Travel by vehicle

Travel by vehicle

arak���coverb. 1�•�separate people who must avoid being close to each other because of their family relation by sitting or sleeping between them. Nganaw arak. ‘I'll sit between them (to separate them because they had a mother-in-law/son-in-law relationship)’. Anpanaw arakpu, kani! ‘You sleep between them, here!’ Kanyu arak wumawurr. ‘The milky way (lit: the creek that lies across)’. Category:�Remain stationary, Anxiety, shame. Note: People who are opposite sex siblings, in an iji-ngaya relationships or are mawawiny to one another cannot sleep lying next to one another so another person must sleep between them.

2�•�travel by boat between two points. kiw warak. ‘He travelled across the sea in a boat.’ Innyakan parak, kiw warakparak. ‘He set off in a boat, he's travelling across a stretch of sea.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle.

2a�•�be striped. Kingurrin arak karlwa. ‘It has yellow stripes.’ Category:�Properties of surface.

Restrict:�MA object 3�•�to set off in a boat. Used for boats with engines. Innyakan parak pa kerra warak. ‘He left in a boat, went off.’ Arriwaka warak. ‘We're going to travel by boat, you and me, go by sea.’ Innyakan parak ja kapala. ‘He went by sea by himself.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle. See:�warakcoverb; warakparakreduplicated form of coverb warak.

Restrict:�MA object 4�•�cross sea in a boat. Awulatikin la innyutpan arak. ‘They went across (in a boat).’ And karrayan "Innyutpan arak. Kapala. Kerra warak" ‘We see it and say "Somebody's crossing (between north and south Goulburn islands). There's a boat. It's travelling along."’ Innyakan parak innyutpan arak. ‘The boat launched and crossed over between the two pieces of land.’ See:�warak (kinnyaka)launch boat. Category:�Travel by vehicle.

5�•�be in the way of somebody or about to cross paths with them. If that person is a family relation you shouldn't be near to somebody will say this to you so you can go around them. Inyi kutpa arak! ‘Don't cross his path!’ Kiw arak. Ngannyutpan arak. ‘He's in the way. He's blocking my path (a crocodile in a creek).’ Arta nukapa ngannyutpan arak ja marnmarn la kunuka nuyu. ‘Oh, this is not the way to get across (lit. it is blocked for me this way), Marnmarn, what are we doing?’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Anxiety, shame.

Restrict:�VE 6�•�put something across as bridge. Nganyutpan arak. ‘I put (the wood, plank) across.’ Category:�Transfer.

arakarak���coverb. put across. Ngyutpan arakarak. ‘I cut across the wind in the boat (so that the waves wouldn't toss the boat around so much)’. Iniwarlkarriny parak innyutpan arakparak. ‘He launched his canoe and crossed to the other side’. Mannyutpan arakarak. ‘He put (the planks) across.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle.

warakparak��� Note: reduplicated form of coverb warak See:�araka coverb combining with kiw, kinnyaka and kinnyutpa.

arakarak���coverb. put across. Ngyutpan arakarak. ‘I cut across the wind in the boat (so that the waves wouldn't toss the boat around so much)’. Iniwarlkarriny parak innyutpan arakparak. ‘He launched his canoe and crossed to the other side’. Mannyutpan arakarak. ‘He put (the planks) across.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle.

kimija���iv. paddle. Amijantungpu la wemin ja miri. ‘They paddled for each other with the oar.’ See:�kimijakankado amurl movement wumarrk, like paddling. Category:�Manipulation, Travel by vehicle.

kinilangaka���tv. 1�•�send. Ngilangakan parak ja marryun. ‘I sent the boy away.’ Ja kapala akutju ingalangaka warak. ‘The boat will be sent off again.’ Nganilangakan tuka yanat nuyu kunak. ‘He sent me to his land.’ See:�kilangakafloat. Category:�Manipulation.

2�•�Drive (the vehicle). Inilangakan mira ja mutika. ‘He drove the car fast.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle.

kiniwarlkarri���tv. Restrict:�MA object launch dugout canoe, set off in a dugout canoe. Iniwarlkarriny parak. ‘He's setting off (in a kupuny dugout canoe).’ Iniwarlkarriny parak innyutpan arakparak. ‘He launched his canoe and crossed to the other side’. Category:�Travel by vehicle.

kiniwaywun��� Restrict:�MA subject 1: kiniwaywun�•�tv. boat take people under sail. kawuniwaywun. Inyiwaywukpuningka. ‘She was coming west.’ Pa awuniwaywuning parak amurnanganyang parak tuka wenat pu kunak pata mangkajarra. ‘It took the Macassans under sail back to their own country.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle.

Restrict:�GEN subject 2: kingawaywun�•�tv. the wind blew them (in a boat), they sailed with the wind. Marlu kawunngawaywun. ‘The wind blows them (in a boat) (used when people are travelling with not against the wind)’. inymajpungkinyka kanipa inyiwaywuningka kinyuryi muwarn. ‘Then she started moving along to the West.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle.

kiniyilwarrki���tv. sail boat, or travel by boat, using sails, paddles or engine. Rude with 2sg subject. ilurrang ja nuwuran Malalkukuj iniyilwarrjiny. ‘The Malkukuj man jumped in and (they) sailed away.’ Ngarruri karriyilwarrki warak. ‘We are sailing off.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle.

pul���noun. blunt, rounded. Nuka pul ja manjawak. ‘This knife is blunt.’ See:�pujuksharp. Category:�Properties of surface.

coverb. Restrict:�VE object 1�•�drop anchor or object with similar use. Tuka mannyakangung pul nakapa kapala. ‘The boat used to drop anchor there.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle.

2�•�kill. Pa iminy ja Mayinaj "Might be ngungpurrun ngiwuk pul." ‘Then Mayinaj said "Maybe I didn't kill him properly."’ Category:�General change of state.

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