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la���part. 1�•�and. Nuyi la ngapi arrkpana. ‘You and I will go.’

2�•�but. La wiwi kamu kayu awuran kunak. Marrik awanyji wakij. ‘But grandmother, mother, and brother went home. They didn't go fishing.’ Yunyi wanyjtupanyjut la warakparakut wutarr kuwaka kapin imurranymi awunginkay pata manpala wanpirlk yirrkju. ‘Do not plant them close to each other but put them at a distance from each other otherwise both the seeds might grow and fight each other.’

3�•�or. Yunyi kunyatpi la kunymiyukpay. ‘Don't hold her (there) or you might hurt her.’ Anngurrina la wenat marnti kuntumuntay. ‘Run or they will get away from you.’ A! Kurrimany la inikping. ‘Oh! Get him or he'll wake him up.’

4�•�so. Nganalyuju nuwurru ta warrwak la ngana. ‘I'll wait for you until later so I'll go (now).’

5�•�because. Punyi ngawu la walmat kilatpa. ‘Father comes now because it is raining.’ Ngapi ngawani arlarl la marrik ngungmanyi. ‘I am ignorant (of that) because I didn't get it properly (before).’

6�•�sequential marker, general covers 'or' and English sentence initial 'when'. Imartjikpinang la imajpungkiny. ‘When it became daylight he arose.’ Arrunpangartakpin la arrkpana. ‘When the sun is overhead we will go.’ See:�la yirrknever; kayirrk lathen; makiny laand so; parang lathen; murninbecause, so.

la yirrk���part. never. Ngakamarrang mirrik ngeyanti la yirrk. ‘Ngakamarrang didn't ever see him.’ See:�lasequential marker. Category:�Concealment.

lagarr���coverb. 1�•�lie. Arrkpani lagarrapa. ‘We're getting it all wrong.’ Kiwani lagarr. ‘He's telling an untrue story.’ Kerra lagarr. ‘He's telling an untrue story.’ Syn:�kinilagurrun. See:�alalaj. Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.

Restrict:�MA object 2�•�tell a lie, mislead someone in another way, get a story or song wrong. Inimangung lagarr ngarrurru. ‘He was telling us lies.’ Ingamany lagarr ngartu. Nganyamirnali awarran kirrk. ‘She lied to me. They all went to Nganyamirnali.’ La jita warrwak naka marrik inyiwuni la ingamany lagarr. ‘However the younger one had tricked him and got away after all.’ Note: Often doesn't really translate well as 'tell lie' but it's more 'make mistake' or something. Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.

Restrict:�MA object 3�•�mislead, fool someone. "Ay, aku." inyminy "Nuka kinimanma lagarr, kiningijukun la ngiwayan mira." ‘"Oh, I see." she said, "He's just bullshitting, making excuses so I'll look properly."’ See:�kinimanmapersuade, stick. Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.

lagarrlagarr���keep on telling lies. Inimangung lagarrlagarr. ‘He kept on telling lies.’

lajkurrungu���noun. mardayin initiate. See:�Mardayinceremony type and the name for the special dillybag from the ceremony. Category:�Initiation.

lakput���noun. one whose father has died. Anth: This term is usually only used for a short time after the death of the person's father. For children it may be used until they have grown up. See:�inypularrorphan (lost mother). Category:�Ages.

lalafita���coverb. somersault. Variant:�Fijian form. Ngarri ngati lintij lalafita. ‘We were playing somersaults.’ Category:�Play, perform, joke.

lalal���coverb. look about from side to side. Inkarnarr iminy lalal. ‘Inkarnarr looked from side to side.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.

larl���coverb. lie open, eg. a clam shell. Kimin larl ja maminga. ‘The clam shell is open.’ Category:�Arrangement.

larla���noun. woman's older sister, man's sister. Also extends to mother's sister's children and father's brother's children. Anth: Idea of age is not simply birth order of those who call each other mawij and larla but can depend on their shared parent's relative age. See:�kuwuji; mawijyounger same-sex sibling, parallel cousin; kayu. Category:�family, inc moieties.

Lanka���noun. a place on the mainland which is a dangerous place, part of the story to do with the wrong-skin couple who marry. See:�wuyaksickness, soil. Category:�Place names.

langkarlakan���iv. doubt. Ilangkarlakany pu. ‘He doubted what they (said).’ Category:�Judgement, evaluation.

larnit���noun. hiccup. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Discomfort and pain.

larnngalk���noun. ear, horn of Rainbow serpent. See:�marnngalkdrown; ngaralktongue, language; ngalyapantabuffalo horn. Category:�Head.

larnngalk wu���sheep. Category:�Mammals.

larr���coverb. 1�•�lean against something while standing. Ngapi nganalangali larr. ‘I will stand against, lean against the wall.’ Category:�Remain stationary.

2�•�sit on something, lean on something while sitting. Kiwani larr. ‘He's sitting on something / He's sitting and leaning on something.’ Category:�Remain stationary.

3�•�lie on edge of something, can also be lean while lying. Kiw larr. ‘It's lying on the edge (e.g. of a road or a carpet)’. Category:�Remain stationary.

4�•�lean while walking. Kerra larr, kerra larrtarr. ‘He's leaning while walking.’ Category:�Walking.

Restrict:�MA object 5�•�finish, complete. Wularrut iniwung larr ta iyamangung. ‘He has finished what he was doing already.’ And imirawng kirrkapa iniwung larr. ‘And he sang it and he finished it.’ Iwany kirrk, imirawng kirrk, iniwung larr. ‘When it was all burnt he sang and finished singing the song.’ See:�kiniwularrunfinish. Category:�Activity manner.

larrku���noun. bay. Category:�Large features.

larrwa���noun. Macassan pipe. See:�pajpipe. Category:�Other.

lilak���noun. the sound of trees rubbing together. Category:�General terms, Language.

lintij���coverb. 1�•�play, or for adults 'dance and sing'. Kawuli lintij pata warranyngiw. ‘The children are playing.’ Kayirrk ngatangaling lintij ngarriwung larrapa. ‘We kept dancing and singing and then we finished.’ Nganawani lintij ja rtupulu. ‘I'll play cards.’ See:�marlanaplaying. Category:�Play, perform, joke.

2�•�be boyfriend and girlfriend. Category:�Desire.

lipa���noun. material, especially beautiful material. See:�manpurrwaclothing. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items, Other.

lirri���noun. 1�•�trouble associated with arguing or fighting. Yanat kanimalngajpun lirri ngarrurru. ‘He is making more trouble for us.’ Larla wularr ngawu katja ngungatpi karrkpin ta lirri la arrkpana arriwalawkula arrungpanawun manjat ngartu. ‘Sisters come with me and we will straighten out the trouble I am in.’ Takapa anturrangkenang lirri. ‘That's how they make trouble.’ Awaningan pata arrarrkpi awk awuran nuyu lirri ja Kortaweli. ‘Those men went to pay back Kortaweli.’ See:�kilirrinyminbe angry; kamarkpasmoulder; kilurrangkenjump, fly, hop in. Category:�Fight. Note: All uses seem to involve a verb directly or with ta

2�•�enemy. Usage:�with oblique pronoun Nuka ja lirri wu. ‘He is their enemy.’ See:�anpulirriwarriors. Category:�Peoples and clans.

coverb. 1�•�tell somebody off. Kerra lirri. ‘He growls somebody.’ Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.

2�•�want to hit or kill someone. Kinyaka lirri. ‘He tries to hit her.’ Category:�Hate, anger. Anth: For example, the close blood relatives of a deceased try to hit the wife of the deceased, blaming her for his death. People hold them to try and stop them. After that the wife is (theoretically) clear of blame.

3�•�make trouble for other people by fighting with a third group. Kawunnyaka lirri. ‘He's angry with them.’ Naka kawunnyaka lirri. ‘He makes trouble for them.’ Kinnyaka lirri. ‘He makes trouble.’ Category:�Fight, Hate, anger. Note: canonical agreement

Restrict:�GEN subject 4�•�angry. Ingakangung lirri. ‘He was angry.’ Ingakan lirri or kingawun lirri, the same. ‘He gets angry.’ Kingakan ja lirri. ‘He's angry.’ Category:�Hate, anger.

Restrict:�GEN subject 5�•�be very angry. Kingawun lirri ngaw, inypaniwu ‘He's angry at her, he will hit her.’ Kingawun nuyu lirri. ‘He is angry at him.’ Kingawunpu lirri. ‘He's angry and them.’ Category:�Hate, anger.

6�•�make trouble. Kurrungulawu lirri, ay kiki? ‘You make trouble with them, ey what?’ Inyi kurrungulawn lirri. ‘Don't make trouble with other boys.’ Category:�Fight.

lorrkon���noun. 1�•�ceremony for the burial of bones. Category:�Mourning.

2�•�burial pole used in lorrkon ceremony. Category:�Tools, men's.

luluj���noun. tame dog, camp dog, pet dog. pata luluj ‘the dogs’. Naka ja nawurlany nuyu ja ngarrkarrk luluj. ‘The two dogs are for Nawurlany.’ See:�jalajdingo. Category:�Mammals.

lurlpung���noun. tune. lurlpung ja i-ngurlaj ‘Lurlpung is it's name.’ Lurlpung ja manyardi ‘That's the normal song (context is that we are discussing songs which are longer (yarntulyak) and songs which are shorter (ilurtpuj), having more or less verses in order to fit with the dancers). this phrase refers to the 'normal song' i.e. not lengthened or shortened to fit with the dancers.’ See:�rlurlfill; jarljarlmusical beat, rhythm. Category:�Song and dance.

lumurr���noun. small jellyfish type of animal, not dangerous. Category:�Shellfish.

lurrjakaj���coverb. fish from a canoe, for example for fish or stingray. Nanguj yuran lurrjakaj. ‘The other day, he went line fishing from a boat.’ See:�kalangtrawl. Category:�Hunting.

lurrwirt���noun. semen. Category:�Secretions and substances.