Motion relating to water
ayay���coverb. 1�•�be hanging. Naka kili ayay ja manpurrwa. ‘The material is hanging there.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
3�•�float. Kinypani aya. ‘A seagull is floating in the water.’ Ja luluj kiwani aya. ‘The dog is swimming.’ Note: This can be used to refer to a person or dog swimming if they jump in off a boat. Can also be used to refer to a goanna swimming. Cannot be used for crocodiles or turtles Category:�Activity manner, Motion relating to water.
3�•�drift. Anmina "Yarrangung ayayga". ‘You could say "he drifted over this way."’ Category:�Activity manner, Horizontal movements.
kanilakalkun���tv. Restrict:�LL object go to shore. Kanilakalkun. ‘He goes to the beach.’ Category:�Motion relating to water. Note: May be better translated as 'land boat'
kerlkan���iv. sink, drown, submerge, get bogged (i.e. enter water). Yarlkeny ja mutika. ‘The vehicle is bogged.’ Angpanarlken ta kunak. ‘The land will be flooded (Crow story).’ Awarlkeny. ‘They were submerged (Crow story).’ See:�kiwrlgen�‘go inside’; kiwryi�‘swim, go in water’. Category:�Motion relating to water, Holding, sticking.
kertpungkun���iv. go up on to shore. Usage:�Only used for going up onto shore, not for going up onto anything else, e.g. trees or houses. Yartpungkuny marntingunyuny. ‘A dugong washed up onto the shore’. Arrarrkpipa yartungkuny. ‘A person came ashore.’ Warranyngiw kurrartpungkinaga! ‘Children, come back to shore! (there's a jellyfish, or something in the water).’ See:�kinnyartpungku�‘lift up’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
kilangaka���iv. float. Kilangaka ja kapala. ‘The boat is floating.’ Murlurr kamalangaka. ‘The driftwood is floating.’ See:�kinilangaka�‘send, drive’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
kilatpa���iv. go down, go towards sea. Ilatpan parak tuka ajput. ‘He went down to the beach’. Karlurri kilatpa tuka kunak la kilangali. ‘A bird comes down and stands on the ground.’ Walmat kilatpan yunyi kanpani la oryak. ‘Rain fell so don't sit there it's wet.’ See:�kiwrtin; kinnyutpa; kinyjatpa tirip�‘late afternoon’. Ant:�kiwrtin. Category:�Vertical motion, Motion relating to water.
kingurrin���iv. 1�•�move quickly. Meanings include: run, fly, (animal) move or swim about in water, (wood) float along in water. Yarakap arrarrkpi ngarraryawng ingurrinang. ‘We saw a man running.’ Kayirrk ta tuka ta Mawng ta karrkinka tuka ta Mawng ta karrkurrin ‘Today the Mawng we speak is fast.’ Kingurrikpin kinimarrawurlngaka. ‘He's running around in a circle.’ kamangurrin ‘when someones waving a torch around quickly’. Kakurrin ta marlu. ‘The wind's blowing.’ Restrict:�liquid subject, mostly LL subject Category:�General terms.
2�•�rivlet, rainwater, creek, river flow. Cannot be used for billabongs. Maningul kamangurrin (pirlpirl) ‘Blood's flowing out.’ See:�kiwryi�‘swim, bath, wash (self)’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
Restrict:�VE subject 3 kamangurrin�•�be light-headed, dizzy, having a feeling of going round and round in the head. Ngapi kamangurrin. ‘I feel dizzy.’ Iwaninganju kamangurrin. ‘Suddenly he felt dizzy.’ Wularrut mangurrinang la kayirrk arlarrarr. ‘I was dizzy before but now nothing.’ Category:�Discomfort and pain.
Restrict:�VE subject 4 kamangurrin�•�not see properly, see black or see stars. Kamangurrin ngartu ta wun. ‘My vision goes black / I see stars’. Kamangurrin ngartu wun. ‘Like drunk, or if you stand up and everything goes black.’ Kamangurrin nu wun. ‘You can't see properly (temporarily)’. Category:�Discomfort and pain, Cognitive senses and attention.
kiwrlgen���iv. 1�•�enter, go inside. yurlkeny, yurlgany ‘he entered, went in’. Aminang awurlgeny parak, yiwumany parak ja arrarrkpi. ‘They entered in and took the man with them.’ Nukapa kapala kantaji kangurlgeny ta kurrula. ‘The boat's got a hole in it and sea water's coming it.’ Nginymiliny tuka inyurlgeny parak mirlak mata marntulyak. ‘I missed her where she entered the long grass’. See:�kinnyarlgunta�‘put inside’; kerlkan�‘sink’; kamawarlkanyi�‘fall down’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
Restrict:�LL subject 2: kangurlgen�•�creek or river enter the sea. Category:�Motion relating to water, Movement relating to fixed point.
kiwryi���iv. swim, bath, wash (self). Usage:�Cannot be used for fish. yurying ‘he bathed, had a shower’; inyuryiliny ‘the sun set into the water’. Wularrutapa awuryiliny ta minyngu. ‘They have now washed for the mortuary ceremony’. Nganarntakpunju warlk pa awanuryi. ‘I'll just chop (it) down and they'll be swamped (Crow story).’ See:�kingurrin�‘used to describe fish swimming’. Inyi kannguriyi. ‘don't swim.’ See:�kinyuryi muwarn�‘sunset, west’; kerlkan�‘sink’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
kiwrtin���iv. land, go towards coast, go inland, go upwards. yurtiny ‘he came up onto the beach, he landed (on the beach)’; murtiny ‘it is washed up on the shore (a tree)’; awurtiny ‘they came ashore’. Ngapipa nganurtin wawurri nganuraka tuka kunak. ‘I am going to land, come in to land, (and then) go on to the camp.’ Awuranka (awurtiny). ‘They were coming in towards us, towards the coast.’ Kawurtin jita arukin. ‘They have gone inland for the kurnapipi’. wakapa Wangarran kangurtiny parak kapa angminy parak wawurri. ‘Wangarran stretches right inland, part of it is inland (it's a large area).’ Ngungpanunma nuwu ta yurtiny nawunawu. ‘I'm going to tell you about how a whale was washed ashore.’ See:�kilawurtin�‘the tide is coming in’. Ant:�kilatpa. Category:�Vertical motion, Motion relating to water.
marnngalk���coverb. Restrict:�LL object drown. Yunyi kanti wurlupurlup warak la kuntang marnngalk. ‘Don't swim out too far or you might drown.’ Pa kimin pa kanila marnngalk. ‘Then he drowns.’ See:�larnngalk�‘ear’. Category:�Motion relating to water, Illness and death.
murlmurl���coverb. 1�•�dive into. Kinyarra murlmurl jita karlurri. ‘Diving bird.’ Ingurriny murlmurl. ‘He dived in.’ Inypaningan murlmurl. ‘She dived in.’ Category:�Motion relating to water.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�dive in. Angpena murlmurl. ‘They should dive in.’ Annyeny murlmurl. ‘He dived in.’ See:�amurl�‘dance movements’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
pagap���coverb. float. Nuka kurrayanti kiw pagap. ‘Look at it floating.’ Kiw pagap. ‘He is floating.’ Kurrayanti nakapa ja marrwati kiniwurlnga ja inyarlgan kiw pagap. ‘Look at the sea eagle circling over the floating turtle.’ See:�wagapagap�‘float (kilangali)’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
rtangkat���coverb. poke head out of surface of water. For examples a dugong or fish, might do this to breathe. A human might do this after being underwater. Marrik inymina rtangkat. ‘She didn't stick her head out of the water.’ kimit rtangkat ‘he came up to the surface and breathed (turtle, dugong, human etc.)’ Category:�Motion relating to water.
wagapagap���coverb. float, move in the water. Kamalangali wagapagap mata jutu. ‘The pole in the water is moving, swaying about (ie. it is not firmly implanted).’ See:�pagap�‘float’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
wurlkurl���noun. uneven ground, mountainous, hilly, soft. Tuka ta wugarra ta wurlkurl wularr. Marrik ngampiwi arrarray warak. ‘This ground is very uneven. There is no way we can get through.’ Mata couch wurlkurl. ‘The couch is soft.’ Category:�Landscape.
coverb. 1�•�sink down. Ta karrpin kerra wurlkurl warak naka ja nulakpi karryaka tuka wupaj kerra warak. ‘When we say "kerra wurlkurl", that is something heavy we throw in the water and it goes away.’ See:�wurlpurl�‘tie up canoes and leave them in the water’; wurlwurl�‘sink down (with kerra), dunk’; kurl�‘drown’; kurlkurl�‘hidden away, locked up’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�make bumpy. Nakapa karryatpi karrungaka wurlkurl. ‘We take hold of it and we make grooves in it.’ Category:�General change of state, Properties of surface.
wurlupurlup���coverb. 1�•�bathe, swim. Naka marryun kili wurlupurlup. ‘The boy is bathing.’ Yunyi kanti wurlupurlup warak la kuntang marnngalk. ‘Don't swim out too far or you might drown.’ Inyi kuti wurlupurlup ‘Don't swim!’ See:�wurlpurl�‘tie up canoes and leave them in the water’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
2�•�water boil, be hot and bubble. See:�purlup�‘be in water’. Category:�General.
wurlwurl���coverb. 1�•�sink down. Kerra wurlwurl warak. ‘He drowns.’ Kurrayanti ja arrarrkpi ja kerra wurlwurl warak murnin nakapa ja nulakpi ja arrarrkpi. ‘See that man sinking down because he is a heavy man.’ Syn:�wurlkurl (kerra). See:�kurlkurl�‘hidden away, locked up’; kurl�‘drown’. Category:�Vertical motion, Motion relating to water.
2�•�Dunk someone like kids do, without intending to drown them. See:�wurlkurl�‘sink down’; wurlpurl�‘tie up canoes and leave them in the water’; purl�‘drown’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
yikjik���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject water well up from a hole dug in a soak or bubble up like in a spa. Water spout up from body of water, sea etc. ta wupaj angmalkpangung kirrka. Angmalkpangung yikjik. ‘The water kept on rising up. It was bubbling up and was turbulent.’ Category:�Motion relating to water.
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