
RT - rt

rtaj���coverb. stare at, look directly at (while facing). Innyayawng rtaj. ‘He stared at him.’ Inyi kunyayataj ‘Don't stare at her.’ Jarrang la leopard kawulangali, kinnyayen la yamin kinnyayat rtaj la yamin. ‘There are horse and leopard looking at each other, staring at each other.’ Syn:�maralangkat. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Remain stationary.

rtal1���coverb. Restrict:�LL object obstruct, be in the way of. Kungpun rtal ngartu! ‘You are blocking my way!’ Category:�Judgement, evaluation.

arartal���keep on blocking the way, obstructing. Kungpun arartal ngartu. ‘You are continuing to block my way.’ Category:�Judgement, evaluation.

rtal2���part. having it in, impregnated with. Naka kakurl rtal. ‘That has sugar in it.’ Kiyap rtal. ‘That smells of fish.’ See:�rtiltogether. Category:�Holding, sticking.

rtalk���coverb. 1�•�very large. Kapala kiw rtalk. ‘The boat is very large.’ Kurrampalk katju rtalk. ‘The house is a very large one.’ Category:�Size and weight.

Restrict:�MA object 2�•�begin, start. Wularrut iwumany rtalk. ‘They have begun already.’ Kayirrk la yanat akutju Nangarrij inimany rtalk Namarrkuranymak. Inimany rtalk Yalarrkuku imirawning. ‘After that Nangarrij Namarrkuranymak started again. He started singing Yalarrkuku.’ Category:�Activity manner.

rtangarrtangarr���noun. cartridge. Nakap kilatin imurra rtangarrtangarr. ‘There are a lot of cartridges in (the gun).’ Syn:�wun nuyu. Category:�Other.

rtangkat���coverb. poke head out of surface of water. For examples a dugong or fish, might do this to breathe. A human might do this after being underwater. Marrik inymina rtangkat. ‘She didn't stick her head out of the water.’ kimit rtangkat ‘he came up to the surface and breathed (turtle, dugong, human etc.)’ Category:�Motion relating to water.

rtap���coverb. 1�•�explode. Iwany rtap. ‘It exploded.’ Category:�General.

2�•�pop out. Wanyji ngulamngulam la mamit rtap mata wun. ‘Close to morning his eyes popped out.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.

3�•�break. Ara iniwung rtap ngartu! ‘Oh, he broke my (belonging)!’ Ipijipij ja karrkpin naka karriwu rtapartap. ‘Ipijipij is what we say when we break something into pieces.’ See:�ipijipijpieces. Category:�General change of state.

4�•�get and break. Awungurrinang la awuniwuning igarnpa, awunimurnanganyang awunimangung rtap. ‘They were running and he was hitting them with his tail, bringing them back and breaking them up.’ Category:�General change of state, Manipulation.

5�•� Inimany rtap. ‘He ate it, including eating nuts and cracking them open with your mouth.’ Category:�Illness, Pressing.

6�•�break by kicking. Innyarlukpan rtap. ‘He broke it by kicking it.’ Category:�Strike or chop.

Restrict:�LL object 6�•�slip. Parang la awunyjilinang malany annyarlukpanrtap ja Yumparrparr. ‘As they fought Yumparrparr slipped.’ angpannyarlukpa rtap wanji nuyu Category:�Waiting, doing nothing, Movement relating to fixed point.

7�•�bite into something (e.g. bush peanut), breaking it open with a noise. Apumanpunik rtap la akin akinkangung. ‘They bit on them and it made a sound.’ Category:�Illness, Pressing.

rtapartap���coverb. keep on breaking, break completely. Iniwung rtapartap. ‘He broke it into pieces.’ Category:�General change of state.

rtartaj���ideophone. onomatapoeic expression for a crack of thunder. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Sky.

rtep���ideophone. sound of short object hitting target. Inyiwungapa "rtep". ‘He hit her "rtep".’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.

rtijemro���ideophone. sound of a didgeridoo. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Play, perform, joke.

rtirr���coverb. wait for. Ngawani rtirr ngaw wupaj. ‘I am waiting for the water (to well up after digging a hole).’ See:�kinimirlajunwait for. Category:�Waiting, doing nothing.

rtol���ideophone. noise made by malngpi nuts being cracked open in Kortaweli story. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.

rtuj���interjection. get up! Usage:�command to children Inyngayikpung "larla! larla! larla! wake up! rtuj! katja!, larla larla larla". ‘She tried to wake her up "Sister! Sister! Sister! Wake up! Come on! Let's go! Sister! Sister! Sister!"’ Category:�Language.

rtum���ideophone. sound of noise made by distant rumbling thunder. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Sky.

rtungkut���coverb. Restrict:�MA subject beating sound in ear, tinnitus, throbbing in ear, throbbing in head, i.e. headache. Kiw rtungkut. ‘His (ear) is throbbing.’ Syn:�takan. Category:�Discomfort and pain.

rtungkurtungkut���coverb. throbbing ear, throbbing head, earache, headache. Kiw rtungkurtungkut tuka larnngalk ngartu. ‘I can hear a beating sound in my ear.’ Kiw rtungkurtungkut tuka wanji ngartu. ‘I have a headache.’ Category:�Discomfort and pain.

rtupij���coverb. Restrict:�GEN subject have a premonition of something wrong. The person feels his heart beating 'like a clock' and knows that something has happened to a relation. Ngapi nganngawun rtupij. ‘I feel something will happen (to someone close to me).’ Kingawun rtupij. ‘He senses something is wrong, like his wife is having an affair or something.’ See:�kiyalmalangkensense inside. Category:�Supernatural.

rtupulu���coverb. gambling. Category:�Play, perform, joke.

rtururrk���coverb. 1�•�wipe, graze. Nganngawung tururrk ta kunak. ‘The ground grazed me (when I fell on it).’ Kiniwut rtururrk ininguliny. ‘Chafe (when a saddle rubs against horse)’. Karrput tururrk. ‘We are wiping it.’ See:�kiniwalpuntouch, graze; rturrktug, pull, make upset. Category:�Weak impact.

2�•�could be bump, brush, graze. Category:�Weak impact.


rturr���coverb. keep trying. Ajirrik inyunmenang ingakajpuning. Makiny la inyunmenang rturr akutju. ‘She was trying to read. However, she kept on trying.’ See:�kiwnmentry, attempt; kannyunmentry. Category:�Judgement, evaluation.

rturrk���coverb. 1�•�give a tug. kiwani rturrk. ‘P.2 ; He gave it a tug.’ Category:�Manipulation.

2�•�drag. Iwumany amit rturrka ‘They grabbed it and dragged it.’ Kimit rturrk. ‘He pulls something’. Imirturrka inilatiny. ‘He pulls it close to the dinghy and puts it in.’ Category:�Manipulation.

3�•�pull. Nakapa kinima rturrk. ‘He is pulling it along.’ Inyngama rturrk la inyamin. ‘They're pulling on each other ('s hair).’ Kumanyi rturrk nuwu ja mutika. ‘Move your car out of the way.’ Category:�Manipulation.

Restrict:�GEN subject 4�•�get very hot. Kunngawany rturr. ‘You got very hot.’ Kunngawany rturrk jita muwarn. ‘You got really hot from the sun.’ See:�muwarnsun. Category:�Discomfort and pain.

rturrkrturrk���coverb. 1�•� Nganawani rturrkrturrk. ‘I will keep on pulling myself (in order to get out of my stuck position).’ Kiwani rturrkrturrk la yamin. ‘They are pulling on opposite ends of something (like in tug-of-war)’. Category:�Manipulation.

2�•�keep on pulling. Kinima rturrkrturrk. ‘He's pulling’. See:�wirrngakbreath. Category:�Manipulation.

3�•�(small fish) keep eating bait off hook without getting hooked. Category:�Illness.

rtutuni���noun. decorative Bathurst Island burial pole. Category:�General ritual.