Twist, bend

Twist, bend

imungkurriyi���iv. he might break his neck. inymungkurriyi She might break her neck; imungkurriyiny He broke his neck.. See:�inimungkurrukputwist neck; imungkurryuwuback of neck; kiniyirnpulanyihit on nose. Category:�Twist, bend.

inimungkurrukpu���tv. break neck. ingamungkurrukpu She might twist his neck.; ingamungkurrkpung she twisted his neck; inimungkurrukpung. ngarrimungkurrukpun ‘about doing something to Pandanus, I'm not sure what.’ See:�imungkurriyibreak neck; iwajiyinybroken; imungkurryuwunape of the neck. Category:�Twist, bend. Note: Described as 'twist neck' but this might be more idiomatically translated as break neck in English.

kinimalamanma���tv. 1�•�stir, twist. Inimalamanmangung kirrk. ‘He was stirring it all up.’ Iwumalamanmangung nuyu majarr. ‘They hold it's head and twist its neck (method for killing tortoise)’. Ara nangila ngapi ngapalamanman ta pupurru wurlumunwurlumun. ‘Oh, Nangila, I stirred the porridge and it is lumpy.’ See:�kimalaminminrotate. Category:�Twist, bend.

Restrict:�LL object 2 kanimalamanma�•�twist one's tongue, used to describe the pronunciation of diffcult sounds such as the flap in Iwaidja. Category:�Manipulation, Twist, bend.

kinnyukpun���tv. 1�•�break, bend. Kamannyukpun yungku. ‘He's breaking up firewood.’ Oh awangkung, awangurrinykapa, apukpuning yurnu, aminy "Mm, marntingunyuny." ‘They'd go along in the boat, they turn their had, we'd think "Oh, dugong."’ Note: When hunters returned in a canoe they'd make a signal to show what they caught. Mampukpukpung mampuwarawng. ‘They broke up the wood and made a fire’. See:�iwajiyinybroken; kinnyungive. Category:�Twist, bend.

Restrict:�MA subject 2�•�break part of self. Marnti kunnyukpu. ‘(Don't carry it), you might break something (because it's too heavy. (lit: it might break you).’ Category:�Twist, bend, Physical disability and injury.

Restrict:�MA object 3�•�turn self around, turn boat or car. innyukpung, ingawkpung she turned around, she turned; kiwukpun they turned around. Koyanti innyukpung arrapalen. ‘Look, the aeroplane has turned (changed direction).’ Category:�Change stance, Manipulation.

Restrict:�MA object 4�•�play song well and move people emotionally. "Ey kangmarrangulin!" kamin nuyu ja arrarrkpi "Kangmarrangulinapa ta kukpung. ‘"Oh you really move us (with your singing)" they say to the man (singing). "We're reminded of old times when you move us."’ Kangmarrangulinapa ta kukpung. ‘We recall old memories when he moves us (with his song).’ Imiyawng innyukpung. ‘He sung and the way he played was moving’. Category:�Play, perform, joke, Sorrow, happiness.

Restrict:�MA subject ; ED object 5: katjukpun�•�heart be deeply moved, broken. Ngalyungan amirawning pata warra kamumu la atjukpung ngartu marurturt. ‘I heard the women singing and my heart was deeply moved.’ They're singing pa kinyalyu "A, apukpung ngartu marurturt." ‘They're singing as she's listening and says "Oh they broke my heart."’ Atjukpung ngaw marurturt. ‘Her heart is broken.’ See:�wurlksorrow, strong emotion; marurturtheart. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.


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