Smaller features
kantawurlalkpa���noun. gully, ditch, probably others. Category:�Smaller features.
kangparnpalarrkpi���iv. Restrict:�LL subject valley, ravine. See:�kantawurlalkpa�‘gully, ditch’; kilakurunymin�‘tighten, narrow, pull together’. Category:�Smaller features.
kilaji���iv. 1�•�greedy, hungry. See:�nulaji�‘greedy’; kantijawa�‘flour’. Category:�Desire. Note: Cannot mean 'it is empty'
Restrict:�LL subject 2: kantaji�•�empty, open, hollow, a hole. Wugarra yiwuwany nuyu la yiwaning antajing nuyu parrwarr ta nangartam nuyu. ‘They at a lot of his cheek and there was a hole right through his cheek.’ Kantaji ta waryat. ‘There's a hole in the rock.’ Kayirrk warrwak apa la, ta warrwak angmirlkpungeny pu wanji pa warlk mampulalkuny mata kantaji awk. ‘And later on they got the idea of cutting down all those hollow trees.’ See:�ngalmarr�‘cave, a hollow’. Category:�Smaller features, Shape.
kantaji wulij���noun. space in the mangroves. Anth: They used to chop them down in a small area and then go in at low tide and get martpoj and karnjawarra. Category:�Mangroves, Landscape.
ngalmarr���noun. 1�•�cave or hollow, snake hole. Ngarruran ngarrurlgeny tuka ngalmarr. ‘We went into the cave.’ See:�kantajiki�‘nostrils’. Category:�Smaller features.
2�•�hollow in tree, hole in tree. Nungpurnyak ngalmarr ngaw mata warlk. ‘The tree has a hollow.’ See:�kilaji�‘hollow, hole’. Category:�Plant parts.
3�•�vagina. Category:�Organs and torso.
parrwarr���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�have hole right through. Kantaji parrwarr. ‘There was a hole right through it.’ Kantaji parrwarr. ‘A cave you can go right through (and come out the other side)’. Wugarra yiwuwany nuyu la yiwaning antajing nuyu parrwarr ta nangartam nuyu. ‘They at a lot of his cheek and there was a hole right through his cheek.’ Category:�Smaller features, Shape.
Restrict:�MA object 2�•�look right through something to the other side, look a long way. Innyayantung parrwarr. ‘He could see through it (a hole in a log).’ Innyeyantung parrwarr. ‘He looked a long way.(e.g. about 200m, peering down from school donger to see if shop is open)’. Karrayan kantaji parrwarr ja jurra. ‘We can see through the hole in the paper’. See:�mirrarra�‘see reflection in water or see into clear water’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
3�•�look a long way. Inyukeny parrwarr. ‘She looked a long way/ through a hole?’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
4�•�put something right through something so it comes out the other side. Ngeny parrwarr. ‘I put it right through it.’ Innyeny parrwarr. Category:�Pierce, shoot.
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