Weak impact

Weak impact

kinimirrawun���tv. 1�•�write, draw, mark. Iwaning inimirrawuning jurra. ‘He was sitting writing a letter.’ Kinimirrawun. ‘He's drawing him.’ Kimirrawun ingurlaj tuka ngapi ngamawurr. ‘He wrote his name on my arm.’ Category:�Weak impact.

Restrict:�LL object 2�•�write down language. Ngaralk ngungmirrawun. ‘I'm writing down language.’ Syn:�kinnyutpa. Category:�Weak impact.

Restrict:�MA subject 3�•�occurrence of changes in appearance during pregnancy - face changes, breasts grow etc. Ja warranyngiw, kanimirrawun ngaw yanyjuk. ‘The child (big pause in which I talk). He draws on her breasts.’ Category:�Reproduction.

kinimirrawukpun���tv. writes and writes it, draw it, change during pregnancy. Ya-a-a nakapa kangpayan ngaw yanyjuk kangmurranymin ya you know kanimirrawukpun apa. ‘They can all see her breasts growing, you know, she's changing.’ Category:�Activity manner, Reproduction.

kiningartpan���tv. mark, award with something special. For example, get a car licence, get a medal, put a cement survey mark up. Kumirrawuni nuyu kuwangartpan. ‘Fill in the form so you can get a licence.’ Category:�Weak impact.

kiningartparrki���tv. shoot successfully in head, e.g. Buffalo or crocodile. Iningartparrkiny tuka wanji. ‘He shot it in the head’. Nukapa ja murtij arriwangarinji la arriwangartparrki ja murrkaj kayirrk la arriwanala. ‘We will squeeze (the fluid out of the cooked) stingray, melt the fat over the fire (mix it) and then eat it.’ See:�kingartparashoot. Category:�Pierce, shoot.

Restrict:�LL object 2: kaningartparrki�•�tv. make a mark to identify a place. See:�kawulartparrkibe countrymen. Category:�Weak impact.

Restrict:�GEN subject 3 awunngartparrkang�•�tv. own land. Wenatapa awungartparrkang tukapa ta kunak. ‘They owned this land.’ Category:�Social responsibilities and events.

kiningirrma���tv. scrape, rub, sharpen. Wularrut iningirrmangung ja apan. ‘Before then he had been scraping the spear shaft.’ Category:�Weak impact.

kiniwinypukpun���tv. 1�•�make smooth, by rubbing with an extended movement. Malanypi nganyawinypukpun mata arawirr. ‘Later on, I will make the didgeridoo smooth.’ arrkanawinypukpun Category:�Weak impact.

2�•�washing clothes for somebody. kingawinypukpun he's washing clothes for her. Iniwinypukpuning kirrk ja manpurrwa. ‘He washed all the clothes.’ See:�kiniwinypunwash, touch. Category:�Weak impact, General change of state.

Restrict:�LL object 3: kaniwinypukpun�•�complete it, finish it, be the last to finish the work. Category:�Activity manner.

kiniwinypun���tv. 1�•�washing, touching with a drawn out movement like a rub or stroke. iniwinypupu See:�kiniwalpunto touch with a sharp, punctual movement; kiniwinypukpunwash clothes for; kiwinypalinypukpunwash hands. Category:�Weak impact.

2�•�said when somebody sees a lot of fish or some other type of food in the bush. Kiniwinypun la yamin, igarra. Kimalkpakpa. ‘There are a lot of fish here in the creek.’ Category:�Fish, General terms.

kiniyarlkanyi���tv. comb hair. Ngapi ngiyarlkanyiny. ‘I was combing his hair.’ Puka pata warra kamumu kawunpuyarlkanyi la wemin ‘These women are combing each other's hair.’ kinyjarlkanyi kinyayan ninyjarlawu. ‘Combing her hair, looking at her shadow.’ Category:�Weak impact.

kiniyarlkalkanyi���comb. Category:�Weak impact.

kiniyarlkalkanyi���comb. Category:�Weak impact.

kinnyutpa���tv. 1�•�put down, write down. With oblique object means 'put away for' or 'keep for'. kurriyutpan, iwutpan, ngyutpan I put it, Capell and Hinch Text 1; kotpa murr You are holding it tight. Wakapa ngyutpan ja waliman. ‘I put the axe there.’ kiwutpa ingurlaj ‘they give him a name’. Note: 'mata' comes out as 'pata'. Kutanutpa mata dinghy ‘Hold the dinghy on its side.’ Kamannyatpi rlaw, kammanyutpa manjat. ‘He bends the (spear shaft) with his hands, he makes it straight.’ See:�kinilutpaput down, drop off; kinnyarutpaleave; purupput into lying position (kinnyutpa); putput it there! put it down!; kilatpago down; kinyngarnutpasun begins to go down; kinimirrawunwrite, draw, mark; kirirrkput; kinnyaka yaracollect or save something. Category:�Manipulation.

Restrict:�MA object 2�•�stop doing what you're doing. Innyutpanapa la ngatpiny, ‘He stopped singing and he said,’ Category:�Activity manner.

Restrict:�ED object 3 katjutpa�•�bird or plane land on ground. Category:�Vertical motion, Weak impact.

innyutpan kurrana���NVidom. new moon appear. See:�kinymarlkurrankennew moon appear. Category:�Longer.

kannyutpa alan���NVidiom. go along path/road, travel route. Annyutpangung parak alan. ‘He was going along the path.’ Ma! Arrungutpanyi alan! ‘Come on! Let's take the path, start off.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.

kannyutpa wularri / wulatpiyi���make a law, put into the law. Annyutpan wulatpiyi wularrut marrik arrungukpu. ‘He put that law there for us a long time ago and we must not break it.’ Category:�Social responsibilities and events.

katjutpa yurnu���NVidiom. bird or aeroplane land, leave tracks. Ja karlurri katjutpa yurnu. ‘The bird comes down and puts his foot on the ground.’ Katjutpa yurnu yiwarak nganaparru. ‘The buffalo left tracks.’ Katjutpa ta yurnu ta kunak. ‘He made a footprint.’ Category:�Vertical motion, Weak impact.

mannyutpan larnngalk���NVidiom. pick up a sound whose source is not visible.. Work out where someone is from sound they are making. Work out what people are doing from sound they are making. mannyutpan larnngalk ‘he tried to listen’. "A" mannyutpan mata larnngalk. ‘"Ah ha!" he picked up the sound.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.


katjutpa yurnu���NVidiom. bird or aeroplane land, leave tracks. Ja karlurri katjutpa yurnu. ‘The bird comes down and puts his foot on the ground.’ Katjutpa yurnu yiwarak nganaparru. ‘The buffalo left tracks.’ Katjutpa ta yurnu ta kunak. ‘He made a footprint.’ Category:�Vertical motion, Weak impact.

kiwinypalinypukpun���iv. wash hands. Ngana nganawinypalinypukpun. ‘I will go and wash my hands.’ See:�kiniwinypunwashing. Category:�Weak impact.

kiyarlinypun���iv. clean teeth. Category:�Weak impact.

kiyirrwarrki���iv. to pick teeth. Ngapi ngayiwarrki. ‘I am picking my teeth.’ Category:�Weak impact, Head.

kiyirtpalinypu���iv. wash hands. katjirtpalinypun we wash our hands; kinyjirtpalinypun. Kurriwanala ja irratat ja mun nuyu la kutpawirtpalinypun la yunyi kutartpikpin la kurrimang mun nuyu. ‘When you eat the meat mun-nuyu stingray, wash your hands, do not rub the fat into your hands or you will get warts from (the stingray).’ See:�kiniyirtpaborrow from; katiwirtpalagather together. Category:�Weak impact.

rtururrk���coverb. 1�•�wipe, graze. Nganngawung tururrk ta kunak. ‘The ground grazed me (when I fell on it).’ Kiniwut rtururrk ininguliny. ‘Chafe (when a saddle rubs against horse)’. Karrput tururrk. ‘We are wiping it.’ See:�kiniwalpuntouch, graze; rturrktug, pull, make upset. Category:�Weak impact.

2�•�could be bump, brush, graze. Category:�Weak impact.


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