, awuniwu warrij. ‘When they ate it, it could strike them and hurt them too.’ See:�akutju�‘too’. Category:�Appearance.
warriparri���noun. fat from the hindquarters (muli) of the turtle. See:�muli�‘back part of turtle’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians. Anth: Only old people are allowed to eat it.
warriwawan���noun. funnel cloud over the ocean. See:�kuwinu�‘cloud, cloudy sky’. Category:�Sky. Anth: When the funnel cloud is seen it is believed to be the 'snake' out catching turtle. He also caused the turtles to increase.
warrjarra���noun. Manta Ray, Devil rays. Manta birostris, Mobula spp.. See:�yagaru�‘stingray’. Category:�Rays. Anth: This is a big ray that lives mostly offshore in deeper waters. It rarely comes inshore into shallow water. It is eaten
warrmiri���noun. small black and white edible striped coral fish. Wumpulnga inyuranka. Wiwi kuntungul "Warrmiri inyiwung!". ‘Wumpulnga came. Mother's mother said "Warrmiri killed her!".’ Category:�Fish.
warrngi���coverb. 1�•�put blame on. Kinini warrngi nakapa awarran rtil. ‘He will blame one (but) they both went.’ Kinyngani warrngi. ‘She is blaming her.’ Category:�Fight.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�put down camp. Ngampiwi kungena warrngi anpana ta ngulam? Ngapi ngana Wiyarla ngulam. ‘Where will you put your camp when you go tomorrow? I will go to Wiyarla in the morning.’ Category:�Shelter, camp, house.
Warruwi���noun. South Goulburn Island. Category:�Place names.
warrwak���adverb. 1�•�later on, afterwards. Warrwak malany nganamin nuwurru ta wulatpiyi ta ngungatpi wiymunpiymun arrarrkpi aminy ngartu. ‘Later on, I will tell you the message that I have from the leaders.’ Nganunparra werrk, warrwak la ngana kiyap. ‘I'll sleep first, later on I'll go fishing.’ Category:�Longer.
2�•�that place, already mentioned. Wenat pata kapin tuwuran warrwak. ‘They all belonged to that place, back there.’ See:�meywarra�‘behind’. Category:�Location and distance.
3�•�last person. Ngarri ta warrwak mira ngarrurakangung. ‘We were the last people that got back.’ See:�kiwraka�‘used for first and oldest’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
4�•�behind. See:�kinilurrku�‘be behind someone’.
ja warrwak, jita warrwak���younger sibling or youngest sibling in a family. Reference term. See:�wulkurr�‘oldest sibling, older sibling’; awuniluriny�‘youngest son’. Category:�Ages.
warrwakparrwak���adverb. elsewhere. Ngarrimung warrwakparrwak. ‘We were elsewhere.’ Category:�Location and distance.
warryak���noun. groin itch, chafing around groin area. Usage:�used in sickness constructions with kinnyatpi and kinima and MA subject but not ngamaju kinima warryak, nganima warryak. Nganiwung ja warryak. ‘I've got groin irritation.’ Nakapa nganiwun warryak. ‘The chafing is annoying me.’ Category:�Discomfort and pain.
watpirrijpatpirrij���noun. shore crabs. These usually live in rocks and are good bait. Grapsidae. Category:�Crustaceans.
wartaw���interjection. ow! See:�arta�‘eh?’; artaka�‘oh’. Category:�Language.
wartimin���noun. Wattle species with long thin flowers. Acacia holosericea, Acacia dimidiata. Variant:�Iwaidja: Malakarruk (A. dimidiata). Category:�Trees and bushes, Calendar plants. Anth: Flowering is a sign that green-back turtle (manpiri) and hawskbill turtle (majirnti) have lots of fat. The gum is eaten. It is sweet and tasty a bit like a lolly.
Wartpen���noun. Simms island, a small island off South Goulburn Island. 'Nganurtin Wartpen' ‘I'll go ashore at Simms island.’ Category:�Place names.
wartpiwartpi���noun. long stick designed for fighting. Kunuka yirrikawk miyarwu mampumajpungkunyka, ikarna, wartpiwartpi alaj iwuwuning. ‘The brought all sorts of weapons specially for fighting like miyarwu sticks and ikarna clubs and wartpiwartpi sticks and hit him with them.’ See:�kiniwartpi�‘make trouble with’; miyarwu�‘long stick designed for fighting’. Category:�Tools, men's.
wartwart���noun. black and white bird species, butcher bird. See:�jitpuruluk�‘magpie lark, peewee’. Category:�Small birds. Anth: Has a beautiful whistle.
wawaj���noun. digging stick made from irrilga tree or kartungkun ironwood tree. See:�walamurru�‘digging stick’. Category:�Tools, women's.
wawu���noun. father's father and siblings, man's son's children. Category:�family, inc moieties.
wawupawu���noun. ancestors, father's fathers. Yuranka, awunimanykapa ngapi wawupawu ngamin, ngamin, la pata awuntumalkpangung. ‘He came here. They brought him, my fathers' fathers and their son's.’ Category:�family, inc moieties.
wawurri���noun. inland, dry land. Karlurri kawarra tuka wawurri. ‘Birds live on the land.’ Kapa wawurri animarrajpuningka. ‘He came overland (walking).’ See:�nuwulworri�‘person from inland’; worrinporrin�‘close to the shore’. Category:�Landscape.
wawurrinpawurri���noun. large inland plain, for example the middle of the base of the Cobourg peninsula. Category:�Landscape.
waya���noun. ironware, anything made of iron. See:�wirlmurr�‘iron’. Category:�Other. From: English 'wire'.
wayway���coverb. groaning or talking in one's sleep. Yung yarrangung wayway. ‘He was lying groaning in his sleep.’ Category:�Language, Sleep.
welep���noun. butterfly, moth. Category:�Insects.
weli���noun. low tide, incoming tidal current. Wirlamurrk kinyjurrangken. Kapa weli anyak kimurnangani warak. ‘Stars appear. The tide goes out a little bit.’ La ngungpurrun mayintuny apa weli pa inimangang parak kapa weli kapa kinyuryi muwarn. ‘And I think when the tide went out, it took him away towards the west.’ Nuka ja karrkpin ja weli murnin ja nuyu kurak ja kurrana la arrkpana kiyap. ‘The tide is out because the moon is full so let's go fishing.’ Ant:�ningkaryak. See:�weliweli�‘very low tide’; mirriya�‘half moon tide’. Category:�Water bodies.
weliweli2���noun. soldier crabs, sheep crab (local name). Mictyris sp.. Category:�Crustaceans.
weliweli1���noun. very low tide. Malany imurra weliweli. ‘The tide is well out.’ Kiningula weliweli la kayirrk pukurlurl. ‘The new moon is making a low tide.’ See:�weli�‘low.tide’. Category:�Water bodies.
wemin���pro. they, them, reciprocal, contrastive pronoun. Awuntuwuning la wemin. ‘They were fighting each other.’
wenat���pro. they, them. Wenat kawani tuka kunak. ‘They are sitting in the village’. Awunpung wentapa pata tuwarlkparrakanut. ‘They were givng to the old people.’ See main entry: yanat.
wernangkat���noun. strong, brave, hard (to the touch), alive. See:�yarnangkat�‘strong, brave, hard (to touch), alive’. Category:�Healing and fitness, Illness and death.
wera���noun. other (people), some. See main entry: yara. See:�yara�‘some’. Category:�Peoples and clans, Amounts.
werakap���noun. one, this form is used in the expression that means 'three'. See main entry: yarakap. Category:�Amounts.
werawungut���noun. a few (people). See:�yarawungut�‘a few’. Category:�Amounts, Peoples and clans.
weringki���noun. when you got an animal, when you open the guts you find it is very greasy in there, this grease is called weringki. May only be found in grazing animals. Category:�Divide, cut, tear, General.
werkalinut���noun. light in weight. Category:�Size and weight.
weryak���noun. wet. Category:�Properties of surface.
werreperrep���noun. Masked Lapwing, previously known as Masked Plover. Vanellus miles. Category:�Small birds.
werrk���adverb. first. Nuyi werrk. ‘You first.’ Category:�Activity manner.
wey���interjection. hey. Category:�Language.
Weyirra���noun. North Goulburn Island. Category:�Place names.
Weyirra akut���North, North side (literally: the direction of North Goulburn). Category:�Cardinal directions.
wigarra���crossreference. See:�igarra�‘many (non-humans)’.
wigarra yirrk���noun. a big crowd of people. Wigarra yirrk arrarrkpi awaning. ‘A big crowd of people were there.’ Category:�Appearance.
Wigu���noun. McPherson's point. Category:�Place names.
wijin���crossreference. See:�witjin�‘March Fly’.
wikurlk���noun. 1�•�Native Asparagus, a prickly type of fern. Protasparagus racemosus. Variant:�Iwaidja: Nakinaki or Lililk. See:�mankawiny�‘fern’. Category:�Small plants, Medicine, Toxic plants. Anth: Has prickles on it. Grows well on Goulburn Island. There are two types that grow in different areas. Used to treat diarrhoea and stomach pain, cough, severe pneumonia and asthma. Preparation: dig up roots. Peel the bark and crush. Boil in water until it is a pink liquid. Rub onto stomach or chest. Liquid is also used to treat scabies. Poisonous if taken internally.
2�•�crown of thorns worn by Jesus in the bible. Category:�Other.
wilakpilak���noun. Red-collared Lorikeet, Rainbow lorikeet. Trichoglossus rubritorquis. See:�karlarrk�‘green parrot, Red-winged parrot’. Category:�Small birds.
wilam���noun. bark canoe. Nuka wilam ja ngapi ngartu. ‘This bark canoe of mine.’ See:�mapapurr�‘bark raft’. Category:�Items for fishing. Anth: Made from stringy bark. The holes from sewing together are blocked with beeswax and it is covered with clay.
wilijpularr���noun. the young of (people), the young children. Kiki kamin pata manpiri anpunayawng pata wilijpularr? ‘How many baby turtles did you see?’ Category:�Ages. See main entry: ilijpularr.
wilik���coverb. ask for, request food or money. Ngana Wiyarla Wumanga nganarra wilik walij. ‘I am going to the Wiyarla end of Wumanga to ask for food.’ La yarrangung pirlik akut. ‘He kept asking them for more (food)’. La nakapa wurakak awunyarrikpan ja apurra nuyu ta wilik yarrangung pilik. And he's the crow that ruined it and after that he kept asking for more food.. Category:�Language.
wilikpilik���1�•�keep seeking food. Nuka ja arrarrkpi ja kannyayan kirrk kunak kerra wilikpilik. ‘This man keeps looking around the place for food.’ Category:�Language.
2�•�rapid blinking of the eyes (original definition). Wink or blink. Used for animals, wilipilip is used for humans. Maminang wilikpilik nuyu wun ja manpiri la alapika la majirnti, naka ngatpin imurra ja murrkaj. ‘When they used to blink their eyes, those greenbacks or alapika turtles or majirnti turtles, we say they have a lot of fat on them (ie. when caught to eat).’ Syn:�wilipilip. Category:�Automatic actions.
wiliny���noun. numbness, cramp, 'pins and needles'. Usage:�used in sickness constructions with kinima and kinnyetpi with MA subject Ngapi nganimany wiliny tuka yurnu ngartu. ‘Cramps have got hold of my foot, hand.’ Karryatpi ja warranyngiw, wiliny nganima ‘We sit for a long time holding a child and we get a cramp.’ Muran kirrk mata manigul kirrk pata awung tuka wurak nuyu wiliny. Parangapa. ‘The blood of the people who had been in the snake's stomach was all gone. They were numb.’ See:�kilantanymikpin�‘stiff (in the body)’. Syn:�maruny. Category:�Sickness.
wilipilip���coverb. Restrict:�VE subject person blink or wink. Ta karrpin wilipilip naka kamamin wilipilip ngarrurru wun. ‘When we blink and then our eyes are blinking.’ Maminang wilipilip nuyu wun. ‘He winked or blinked.’ See:�wunyipunyi�‘blink’. Syn:�wilikpilik. Category:�Head. Note: Very unusual occurrence in coverb.
wilitpilit���noun. Magpie Lark, Peewee. Grallina cyanoleuca. Category:�Small birds, Calendar animals. Anth: She goes away and when she comes back it is time for the mawugany roots (June, July). It is also time to start shooting geese. Then she goes away before the rains
wiliwili���noun. a type of water fowl. Category:�Small birds. Anth: It is brown with long legs.
wilkumu���noun. spouse. See:�wilkumunnyun�‘wives’; nanung�‘husband or husband's brother, sister's husband, wife's brother, also used for potential spouses MBS and FZS although these may be called marnmarn if they are not considered potential spouses’; nganung�‘wife or wife's sister ; husband's sister, brother's wife, also used for potential spouses MBD and FZD although they may be called marnmarn if they are not considered potential spouses’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
wilkumunnyun���noun. wives. See:�wilkumu�‘spouse’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
wilngar���noun. large shellfish very much like ngarlwak but has black marks across it. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Found at top of King river in the mud among mangroves, in the Arla area. Note: Host to kurrmala 'hermit crab'. Makes a lot of tracks on the king river.
wilnguk���noun. fat of red coloured crab. Kurrana kimaju la ilnguk kiningula la karrila ja karnjawarra. ‘When the moon dies the crab makes the red fat and then we eat it.’ See:�kanyngan�‘red crab fat’. Category:�Crustaceans.
wilpil���coverb. Restrict:�MA object 1�•�signal that the song is ending by playing a particular rhythm with the clapsticks. arrin wilpil nganangk ‘we cut short the song with the clapsticks’. Karrin wilpil mata nganangka. ‘We end the song.’ ja karrin wilpil arnangkat ‘they bring the song to a close quickly.’ See:�wirlpirl (kinnyen)�‘cut song short (with clapstick rhythm)’. Category:�Song and dance.
Restrict:�MA object 2�•�(dance) gracefully, expertly. Arrkpana arrkpunpayan pata kawulangali kiwarlukpa wilpil. ‘Let's go and see them dancing gracefully, expertly.’ Kinnyarlukpa wilpil. ‘He dances expertly.’ See:�wirlpirl (kinilalkun)�‘dance in big group’; kinnyarlukpa�‘dance’. Category:�Song and dance, Goodness, Play, perform, joke.
wirl���noun. a person or thing that keeps following someone, a nuisance. Mirrinyak ja wirl ja ngili. ‘The mirrinyak is a type of mosquito that is a nuisance (it keeps following someone).’ Nuka ja karruniyarrukun angkat ja wirl. ‘He is always following us, he is a nuisance.’ Ngawunpirlung la wirl. ‘I went to pick them up but they didn't want to come home.’ See:�pirl�‘cripple’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
wirla���noun. ankle. Category:�Limbs.
wirlamarr���noun. a yam species a bit like miyulum. It grows on the mainland eg. around Sandy Creek. Eriosema chinense. See:�miyulum�‘Ipomoea graminea’. Category:�Plant food, Tubers.
wirlamurrk���noun. 1�•�star. Juka jita wirlamurrk jita kinyjangali yurrng. ‘There is a star in the heavens.’ Wirlamurrk kinyjurrangken. ‘Stars appear.’ Category:�Sky.
2�•�pearly (or Chambered) Nautilus. Nautilus pompilius. Variant:�Iwaidja: karramart. Juka jita wirlamurrk jita nginymany inyung tuka ajput. ‘I found this nautilus shell on the beach.’ Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Found at beach next to Anjumu billabong, North Goulburn and Alwampi. No known uses.
wirlan���noun. wild honey hive. Found on Goulburn Island. There is brown wax inside the tree. The honey part is called kakurl. See:�kakurl�‘sugarbag type’. Category:�Bees and honey.
wirlik���crossreference. See:�wilik�‘ask for, request food or money’.
wirlmu���noun. Barramundi. Lates calcarifer. Variant:�Iwaidja: Mangkawuli. See:�kawakul�‘Sand bass, small adult Barramundi or Barrumundi which has brown colour due to living in muddy creek water’; wurlngurl�‘Male Barramundi’. Category:�Perch.
wirlmupirlmu���noun. Restrict:�PL subject many Barramundi. Nakapa ngarrayawng wirlmupirlmu tuka wurl. Arrkpana arriwanama arriwanala. ‘We saw many barramundi in the billabong. Let's go and get (some) to eat.’ Category:�Other fish terms.
wirlmurr���noun. iron, something made out of iron. Wularrut inypularrnganiny ja wirlmurr la mampawani mata layt. ‘A long time ago they put up the light-poles (iron) for light.’ See:�waya�‘iron’. Category:�Other.
wirlngujnguj���noun. coals. Variant:�less commonly used term. Syn:�wirlngukuk. Category:�Fire.
wirlngukuk���noun. 1�•�coals. Variant:�more commonly used term. Muka mata kamaw kamala mata wirlngukuk. ‘These coals are burning.’ Syn:�wirlngujnguj. See:�mamun wirlngukuk�‘the hot time immediately preceding the Wet season, October to December’. Category:�Fire.
2�•�dots, spots. Nuwurnnyak wirlngukuk. ‘It has spots (describing Trumpeter Whiting, Siliago maculata burrus).’ Category:�Colours and light.
wirlparra���noun. trailer. Ja wirlparra ja karrunnyarkpa. ‘A trailer carries us (about).’ Category:�Other.
wirlpirl���coverb. 1 kila wirlpirl�•�cook. Kila wirlpirl. ‘It's cooking, e.g. dugong ribs on the fire.’ Category:�Cooking.
2 kiniwun wirlpirl�•�cut into pieces, divide. Marntingunyuny ngarriwun wirlpirl. ‘We cut the dugong into pieces.’ ngarriwun wirlpirl ‘We stop (singing) (lit. make it short).’ angpinang Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
3 kiwun wirlpirl�•�dab on. Nuyi anpung wirlpirl. ‘You dabbed yourself (with clay, for decoration)’. Kiwun wirlpirl. ‘He's painting himself with stripes.’ Category:�Properties of surface, Holding, sticking.
Restrict:�LL object 4 kannyen wirlpirl�•�divide. anpinang wirlpirl ‘They divided the land’. See:�pirl�‘numerous’; pirlpirl�‘cut’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
Restrict:�MA object 5 kinnyarlukpa wirlpirl, kinilalkun wirlpirl�•�Dance in big group. Tipa wirlpirl kiwulalkun. ‘There's a big group of people dancing over there.’ Tipa wirlpirl kiwulalkun. ‘There's a big group of people dancing over there.’ See:�wilpil�‘signal that the song is ending by playing a particular rhythm with the clapsticks’. Category:�Arrangement.
wirlupirlu���noun. father's sister. Juka jita wirlupirlu jita awulingan ja ngapi nganimalkpany. ‘Wirlupirlu is the sister of my father.’ See:�ngawiny�‘term of address used by a father to his children. Also used by a man to his brother's children and by a man's sister to her brother's children’; wimek�‘a man and his sister use this word to refer to the man's son when talking to the son's wife’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
wirlwirl���coverb. 1�•�check to see if anyone's watching before sneaking around. Kiw wirlwirl. ‘Looking around if there's anyone to see him before going into a house, then he's kerra wirlwirl.’ Naka kiw wilwil. ‘He is lying (there) peeping (at something).’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�spy. Kiwarlunyjin kayirrk la kerra wirlwirl, kinyayan. ‘He's hiding and after that he spies on her, he looks at her.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
3�•�squeeze, wring out. Ngana ngiwenyji wirlwirl manpurrwa awk wu warranyngiw la ngiwanutpakpa nuyu awayarni ngulam. ‘I will wring out the clothing for the children and put them out so they can wear them tomorrow.’ Kinganyji wirlwirl. ‘She is sqeezing it.’ See:�pirl�‘pinch hard’. Category:�Pressing.
wimarrk���noun. bellies, stomachs. awunpularruwunwimarrk ‘my mother's land’. See:�inilarruwun�‘mother's clan/ land’. Category:�Organs and torso. See main entry: imarrk.
wimawurr���noun. their arms. Category:�Limbs. See main entry: imawurr.
wimek���noun. a man and his sister use this word to refer to the man's son when talking to the son's wife. Ngampiwi yuran ja wimek? ‘Where has (my) son gone (to the son's wife)?’ See:�nuwutpuwong�‘Your nanung who is my ngiwrawng’; kuntuy�‘father-in-law and reciprocal’; ngantumak�‘my mawawiny who is your husband or wife’; ngarruwutpuwong�‘a person uses this when talking to their ngawinys about the ngawinys husbands’; wirlupirlu�‘father's sister’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
wimparr���noun. honey type. See:�kakurl�‘wild honey’. Category:�Bees and honey.
wimun���noun. big, important people, 'big' people. See main entry: imun. Category:�Peoples and clans.
wimunpimun���noun. very important people, leaders of the community. See:�wimun�‘important’. Syn:�kapumunkapumun. Category:�Peoples and clans.
wimurra���noun. many (persons, large or domesticated animals). Wimurra pata arrarrkpi kawani tuka ajput. ‘There are many people on the beach.’ See:�wimurratpurra�‘few, not enough’. Category:�Appearance.
wimurratpurra���noun. a few, not many as required. Awunimany wimurratpurra. ‘He (only) got a few’. See:�wimurra�‘many’. Category:�Appearance.
winjulpu���noun. black plum: plant with small black fruit like a plum. Vitex acuminata, Vitex glabrata. Variant:�Iwaidja: Windjulbu. Napalal ta winjulpu ta karrata. ‘The winjulpu is good to eat.’ See:�wanjikpu�‘Beach Spinifex’. Anth: It grows on a bush. The fruit is edible. Emus also eat it. They hit the tree to make the fruit fall and also stamp on it. Category:�Trees and bushes, Plant food.
winta���noun. scarab beetle. Category:�Insects. Anth: Has three dark stripes across its back.
winti���noun. 1�•�wrist. Anth: Wrist is touched when giving to mawawiny see discussion in Marnkitarr text. Category:�Limbs.
2�•�bamboo vine, creeper from which nganypakan armbands are made. Anth: Used to make yarlawu fish trap. Flagellaria indica. Variant:�Iwaidja: Windi. See:�yurlirr�‘creeper type’. Category:�Small plants.
wintirrpintirr���coverb. rough. Muka mata arawirr mata nganymanguliny wintirrpintirr. malanypi la nganyawinypukpun. ‘This didgeridoo I made is rough. Later on I will make it smooth.’ Category:�Properties of surface.
winyjil���noun. ligament at the back of the leg. Anth: the strength of the body is in the winyjil and can be lost. The marrgij can restore the strength by bending the body backwards holding on to this tendon and the shoulders. ta wirnjil ‘the tendon’. Category:�Limbs.
winyjulam���noun. hairy caterpillar. Category:�Insects. Anth: Causes an allergic rash.
wingijalk���noun. their bodies. See main entry: ingijalk. Category:�Other.
wingping���noun. a sucking sound made to attract attention or to rouse someone. Nuka ja arrarrkpi ja apurra wingping. ‘This man (makes a) lot of sucking (sounds).’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
wingurlaj���noun. their names. See main entry: ingurlaj.
wingurlyak���noun. (they are) important. See main entry: ingurlyak. Syn:�anpungurlyakut. Category:�Goodness.
wirnamu���noun. wild honey that grows in mangroves. Category:�Bees and honey.
wirngijpirngij���noun. snake eel type. See:�kaluwa�‘snake eels (all the others)’. Category:�Herring.
wirni���noun. Sweetlip type. See:�nayuma�‘Sweetlips’; walgawalga�‘Brown Sweetlips’. Category:�Fish.
wirninyjilpirninyjil���noun. Red-backed fairy-wren (red-black), Variegated fairy-wren (blue). Malurus melanocephalus, Malurus lamberti. A small bird with a red beak and legs and a red breast. It lives on the mainland and is not seen on Goulburn Island. Category:�Small birds.
wirarrwirarr���noun. Wattle type. Acacia leptocarpa, Acacia auriculiformis. Anth: Similar to karawu but found near the beach in soft soil whereas karawu is found inland. Flowering is a sign of wumulukuk 'cold season' when manpiri 'Green-back turtle' has a lot of fat in it. See:�yalngkarr�‘also possibly A. auriculiformis’; karawu�‘Wattle type’; itpalk�‘Wattle type’. Category:�Trees and bushes, Calendar plants.
wirdilwirdil���noun. red root. Haemodorum coccineum, Haemodorum breviacaule. Category:�Small plants, Dye and fibre plants. Anth: Onion-like plant with root used to make red dye for making baskets. It is found on the mainland and on Croker Island but not on Goulburn Island.
wirij���coverb. 1�•�thirsty. Ngapi ngamaju wirij mira. ‘I am very thirsty.’ Ngatpajung wirij ta wupaj. ‘We were thirsty.’ Ngamaju wirij wupaj. ‘I am thirsty for water.’ Category:�Illness.
2�•�drop, mislay, leave behind. Ngetpung pirij. ‘I dropped it.’ Kurryatpung pirij. ‘You mislaid it (by putting it down).’ Mangatpuk pirij. ‘She let go of the tree.’ Category:�Waiting, doing nothing, Holding, sticking.
3�•�miss when trying to get something. Innyeny pirij. ‘He missed it (when he went to spear it).’ Kayirrk la ngarrima wirijpirij ‘Then we got something wrong (in singing the song).’ Inirrjij pirij kimurnanganinyka. ‘He spears him but misses and he comes back to him.’ See:�kinnyatpi�‘understand, grasp an idea, have knowledge’. Category:�Waiting, doing nothing, Holding, sticking.
Restrict:�LL object 4�•�go past land. Kinyuryi muwarn yarran ilangakan yarran parak anyeny pirij ta kani Minjilang. ‘He kept going towards the west, he floated along and went past Minjilang.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
wirijpirij���coverb. keep on missing. Kawunima wirijpirij. ‘He kept on missing them (did not catch up with them)’. Category:�Waiting, doing nothing.
wiringki���noun. the characteristic slippery, mucousy coating associated with the smell of stingray. Ja kiyap naka jara nuwurnyak wiringki. ‘The fish is slippery.’ wiringki nuyu Naka ja murtij ja imurra wiringki nuyu. ‘The murtij stingray has a lot of slipperyness.’ See:�ikurri�‘odour’. Category:�Rays, Properties of surface.
wirirrwirirr���coverb. shake (a tree to cause fruit to fall). Arrkpana arrkanayan mata warlk mata kurnpi kayirrk la arrkpanamin wirirrwirirr kayirrk la manawarlkanyi ta akijalk. ‘We will go and look at the kurnpi tree and shake it and (cause) the fruit to fall.’ Category:�Manipulation.
wirrak���noun. wheat. Ta karrpin yakjak naka karraparnangajpun wirrak. ‘The one that we winnow, we call it wheat.’ See:�yakjak�‘shake’. Category:�Plant food, Introduced plants.
wirrali nuyu���noun. 1�•�part of the honeycomb which does not have honey in it. Category:�Bees and honey.
2�•�the 'brown part' inside the fish. Category:�Fish bodyparts. Anth: Young men are not allowed to eat them. They might get white hair too quickly.
wirrgala���noun. throwing stick, boomerang. Category:�Tools, men's. Anth: Not used for hunting by Mawng people, only used for playing music, like clapsticks
wirrgan���noun. Rock Cods, smaller species and smaller specimens of species which grow larger. Epinephelus types. See:�ngunymin�‘Rock Cod (generic)’. Category:�Rock cods.
wirrgu���noun. a small bird which is like ipit. See:�ipit�‘quail’. Category:�Quails. Anth: Usually seen on the mainland, not on Goulburn Island.
wirrirri���coverb. 1�•�hanging together, strung together, bunched together. Kernti wirrirri ngarrurru pinana. ‘Our bananas are hanging together in a bunch.’ Category:�Arrangement.
2�•�string together. Kurryena wirrirri ja kiyap ngarrurru la papurli ngarrurru. ‘String our fish together and take them (back) strung together.’ See:�papurli�‘carrying pole’; papurli (kiniwun)�‘carry threaded on pole’. Category:�Pierce, shoot, Arrangement.
wirriwirri���noun. poor-conditioned, skinny. Naka ja marryun ja wirriwirri. ‘He is very skinny boy.’ Maka mata kamarnti mata wirriwirri mata mangko. ‘There are some mangoes in poor condition.’ Category:�Size and weight, Peoples and clans.
wirriwirriyak���noun. cuckoo-shrikes, cicadabird. Coracina spp.. Category:�Small birds. Anth: Eats things like corn, sorghum, chillies and peanuts.
wirrka���noun. tree type. Canarium australianium. Category:�Trees and bushes.
wirrkup���noun. water rat. Category:�Mammals.
wirrngak���1�•�noun. breath, life or hunger. La animaj rturrkpu wirrngak. ‘He made them really upset (lit: he pulled their breath).’ See:�kinnyaka�‘throw’. Category:�Healing and fitness.
Usage:�used with kimaju 2�•�NVidiom. be hungry, feel weak and tired from hunger. Nuka ja marryun kimaju mira wirrngak. ‘This boy is very hungry.’ la wirrngak marrik anmajung ‘so you won't be hungry (later)’. Yiwaninganpi yimin, Purrup ngarrurru; marrmarr pa nuyu, arriwanala la wularrut nganamaju wirrngak ta ngapi ‘Then he said, "We did well. I'm happy because we will eat, and I will be hungry."’ See:�kiniwurlkparrki�‘hungry, have empty stomach’. Category:�Illness, Healing and fitness.
Usage:�used with kinnyatpi 3�•�NVidiom. be hungry. Naka ja kinnyatpi wirrngak ja warranyngiw murnin ja mayakpu marrik aniwurru. ‘The child feels hungry but the father isn't noticing (for example, because he's playing cards)’. Category:�Illness.
Usage:�used with kinima rturrk 'pull' 4�•�NVidiom. make upset. Restrict:�LL object La animaj rturrkpu wirrngak. ‘He made them really upset.’ Kanima rturrk ngartu wirrngak. ‘He's really making me upset (eg. by crying for along time)’. See:�rtururrk�‘wipe, graze’. Category:�General change of state, Sorrow, happiness.
Restrict:�LL object 5: kannyaka ta wirrngak�•�NVidiom. breathe, rest, take a holiday. Juka jita warranyngiw marrik angakay mira ta wirrngak. ‘This child is not breathing properly.’ Nuka ja arrarrkpi iyamany wularrut la kayirrk kannyaka wirrngakapa. ‘This man was working before but now he is having a rest.’ Ngungaka wumurra wirrngak. ‘I'm panting.’ Category:�Automatic actions, Sleep.
6�•�NVidiom. short of breath. Kanjintukun ngartuk wirrngak. ‘I'm short of breath.’ See:�mangmang�‘pant’. Category:�Sickness.
wirrngijpirrngij���noun. 1�•�death adder. See:�arruk�‘death adder’. Category:�Snakes.
2�•�Elegant sea-snake. Hydrophis elegans. Category:�Snakes.
wirrurn���noun. a fruit, red in colour. Category:�Plant food, Trees and bushes. Anth: Grows by rivers on the mainland.
wirrya���coverb. Restrict:�LL object close to death, dying. Angamany wirrya warak jita warramumpik. ‘The woman was close to death.’ Ngunma wirrya warak la ngawu ngarrunmanyi. ‘I am close to death so come and take hold of me.’ Category:�Illness and death.
wirryalkat���noun. Hakea. Hakea arborescens. See:�manpete�‘a tree which has a yellow inedible fruit’. Category:�Trees and bushes.
wititpak���noun. crayfish. See:�nganyjarlwiny�‘crayfish’. Category:�Crustaceans.
witjin���noun. 1�•�march fly, a type of biting fly that is a similar size and appearance to a normal fly. See:�muntamunta�‘march fly (big)’. Category:�Insects.
2�•�group of people. Anth: The witjin group of people come from around Alligator River. Category:�Dreamtime names. Note: Also totem related to waryat section but slightly different.
witjirrk���noun. Yellowtail grunter (trumpeter). Amniataba caudavittata. Variant:�Iwaidja: Alukun. See:�inypampuk�‘Freshwater type of grunter’; manjarlkujparri�‘Three-lined Grunter (Trumpeter), Striped grunter-like fish, Spangled Grunter’. Category:�Perch.
witni���noun. bushy weed with a very strong smell called Hyptis or Horehound. Hyptis suaveolens. Category:�Small plants. Anth: Children make small spears from it to play with.
witparlanparlarrut���noun. their relations. See:�arrkparlarrut�‘we of the same moiety and totem’; ngatpularrut�‘group of people with the same moiety and totem’; arrkparlanparlarrut�‘us and those of our moiety’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
witparlarrut���noun. they of the same moiety and have the same totem. They call each other warlarr. Pa angkumangung parakpu pata wera pata arrarrkpi pata awaning pata witparlarrut, tuka kunak. ‘Then they took it off home to those other people, their family, back at the camp.’ See:�arrkparlarrut�‘we of the same moiety and totem’; warlarr�‘matrimoiety group, totem group, clan group’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
witpit���noun. eastern golden plover; sandpiper; tattler; greenshank. See:�wirtpij�‘small beach bird’; ipit�‘quail type’. Category:�Small birds.
witpitjurlirri���noun. medium sized whale, such as a black dolphin or a killer whale. Category:�Mammals.
witunyji���noun. shell fish species found in sandy areas. Witunyji, naka wurt, ilijap mira ja ngarrima tuka ajput. ‘Witunyji is the smaller one that we get in the sand.’ See:�pijurnti�‘High Trough Clam’; nujurnti�‘clam species’. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Not found in mud as is ngarnji
wituwitu���coverb. play the didgeridoo only, not with clapsticks and singing. Kiwani wituwitu ja marryun tuka mawngku. ‘The boy is playing the didgeridoo in the shade.’ See:�kamaniwakpi�‘play didgeridoo’. Category:�Play, perform, joke.
wirt���noun. be up in, be up on. Restrict:�inanimate subject Ta kilangali wirt ja kernti yurrng tuka warlk yara palapala. ‘Wirt means that we put it up high in a tree or on a flat surface (roof, table).’ See:�kernti�‘be up in, on, hanging from, high up’; yurrng�‘high up’. Category:�Location and distance.
wirtakurl���noun. hip joint. See:�miwing�‘hips’. Category:�Organs and torso.
wirtpij���noun. a small beach bird. See:�witpit�‘plover type’. Category:�Small birds. Anth: Has a call very like its name.
wirtpirt���noun. vein, sinew. Category:�Other.
wirtu���noun. maggot. Category:�Insects.
wirtuwirtu���noun. Bicolor Razor Shell. Pinna bicolor. Variant:�Iwaidja: Kulabunu. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Found at Wigu and Martpalk. It is sharp and can easily cut your foot when it is standing up. Was eaten in the past but not any more. Tastes like murriny.
wiwari���noun. their sores. See main entry: iwari. Category:�Sickness.
wiwi���noun. reciprocal, mother's mother and siblings, (a woman's) daughter's children. Croker awaning pata ngaptinpu wiwi. ‘The one's I call wiwi live on Croker.’ See:�juruwarri�‘joking partner’; mernkul�‘older wiwi’. Category:�family, inc moieties. Note: The Kunwinjku term kakkak is widely used
Wiyarla���place.name. name of the area where the barge lands. Category:�Place names.
wiyiniyirrk���adverb. before, a long time ago. winiyirrk See:�wularrut�‘a long time ago’. Category:�Longer.
wiyirr���noun. Barnacle. Megabalanus sp.. Variant:�Iwaidja: munangmunang. Category:�Shellfish, Crustaceans. Anth: Grows on rocks, turtles and even whales.
wiymun���crossreference. See:�wimun�‘big, important people’.
wiymunpiymun���crossreference. See:�wimunpimun�‘very important people, leaders of the community’.
wiyu���pro. (on one's) own, (by one's) self. Naka ja arrarrkpi kimin wu yanat piyu tuka yanat ilakpirij nuyu manala parlawarr mata yungku. ‘That man is going 'wu' with his mouth so that the fire will burst into (flame).’ mamurnanganiny anjirla antakparrkjiny waka wiyu tuka ilangaling. ‘it bounced back and lodged in the ground next to where he stood.’ Ngalartpa ngapi wiyu. ‘I'm painting myself.’ See:�-wu�‘(to) them, referent pronoun, third person plural’; -yu�‘only, just’.
wolk���noun. grease made from fat and red clay rubbed into young men initiates for important ceremonies. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items. Anth: It used to be a type of kangaroo fat (not mirnawt) but now buffalo fat or dripping may be used.
wongpol���noun. something which is cut from a dead person's possessions and mixed with beeswax. Variant:�Mayinjinaj term. See:�maykuk�‘wongpol covered in beeswax’. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items, Sorcery. Anth: This is sent to the relatives in order that the person responsible for the man's death may be put to death.
worntok���noun. 1�•�spear thrower used to throw shovel spears, rlama. See:�karlpu�‘round ended spear thrower’. Category:�Tools, men's. Anth: It is very pretty and is often carved.
2�•�dugong tail, or tail of dolphin or whale. Category:�Mammals.
worntokporntok���noun. Diamond fish, Butter bream, Stripey Batfish, Long-finned Batfish. Monodactylus argenteus, Platax sp.. See:�alkparn�‘Giant Shovelnose Ray’; Manungkut�‘Batfishes’. Category:�Fish.
worri���crossreference. See:�wawurri�‘inland, dry land’.
worrinporrin���noun. in the sea, close to the shore. See:�wawurri�‘dry land’; mirnkany�‘shallow water’. Category:�Water bodies.
wu2���coverb. 1�•�blow (on a fire to get it to burn), blow on with the mouth. Kimin pu. ‘He is blowing on the fire.’ Naka ja arrarrkpi kimin wu yanat piyu tuka yanat ilakpirij nuyu manala parlawarr mata yungku. ‘That man is going 'wu' with his mouth so that the fire will burst into (flame).’ See:�wuluwujpuluwuj�‘fan oneself or a fire’. Syn:�pi. Category:�Automatic actions, Fire.
Restrict:�FE object 2�•�light a fire with fire stick. Kinyiwun pu. ‘He is lighting the fire using a fire stick.’ Syn:�purl. Category:�Fire.
wugarra���crossreference. See:�igarra�‘many (non-humans)’.
wugi���noun. mangrove worm. Teredo spp.. Category:�Insects, Medicine.
wujiwuji���noun. saltpan areas around tidal creeks. Category:�Water bodies.
wujpi���coverb. 1�•�lacking in something. Arlarrarr ankingan wujpi la ngayinmuni. ‘Sorry, you haven't got anything, dear.’ Arlarrarr anking wujpi. Wularrut iwumany kirrk pata wiyinirrk amalkpany ngartu. ‘No sorry. Those who came to me first took it all.’ Category:�Holding, sticking.
2�•�have plenty of something, implies that food is available and should be shared with those who ask. Kula wujpi ja inyarlgan. Malany anpana karrik kuwen ja inyarlgan la kanamaga ngartu. ‘You have plenty of turtle to share. Next time you hunt and harpoon one, bring me some (implies that he has plenty and should share it with the asker.’ See:�kiwujpikpin�‘swollen’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
wuk1���noun. small black ant. Kapin wuk. ‘A very large number of people, just like ants!’ Category:�Insects.
wuk2���coverb. mate. Kinyima wuk la yamin luluj. ‘The dogs are mating.’ See:�wuwukuwuk�‘feel hot to touch’. Category:�Reproduction.
wukej���noun. inside, in water, underground. ta wukaj tuka kunak ‘underground’. See:�yalayala�‘outside’. Category:�Location and distance.
wukpuk���noun. 1�•�brain. Syn:�walmukpuk. Category:�Head.
2�•�bush guava tree. Capparis umbonata. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wukbuk. Category:�Trees and bushes, Plant food.
wukurl���noun. Eastern Reef Egret, grey form. Ardea sacra. Anth: Part of Yarriwurrkarr See:�mirrinnyak�‘Eastern reef egret, white form’. Category:�Small birds.
wula���noun. earth tremor, earthquake, volcano. kayirrk la wulapa mamalkpany pu amurtpiny apa yurrng takapa pata kurrampalk makiny. ‘after the earthquake came, they got frightened about the height of the house.’ Tukapa ta wula. ‘That's a volcano.’ Ngarrurri marrik arrarray wula la yirrk. ‘We don't ever get earthquakes.’ Category:�Weather.
wulak���noun. small species of goanna. See:�marrwakara�‘large goanna’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
wulakpirij���noun. saltpan/swamp in north of Warruwi. See:�ilakpirij�‘mouth’. Category:�Place names.
wulaman���crossreference. See:�ilaman�‘voice, taste’.
wularr���part. plural marker used with certain human terms. Larla wularr ngawu katja ngungatpi karrkpin ta lirri la arrkpana arriwalawkula arrungpanawun manjat ngartu. ‘Sisters come with me and we will straighten out the trouble I am in.’ Puka kawani mawngkumawngku pata anpulawnut pularr. ‘The elders are sitting in the shade.’ Tuka ta wugarra ta wurlkurl wularr. Marrik ngampiwi arrarray warak. ‘This ground is very uneven. There is no way we can get through.’
wularri���noun. 1�•�trouble, problem. Ngawu arrkpana Kunparlanya Nawurlany! Makiny, wakapa kanyu ngartu wularri wakapa ngalyungan. ‘Let's go to Gunbalanya Nawurlany! No, I heard there is trouble there for me.’ Category:�Fight. See:�ilarri�‘leg’.
2�•�meaning. Wakapa kanyu ta wularri. ‘There is a meaning (in it).’ See:�wulatpiyi�‘the body of a message’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
3�•�memories, ideas. Angmurnanganinyka nuyu ta wularri. ‘His memories returned to him.’ Ingayawng, "A, parangapa." angangulakantiny kirrk ta wularri ngaw. ‘She saw and said "Oh, that's it." She had already thought up her plan.’ Ngarlawi, wugarra kangatpi ta wularri. ‘Baler shell is used in many ways.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
4�•�rules, customs, understanding. Awulakula ta wularri. ‘They explain stories.’ See:�mayali�‘knowledge, meaning, understanding’. See main entry: ilarri. Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
wularrut���adverb. 1�•�before, a long time ago. Tuka ta wularrut ngarrangung juju ngapi li yanat arrungayantung ta kunak. ‘A long time ago we were looking at the country.’ Kinini monmon nuyu pa kani wularrut. ‘He explains to him until he's finished.’ Category:�Longer.
2�•�a long time. Pa kerra kinnyatpi ja naka ja purrujang wularrut. ‘So he keeps that material with him for a long time.’ Nuka ja arrarrkpi yuran nungmatpa kunak iwaningan wularrut yarrat pularnngalk ta Mawng, ta ngaralk. ‘This man, he went away and stayed in another country for a long time and he forgot his language, Mawng.’ Ja kiwken inginkany wularrut ja lirri. ‘The chief spoke for a long time (about) the fighting.’ Category:�Longer.
3�•�already, before, go first, in time, early. Wularrut imalkpany tuka kunak. ‘He has already arrived at the camp.’ See:�wiyiniyirrk�‘long time’; ngatpularrut�‘group of people with the same moiety and totem’; wularrutpularrut�‘long ago, people from long ago’; tuwulwularrut�‘people from long ago’; wurrkaj�‘before’. Category:�Longer.
wularrutpularrut���noun. people from long ago. Ajirrik ta wularrut ta tukapa angpunmangung pata wularrutpularrut pata karrkpin wawupawu la karrkpin mamam. ‘They were telling that story long ago, our old ancestors, our father's fathers and our father's mothers.’ See:�wularrut�‘before’; tuwulwularrut�‘ancestors’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
wulatpiyi���noun. 1�•�the body of a message, the main teaching of a system, news. Ta wulatpiyi kannyatpi ngarrurru ta wulatpiyi ta iwanamin ngarrurru. ‘He has a message for us which he will tell to us.’ See:�wurluj�‘piece of news’; wularri�‘meaning’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�the meaning of. Usage:�used with kiw Nungpaka ta kanyu ta wulatpiyi. ‘That is what it means.’ See:�wularri�‘trouble, problem’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
3�•�constitution. Ta wulatpiyi ta kurrungpanutpa warak ta arrarrkpi warak ngarrurru. ‘The constitution you will prepare will be an Aboriginal one.’ Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
wulgam���noun. 1�•�type of grass which can irritate the throat. Schizachyrium sp.. Category:�Grasses, Toxic plants. Anth: Meat or fish is never put on this grass. Children are warned not to chew on it because it irritates the throat.
2�•�type of grass which can irritate the throat. Perotis rara. Category:�Grasses, Toxic plants.
3�•�type of grass which can irritate the throat. Eragrostis cumingii. Category:�Grasses, Toxic plants.
wulijap���noun. small, small amount. See:�wulinjinyut�‘small things’. Category:�Size and weight. See main entry: ilijap.
wulijpularr���noun. lesser creek, tributary. Ta nigi la wulijpularr. ‘A river and its lesser creeks (tributaries).’ Category:�Flowing water. See main entry: ilijpularr.
wulinjinyut���noun. small things. Wulinjinyut ta wumawurr. ‘The lesser tributaries of a river.’ See:�wulijap�‘small, small amount’. Category:�Size and weight.
wulkpung���noun. head lice. See:�kurrpung�‘head lice (generic)’. Category:�Insects.
wulku nuyu���noun. a grey-haired person. See:�ngulku�‘old person’. Category:�Ages.
wulkurr���noun. oldest sibling, older sibling, reference term. Can be used to refer to oldest male or female sibling in a family or just used for 'older' when distinguishing between smaller set of referents. Malany jita warrwak naka akamuy la jita wulku naka akawurruning. ‘The younger sister hadn't seen these nuts before but the older sister knew about them.’ Syn:�anpulawnut. See:�warrwak�‘younger sibling’; namawij�‘youngest boy in set of siblings’; ngalmawij�‘youngest girl in set of siblings’; ngulku�‘old person’. Category:�Ages, family, inc moieties. Note: Pronunciation 'wulku' seems to be used now.
numatpa wulkurr���second oldest. Kayirrk la ingalakan ja numatpa wurlku ‘Then she sent the second oldest.’ Category:�Ages, family, inc moieties.
wulminkaykay���noun. file snake. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
wulngpulng���noun. extra flour, spilt flour. Ngawu kurrapanyiga wulngpulng nuyu ngapamalamanma. ‘Bring some extra flour to mix into the porridge’. Karriwartawn wulngpulng la yanyjuk. ‘We mix baking powder and milk (into damper)’. Category:�Plant food.
wulpay���noun. yam species which grows in billabongs. Triglochin dubium. See:�Irwaj�‘originally given as translation of Iwaidja name for Triglochin dubium’. Category:�Plant food, Tubers. Anth: Cooked before eating.
wulupulu���noun. great-grandmother , grand-niece Also can be used for mother's sisters and stepmother, but not birth mother. DDD can be called kamu when they are adults as the starting point for 'little mother' skewing. See:�kelkpa�‘a kinship verb which covers mother, mother's brother and mother's mother's mother’; mayamaya�‘mayamaya are the speaker's male wiwi's children and female mamam's children, male wawu's children and female marnmarn's children. Among the older generations mayamaya are the speaker's wiwi's father, mamam's mother, marnmarn's mother and wawu's father’. Category:�family, inc moieties.
wulurru���noun. paperbark torch, roll of paperbark. Anth: We put paperbark together and make it into a stick or club by winding string about it. Used when calling in a ceremony. Used for lighting during dancing and also to beat girl during kinyngen warlk ceremony. Not used to take sea hunting at night because it burns too quickly. Wulurru ta karrungatpi nuyu karrungpun manjat wu pata kiwarlukpa. ‘We have the wulurru for the sake of the dancers.’ See:�walurru�‘stringybark’; maryawu�‘paperbark tree’; ikpiny�‘traditional torch type’. Category:�Fire, General ritual.
wulut���noun. turtle soup. Anth: Soup made from blood and juices in the turtle shell. Made after cooking and removing meat and abdominal viscera. Wulut nguntijpun. ‘I'm carrying turtle soup.’ Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
wulurtpuj���noun. short, e.g. story, stretch of landscape type. See main entry: ilurtpuj. Category:�Size and weight.
wuluwuj���crossreference. See:�puluwuj�‘fan the fire’.
wuluyi���noun. immature miyulum yam. Ipomoea graminea. See:�mawagarl�‘old miyulum yam’; artun�‘young miyulum yam’; miyulum�‘yam type’. Category:�Tubers.
wurl���noun. billabong. This word is used even when it is dried up. See:�artparak�‘waterhole’; aga�‘waterhole’. Category:�Water bodies.
wurlgirk���noun. inside the mouth, oral cavity. See:�ilakpirij�‘mouth (outside part)’. Category:�Head.
wurlk���noun. sorrow, sadness. Ta wurlk ngarrurru. ‘Our feelings / our sorrow.’ Ta wurlk ngarrurru ta karrkpin. ‘Our sorrow is great.’ Wurlk kapalkpa ngarrurru la kawararrken nuyu ja nakapa ja arrarrkpi ja imajungan. ‘Sorrow comes to us as they cry for the dead man.’ See:�kinnyukpun�‘be moved’; pulkij�‘murder’; kiniwurlkpungku�‘cause to feel sorrow’. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
coverb. Restrict:�GEN subject 1�•�be sad, sorrowful. Ingawuning wurlk ta karrkpin iwararrkenang. ‘Sorrow filled him and he was crying.’ Kelyu wurlk kingawunapa, ‘He feels sorrow hitting him.’ Kingawun ta wurlk. ‘She is sad’. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
2�•�swallow (food), also has broader meaning 'eat food'. Ngartakan wurlk walij. ‘I swallowed food.’ Ngeka wurlk nganngarajpun ‘It hurts when I swallow.’ Ma, kokanyi wurk medicine. ‘Come on, swallow the medicine.’ Category:�Illness.
Restrict:�ED object 3�•�have compassion (without oblique object pronoun), feel sorry for someone (with oblique object pronoun). Takapa ta kapatpi wurlk ngarrurru la marrik awunginkay arruntuwu. ‘They are sorry for us and will not fight us.’ Pata kapatpi wurlk. ‘They are compassionate, caring people’. Wurlk kingawunpu. ‘He feels sorry for them (his family, because he's going to die and leave them).’ Category:�Sorrow, happiness, Judgement, evaluation.
wurlkij���noun. 1�•�watermelon. Kurlingka William kinnyatpi ngarrkarrk la ngarrkarrk ja wurlkij? ‘Does William have four melons?’ Category:�Plant food, Introduced plants.
2�•�Native Cucmber. Cucumis melo. Category:�Small plants, Plant food. Anth: Can be eaten by humans and emus like it too.
wurlkpungkuj���noun. be friendly towards. Kannyatpi ngarrurru ta wurlkpungkuj. ‘He is friendly towards us.’ Category:�Desire.
wurlkurl���noun. uneven ground, mountainous, hilly, soft. Tuka ta wugarra ta wurlkurl wularr. Marrik ngampiwi arrarray warak. ‘This ground is very uneven. There is no way we can get through.’ Mata couch wurlkurl. ‘The couch is soft.’ Category:�Landscape.
coverb. 1�•�sink down. Ta karrpin kerra wurlkurl warak naka ja nulakpi karryaka tuka wupaj kerra warak. ‘When we say "kerra wurlkurl", that is something heavy we throw in the water and it goes away.’ See:�wurlpurl�‘tie up canoes and leave them in the water’; wurlwurl�‘sink down (with kerra), dunk’; kurl�‘drown’; kurlkurl�‘hidden away, locked up’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�make bumpy. Nakapa karryatpi karrungaka wurlkurl. ‘We take hold of it and we make grooves in it.’ Category:�General change of state, Properties of surface.
wurlmutpurlmut���adverb. Restrict:�LL subject Yiwarlunjiny wukaj wurlmutpurlmut. ‘They hid him inside where it was dark.’ Pa imalkpany tuka walmurtja yukeny parak wurlmutpurlmut. ‘He got to the jungle. He looked into the jungle and saw that it was dark.’ Nakapa wurlmutpurlmut. ‘It was completely dark (no sun got in to the cave)’. Category:�Colours and light.
coverb. Restrict:�MA subject ; MA object become very dark, so not possible to see. inimany wurlmutpurlmut ‘midnight’; kinima wurlmutpurlmut ‘you say this when a big dark rain cloud covers the sun’; kiwanima wurlmutpurlmut ‘also means the sun is covered by a rain cloud’. Wularrutapa inimany wurlmutpurlmut. ‘It has become dark.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
wurlngurl���noun. male Barramundi? See:�wirlmu�‘Barramundi’. Category:�Perch. Anth: It has red eyes. It is fat in the dry season.
wurlngun���noun. 1�•�small periwinkle, called Greyish Turban Snail, somewhat bumpy. Turbo cinereus. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wurlngun. Wurlngun ja karrila. ‘The wurlngung that we eat.’ Kiw tuka waryatparyat. ‘It lives among the rocks.’ Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Good to eat. Note: May refer to any small snail
2�•�harmless growth in the eye. Usage:�does not participate in sickness constructions Naka wurlngun nuyu. ‘That's his growth in his eye.’ Category:�Sickness.
3�•�big eyes, bulging eyes, way of describing someone that is not polite. See:�wurlungunngun�‘a net dillybag used to gather yams’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
wurlpinyji���noun. skeleton for a bark canoe. Category:�Items for fishing.
wurlpurl���coverb. Restrict:�VE object tie up canoes and leave them in the water. Akutju Wawaga tuka ngurlurrupi kupuny ngatpakangung wurlpurl. ‘And then Wawaga, a corner of the bay where we used to tie up the canoes and leave them in the water (and go on by foot).’ See:�wurlwurl�‘sink down’; wurlupurlup�‘bathe’; wurlkurl�‘sink into water’. Category:�Items for fishing.
wurluj���noun. a piece of news, story. Kiminpu "Kutpana yirrka kutpanalyu wurluj." ‘He says to them "You all go and listen to the news."’ Ngungmany wurluj pa ngungpanunma nuwurru. ‘I've got news that I'll tell you.’ Animany ta wurluj. ‘He has something (to teach them).’ See:�wulatpiyi�‘the body of a message, the main teaching of a system, news’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Language.
wurlurlu���adverb. until. Awaningan wurlurlu inyuryiliny jita muwarn. ‘They stayed there until the sun set.’ Wurlurlu awaninganapa inymalkpany wu ja jarrang. ‘They sat long enough until the horse came up to them.’ Category:�Activity manner.
coverb. 1�•�grow, become big. Kerra wurlurlu warak ja ingijalk ja pinana. ‘The banana fruit is growing bigger.’ Category:�General, Size and weight.
2�•�take hold of, embrace, capture. Inimany wurlurlu, innyakan. ‘He grabbed him around the middle and threw him down.’ Yimurnanganyangapa yilatpakpanyapa yiwumany wurlurlupa pata warra mijmij. ‘Then he was returning and coming down, and the sandflies captured him.’ Jita warrawurnji inyimany ja arrarrkpi, inyimany arrarrkpi. ‘The man grabbed the girl, he embraced her.’ Note: Not hug though, just grabbing around her. See:�kiniwuyatpi�‘hold in arms’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
Restrict:�MA subject 3�•�feel pain in the stomach. Atiwany walij pa yalyungan iniwuning wurlurlu. ‘He ate some food and then he felt a pain in his stomach.’ Category:�Sickness.
Restrict:�MA subject 4�•�feel the desire for revenge. Nakapa ja arrarrkpi nakapa ngeyan nganiwun wurlurlu nuyu malanypi la ngiwanawun. ‘That man I see I feel something, revenge against him and later on I will kill him (because 2 to 3 years ago he killed my brother).’ See:�arrarr�‘coverb, have diarrhoea’. Category:�Hate, anger. Note: oblique object pronoun probably only used with second sense
wurlumunwurlumun���noun. lumpy. Ara nangila ngapi ngapalamanman ta pupurru wurlumunwurlumun. ‘Oh, Nangila, I stirred the porridge and it is lumpy.’ Category:�Properties of surface.
wurlungunngun���noun. a net dillybag used to gather yams in that is made from string. See:�wurlngun�‘small periwinkle’. Category:�Tools, women's.
wurlurn���noun. 1�•�back part of the canoe. Anngurakanyi warak kapal la angparti la ngapi nganawani wulurn ngiwanatpi ngarrurru ja kuling. ‘You go into the front part of the canoe and I will sit in the back and hold the rudder for us.’ Category:�Items for fishing. See:�angparti�‘bow’.
2�•�captain. He controls the canoe by steering from the back of the canoe. See:�angparti�‘Hunter who sits at front of canoe’; kapal�‘Hunter who sits in the middle of the canoe’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
wurlupurlup���coverb. 1�•�bathe, swim. Naka marryun kili wurlupurlup. ‘The boy is bathing.’ Yunyi kanti wurlupurlup warak la kuntang marnngalk. ‘Don't swim out too far or you might drown.’ Inyi kuti wurlupurlup ‘Don't swim!’ See:�wurlpurl�‘tie up canoes and leave them in the water’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
2�•�water boil, be hot and bubble. See:�purlup�‘be in water’. Category:�General.
wurlwurl���coverb. 1�•�sink down. Kerra wurlwurl warak. ‘He drowns.’ Kurrayanti ja arrarrkpi ja kerra wurlwurl warak murnin nakapa ja nulakpi ja arrarrkpi. ‘See that man sinking down because he is a heavy man.’ Syn:�wurlkurl (kerra). See:�kurlkurl�‘hidden away, locked up’; kurl�‘drown’. Category:�Vertical motion, Motion relating to water.
2�•�Dunk someone like kids do, without intending to drown them. See:�wurlkurl�‘sink down’; wurlpurl�‘tie up canoes and leave them in the water’; purl�‘drown’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
wumanga���noun. 1�•�source of a creek. mamanga ‘tree.part’; apanga ‘yam part’. See:�wunimi�‘bend in a creek’; mangawj�‘phlegm’; arrimanga�‘bereaved brother’; kimangawun�‘cough’. Category:�Flowing water.
2�•�middle camp - the part of Martpalk town between shop and airstrip. Category:�Place names.
wumara���noun. near Cuthbert point. Category:�Place names.
wumarrk���noun. below, under, area below, low lying area, beyond the horizon. See main entry: imarrk. See:�wumarrkwumarrk�‘bottom of, lower edge of’; yurrng�‘high area’. Category:�Location and distance.
wumarrkwumarrk���adverb. bottom of, lower edge of. Yunyi kanngarra yurrng tuka walaya la anpana wumarrkwumarrk. Wakapa ta nungmalal anpanarra warak. ‘Don't go along the top of the cliffs but go along at the bottom. It is safe to walk there.’ See:�wumarrk�‘below, under’; wuwutuwut�‘low flying’. Category:�Location and distance.
wumawurr���noun. 1�•�river, creek. wumawurr nuntakprij ‘river or creek mouth’. wumawurr kantatpaga ‘headwaters’. Category:�Flowing water.
2�•�Milky Way. Kanyu arak wumawurr. ‘The milky way (lit: the creek that lies across)’. See main entry: imawurr. Category:�Sky.
wumi���noun. shellfish type. Category:�Shellfish.
wumpulnga���noun. Puffer fish, Toadfish. Wumpulnga inyuranka. Wiwi kuntungul "Warrmiri inyiwung!". ‘Wumpulnga came. Mother's mother said"Warrmiri killed her!".’ Syn:�walmuri. Category:�Fish. Anth: These are larger than the little toadies; they have smooth skin, grey-green above and pale bellies. They live in the sea, in coastal waters and in the big river estuary
wumukpa���noun. a very large cow. Category:�Introduced animals.
wumulukuk���noun. the cool windy part of the dry season, approximately June to July. Category:�Longer.
wumun���noun. big, important. See main entry: imun. Category:�Size and weight.
wumunpanji���noun. Longbum, shell fish type. Telescopium telescopium. Variant:�Iwaidja: marrkika. See:�yarrkaj�‘Longbum’. Anth: It is good for fish baits and can be used for eating too. Meat is blue, goes green when cooked. Category:�Shellfish.
wumurra���noun. a lot of. Wumurra kanyu ta wupaj. ‘There is a lot of water.’ See main entry: imurra. Category:�Appearance.
wun���noun. 1�•�eye. Kamangurrin nu wun. ‘You can't see properly.’ Kamawujpikpin wun. ‘Somebody's got a sore eye.’ See:�mamunpun�‘term meaning 'large eye', refers to a dreamtime being’. Awarran parak mampumany mata wun ngarrkarrk. ‘They took both his eyes.’ Category:�Head.
2�•�hole, spot. Muka mata warlk mata nawurnnyak wun ngaw. ‘The tree has an 'eye' (in the centre).’ Category:�Plant parts. Note: also used to refer to stingrays with a bumpy back - see entry for marukuk
coverb. Restrict:�VE object wear glasses. Ja arrarrkpi la warramumpik kampen mun kawukunyjilin ja kampenpun ‘The man and woman are wearing glasses, then they exchange the glasses.’ Kamannyen wun. ‘He wears glasses.’ Ngapi nganymen wun. ‘I wear glasses / my glasses.’ See:�kampenpun�‘glasses’. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.
wun nuyu���noun. 1�•�cartridge. Naka kilatin wun nuyu. ‘(The gun) has a cartridge in it.’ Syn:�rtangarrtangarr. Category:�Other.
2�•�small hole in the sand that indicates a shellfish is living underneath. wun nuyu ngarlwak (Mud Mussel) ‘the hole made by ngarlwak’. Anth: The holes look different, depending on the type of shellfish that has made it. Category:�Shellfish.
wunak���crossreference. See:�kunak�‘ground or dirt’.
wunimi���noun. bend of a creek or a billabong. See main entry: inimi. See:�wumanga�‘source of a creek’. Category:�Flowing water.
Wunjikpunjik���noun. shrub type. Salsola kali. Variant:�Iwaidja: Windjigbun. See:�Wanjikpu�‘Spinifex longifolius’. Category:�Trees and bushes, Grasses.
wunku���noun. murderer. Wunku ja arrarrkpi ja kawuniwun. ‘A murderer is a man who kills.’ Arrarrkpi ja wunku la iniwung iwularr arrarrkpi. ‘A man is a murderer when he has killed someone.’ Category:�Peoples and clans.
wunkuliny���noun. 1�•�coral fish (generic). Pomacanthidae, Chaetodontidae, Pomacentridae. Category:�Fish. Anth: This class includes all of the small colourful fishes that live on the coral reef. These include Angelfishes, Butterflyfish, Damselfish, Sergeant-majors and so on.
2�•�angelfish. Pomacanthidae spp. Centropyge tibicen, Chaetodontoplus dudoulayi. See:�yadajyadaj�‘Butterflyfish’. Category:�Fish.
wunkurlurrk���noun. Bush cherry tree, has a red berry, like a cherry which is edible. Flacourtia territorialis. Variant:�Iwaidja: Kardbildjudju. Warranyngiw arrkpana tuku, tuka walmurtja arrapanama wunkurlurrk la arrapanala. ‘Children, we will go over there, in the jungle we will get wild cherries.’ Category:�Plant food, Trees and bushes.
wunkun���noun. satisfied with, good for. Kapula walij, wunkun kirrk. ‘They eat food (and) are satisfied.’ Arrarrkpi kamannyatpi warlk kelyu wunkun. ‘A man holds a stick (and) feels it is good (to fight with).’ See:�kimarlmanpun�‘satisfied’. Category:�Goodness.
wunyipunyi���coverb. blink. Wun kimaju la kimin wunyipunyi wun. ‘His eye is sore so he keeps blinking his eye.’ See:�punyi�‘blind’. Syn:�wilipilip. Category:�Automatic actions.
wungarnpa���noun. 1�•�a leg of water. See main entry: igarnpa. Category:�Water bodies.
2�•�King River. Category:�Place names.
wungijalk���noun. 1�•�centre or main part of an area named by a particular place name, or centre or main part of any other Land gender thing. Mawng wungijalk. ‘Real Mawng, the way old people spoke.’ See main entry: ingijalk. Category:�Land features, Location and distance.
2�•�deep water, ocean. Awuran warranyngiw la ja marryun yuran wungijalk iniwunyan wurnkurrk. ‘The children went (to the beach) and one boy went out (to where it was) deep and a jellyfish stung him.’ See:�mapakapak�‘the ocean, the sea, the 'deep'’. Category:�Water bodies.
3�•�north. Anth: The deep ocean is to the North of Goulburn Island and thus wungijalk is to the north. Category:�Cardinal directions.
wungijalk kapukpaga���the North wind, which blows from the direction of the deep ocean. Category:�Wind.
wungkirl���coverb. (food, meat) be burnt. Katjeny ja walij. ‘It's burnt (food).’ Kamu ingawunyan irratat innyeny wungkirl. ‘Mother cooked the meat but it is burnt.’ Syn:�yura (kinnyen). Category:�Cooking.
wungpulaj���noun. thief, thieving. apurra wungpulaj ‘much thieving, many thiefs’.
coverb. 1�•�steal. Warranyngiw ja kingurlkparryu nakapa karriwunya wurul akutju nuyu ja iwamurranymin marrik imi wungpulaj marrik imi itpirrk. ‘We warm the young infant over the fire so that when he grows up he will not steal or be naughty.’ Nuka ja apurra wungpulaj. Akut la akut kinima. ‘He is a thief. He keeps on taking things.’ Category:�Transfer.
2�•�steal. Nganti kuwurrun ja kili wungpulaj? ‘Who do you think is the thief?’ Ilingan wungpulaj ngaw. Yamin inyjingan wungpulaj nuyu arrarrkpi. Yamin warramumpik ilingan wungpulaj ngaw. ‘A man, he stole his wife and she stole her husband.’ Category:�Transfer.
3�•�steal. Kartingki kanngarra wungpulajpu kunuka yirrik kumawu pata tumatpa arrarrkpi. ‘Don't go and steal other people's things.’ Category:�Transfer.
4�•�steal. Wularrut iwumany wungpulaj ja kapala. ‘They have already stolen the boat.’ Puka yawu iwumany wungpulaj. ‘They both stole it.’ Naka ja ngarri kurrimany wungpulaj ngarru." Category:�Transfer.
Wunguk���noun. 1�•�Tiwi person. Puka pata tuwuran Wunguk. ‘These people come from Wunguk.’ Category:�Dreamtime names.
2�•�country of the Tiwi people: Bathurst and Melville Islands, Nguiu. Category:�Place names.
wungurlaj���noun. name, of river or place. Category:�Place names. See main entry: ingurlaj.
wungurlyak���noun. LL-important. See main entry: ingurlyak. Category:�Goodness.
wungumpuli���noun. point or headland. Animarrajpungkuny kapa ora wungumpuli. ‘He just went over there to that point.’ wungumpulgi ‘Point or headland.’ See:�wungumpuli yitpiyitpi�‘younger teenage girl’. Category:�Large features. See main entry: yumpuli.
wungumpuli yitpiyitpi���phrase. younger girls starting to have breasts. See:�kangmarti�‘young breasts’; wungumpuli�‘point or headland’; itpiyitpi�‘grasshopper’. Category:�Ages.
wurnin���noun. a canvas, tarpaulin. Variant:�used by 'old people'; newer word is rtapulin. Category:�Other.
wurnkurrk���noun. 1�•�Jellyfish. Category:�Shellfish.
2�•�snot. See:�mangawj�‘phlegm’. Category:�Secretions and substances.
3�•�bad cold with runny nose. Ja wurnkurrk numurrunti. ‘It's a bad cold.’ Ja wanpirlk, kiniwun wurnkurrk, nuyu. ‘The seed cures colds, it's used for that.’ Pa kinnyaka ja wurnkurrk, tuka kumpil ngarru ‘It gets rid of the colds in our chests.’ See:�wurnngulk�‘insect type’. Category:�Secretions and substances, Sickness.
wurnngul���noun. a fish something like a red schnapper. Category:�Fish.
wurnngulk���noun. flying insects that creates nests on trees that gives a bad sting. Medium brown with yellow stripes on body, about 1-2 cm long with very narrow wings. See:�wurnkurrk�‘snot’. Category:�Insects.
wurnpurnurri���noun. eyebrow. Syn:�kulkurntupurntu. Category:�Head.
wupaj���noun. 1�•�water, fluid. Ngamaju wirij wupaj. ‘I am thirsty for water.’ Category:�Water bodies.
2�•�alcohol, grog. See:�nuntirri�‘dangerous, primarily used to refer to alcohol’; akpaj�‘gather’. Category:�Rains.
wupaja���noun. policeman. Category:�Peoples and clans.
Wupajwupaj���noun. Name of character in myth called Wupajwupaj. Category:�Mawng personal names.
wupurrk���noun. night, night time. Category:�Daily.
wurak���noun. guts. Usage:�less polite than imarrk mata wurak ‘tummy, guts’. Kani tuka kurak. ‘Here where the insides are (of a tortoise)’. Mamurra wurak ‘big belly (a nickname for people with big bellies)’. See:�kurak�‘shit’; imarrk�‘stomach’; kamanilanta wurak�‘Hairfin Goby (fish type)’. Category:�Organs and torso.
wurakak���noun. 1�•�Torresian crow. Corvus orru. See:�wurrakak�‘place name’. Category:�Small birds. Anth: belongs to waryat side, yarriyarnkurrk side of martkumartku moiety
2�•�uvula. Category:�Head.
wurakpa���noun. a tree used to stun, poison small fish in the creek. Owenia vernicosa, Owenia sp.. Nukapa ja wurakpa ja kiniwun ja namurarri la muj kawuntuwinypun pata marrik awarray juju pata kamaju. Kampuma wanpirlk la muj mangiri kampartpan tuka panikin. Kayirrk la kawuntuwinypun ke yirrk ja namurarri. ‘The wurakpa tree cures wasting sickness and is also used as for people who are not able to walk around anymore. They get the seeds and also the bark and boil it in a pot. They they wash them (the sick people) and all the sickness goes from them.’ Category:�Trees and bushes, Medicine, Toxic plants. Anth: A branch is dragged through the water and the fish come to the surface from where they can be collected to eat. This tree grows near creeks and the seashore.
wurgalgal���noun. yam or lily root type. Category:�Tubers, Plant food.
wuririk���noun. a drop of water, a very small amount of water. Ta wupaj kanyu tuka panikin wuririk. ‘There is only a drop of water in the cup.’ Category:�Water bodies.
wurul���coverb. put through smoke, warm over fire. Anth: A practice used in ceremonies used both for young children and for people at the mortuary ceremony. Also used in making dugout canoes. Warranyngiw ja kingurlkparryu nakapa karriwunya wurul akutju nuyu ja iwamurranymin marrik imi wungpulaj marrik imi itpirrk. ‘We warm the young infant over the fire so that when he grows up he will not steal or be naughty.’ arrkanawunya wurul ‘we will smoke it’. Kamaniwunya wurul. ‘He warms it over the fire to temper it (a spear being made) .’ See:�wurulwurul�‘right handed person’. Category:�Cooking.
wurulpurul���coverb. keep on warming or smoking over the fire. Category:�Cooking.
wurul���noun. Dodder laurel, a fine climber with white flowers. Cassytha filiformis. Wurul katiwuta. ‘They use Dodder laurel to make a shade.’ See:�wurulwurul�‘a right-handed person, 'right hand' or right hand side’. Anth: Was used for shelter from rain as it forms a thick cover. Also has an edible white fruit. Category:�Small plants, Plant food, Shelter, camp, house.
wurulwurul���noun. a right-handed person, 'right hand' or right hand side. Kunyayan inyurlgenyka kinypani tuka wuwun or inyjaku? ‘The one who came in did she sit on the left or right?’ wurulwurul werrk angpin amul, then wumarrk. ‘First they do a dance move on the left hand side, then down low.’ See:�wurul�‘warm over fire’; inyjaku�‘left handed’. Category:�Other, General.
wurunturr���noun. 1�•�Fern Leaved Grevillea, orange-flower grevillea. Grevillea pteridifolia. Variant:�Iwaidja: Kurrundurr. Category:�Trees and bushes.
2�•�tree that grows in jungle and is not used for anything. Syzygium armstrongii. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wurldurr. Category:�Trees and bushes.
wurupurup���adverb. sometimes, when. Wurupurup karrpin pu 'Ma kungpuni wurrurru'. ‘Sometimes we say to them 'Rock him to sleep'.’ Makiny la nakapa ngatpirawng ja Easter ngatpirawng wurupurup. Nakapa ngatpirawng. ‘And so that's what we sang. The Easter song we sang every year. That's the one we sung.’ ja orange and white muj ja wurupurup ngatpalkpa ja Yumparrparr. ‘We still appear as the orange and white giant often (but the white one, less often)’. See:�yara�‘sometimes’. Category:�Longer.
wururi���noun. 1�•� Ikaman la wururi ja nuwuran mawuruwuj la marrnguny. ‘The freshwater catfish and herring live in the fresh water and eels too.’ See:�mankuparl�‘herring found in sea’. Category:�Herring.
2�•�Oxeye Herring. Megalops cyprinoides (Megalopidae). Category:�Herring.
3�•�Fringe-finned Trevally, Small mouth scad. Absalom radiatus, Alepes sp.. Category:�Sweetlips.
wururrkjanyjuk���noun. Milkwood tree. Alstonia actinophylla?. Variant:�Iwaidja: Yiyarlda or Yangkuyangku. See:�ikirl�‘milkwood tree’; iwururrk�‘succulent, juicy’. Category:�Trees and bushes.
wurwiny���noun. shame. Nuka wurwiny nuyu ja marryun ‘It's a shame job for that boy’. wurwiny ngaw / wurwiny nuyu ‘Her shame job, his shame job’. Category:�Anxiety, shame.
coverb. 1�•�be ashamed. Category:�Anxiety, shame.
Restrict:�MA subject 2�•�be ashamed, have shame. Ngapi ngannyatpi wurwiny marrik ngerlukpay. ‘I am too ashamed and won't dance.’ Kuna nuyi kunnyatpi wurwiny? ‘Why are you being shy?’ Category:�Anxiety, shame.
Restrict:�MA subject 3�•�shy. Category:�Anxiety, shame.
4�•�be ashamed. Nganimany wurwiny. ‘I feel ashamed.’ Category:�Anxiety, shame.
wurra���interjection. oh, I remember, or Oh I forgot. Ay wurra, ngungpurrun kunung ja manjawak. ‘I forgot, perhaps I gave the knife to you.’ Wurra, ngungpanunma about Wurakak, about tukapa warral manilalkung. ‘I know, I'll tell you about Crow, about how he cut the Warral tree.’ Category:�Language, Cognitive senses and attention.
wurrakak���noun. 1�•�Tor Rock. See:�wurakak�‘crow’. Category:�Place names.
2�•�Kapok tree. Bombax ceiba. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wirril. Category:�Trees and bushes. Anth: tree species with red flowers and 'cotton wool' in seeds. Its flowering tells you that it is wumulukuk time, the cold season.
wurral���noun. Channel-billed Cuckoo. Scythrops novaehollandiae. Category:�Small birds, Calendar animals. Anth: When he calls people know that someone is pregnant.
wurrgarl���noun. 1�•�dream. Awuntumanyi ta wurrgarl. ‘They don't get the dreams.’ La kayirrk la ngapi wiyu ngungunmany ta wurrgarl. ‘Now there's only me to tell the story of the dreams.’ Angpurnatpurnanganinyka, ngartu ta wurrgarl. ‘I remember the dreams.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
coverb. dream. ngarrangung parak, yarrangung wurrgarl, kerra wurrgarl., kinyarra wurrgarl. Ngarrangung wurrgarl wupurrk. ‘I had a dream last night.’ Ngapi ngarran kurrgarl nuwu. ‘I was dreaming of you.’ Awarranyi wurrgarlga. ‘They don't dream there.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
wurri���noun. sandfly. Variant:�Mayinjinaj term. Syn:�mijmij. Category:�Insects.
wurriny���noun. 1�•�Whitewood, Salmon gum, River red gum, Ghost gum. Atalaya hemiglauca; E. alba; E. apodophylla, E.camaldulensis; E. papuana. See:�kujurn�‘Salmon gum’. Category:�Trees and bushes.
2�•�vine type. A climber with a red fruit. Malaisia scandense. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wurri. Category:�Small plants, Dye and fibre plants.
Wurriwurri���noun. Bindii. Tribulus cistoides. Variant:�Iwaidja: Gurriwurri. Category:�Small plants.
wurriwurri nuyu���noun. large intestine. Syn:�malawurtwarrki. See:�malijpularr�‘small intestines’. Category:�Organs and torso.
wurrkaj���adverb. 1�•�nearly, about to. Ngapi wurkaj nguran. ‘I nearly went.’ See:�wanyji�‘near’. Category:�Activity manner.
2�•�before. Nginji wurrkaj imirawning ja Nawurlany. ‘Nawurlany was singing the Nginji song, he sung it a lot, before.’ Wurrkaj antajing la ngungjurrkiny. ‘There used to be a hole but I filled it in’. See:�wularrut�‘before’. Category:�Activity manner.
wurrkamaj���noun. palm of hand. Actually underside of hand as it includes underside of fingers too. Kulalkunyi wurrkamaj. ‘Cut it down the centre (when discussing dividing a mud crab between two people)’. Kuwuni wurrkamaj ‘Give him half (of a crab cut along its bilateral axis)’. Category:�Limbs.
wurrkamaj yurnu���phrase. five. Variant:�new; old way is wurrkara yurnu. See:�wurrkara�‘opposite, the other side’; wurrkara wurrkara�‘both ends or both sides’. Category:�Amounts.
wurrkara���noun. opposite, the other side. Anth: Used for the mainland when on Warruwi. It is also used to describe a part of the Martpalk town. Mata warlk kamalangali wurrkaraga tuka kurrampalk. ‘The tree is standing behind the house.’ See:�wurrkamaj yurnu�‘five’; meywarra�‘behind’. Category:�General.
wurrkara wurrkara���phrase. both ends or both sides. wurrkara wurrkara ‘each side’. wurrkara la wurrkara ‘both ends’. Category:�Location and distance.
wurrkara yurnu���phrase. five, old way of saying 'five', now people say 'wurrkamaj yurnu'. Variant:�old. See:�wurrkamaj yurnu�‘five’. Category:�Amounts.
wurrkinkin���noun. Mangrove Whipray, 'white tail' stingray. Himantura granulata. Category:�Rays. Anth: This has a white tail and "dots" on its back. It has one or two spines. It lives over mud flats near mangroves and over sand flats near coral reef
wurrkurr���coverb. 1�•� Karrunnyen wurrkurrga. ‘He's exactly facing us.’ See:�kurr�‘stand upright’. Category:�Location and distance.
Restrict:�MA subject 2�•�sharp pain originating from inside the body. Kimin wurrkurr ngamawurr. ‘There is a sharp pain in my arm.’ Kimin wurrkurr tuka ngamawurr. ‘There's a sharp pain in my arm.’ Like he ask "Ngampi ta kunngarajpun mira, kiw wurrkurr? Like Inyminy "Parang, nungmalal. Ma-yung wurrkurr nganijmanpun. ‘Like he asks "Where does it hurt?". She says "Don't worry it's ok. It doesn't hurt."’ Category:�Discomfort and pain.
wurrnguk���noun. Coral Trout, Blue-spotted Gropers. Plectropomus maculatus. Category:�Fish.
wurru���coverb. make people feel sorry for oneself. Anth: Used of a child if they cry to get pity, or an adult if they just sit and look sad to try and get food. inymanma wurru, kamanma wurru. Kamanma wurru ta wenat piyu. ‘They try to make people feel sorry for them, themselves.’ Nungmatpa warntarrtarr imanmany wurruwu. ‘Yesterday he tried to make them feel sorry for him.’ See:�kinimanma�‘persuade, stick’; wurrurru�‘rock to sleep’. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
wurrukkurruk���crossreference. See:�Kurrukurruk�‘Ocean fish types’.
wurrupurru���noun. rash. Kayirrk la kawuryi pata kiwatpi wurrupurru ja kawinyji arrkarrk. ‘Then those who have an itching rash bathe in the liquid.’ Category:�Sickness.
wurrurru���coverb. Restrict:�LL object rock to sleep. Wurupurup karrpin pu "Ma kungpuni wurrurru". ‘Sometimes we say to them "Rock him to sleep".’ Kangawun wurrurru, ‘she is rocking him to sleep, comforting him’. Kangawun wurrurru nuyu/ngaw. ‘She rocks him to sleep.’ See:�wurru�‘make people feel sorry for oneself’. Category:�Manipulation, Sleep.
wurrut���noun. 1�•�trevally (generic), Family Carangidae. See:�inyalkpa wurrut�‘a medium Trevally’; rlunguran�‘a small Trevally’; ngarlawi�‘Golden Trevally’; mungkulurrut�‘Golden Trevally, Gold-spotted Trevally’; mangali�‘Scad, small Trevally’. Category:�Sweetlips. Anth: In the Marriyuwi Mamurrng they dance as wurrut and paint it on their bodies.
2�•�a large Trevally such as Giant Trevally, Blue Trevally or Bludger Trevally. Caranx ignobilis, Carangoides ferdau, Carangoides gymnostethus. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wurrut. See:�alapanja�‘Batfish’; rlunguran�‘Diamond Trevally and other small trevallies’. Category:�Sweetlips.
wurruturrut���noun. Rainbow bee-eater. Merops ornatus. Category:�Small birds.
Wurruwujpiny���noun. a yam which grows from a cutting when it is put back into the ground. See:�apanga�‘top of Karwuluk yam’; apungkurryuwu�‘top of Karwuluk yam’; Karwuluk�‘yam type’. Category:�Plant food, Tubers. Anth: The top part of the yam is put back into the soil and it then grows.
wurrwurr���noun. new people, things. Category:�Illness and death.
wuta���noun. a very large mullet, Diamond Mullet. Liza alata. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wuda. See:�walka�‘very small mullet’; warrgirra�‘small mullet’; nangkurta�‘mullet with black scales’; kajarlat�‘very large mullet’; nurulyak�‘nice fat mullet’; kantikikpuliwanyji�‘death taboo name for small mullet’. Category:�Mullets.
wutarr���part. a little bit further, a bit more. Kutpanyi yurrng putarr. ‘Put it a little further up, a little higher.’ See:�nanguj�‘recent time’. Category:�Location and distance, Activity manner.
wutiputim���noun. buttocks. Variant:�Murron clan term. See:�mununy�‘buttocks’. Category:�Organs and torso.
wutjurn���noun. beautiful, handsome, young. Usage:�use with numalal Makiny warrarrawurnji inyukeny ngaw warak, juka jita numalal-kutjurn. ‘Well the girls saw she was beautiful.’ Juka jita ninymalal wutjurn. ‘She is beautiful.’ Category:�Goodness.
wutkut���noun. strength. Iminy nuyu la yamin, Ja nganti ja naka iwaniyiwaka ja parlangkit nakapa kannyatpi ta wutkut ta nulatparlangkat. ‘They said to one another, 'Whichever of us can make that traveller take off his warm blanket is stronger than the other.'’. Category:�Healing and fitness.
coverb. Restrict:�GEN subject 1�•�try hard at any type of physical work such as digging the ground, pushing something like a car. Kingawun wutkut. ‘He's trying hard.’ Nganngawun wutkut, kinyngawun wutkut etc. ‘I'm trying hard, she's trying hard etc.’ Angkuwuningapa ta wutkut. ‘They worked hard (when they had to paddle canoes).’ Category:�Judgement, evaluation.
2�•�try hard in any type of physical activity. Awarran. Awarran innyakan wutkut la yamin. ‘It went on and on and they struggled hard against each other.’ Category:�Judgement, evaluation.
wutput���crossreference. See:�put�‘close, bang’.
wutput1���noun. Pheasant coucal ('bamboo-tail'). Centropus phasianinus. Category:�Small birds. See:�wut�‘coverb’; put�‘close’.
wurt���noun. tiny, young. Kurrayanti warrawurnji wurt. ‘Look at the tiny girl (very young infant).’ Category:�Size and weight.
wuwarr���noun. boys initiation ceremony, as practiced by Mawng people until recently. See:�mayiwilk�‘Wattle species’. Category:�General ritual.
wuwartpalmili���noun. edge of a cliff, a river bank. See main entry: iwartpalmili. Syn:�nungpartpalmili. Category:�Large features.
wuwugi���noun. olden time, a long time ago. See main entry: iwugi. Kurrungmalkpanyi ta ayuk ta wuwugi. ‘Do it the old way like long ago.’ Angmurnanganya nuwurru ta wuwugi. ‘Remember the old days.’ See:�nungpugi�‘old ways, traditional ways’. Category:�Longer.
wuwuj���noun. piss, urine. See:�kilawujpun�‘piss, rain heavily’. Category:�Secretions and substances, Medicine. Anth: Can be used in the treatment of any jellyfish or stingray stings. Previously sand straight from the fire was used, alternating with munmunka.
wuwuj nuyu���noun. bladder, urinary or gall bladder. Category:�Organs and torso. Anth: When preparing a turtle and removing abdominal viscera one must be careful that the wuwujnuyu 'gall bladder' does not break into the part to be cooked and eaten.
wuwukpaj���noun. type of freshwater mussel. Similar in appearance to wulyuyu, which is a saltwater type. Variant:�Kunwinjku or Kunbarlang?. Awuranapa iwumangung wuwukpaj. ‘They were collecting wuwukpaj (freshwater mussels).’ Awuran iwumany ja wuwukpaj. ‘They went and got wuwukpaj.’ See:�pulyuyu�‘mussel type’. Category:�Shellfish.
wuwukuwuk���noun. feel hot to touch, feel hot because of weather, feel onself to be hot and sweaty, for example because of exertion, rather than pleasantly warm. Weather be hot. Usage:�Used with a lot of verbs including kimin and sickness construction with kimaju Iwarlukpan wukuwuk. ‘They stamped on it while it was hot.’ Wakapa awalyungan wuwukuwuk. ‘They felt warmth.’ Kinnyatpi wukuwuk ‘measuring temperature of sick person’. See:�wuk�‘mate (kinima)’; kiwelkpin�‘be hot and dry’; kalamparak�‘feel hot and sweaty’; ninyjirri jita muwarn�‘the sun's hot’. Category:�Temperature, Discomfort and pain.
wuwururrk���noun. breasts which are full of milk. Category:�Organs and torso. See main entry: iwururrk.
wuwutuwut���coverb. low flying. Kingurrin wuwutuwut ja arrapalen. ‘The plane is flying low.’ See:�wumarrkwumarrk�‘bottom of, lower edge of’. Category:�Vertical motion.
wuy���noun. anthill, antheap. Termitaria. See:�wampam�‘anthill type’; magarlmarr�‘brown anthill’. Category:�Insects, Medicine. Anth: Used to treat diarrhoea, heart pain. Preparation: break big handfuls and place in mouth. Light brown mounds are crushed and rubbed onto stomach and groin of pregnant women when fishing, to protect the unborn child's spirit from the Rainbow Serpent. Widows and widowers also drink wuy dissolved in hot water.
wuyak���noun. 1�•�sickness often accompanied by fever. Usage:�occurs in all three sickness constructions with kinima and kinnyetpi with MA subjects as well as kinnyaka and kimaju. Ngamaju wuyak. ‘I am sick with a fever.’ Kamanimilkun kuyak nuyu. ‘He is moaning because of his illness.’ kuyak nganiyiwakan ‘a sickness took him away from me’. See:�Lanka�‘place name’. Syn:�atjak. Category:�Sickness.
2�•�soil from a danger place from which sickness comes. Syn:�atjak. Category:�Soil.
wuyang���usual. See:�piyung�‘about that place’; nukang�‘hesitation form’. Category:�Judgement, evaluation.
wuyungpuyung���noun. Wattle species. See:�manjarrpirn�‘Wattle species’. Acacia aulacocarpa. Category:�Trees and bushes.
wuyuwuyu���coverb. look for turtle eggs. Kutpali wuyuwuyu. ‘You're looking for turtle eggs.’ Kutpali wuyuwuyu. Kurrungparnaken. ‘You're looking for turtle eggs. You're poking in the sand.’ Kutpali wuyuwuyu. Kurriwelkpun ja kurlajuk. ‘Go looking for eggs and touch the eggs (with your short stick).’ Category:�Hunting. Note: Cannot be used for looking for anything else, including other eggs.