Colours and light
kalankalan���noun. Moon sparkle on water. Ta nungpaka ngatpin kalankalan ngatja. ‘We call that 'kalankalan' and we go then.’ See:�kalang�‘clear skies’. Category:�Colours and light.
karlwa���noun. 1�•�yellow clay. Yamin ja kilartpin ta karlwa. ‘The other one painted himself with yellow clay.’ La anpalartpin karlwa mata murgun. ‘And paint yourself with raw yellow clay.’ La karlwa ngalartpin mata murgun. ‘And paint with clay, the raw one.’ See:�kurrut�‘red clay’; kujurn�‘white clay’; kurut�‘colour that pandanus can be dyed’. Category:�Soil, General ritual.
2�•�yellow colour. Nuwurnnyak karlwa. ‘It has yellow (stripe) (description of a fish with a single yellow stripe down the centre).’ Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items, Colours and light.
kangarntalwarran���iv. Restrict:�LL subject glow in the distance (eg. of a campfire seen in the distance, or light from fires on Weyirra see n from Warruwi). angarntalwarrantiny. Nuka yungku kamangarntalwarran/kangarntalwarran. ‘There is a fire far away.’ Koyanti kangarntalwarran warak mata yungku. ‘Look there's a red glow in the sky from fires burning over the mainland.’ See:�kinnyurntulwarran�‘gut’; kinyurntulwarran�‘menstruate’; katingarntalgan�‘look up at’; kangmurlwarran�‘brown’. Category:�Colours and light.
kangmurlwarra���iv. Restrict:�LL subject brown. Ja nukapa ngarrungayan ngurlk tuka, kangmurlwarran ngurlk. marntingunyuny, ngungpurrun ilijpakpa ke marntingunyuny. ‘We see the stirred up water where it's brown. Maybe there's a baby dugong here.’ Kangmurlwarran ta ngurlk. ‘The murky water is brown.’ See:�kangarntalwarran�‘glow’; kinyurntulwarran�‘menstruate’; kiniwarran�‘butcher’. Category:�Colours and light.
kiniyirran���tv. 1�•�illuminate, for example with a torch. koyirranti ‘Shine the torch on it!’. Ikpin iwumangungapa, iwutangung kirrk. Parang la mamapuyitjang iwuwunyatung. Pa awangkung, iwuyirrantung. Inirrkangung. ‘They used to get Ikpin torches which they made by tying them up. Then they lit them and they burned. They used to go shining them on fish. They speared fish.’ Kunjirranti pa arrungpayan ta alan. ‘Turn the torch onto it so we can see the path. Illuminate, for example with a torch.’ See:�kiyirran�‘shine light’. Category:�Colours and light.
Restrict:�VE object 2: kamaniyirran�•�illuminate, shine light on. Mampuyirrantung tuka wupaj. ‘They are using a firestick to light the surface of the water.’ Kamangayirran. ‘She's shining a light.’ Category:�Colours and light.
Restrict:�LL object 3:kaniyirran�•�light, give off light. Muwarn kangayirran ta warntatarr. ‘The sun's shining, it's daytime.’ Wupurrkapa kinymalkpirrijpirrij angpaniyirran ‘Tonight there will be sparkle on the water, the moon will shine.’ See:�kiyirran�‘shine light’. Category:�Colours and light.
kinymalkpirrij���noun. sparkle, shine with reflected light. Anth: Used when the moon or sun is low in the sky and is shining or the sea or other body of water, making sparkles. Wupurrkapa kinymalkpirrijpirrij angpaniyirran ‘Tonight there will be sparkle on the water, the moon will shine.’ Inyayawng muwarn inymalkpirrijpirrij. ‘I saw the sparkle on the water.’ Kurrana kaniyirran kurrula kinymalarrijpikpin. ‘The moon's shining and the sea's sparkling.’ Category:�Colours and light.
kinymarlirrinymikpin���iv. Restrict:�FE subject shine (reflected light), dazzling, sparkling. Parang la muj ngarrartayantung ta awarnting ta aparlkparrantung nukang inymarlirrinymikpinang. ‘However, we could also see (the wild plums) hanging there, white ones, which ones were shining (ie. the ripe ones).’ Category:�Colours and light.
kiwarlkparran���iv. white, clear, clean. kangparlkparran ‘3LL-clear-NP, 3LL-white-NP’. Yarakap arrarrkpi ngeyawng kiwarlkparran. ‘I saw that the man is white.’ kangparlkparran ‘When the water is clear’. Category:�Colours and light, Water bodies.
noun. non-Aboriginal. kiwarlkparran ‘white person’. Like angparlkparran kawunginka. ‘(the language) That White people speak.’ See:�kiyiwarrakan�‘show white’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
kawarlkparran kawukawuk���noun. half case person. Puka pata kawarlkparran kawukawuk. ‘They are part of European people.’ Category:�Peoples and clans.
kiyirran���iv. 1�•�shine a light, give off light, shine light on oneself. kinyjirran ‘she is shining a light’; kanjirran. Nuka arrarrkpi kiyirran mata light ‘This is a man shining a light.’ Category:�Colours and light.
Restrict:�LL subject 2: kanjirran�•�be light, give off light. Muwarn kanjirran ta warntatarr. ‘The sun's shining, it's daytime.’ Kanjirran (ta) kunak. ‘The land is lit up (by the moon), we can see.’ Kanjirran alan. ‘We can see the road (because of moonlight)’. See:�kiniyirran�‘illuminate’; kinjirran�‘light’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kiyiwarrakan���iv. show white, e.g. a smiling mouth showing teeth, breaking surf. Kiyiwarrakan kapin mankarlaparra. ‘The breaking surf is like a blue and white water lily.’ See:�kiwarlkparran�‘white’. Category:�Colours and light.
kurut���noun. colour used to describe one colour that pandanus can be dyed. See:�kurrut�‘red clay’; karlwa�‘white clay’. Category:�Tools, women's, Colours and light.
magarlmarr���noun. 1�•�large khaki or brown coloured ant hills. See:�wuy�‘anthill type’; wampam�‘anthill type’. Category:�Insects.
2�•�khaki to brown colour. Category:�Colours and light.
marl���coverb. Restrict:�MA subject intermittent flashing light, signal light. Koyanti kiwani marl. ‘Look at that flashing light.’ See:�maru�‘light flash’. Category:�Colours and light.
marlamurr���noun. 1�•�grey clay or mud. Category:�Soil.
2�•�grey colour. Category:�Colours and light.
maningul���noun. blood, red. Category:�Secretions and substances, Colours and light.
mangaralk jungku���noun. red colour. Category:�Colours and light.
maru���coverb. 1�•�light flash, such as lightning, flashing torch or blinking television. Kiwani maru mantanti. ‘The lightning is flashing on the mainland.’ Anmayanti kamawani maru mata torch. ‘Look at the torch flashing’. See:�marl�‘light flash intermittently’; marrarawk�‘forked lightning strike, lightning man’; mirruk�‘flashing light’. Category:�Colours and light.
2�•�person asleep on his back making jerky movements. Ay naka kiw maru ja Nangila. ‘Nangila is jerking around in his sleep.’ Kinyu maru jita Ngalangila. ‘Ngalangila is jerking around in her sleep.’ Category:�Activity manner.
marumaru���coverb. 1�•�shiver. Kiwani marumaru. ‘He is shivering.’ See:�mirruk�‘flashing light’. Category:�Automatic actions.
2�•�intermittent continuous flashing lightning. Category:�Sky.
mawngku���noun. 1�•�shade, shadow. Mawngku kamawarlkanyi warak. ‘The tree's shadow is extending (as the sun moves down in the sky).’ Waryat kamangutpa mawngku. ‘The rock has a shadow.’ Category:�Other, Colours and light. Usage:�Used for shadow of non-humans. Yarlawu is used for humans.
2�•�shelter which people make to sit under. Kapumurntulku ngarrurru ta mawngku. ‘They make a shelter for us.’ Category:�Shelter, camp, house.
mirlarrmirlarr���noun. phosphoresence that sparkles in the water at night. Mirlarrmirlarr maniyitpan. ‘The phosphorescence (in the water) lit up.’ Kinnyaka mirlarrmirlarr. ‘He causes the mirlarrmirlarr to glow by disturbing the water, e.g. with paddle’. Category:�Colours and light.
NVidiom. type of night sea hunting. In October and November when the nights are still and men go hunting for turtle and dugong. Awuran mirlarrmirlarr ‘They go hunting at night.’ Mirlarrmirlarr kawarra warak. ‘They go sea hunting at night.’ Kawarra warak mirlarrmirlarr. Inyarlganapa kiwen. ‘They go sea hunting at night. They spear turtles or dugong.’ Category:�Hunting, Longer.
mirruk���ideophone. describes action of flashing torch, or other flashing light such as lightning or fluorescent light. Mata torch kamamin mirruk! mirruk! mirruk! ‘The torch goes flash! flash! flash!’
coverb. light flash. Kamamin mirruk. ‘It flashed once.’ Kimin mirruk ja marrarawk. ‘Lightning flashed.’ Syn:�maru, marumaru. Category:�Colours and light.
ngarntawl���noun. 1�•�tall grass which grows in the wet season. Sorghum timorense ; Sorghum intrans. Variant:�Iwaidja: Ngarndal. Category:�Grasses, Calendar plants. Anth: Flowering of this grass indicates that it is time to get mawuga mangrove crab and that jimurru the south-east trade wind is blowing
2�•�brown colour as the brown in the long seeds. Category:�Colours and light. Anth: Calendar plant also for when to start working on songs!
wirlngukuk���noun. 1�•�coals. Variant:�more commonly used term. Muka mata kamaw kamala mata wirlngukuk. ‘These coals are burning.’ Syn:�wirlngujnguj. See:�mamun wirlngukuk�‘the hot time immediately preceding the Wet season, October to December’. Category:�Fire.
2�•�dots, spots. Nuwurnnyak wirlngukuk. ‘It has spots (describing Trumpeter Whiting, Siliago maculata burrus).’ Category:�Colours and light.
wurlmutpurlmut���adverb. Restrict:�LL subject Yiwarlunjiny wukaj wurlmutpurlmut. ‘They hid him inside where it was dark.’ Pa imalkpany tuka walmurtja yukeny parak wurlmutpurlmut. ‘He got to the jungle. He looked into the jungle and saw that it was dark.’ Nakapa wurlmutpurlmut. ‘It was completely dark (no sun got in to the cave)’. Category:�Colours and light.
coverb. Restrict:�MA subject ; MA object become very dark, so not possible to see. inimany wurlmutpurlmut ‘midnight’; kinima wurlmutpurlmut ‘you say this when a big dark rain cloud covers the sun’; kiwanima wurlmutpurlmut ‘also means the sun is covered by a rain cloud’. Wularrutapa inimany wurlmutpurlmut. ‘It has become dark.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
yarlawu2���noun. shadow, reflection. ninyarlawuk, arrarlawu, nuwarrarlawu (comes out as nuwarrlawu fast), nuwarlarru. Yanat yarlawuk. ‘That is his shadow.’ Nginyayawng ninyarlawu. Kapa nganngawarlkijpan parak. ‘I saw her shadow. She went past me there.’ kinyjarlkanyi kinyayan ninyjarlawu ‘Combing her hair, looking at her shadow.’ Category:�Colours and light, Other.
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