
NG - ng

nga���interjection. hey! Nga! Ngawu katja! ‘Hey! Let's go!’ Nga, ngungpurrun kapa kunuka kiw. ‘Hey, maybe there's something in there.’ Category:�Language.

is that so? Nga? Aralpa? ‘Is that so? True?’ See:�ngeI don't believe it. Category:�Language.

ngajapirn���noun. Barracuda. This name may also cover the Giant Seapike and the Striped Seapike. Sphyraena barracuda, ?Sphyraena jello, ?Sphyraena obtusata.. See:�KurrukurrukMilitary Seapike. Category:�Mullets.

ngajo���noun. cycad tree. See:�marlinkarrkCycad palm, Livistonia palms. Category:�Palms. Anth: There is only one such tree on Warruwi, west of Angpungijpa, Watson's tree.

ngakngak���noun. Bird species. Note: May not be a Mawng word See:�marrwatiWhite-bellied sea eagle. Category:�Small birds.

ngala���interjection. term of address for mother or mother's brother used in time of distress, eg. in illness or need. Variant:�Mayinjinaj form. See:�ngawulukujcompassionate exclamation. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalagayu���noun. Little Corella. Cacatua sanguinea. See:�marnungSulphur Crested Cockatoo. Category:�Small birds.

ngalakpi���noun. i am heavy. See:�nulakpiheavy. Category:�Size and weight.

ngalakpirij���noun. my mouth. See:�ilakpirijmouth. Category:�Head.

ngalamamarrang���noun. plural form of ngalamarrang subsection, skin name. See:�ngalamarrangskin name (female). Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalaman���noun. my voice. Category:�Human speech and vocal sounds, Non language human voice sounds. See main entry: ilaman.

ngalamarrang���noun. female subsection, skin name of the ngalngarrajku moiety. See:�ngalamamarrangskin name (female). Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalangila���noun. female subsection, skin name of the ngalmartku moiety. See:�ngalangkangilaskin name (female). Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalangkangila���noun. plural of subsection, skin name ngalangila. See:�ngalangilaskin name (female). Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalarri���noun. my leg. Category:�Limbs. See main entry: ilarri.

ngalatparlangkat���noun. i am strong. See:�nulatparlangkatstrong. Category:�Healing and fitness.

ngalatparlilil���noun. weak. Category:�Healing and fitness. See main entry: nulatparlilil.

ngalawaj���noun. subsection, skin name (female) of the ngalmartku moiety. See:�ngalawawajskin name (female). Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalawawaj���noun. plural of subsection, skin name ngalawaj. See:�ngalawajskin name (famale). Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalawmawumut���noun. plural form of the subsection, skin name, ngalawmut, ngalawamut. See:�ngalawmutfemale subsection, skin name of the ngalngarrangarrajku or ngalngarrajku moiety. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalawmut���noun. female subsection, skin name of the ngalngarrangarrajku or ngalngarrajku moiety. See:�ngalawmawumutplural form of the subsection, skin name, ngalawmut, ngalawamut. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalayirriny���noun. 1�•�cross-cousins refer to each other with this word when talking to the siblings that links them. Anth: Hearer replies using ngalngarrkang See:�narnayirrinycross-cousins linked refer to each other with this word when talking to the siblings that links them; ngalngarrkangMy female ngaya who is your ngatimuninymurlu. Category:�family, inc moieties. Note: Not reciprocal.

2�•�my wirlupirlu who is your ngaya. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalgarrngpuk���noun. my wirlupirlu who is your kamu. Anth: Hearer replies using ngaltajngi. See:�ngaltajngiMy kamu who is your wirlupirlu; nagarrpurrkMy punyi who is your iji; ngalulungarruSpoken between people who share a punyi but not a kamu to refer to their linking relatives. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalgij���noun. liver. Category:�Organs and torso.

ngalililut���noun. i am soft (to feel). Category:�Properties of surface. See:�nulililutsoft, like a baby.

ngalirri���noun. I am an angry person, a dangerous person. See:�nulirridangerous, angry, cheeky. Category:�Hate, anger.

ngaljenmal���noun. a person with an abnormal pronunciation, a lisp. See:�jenmalperson who lisps. Category:�Physical disability and injury, Peoples and clans.

ngalkarn���noun. a large black ant species. Category:�Insects.

ngalkuruk���noun. 1�•�a song to let people know that the Wuwarr ceremony has arrived. Category:�General ritual, Play, perform, joke. Anth: Two men take it to the places involved to call the people to the central gathering place.

2�•�the stick which the men used to carry with them to tell people of the Wuwarr ceremony. Category:�General ritual, Tools, men's.

ngalmalak���noun. 'My ngawiny who is your ngaya' or 'My kamu who is your ngawiny'. See:�namalakMy ngawiny who is your ngaya or My kamu who is your ngawiny. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalmamuna���name. name given to a kurnapipi ceremony held in Eastern Arnhem Land, Mornington Island and Aurukun. Category:�General ritual.

ngalmarr���noun. 1�•�cave or hollow, snake hole. Ngarruran ngarrurlgeny tuka ngalmarr. ‘We went into the cave.’ See:�kantajikinostrils. Category:�Smaller features.

2�•�hollow in tree, hole in tree. Nungpurnyak ngalmarr ngaw mata warlk. ‘The tree has a hollow.’ See:�kilajihollow, hole. Category:�Plant parts.

3�•�vagina. Category:�Organs and torso.

ngalmartirti���noun. big waves. See:�marrngarlarough seas. Category:�Water bodies.

ngalmartku���noun. female member of the martkumartku moiety. See:�nangarrangarrajkuName of one of two matrimoieties; martkumartkuplural name of one moiety; namartkumale of the martkumartku moiety. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalmawij���noun. youngest daughter from a set of siblings. See:�mawijyounger sibling; namawijyoungest son; wulkurroldest sibling, older sibling.

ngalmiyingi���noun. my wawu who is your ngawiny, a man talks to his children about their ngawinys (man's children and woman's brother's children). See:�namiyingiMy wawu who is your ngawiny. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalmu���noun. mother's brother. Same as iji but considered more polite and only used as reference term. "Iwamurranymin iwalangali ngartu ja ngalkpany." kimin yanatapa ja yanatapa ja ngalmu. ‘"He'll grow up. I'll help bring him up, my ngaya" is what the ngalmu says.’ Usage:�reference See:�ijimother's brother; ingalalkwoman's son, man's sister's son (of a man), mother's brother; nigimother, mother's brother. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalmurlu���noun. my wiwi who is your mawawiny, (poison cousin). Anth: Hearer replies using kuyagaru. Ngampiwi ja namurlu? ‘Where's my wiwi? said to Jenny M’. See:�namurlumy wiwi who is your mawawiny (poison cousin); kuyagarumy mawawiny who is your wiwi. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalngarrajku���noun. female member of the nangarrangarrajku moiety. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalngarrangarrij���noun. plural of subsection, skin name ngalngarrij. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalngarrij���noun. female subsection, skin name of ngalngarrangarrajku moiety. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalngarrkang���noun. 1�•�my female ngaya who is your ngatimuninymurlu. Anth: Hearer replies using ngalayirriny See:�ngalayirrinycross-cousins refer to each other with this word when talking to the siblings that links them; nangarrkangMy male ngaya who is your ngatimuninymurlu; narnayirrinycross-cousins linked refer to each other with this word when talking to the siblings that links them. Category:�family, inc moieties. Note: Not reciprocal.

2�•�my ngaya who is your wirlupirlu. Anth: Hearer replies using ngalayirriny Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalngeymong���noun. my female mawawiny: poison-cousin and daughter-in-law. See:�nangeymongmy male mawawiny, poison cousin or son-in-law. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalngkurrk���noun. large red ant, red meat ants. Category:�Insects.

ngalpirl���noun. crippled female. See main entry: pirl. Category:�Females.

ngalpiri���noun. 1�•�an oyster species similar to karrarnarn but with a milder taste. See:�karrarnarnMilky Oyster. Category:�Shellfish.

2�•�oysters that have been collected in their shells. Kuwanama ngartu ngalpirri ‘Collect me some oysters still in their shells.’ Syn:�arnmilwil. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Any type of oyster (karrarnarn, arrayi or namatpa), collected whole in shell, often still stuck together and with a bit of rock stuck to it. If the oyster is growing on a mangrove root then the bit of root is cut off the plant, with the oysters still on it.

ngaltajngi���noun. my kamu who is your wirlupirlu. Anth: Hearer replies using ngalkarrpurrk. See:�narrajngiMy iji who is your punyi; ngalgarrngpukmy wirlupirlu who is your kamu. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalulungarru���noun. spoken between people who share a punyi but not a kamu to refer to their linking relatives. Your wirlupirlu who is my wirlupirlu. See:�nawulungarruspoken between people who share a punyi but not a kamu to refer to their punyis; kuwujiType of larla/kayu/mawij who shares a punyi with speaker but not the same kamu. Category:�family, inc moieties. Note: reciprocal.

ngalurlawurlany���noun. female subsection, skin name of the ngalngarrangarrajku moiety. See:�ngalwurlanyskin name (female). Category:�Subsections.

ngalwangari���noun. female subsection, skin name of the ngalmartku moiety. See:�ngalwangawangariplural of ngalwangari. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalwangawangari���noun. plural of subsection, skin name ngalwangari. See:�ngalwangariskin name (female). Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalwapa���noun. my ngawiny who is your wirlupirlu. My daughter who is your father's sister (male speaker), my brother's daughter who is your father's sister (female speaker). See:�nuwapaMy son who is your punyi(male speaker), my brother's son who is your punyi (female speaker); ngalyelaka person says this to their punyi about their punyi's mawawiny who is the speaker's wirlupirlu; ngarruwapamy ngawiny who is their punyi; neyelaka person says this to their kamu about their kamu's mawawiny who is the speaker's punyi.. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalworneng���noun. a female who is a good story teller and can make people laugh. See:�nawornengfunny guy. Category:�Females.

ngalwurlany���noun. female subsection of the ngarrang-arrajku moiety. Nganti jita Ngalwurlany? ‘Which Ngalwurlany do you mean?’ See:�ngalurlawurlanyplural skin name. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalwuyuk���noun. female subsection, skin name of the ngalmartku moiety. See:�ngalwuyuwuyukskin name (female). Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalwuyuwuyuk���noun. plural of subsection, skin name ngalwuyuk. See:�ngalwuyukskin name (female). Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalyapanta���noun. 1�•�a forked piece of wood such as is used to make a bark shelter. Category:�General terms, Shelter, camp, house.

2�•�buffalo horn. See:�larnngalkhorn. Category:�Mammals.

3�•�place name on the 'top side' of King River where the river forks out into smaller arms. Category:�Place names.

ngalyelak���noun. a person says this to their punyi about their punyi's mawawiny who is the speaker's wirlupirlu. See:�neyelaka person says this to their kamu about their kamu's mawawiny who is the speaker's punyi; ngalwapamy ngawiny who is your wirlupirlu. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalyikamarrang���noun. friend-ngalamarrang. See:�ngalyik-prefix to subsection names. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalyikangila���noun. friend-ngalangila. See:�ngalyik-prefix to subsection names. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalyikawaj���noun. friend-ngalawaj. See:�ngalyik-prefix to subsection names. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalyikngarrij���noun. friend- ngalngarrij. See:�ngalyik-prefix to subsection names. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalyikpangari���noun. friend-ngalwangari. See:�ngalyik-prefix to subsection names. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalyikpurlany���noun. friend-ngalurlany. See:�ngalyik-prefix to subsection names. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalyikuyuk���noun. friend-ngalwuyuk. See:�ngalyik-prefix to subsection names. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngalyikwamut���noun. friend-ngalwamut. See:�ngalyik-prefix to subsection names. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngarlakarlak���coverb. Restrict:�PL subject 1�•�talk. Kili ngarlakarlak. Karrilakpa. Pa karralyu ta wurluj. ‘He's talking. We answer him. So we hear the news.’ Category:�Language.

2�•�talk together while standing. Juka jita warrawurnji la marryun kawulangali ngarlakarlak. ‘This girl and boy are standing and talking.’ Category:�Language.

3�•�talk, discuss, have meeting. Ngampiwi kiwani? Nuka. Kawani ngarlakarlak tuka mawngku. ‘Where is he? There. He is sitting talking with them in the shade.’ Nungpakapa iwaning ngarlakarlak ja, yanatapa ja Wurakak. ‘That's what Crow was saying.’ Kawuli wurlupurlup kawarra/kawani ngarlakarlak. ‘They're swimming and talking.’ Category:�Language. Note: can have a singular subject.

4�•�talk. "Kurryarutpanyi!" kerra ngarlakarlak, like kinginka. ‘You lot leave it, he's talking, talking.’ Category:�Language.

ngarlawi2���noun. Golden Trevally. Gnathanodon speciosus.. See:�mungkulurrutGolden Trevally (possible); WurrutTrevally (generic); MirrkGolden Trevally. Category:�Sweetlips.

ngarlawi1���noun. Baler shell. Melo amphora, Melo umbilicatus. Variant:�Iwaidja: ngarlawi. Nakapa iwetpang, ngarlawi la yupirlk. ‘They held bailer and conch shells.’ Irijirij ja ngarlawi. ‘This baler shell is smooth.’ Muka irijirij mata ngarlawi. ‘This baler shell is smooth.’ Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Good to eat. Was traditionally used to dig out wells, carry water and cook stingray fat. Found at Wigu.

ngarlawn���noun. Nankeen (rufous) night heron, Black Bittern. Nycticorax caledonicus, Ixobrychus flavicollis. Category:�Small birds.

Ngarlungarlu���noun. Rock name. Category:�Place names. Note: Not a place name, a rock name.

ngarlwak���noun. 1�•�knee cap. Kimaju tuka ngarlwak. See:�kartawarrknee joint. Category:�Limbs.

2�•�mud Mussel, lives in mangroves, in mud. Polymesoda erosa. Variant:�Iwaidja: ngarlwak. Kuwanama ngartu ngarlwak. ‘Get me some Mud Mussels.’ Ngarlwak mampulalkungung muki. ‘Ngarlwak was used to cut umbilical cords.’ Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Good to eat.

coverb. Restrict:�MA object 1�•�sit cross-legged, literally: bend knees. Ngarri ngarryukpuning ngarlwak ‘We sat cross-legged.’ Category:�Remain stationary.

2�•�die, polite way of describing someone's death. innyukpung ngarlwak ‘he died, polite (lit: he kneeled down or collapsed)’. ingawkpung ngarlwak ‘she died.’ See:�kartawarrkartawarrkneel; mirntadie in old age. Category:�Illness and death.

yarakap ngarlwak���phrase. only child. inyalkpany yarakap ngarlwak. ‘She has only one child, an only child.’ Category:�Ages.

Ngarlwiny���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

ngamalal���noun. good. Category:�Goodness. See main entry: numalal.

ngamparlngamparl���noun. Amberjack, Queenfish. Seriola dumerilii, Chorinemus lysan. Syn:�wanyjarlarr. Category:�Fish.

ngampi yirrik���noun. wherever, that place, I can't remember it's name. Ngampiyirrikpi wakapa nuyu ta kunak ‘He belongs to that area.’ used for minyngu ceremony, which may be nc3 ngampiwi yirrk ta waka ‘I'm not sure which places (or - some places)’. See:�ngampiwiwhere. Category:�Place names, Cognitive senses and attention.

ngampiwi���part. where? Which? La ngampiwi yuran? Yuran Wigu. ‘But where has he gone? He has gone to Wigu.’ Ngampiwi ja kinila kalakalak? ‘Which one (of the dogs and cat) eats chickens?’ See:�ngampi yirrikwherever, that place; wakaat that place. Innyeyawng iminy "Marrik ngampi ngiwu" ‘He looked at him and thought "There's nowhere I can hit him." (because his head and torso were too high up).’ Category:�Location and distance.

ngamungkurryuwu���noun. the nape of the neck. Category:�Head. See:�imungkurryuwunape of neck.

ngamurri���noun. the part of the dry season which follows the cold dry season (wumulukuk) and which precedes the very hot dry season (kinyjapurr), about August to September. Wampa la murtij la kuywala kelkpa. ‘The time when sharks and certain types of stingray give birth.’ Category:�Longer.

ngamurrunti���noun. bad, old. See main entry: numurrunti.

ngana���iv. I will go. See main entry: ke.

nganajpa���noun. one length of dugong rope. Muka marakap nganajpa. ‘This is one length of dugong rope.’ Category:�Items for fishing, Amounts.

nganangka���noun. clap sticks. Nawurlany anpana annganangula ngartu nganangka nuyu nganamirawn ngarrurru. ‘Nawurlany, go and make some clapsticks so that I can sing for us.’ See:�nawanpalwide. Category:�Tools, men's.

nganaparru���noun. buffalo. Category:�Mammals.

nganarru���noun. song name. Category:�Fight.

nganpiny���noun. armpit. Syn:�any. Category:�Organs and torso.

ngantakali���noun. friend. Anth: This is a polite way of addressing a person, especially if asking for something. Ara ngantakali nganuni ngilanyi nakapa kiyap. ‘Hey friend, how about givng me some of that fish to eat.’ See:�jawirnafriend. Category:�Peoples and clans.

nganti���part. who, somebody. Nganti ja naka? ‘Who is that?’ Waka warra nganti kutju? ‘Who lives there with you?’ Ta kapala nganti arrunimang parak. ‘Somebody with a boat could take us.’

nganti yirrik���noun. whoever. See:�ngampi yirrikpiplace (hesitant).

ngantijanaka���pro. means 'whoever' or maybe 'somebody' or 'anybody', derived from nganti ja naka. Probably just a relativesed phrase that has become a single word. See:�ngantijanukaperson, indefinite.

ngantijanuka���pro. person, indefinite. See:�ngantijanakaperson, indefinite; kunijanakahesitation form.

ngantumak���noun. 1�•�my mawawiny who is your husband or wife. A woman and her brother use the word to talk to the woman's daughter about her husband, or the woman's son about her husband. Usage:�use ja or jita to clarify whether referent is male or female Inyminang ngaw "Annyanyji kolimanyi Ngantumak." ‘She was saying to her "Off you go! Go to your husband!".’ See:�wimeka man and his sister use this word to refer to the man's son when talking to the son's wife; nuwutpuwongyour nanung who is my ngiwrawng. Category:�family, inc moieties.

2�•�two sisters use this word when talking about one of their husbands. See:�arranamanyjilinaour brother-in-law, a brother can say this to his sister about her husband or another sister's husband, male speaker only. Category:�family, inc moieties.

3�•�my daughter who is your wife (female speaker). Wakapa inyminy jita nigi, inyminy nuyu ja Wurakak, "Ngantumakapa akeny ngaw yurnu warlk." ‘Then her mother said to Crow, "My daughter who is your wife had her foot pierced by a stick."’ Category:�family, inc moieties.

nganung���noun. wife or wife's sister, husband's sister, brother's wife, also used for potential spouses MBD and FZD although they may be called marnmarn if they are not considered potential spouses. See:�nanunghusband or husband's brother, sister's husband, wife's brother, also used for potential spouses MBS and FZS although these may be called marnmarn if they are not considered potential spouses; marnmarnfather's mother and siblings, woman's son's children, reciprocal; marrakarrakmother's cousin, brother's cousin, father's sister's cousin; wilkumuspouse. Category:�family, inc moieties.

Nganyamirnali���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

nganyjalun���noun. a piece of wood on which food is ground, the plate part. See:�nganyumparrgapestle. Category:�Tools, women's.

nganyjarlwiny���noun. crayfish. Panulirus versicolor ; Palinirus ornatus. See:�wititpakcrayfish. Category:�Crustaceans.

nganyjarrpawk���noun. Great-billed Heron. Ardea sumatrana. Nganykarrarr kinyarra. ‘It lives in the mangroves’. Category:�Small birds.

nganykarrarr���noun. 1�•�mangroves (generic). Angkuwurulkpung mampakan mampulalkukunyapa mata nakawkapa mata nganykarrarr. ‘They cleaned up, cut them down and then cut them up into small pieces, all those mangroves.’ Naka ja nganykarrarr animaj put kirrk. ‘Those mangroves were very thick.’ See:�kaykanawamangrove type; rlamputariver mangrove; mitalaclub mangrove; nganykarrarrutarea of mangroves; warlawarlayoung mangrove shoots; mankararra piece of wood inside a didgeridoo. Category:�Mangroves, Dye and fibre plants. Anth: Used to make dye for baskets.

2�•�stilt mangrove. Bruguiera exaristata, Rhizophora sp., Ceriops tagal. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wirrilu (Rhizophora stylosa). Category:�Mangroves.

3�•�mangrove (without specific name). Lumnitzera racemosa. Variant:�Iwaidja: wurlhamarr. Category:�Mangroves.

nganykarrarrut���noun. an area of mangroves. See:�nganykarrarrmangroves (generic). Category:�Mangroves.

nganypakan���noun. armband. La nganypakan. ‘And armbands’. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items. Anth: This was made from yurlwirr, a type of creeper, cane. It grows in patches in Warruwi. Others say they were made from winti or coconut

nganypam���noun. Swollen Venus Clam. Gafrarium tumidum. Variant:�Iwaidja: Arlwarra. Ja nganypam ja kapin ngarnji. Malany yarnangkat ja ingiri. ‘Nganypam are like ngarnji cockles. They have a hard shell.’ Category:�Shellfish.

nganyumparrga���noun. 1�•�wild cotton. See:�kapajaplant that makes cotton wool. Category:�Trees and bushes. Anth: In the early days people used to collect it for the mission to make pillows.

2�•�pestle that people used to use it to grind food and nuts. See:�nganyjalunwooden plate for grinding; walurrustringybark tree. Category:�Tools, women's, Cooking. Anth: It was made from Walurru 'stringbark'.

3�•�camping firestick, torch. See:�mayirliBanksia dentata. Category:�Tools, men's. Naka mata yungku yiwulakpalunyang awarrangung mantanti. ‘That's the light that they used to take with them when they went to the mainland.’

ngangang���coverb. 1�•�open the mouth. Anmina ngangang. ‘Open your mouth.’ Category:�Change stance.

2�•�pant. Kingurrin ngangang. ‘He is panting (the dog).’ See:�kanilakpartpanpunpant; mangmangpant, as a dog. Category:�Automatic actions.

Ngangkuluk���noun. bottle rock. Was cut in half by wurakak. Category:�Place names.

ngarnampala���noun. White-spotted Eagle Ray. Aetobatus narinari. See:�yagarustingray. Category:�Rays. Anth: Sometimes it can be seen jumping right out of the water. This is a large ray which lives offshore in deeper water. It sometimes comes in close to shore.This is eaten.

ngarnarru���noun. dreamtime song which goes back to the time of the ngarnarru people. Naminurr and his sons have it now. Category:�Fight.

ngarnji���noun. Hiant Venus Clam. Marcia hiantina. Variant:�Iwaidja: munang. Ja nganypam ja kapin ngarnji. Malany yarnangkat ja ingiri. ‘Nganypam are like ngarnji cockles. They have a hard shell.’ Napa ja ingurlyak ja karrila. ‘It's an important food for us.’ See:�kurrwirtua big ngarnji; kinimirrawun katikatikyounger ngarnji. Syn:�ingarturt. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Very good to eat. Important food source. Found in sandy areas such as Wigu.

ngarntawl���noun. 1�•�tall grass which grows in the wet season. Sorghum timorense ; Sorghum intrans. Variant:�Iwaidja: Ngarndal. Category:�Grasses, Calendar plants. Anth: Flowering of this grass indicates that it is time to get mawuga mangrove crab and that jimurru the south-east trade wind is blowing

2�•�brown colour as the brown in the long seeds. Category:�Colours and light. Anth: Calendar plant also for when to start working on songs!

ngapi���pro. me, first singular pronoun. Ngapi ngimiyarma jurra ngiwakajpun. ‘I want to read the book.’ Ngapi nganiwung. ‘he hit me.’

ngapilinyanat���pro. me and her, the two of us. See:�yanatjanatthe two of them (two males); yanatinyanatthe two of them (a male and a female); ngapilyanatthe two of us, I and he.

ngapilyanat���pro. the two of us, I and he. See:�ngapilinyanatMe and her.

ngapimung���pro. first person contrastive pronoun. Nganiwung la ngapimung. ‘He and I were hitting each other.’ Ngapimung ali. ‘It is my turn.’

ngaralk���noun. tongue, word, language. Ngapi ngungmuy nuyu ta ngaralk. ‘I do not know his language.’ Kiki ta ngaralk ta kutpin house? ‘What word do you say for house?’ Ngaralk iwungka. ‘He has brought knowledge - a stranger in town who has brought witchraft or brought knowledge for a ceremony.’ See:�mangaralktongue of flame; mayaliknowledge; larnngalkear. Category:�Language, Head.

ngarran���iv. We (Exclusive) went. See main entry: kerra.

ngarrana���noun. whirlwind. Category:�Wind. Syn:�najardawu.

ngarrarawungut���noun. few. ngarrarawungutju ‘we were only few, we were only a small group’. Category:�Amounts. See main entry: yarawungut.

ngarrarran���iv. We (inclusive) went. See main entry: kerra.

ngarri���pro. we, us, but not you (exclusive). Nganti awana? Ngarri awkapa ngatpana. ‘Who is going? We (but not you) are going’. Ngarri ta kani ngatpani ta ngarruniwuning. ‘We who are here, we are the ones he was hurting.’

ngarri ngarru���phrase. ours. Tuka ta ngarri ngarru. ‘This is ours.’

ngarrimung���pro. we, us, but not you.

reciprocal, contrastive pronoun. Ngatpununing la ngarrimung. ‘We were sharing with each other.’

ngarrk���coverb. take hold of, put it together, heap it up. Kurrungmanyi ngarrk ta kunak la kurrungakanyi. ‘Take a handful of earth and throw it.’ Ngungpanama ngarrk. ‘I'm going to grab a handful (of sand).’ Kanima ngarrk kunak ‘Fish name (fish that goes around under the mud)’. See:�kanima ngarrk kunakflounder fish. Syn:�arraj. Category:�Manipulation.

ngarrkarrk���noun. two. ja ngarrkarrk arrarrkpi ‘the two men (previously mentioned)’. See:�ngarrkarrk iwamurrtwice; ngarrkarrk la ngarrkarrkfour. Category:�Amounts.

ngarrkarrk iwamurr���phrase. two times. Ingartpirruny anjirla ngarrkarrk imawurr. ‘He threw the spear two times.’ See:�ngarrkarrktwo. Category:�Amounts.

ngarrkarrk la ngarrkarrk���phrase. four. See:�ngarrkarrktwo. Category:�Amounts.

ngarrkarrk la yarakap���phrase. three. Ngarrkarrk la yarakap arrarrkpi. ‘Three men.’ Ngarrkarrk la arakap waryat. ‘Three stones.’ Awuranapa pata warramungpik, ngarrkarrk la werakap. ‘They went, those 3 women.’ Category:�Amounts.

ngarrkijpa���noun. many pronged spear. Category:�Tools, men's.

ngarru���pro. to us, for us. Nungpakapa iminy ngarru. ‘That is what he said to us.’

ngarru mayakpu���cross-reference. See:�mayakpufather or father's sister; ngarrungamuTerm used by a man and his siblings to talk about his mother-in-law to his wife or wife's siblings. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngarrunuwatpa���noun. said to a person to avoid mentioning their mother or father directly to them. ngampiwi Ryan ngarrunuwatpa ‘Where is Ryan's father?’ See:�kunuwurrimy kamu(k), my punyi(k); arrunuwatpahis punyi(k); kurryarrwinya man or woman says this to their spouse about their spouse's wirlupirlu or punyi; numatpaother, another one. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngarrungamu���noun. term used by a man and his siblings to talk about his mother-in-law to his wife or wife's siblings. Also used by a woman and her siblings to talk about her mother-in-law to her husband and his siblings. Can also be used between a set of siblings to talk about the mother-in-law of one of them. Can also be used for 'my mawawiny who is your wiwi'. Jita ngapi ngarrungamu jita murron inyuran. ‘The one who is mother-in-law to me and is of the murron clan has gone.’ See:�ngawkukhusband talking to wife about mother-in-law, ie. her mother, or wife talking to her husband about his mother. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngarrungartuwawu���noun. this is a general way of avoiding direct reference to a person by referring to them as someone's mother or father. There are a number of reasons why someone would not want to refer to someone directly using their personal name, skin name or kin name. ngarrungartuwawu Zachariah ‘Zachariah's father’. Category:�family, inc moieties. Note: Note this term is not triangular. Alternatively just wawu can be used for 'his punyi'.

ngarrurri���pro. we, us , all of us. Ngarrurri arrkpawani tuka kunak. ‘We, all of us, will stay in the village.’ Ngarrurri ta karrpani tuka kunak, arrunnyuning kiyap. ‘He was giving fish to all of us in the village.’

ngarrurri ngarrurru���pro. belonging to all of us. Tuka ta ngarrurri ngarrurru. ‘That belongs to all of us.’

ngarrurrimung���pro. we, us.

reciprocal, contrastive pronoun. Arrkpununing la ngarrurrimung. ‘We shared it amongst ourselves.’

ngarrurru���pro. to all of us, for all of us. Nungpakapa iminy ngarrurru. ‘That is what he said to all of us.’

ngarruwapa���noun. my ngawiny who is their punyi. Nuka ngarruwapa Nawardi ja naka ja anpulawnut. ‘This one who is my ngawiny and Nawardi and his older brother call punyi.’ See:�nuwapaMy son who is your punyi(male speaker), my brother's son who is your punyi (female speaker); ngalwapaMy ngawiny who is your wirlupirlu; ngarrungartuwawua general way of avoiding direct reference to a person by referring to them as someone's mother or father. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngarruwutpuwong���noun. a person uses this when talking to their ngawinys about the ngawinys husbands. See:�nuwutpuwongYour nanung who is my ngiwrawng; wimeka man and his sister use this word to refer to the man's son when talking to the son's wife. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngatimuninymurlu���tv. we are cross-cousins, mother's brother's child and father's sister's child, may also call each other nganung or nanung. It seems that this term is more general than nganung or nanung. Sometimes cross-cousins do not call each other nganung and nanung but marnmarn. See:�mampumuningmurlube mother's brother's child to, be father's sister's child to. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngatja���iv. We (exclusive) go. See main entry: ke.

ngatju���iv. We (exclusive) lie. See main entry: kiw.

ngatngat���coverb. tear, split. Angarran ngatngat ta waryat. ‘The stone split.’ See:�yarrksplit. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.

ngatpaka ngatpalu���dem. our lot, in contrast to another lot. Nuwutpuka ta kutpana la ngatpaka ngatpalu ta ngatpawani. ‘You lot will go and our lot will stay.’

ngatpana���iv. we (exclusive) will go. See main entry: ke.

ngatpularrut���noun. group of people with the same moiety and totem, may also include people of different totems sometimes. See:�arrkparlarrutwe of the same moiety and totem; witparlanparlarruttheir relations; tuwulwularrutancestors; wularrutalready, before. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngatuka���dem. we here, in contrast to another group there. La ta ngatuka ngatpawani nuwutpuka ta kutpani ta nuwurrara. ‘We will be over there and your big lot are staying here.’ Category:�General. ngatuka ngatpalu ‘we lot, our group, in contrast to another’.

ngartjerr���noun. mangrove Nerite, snail that grows on Mangroves roots. Nerita balteata. Variant:�Iwaidja: Ngarjarr. Kiw tu yurrng mata kamarra warak la wumarrk mata mamawurr wularr mata nganykarrarr. ‘They live up high in the branches and also lower down on the roots of the mangroves.’ See:�milwarnperiwinkle. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Grows on the roots of mangroves, called malarri or mamawurr wularr. Cooked on hot coals.

ngartu���pro. to me, for me, mine. Nungpakapa iminy ngartu. ‘That is what he said to me.’ Ngapi ngartu. ‘It is mine.’ Ngartu. ‘It is mine.’ Usage:�term of great affection especially referring to babies.

ngartunyun���pro. mine, term of affection used towards children. Ta ngartunyun karrpin naka ngarrkarrk warranyngiw pata karrpunmiyarma mira. ‘We say ngartunyun when there are two children that we really love.’ Category:�Desire.

ngartuwawu���noun. a person uses this word when talking to his father about his wawu. Hearer replies using just wawu. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngaw2���iv. I lie. See main entry: kiw.

ngaw1���pro. to her, for her, to it, for it. Anmina ngaw. ‘Say it to her.’ Tuka ta mimi ngaw. ‘That is the edge of the road, the edge of it.’ tuka wumawurr wanyji ngaw ‘near the creek’.

ngawi���interjection. i am coming. Usage:�Said in response to a call. See:�ngawucome here!. Category:�Language.

ngawiny���noun. term of address used by a father to his children. Also used by a man to his brother's children and by a man's sister to her brother's children. Usage:�address term, reference term See:�ngayawhat a woman calls her children. What a manor woman calls their sister's children; ngawinyuna man's children, a man or woman's brother's children; marrakarrakmother's cousin, brother's cousin, father's sister's cousin; wirlupirlufather's sister. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngawinyun���noun. a man's children. a man or woman's brother's children. plural of ngawiny. Usage:�address term, reference term Ngawulukuj pularr ngawinyun. ‘Oh our dear ngawinys!’ See:�ngawinymy dears. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngawkuk���noun. husband talking to wife about mother-in-law, ie. her mother, or wife talking to her husband about his mother. My mawawiny, who is your kamu. See:�ngarrungamuTerm used by a man and his siblings to talk about his mother-in-law to his wife or wife's siblings. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngawu���interjection. come here! Usage:�command See:�ngawicoming!. Category:�Language.

ngawulukuj���interjection. expression of love or sympathy to one person. Ngawulukuj pularr ngawinyun. ‘Oh our dear ngawinys!’ See:�ngalaterm of address for mother or mother's brother used in time of distress. Category:�Desire, Language.

ngawulukuj pularr���plural of ngawulukuj. Anth: When we see some boys coming back after hunting we say, Ngawulukuj pularr ngawinyun. That means we are glad they got back safely. When those men have gone away we say ngawulukuj pularr. That means we are sorry they have gone. Category:�Desire, Language.

ngawurnnyak���noun. i have, I possess. Ngawurnyak kurrampalk. ‘My house’. See:�nuwurnnyakhaving, possessing. Category:�Holding, sticking.

ngaya���noun. what a woman calls her children. What a manor woman calls their sister's children. See:�ngayaynunplural of ngaya; ngawinyterm of address used by a father to his children. Usage:�address term, reference term Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngayaynun���noun. plural of ngaya. Usage:�address term, reference term See:�ngayawhat a woman calls her children. What a manor woman calls their sister's children. Category:�family, inc moieties.

ngayijpulkanyi���iv. kill turtle. Nakapa ngatpin, ngayijpulkanyi. ‘We do that, we kill turtles.’ Category:�General change of state.

Ngayula���noun. place on Warruwi near to Wigu, see map. Category:�Place names.

nge���interjection. i don't believe it. See:�ngaoh!. Category:�Language.

ngerrk���ideophone. call of marnung, the white cockatoo. See:�marnungWhite cockatoo type. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Small birds.

ngeygo���noun. term of address used by people of the same name when speaking to each other. It is also used by close members of the family to each other eg. Marrayika calls George Winunguj ngeygo as her son J. Namayiwa has the same name as George. More distant relationships do not do this. The father as well as the mother does. Used to refer to and address someone who has the same name as someone who has recently died, in order to avoid using the name of the deceased. Seems to mainly be to do with Aboriginal names. See:�kawungitibe namesakes; kunpeygopunyi/mawawiny. Category:�family, inc moieties, Mourning.

ngij���coverb. praise, boast about.

1�•�praise. Kiniwun ngij, maybe he wants something (laugh). ‘He's praising him.’ Takapa marryun awuniwuning ngij murnin tumalalut mira. ‘He was praising the boys because they were very good.’ Awuniwung nij pata warranyngiw ta awuran ta (Darwin). ‘The teachers were pleased with the children's behaviour when they went to Darwin.’ Category:�Judgement, evaluation.

Restrict:�LL object2�•� Pata (school teachers ) la aniwung ngij. ‘The school teachers were pleased’. Category:�Judgement, evaluation.

ngili���noun. 1�•�mosquito. Category:�Insects.

2�•�Glossy Ibis. Plegadis falcinellus. See:�mirrinnyakbrolga, mosquito type. Category:�Small birds.

ngilikilik���coverb. whisper. Kungmalkpanyi! Yunyi kankangali ngilikilik la kungmalkpanyi! ‘Out with it! Don't whisper but (speak) out!’ Category:�Language.

nginji���noun. a Goulburn Island song cycle. Category:�Play, perform, joke.

nginpurl���noun. upper back area. Yunyi nganatpi la ngamaju tuka nginpurl. ‘Don't touch me as my (upper) back is hurting.’ See:�inimispine. Category:�Organs and torso.

ngirntarrpuk���noun. quoll. Also referred to as native cat or squirrel sometimes. Category:�Mammals.

Ngirtpin���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

ngiwrawng���crossreference. See:�innyurawngfather-in-law to.

ngorrkngorrk���ideophone. sound of frog calling. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Reptiles and amphibians.

nguknguk���noun. 1�•�Barking owl. Ninox connivens. Category:�Small birds.

2�•�generic for hawk owls. Ninox spp.. Category:�Small birds.

3�•�generic for owls, frogmouths, nightjars. Category:�Small birds.

ngulam���noun. tomorrow, the next day. Ngapi ngulam ngana karrik. ‘I am going sea-hunting tomorrow.’ Awung nungmatpa ngulam. ‘And they would stay until the next morning.’ Awutpiny ngulam muj. ‘They slept until the next day.’ See:�ngulamngulammorning. Category:�Longer.

ngulamngulam���noun. morning. Inyarran nyirrnyirrga ngulamngulam. ‘It is another bright morning.’ See:�ngulamtommorrow. Note: Can also mean 'tommorrow morning' in the right context Category:�Daily.

ngulinguli���coverb. swagger while walking, alternately putting one shoulder forward and then the other (swagger and strut). kerra ngulinguli ‘He swaggers while walking.’ Category:�Walking.

nguljirr���noun. bad weather approaching. Ant:�apijirr. See:�kuwinucloud, cloudy sky; nyinkurrapproaching cloud heavy with rain. Category:�Weather.

ngulku���noun. an older person, a person with white hair. See:�wulku nuyuold person; wulkurrolder sibling; nuwarlkparrakanold man. Category:�Illness and death.

ngulmarr���noun. 1�•�Wuwarr ceremony ground. Category:�General ritual, Landscape.

2�•�name of an inedible fruit something like pandanus which grows near rivers on the mainland. Category:�Plant food, Trees and bushes.

ngulurrumumu���noun. dragon-fly. Category:�Insects.

ngurlk���noun. 1�•�hot sand. Kawarajpuni ta kantijawa tuka ngurlk. ‘Cook the damper in the hot-sand.’ Kaparajpung mawugany tuka ngurrk. ‘They cooked lily roots in the hot sand.’ angpany ta ngulk ‘the sand around the fire was hot’. See:�yarlhot sand used for medicinal purposes. Category:�Soil.

2�•�dust. Kimangawun ngurlk aniwujirrawntiny malany kimangawun. ‘He's coughing, he smelt the dust so he's coughing.’ Category:�Soil.

3�•�murky, stirred up water. Marntingunyuny kaningula ngurlk. ‘The dugong is stirring up the water’. Kaniwun mira ta ngurlk. ‘He stirs up a lot of mud (a dugong).’ Kanimarlkujpa. ‘He (dugong) is stirring up the water.’ See:�kaningurlkunjistirred up dirty water on incoming tide. Category:�Water bodies.

ngurlungurlu���coverb. become bigger, fatter. Kurrayanti ja warranyngiw kerra ngurlungurlu warak. ‘See how that child is getting bigger.’ See:�iwurrajfat, big. Category:�General, Size and weight.

ngurlurrupi���noun. corner of, around the corner. Where you turn in a bend in a road, can be used for head of a bay, also used for 'narrow' or 'thin'. Inyjarni tuka ngurlurrupi. ‘Inyjarni (place name) is in the corner of the bay.’ Warranyngiw kutpawani tuka ngurlurrupi. ‘Children, sit in the corner.’ Kannyarlunta tuka ngurlurrupi. ‘He's coming in to the corner (apex) of the bay.’ Category:�Water bodies.

ngunymin���noun. 1�•�Large-fin Rock cod, Estuarine Cod. Both are known locally as 'Army fish'. Epinephelus quoyanus, Epinephelus suiillus. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wurrnguji. Ngunymin marrkijpu awunnyeyan tuka awung. Awunnyatpung amajpungkiny. ‘Large fin rock cod, who is a witch doctor saw them lying. He touched them them and then they got up again.’ See:�Kinilakpa marrarawkLarge Rock Cod; wirrgansmaller Rock Cods; mumpuli marrunyCoral rock cod; warlangQueensland Groper. Category:�Rock cods. Anth: Belongs to muwarn, yarriyarniny (sun) side of ngarrangarrajku. Fat at time of mirlak nuyu, first rains and fresh growth.

2�•�Rockcod and Gropers (generic). Family Serranidae. Note: Generic for mumpuli marruny and wirrgan. Category:�Rock cods.

ngunymuk���noun. Black plum. Tree with black edible fruit with large seed. Grows on beaches. Fruit eaten raw. Pouteria cericea. Variant:�Iwaidja: Ngunymuk. See:�manyjerrukumarlpaTree with blue-black fruit. Category:�Plant food, Trees and bushes.

ngungkijpungkij���noun. Blue-tongue lizard. Tiliqua scinocoides. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

ngungpurrun���part. maybe, probably. Kangkuwurrun ngungpurrun awana Manawan. ‘Maybe they know they're going to Maningrida.’ See:�kiniwurrunthink, know. Category:�Language.

ngur���coverb. jealous. Naka kili ngur. ‘He is jealous.’ Kinyjangali ngur. ‘She's jealous.’ Category:�Desire.

ngurr���coverb. rub, abrase. Ingawuning ngurr ja manpurrwa. ‘She was rubbing (the dirt out of) the clothes, ie. washing them.’

ngurrngurr���coverb. repetitive form of ngurr. Nganyanawun ngurrngurr mata warlk. ‘I will rub the wood (smooth).’

ngurrij���noun. 1�•�sleep. Naka ja wumurra ngurrij. ‘He sleeps a lot.’ Tukapa ta ngurrij. ‘It's sleep-time (said to kids)’. And nukapa ja jara kiwani kuyuk ngurrij ‘And this other one is feeling sleepy.’ Annyayawng pa ngurrij. ‘He saw they were asleep.’ See:�kiwrnparrasleep. Category:�Sleep.

2�•�a day of twenty-four hours. Ngampiwi ja naka ja arrarrkpi yuran? Yuran ngarrkarrk ngurrij la iwamurnanganiga. ‘Where has that man gone? He has gone for two days and then he will return.’ Wimurra ngurrij la iwamurnanganiga. ‘It will be many days before he returns.’ Kingawun mira, ay kingawun mira ja ngurrij. ‘She sleep all day.’ See:�warntatarrdaytime. Category:�Daily.

NVidioms. 1�•�sleep. Wularrut yung ngurrij. ‘He has gone to sleep already’. Yung angkat ngurrij. ‘He is fast asleep.’ Category:�Sleep.

2�•�sleep, go to sleep. Wularrut yurnparrang ngurrij. ‘He has gone to sleep already.’ Category:�Sleep.

Restrict:�GEN subject 3�•�want to sleep, feel sleepy, for example in the evening. kiwruju arri is used when you are sleepy after getting up in the morning. nganngawun ngurrij I'm sleepy / I want to sleep.. Wularrut ingawung ngurrij ja ngapi ja warranyngiw. ‘My child wants to go to sleep, is sleepy.’ Kinyngawun mira ngurrij. ‘She's very sleepy.’ Ngeyan kingawun ngurrij. ‘I see he's sleepy.’ See:�arrisleepy. Category:�Sleep.

ngurrk���crossreference. See:�ngurlkdust, hot sand.

ngurrum���noun. Casuarina tree. Covers any type of Casuarina. Anth: Used for toothache - inner bark is crushed and then boiled and liquid is used as a mouthwash. Casuarina equisetifolia. Variant:�Iwaidja: Kidark. Category:�Trees and bushes, Medicine.

ngutirrk���noun. Banded Fruit-dove, Torresian Imperial-pigeon. Philinopus cinctus, Ducula bicolor. Category:�Small birds.

Ngurtikin���noun. tribe, people, language of Sandy Creek, Brogden Point, Malay Bay area. Category:�Dreamtime names.

warra Ngurtikin���phrase. same as far as I can tell, just explicit plural form. Category:�Dreamtime names.

ngurtpartpart���noun. Milkfish. Chanos chanos (Chanidae). See:�inyumpuli ngurtpartpartlarge Whaler Shark; inyumpuli ngurrkpartpartShortfin Mako. Category:�Fish.

nguya���noun. 1�•�a group of people associated with a patrilineal or matrilineal clan name. See:�yurrumupatrilineal name. Syn:�namanamaj. Category:�Peoples and clans, family, inc moieties.

2�•�language one uses and songs one sings to make a turtle or dugong come to you when hunting. Category:�Play, perform, joke.

nguyuyi���adverb. a group, school, herd of dugong, porpoises, cattle, buffalo. Ngatpunayawng marntingunyuny awarrangung nguyuyi. ‘We saw a school of dugong.’ Ngatpunayawng kawu nguyuyi pata nganaparru. ‘We saw a herd of buffalo lying there.’ Awurli ta, la ta wimurra, naka ngatpin 'nguyuyi' pata wimurra kawani purrkut. ‘Alright, if there's a lot of people then we say 'big group' there are many.’ See:�murrpujgo in group (human); kawanpanidugong group. Category:�General, Appearance.