Change stance
ap���coverb. 1�•�sit down. Yuran ap iwaning. ‘He sat down and stayed there.’ nguran ap ‘we sat down’. See:�pap�‘sit!, be’. Category:�Physical stance.
2�•�sit down. ngarraran ap, ngatpaning ‘we all sat down, we sat there’. Category:�Change stance.
jatulk���coverb. straighten out, stretch out legs. Kimit jartulk ‘He stretches out his legs.’ Category:�Change stance.
kanimarranmarranyi���tv. Restrict:�LL object flap hands, arms, (bird) fly, wave a lot. See:�kanimarranyi�‘wave’. Category:�Change stance.
kaningulkparrki���tv. Restrict:�LL object bow head and look towards the ground, a polite way to act in certain situations. Kaningulkparrki kannyeyan ta kunak. ‘He bows his head, looks down at the ground. (for example if he feels sick)’. Kangangulkparrki kanngayan ta kunak. ‘She bows her head, looks down at the ground.’ Kaningulkparrki tuka kunak. ‘He is bowing his head to the ground’. See:�kiniwulkparrki�‘stomach rumble (masculine sub)’. Ant:�katingarntalgan. Category:�Change stance.
kartawarrkartawarr���coverb. Restrict:�MA object to kneel. Innyeny kartawarrkartawarr. ‘He knelt down.’ Ngarlwak innyeny kartawarrkartawarr. ‘He knelt down.’ Kingeny kartawarrkartawarr. ‘She knelt down.’ See:�kartawarr�‘knee joint’; ngarlwak�‘knee cap, die suddenly’. Category:�Change stance.
kilarrikpin���iv. rise. Yanat ilarrikpiny yuran. ‘He arose and went.’ See:�kinilarrikpi; kimajpungkin. Category:�Change stance.
kilatpulnga���iv. turn around, look around. Imajpungkuny ilatpulngan. ‘He got up and looked behind him.’ See:�pulnga�‘early afternoon’; kiniwirtpulnga�‘turn over’; kingulkpurlnga�‘turn around’; kiniwurlnga�‘circle’. Category:�Change stance, Cognitive senses and attention. Note: Only for humans
kimajpungkin���iv. get up, set off. Imajpungkiny yarrangung parak. ‘He got up and went on his way.’ Katpun turuy, imajpunjing ying nungmatpa kunak awuniwu. ‘If we transgress, something bad will happen.’ yaminapa ja nuka apa tatken imajpungkun ‘the crow got up and went with the stone axe’. Syn:�kimartpungkin. See:�kinimajpungku�‘raise, lift up’; kilarrikpin�‘rise’. Category:�Change stance, Activity manner.
kimarlililijpikpin���iv. straighten (or stretch) ones arms. Tuka kimin ta kimarlililpikpin. ‘This (stretching out arms) is kimarlililipikpin. (does movement)’. See:�kimilitpakan�‘stretch arms or legs out’; kimarren�‘stretch out hand’. Category:�Change stance.
kimarren���iv. reach, stretch out hand. Imarreny iminy, "Aku". ‘He stretched out his hand and said, "Alright".’ Kilangali tuka what is it? a goal, kimarre. ‘He's standing at the goal and reaching out.’ See:�kimarlililijpikpin�‘straighten (stretch) legs’. Category:�Change stance.
kimilitpakan���iv. stretch, stretch out arms or legs. Ngamilitpakpan. ‘I stretch myself (stretch arms and/or legs out).’ Kawani tuka yungku la kawuntuwunyaka la kawuntumilitpakpa pata wigarnpa la wilarri. ‘They warm the patient near the fire and put the poultice their legs. They they feel good.’ See:�arr�‘pull, tow or drag something’; kimarlililijpikpin�‘straighten (stretch) legs’. Category:�Change stance.
kimirlkpungen���iv. 1�•�turn around, Kangmirlkpungen ta kunak. ‘The earth's turning.’ Kapin kanmirlkpungen kun kirrwara. ‘You turned your back to him (while he was talking to you)’. apirlkpungakenangapa ‘The wind turned around’. See:�kingulkpurlnga�‘turn around’; kiw�‘lie, sleep’; kiwun�‘be’. Category:�Change stance.
2�•�change in appearance. Karlurri amilkpungeny apa karlurri yirrik ajirrik nakapa wiyiniyirrk arrarrkpi. ‘They became birds, for a long time they were people.’ Warramumpik inymirlkpungeny ninypalu. ‘The woman's appearance changed (ie. she is expecting a baby).’ See:�kapin�‘like, similar’; kimalngkawun�‘change’. Category:�General.
3: kangmirlkpungen�•� Kayirrk warrwak apa la, ta warrwak angmirlkpungeny pu wanji pa warlk mampulalkuny mata kantaji awk. ‘And later on they got the idea of cutting down all those hollow trees.’ Angmirlkpungenypu wanji. Kayirrkapa kampuwakpi arawirr. ‘They changed their minds. Now they play didjeridoo.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kinimirtpurrukpun���tv. 1�•�bring together, gather. Inimirtpurrukpung kirrk pata pulikang. ‘He gathered the cattle together.’ See:�kinimirtpujpa�‘gather’. Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�fold, bundle together. Inimirtpurrukpung manpurrwa. ‘He folded the material.’ Category:�Manipulation.
3�•�turn towards another person (eg. to talk). Nuka kumirtpurrukpun kurrkinkay la yamin. ‘Turn to him so that you can speak.’ Category:�Change stance.
kiniwulkparrki���tv. point. Marnti kunpirlparrking. Makiny. Yunyi nganpirlparrki. ‘I might point (the gun) at you. No. Don't point (it) at me.’ kawuniwulkparrki ‘He pointed at them’. See:�kaningulkparrki�‘bow head’. Category:�Change stance, Cognitive senses and attention.
kinnyukpun���tv. 1�•�break, bend. Kamannyukpun yungku. ‘He's breaking up firewood.’ Oh awangkung, awangurrinykapa, apukpuning yurnu, aminy "Mm, marntingunyuny." ‘They'd go along in the boat, they turn their had, we'd think "Oh, dugong."’ Note: When hunters returned in a canoe they'd make a signal to show what they caught. Mampukpukpung mampuwarawng. ‘They broke up the wood and made a fire’. See:�iwajiyiny�‘broken’; kinnyun�‘give’. Category:�Twist, bend.
Restrict:�MA subject 2�•�break part of self. Marnti kunnyukpu. ‘(Don't carry it), you might break something (because it's too heavy. (lit: it might break you).’ Category:�Twist, bend, Physical disability and injury.
Restrict:�MA object 3�•�turn self around, turn boat or car. innyukpung, ingawkpung ‘she turned around, she turned’; kiwukpun ‘they turned around’. Koyanti innyukpung arrapalen. ‘Look, the aeroplane has turned (changed direction).’ Category:�Change stance, Manipulation.
Restrict:�MA object 4�•�play song well and move people emotionally. "Ey kangmarrangulin!" kamin nuyu ja arrarrkpi "Kangmarrangulinapa ta kukpung. ‘"Oh you really move us (with your singing)" they say to the man (singing). "We're reminded of old times when you move us."’ Kangmarrangulinapa ta kukpung. ‘We recall old memories when he moves us (with his song).’ Imiyawng innyukpung. ‘He sung and the way he played was moving’. Category:�Play, perform, joke, Sorrow, happiness.
Restrict:�MA subject ; ED object 5: katjukpun�•�heart be deeply moved, broken. Ngalyungan amirawning pata warra kamumu la atjukpung ngartu marurturt. ‘I heard the women singing and my heart was deeply moved.’ They're singing pa kinyalyu "A, apukpung ngartu marurturt." ‘They're singing as she's listening and says "Oh they broke my heart."’ Atjukpung ngaw marurturt. ‘Her heart is broken.’ See:�wurlk�‘sorrow, strong emotion’; marurturt�‘heart’. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
kingulkpurlnga���iv. turn around, look behind. Variant:�Mayinjinaj form. Yanat ingulkpurlngany. ‘He looked behind.’ Qe, Ya, kinyarrapa wularrutapa. Wularrutapa kingulkpungen. First time ta kani tuka wurak kiw warak ja warranyngiw. ‘She goes along for a while and then. Then he's already turned around. First the child's lying like this in the tummy.’ See:�kilatpulnga�‘turn around’; kimirlkpungen�‘turn body around’. Category:�Change stance.
kirrwara���noun. back (of the body), back of inanimate object. Ngamaju tuka kirrwara ‘I have something wrong with my back.’ Parang apa kunjurrngpung marnti kayirrkju kunjarray anjamang warlk kanpu tuka kirrwara. ‘I have commanded you lest you go cutting trees and harm your back.’ Mampuwarawng yungku la iwuwunyantung tuka kirrwara. ‘They lit a fire and heated the outside part of it.’ See:�Inypajiyiny kirrwara�‘shellfish type’; Murwala�‘pandanus palm’. Category:�Organs and torso.
coverb. Restrict:�female subject 1�•�menstruate. inypani kirrwara ‘she is menstruating’. See:�kinyurntulwarran; kinnyurntulwarran. Category:�Reproduction.
2�•�turn back on someone, a sign of anger. Arrkinkay arrarrkpi arryakay kirrwara la atjing. ‘We might have an argument with a man, turn our backs on him and walk away.’ Category:�Hate, anger.
3�•�turn back on someone, can be a way of being rude. Kun kirrwara. ‘When you sit in front of someone with your back facing then and don't show you know that he is behind you.’ Kapin kuni kirrwara la nuyimung. ‘Turn so you're facing away from each other.’ Kinnyun kirrwara la yamin ‘They're putting their backs to one another.’ Category:�Change stance. Note: Difference between CC with kinnyaka and kinnyun seems to be that one with kinnyun can be used simply to describe a movement rather than an emotion.
Restrict:�FE subject 4�•�fall backwards onto back. Qe, Imurnanganiny parakju ta yarlkeny. ‘Yes,he went back and went in.’ Ngapi mawarlkanyi inyurakan kirrwara. ‘I fell, I fell onto my back.’ Ant:�marrwakara. Category:�Vertical motion.
marrwakara���noun. goanna species. See:�wulak�‘small goanna’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
coverb. Restrict:�MA object lie on stomach, fall forwards onto stomach. kingawun marrwakara ‘She lay on her stomach’. Marryun iniwuning marrwakara. ‘The boy was lying on his stomach.’ Iniwung marrwakara ‘He fell forwards onto his front.’ Ant:�kirrwara. Category:�Change stance, Vertical motion.
ngangang���coverb. 1�•�open the mouth. Anmina ngangang. ‘Open your mouth.’ Category:�Change stance.
2�•�pant. Kingurrin ngangang. ‘He is panting (the dog).’ See:�kanilakpartpanpun�‘pant’; mangmang�‘pant, as a dog’. Category:�Automatic actions.
pap���interjection. sit! Usage:�command Variant:�a 'baby talk' command. See:�ap�‘sit down’. Category:�Language, Change stance.
coverb. live, as in how a person lives. La yamin kerra pap ju. ‘He was just living on his own.’ Kapin ja nuwarlkparrakan yamin ja kerra pap. ‘He's an old man who goes around on his own.’ Kerra pap yamin palat. ‘He goes around on his own.’ Category:�Activity manner.
wirrpirr���coverb. 1�•�flap. Kimin wirrpirr ja manpurrwa. ‘The material is flapping (on the line).’ Category:�Change stance.
2�•�scratch about. Kinymin wirrpirr kalakalak. ‘The hen is scratching about.’ Category:�Hunting.
punim���coverb. 1�•�overturn. Innyakan punim. ‘He overturned it.’ Category:�Manipulation.
2�•�bend over. Syn:�purup. Category:�Change stance.
purup���coverb. 1�•�bend over. Anmina purup. ‘You bend over’. Syn:�punim. Category:�Change stance.
2�•�sleep a night, camp. Category:�Sleep.
3�•�put down, put into lying position. Mamputpan purup putmanta. ‘They put the case on its base (from a standing position on its side)’. Iwutpan purup ja warranyngiw. ‘They laid the child down.’ Kamannyutpa purup. ‘The grass falls over (at the end of the wet season)’. See:�kinnyutpa�‘put down, write down’. Category:�Manipulation.
4�•�lower pitch in song. Arriwanutpa purup parak. ‘We go down in pitch.’ Category:�Play, perform, joke.
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