

jarakij���noun. Moray Eel. Siderea sp. (Muraenidae). Category:�Herring.

kaluwa���noun. 1�•�black-and-white mud snake, lies inside the mud holes amongst the mangrove roots. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

2�•� See:�wirngijpirngijsnake eel type. Category:�Herring.

manjururrk���noun. Single-gilled Eel. Ophisternon gutterale (Synbranchidae). See:�marrngunypreviously 'eel'. Category:�Herring.

mankuparl���noun. Wolf herring, Giant Herring. Chirocentrus dorab, Elops hawaiiensis (Elopidae). See:�wururiherring (generic), Oxeye herring. Category:�Herring.

marrnguny���noun. 1�•�Freshwater nailfish (generic), Eel-tailed catfish, Hyrtl's catfish (Yellowfinned Catfish), Black catfish. Neosilurus hyrtlii, Neosilurus Ater, Plotosidae family. Variant:�Iwaidja: Kalahala. See:�nularrunyaSaltwater catfish type; ikamancatfish; arrapulyucatfish; marrunyBonefish; minynguriChingilt; manjururrksingle-gilled eel. Category:�Catfish.

2�•�Eel. Ikaman la wururi ja nuwuran mawuruwuj la marrnguny. ‘The freshwater catfish and herring live in the fresh water and eels too.’ Category:�Herring.

wirngijpirngij���noun. snake eel type. See:�kaluwasnake eels (all the others). Category:�Herring.

wururi���noun. 1�•� Ikaman la wururi ja nuwuran mawuruwuj la marrnguny. ‘The freshwater catfish and herring live in the fresh water and eels too.’ See:�mankuparlherring found in sea. Category:�Herring.

2�•�Oxeye Herring. Megalops cyprinoides (Megalopidae). Category:�Herring.

3�•�Fringe-finned Trevally, Small mouth scad. Absalom radiatus, Alepes sp.. Category:�Sweetlips.

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