Movement in and out
kilarlmalkpa���iv. Emerging from. Ilarlmalkpany ngalmarr. ‘He emerged from the cave.’ See:�kimalkpa�‘arrive, come out’. Category:�Movement in and out.
kilurrangken���iv. 1�•�jump, fly, hop in. (Moon) rise. jurrk ‘jump!’; ilurrang ‘he jumped, he was born’; inyjurrangken ‘a girl is born’; An-kurrangke-na-ga. Koyanti karlurri kilurrangken ‘Look a bird's flying.’ Ankurrangkenaga. ‘You jump in.’ Ja kurrana kilurrangkenka kinnyutpa mapularr. ‘The full moon rose and made the sea calm (the sea is often calm when there is a full moon in the sky)’. See:�jurrk�‘jump! (ideophone)’; awulurrangkekenyjing�‘try and take over somebody else's place’; kelkpa�‘bare young, lay eggs’; kilangali�‘participate in ceremony’. Category:�Vertical motion, Movement in and out.
2�•�be born. Usage:�A commonly used term but not considered as polite as ilangalingan. Ilurrang kingurlkparryu. ‘She gave birth to a baby.’ Kurlingka warrawurnji inyjurrang? ‘Was it a girl that was born?’ Takapa anturrangkenang lirri. ‘That's how they make trouble.’ See:�lirri�‘trouble’; kawulurrangkeken. Category:�Reproduction. Anth: Traditionally older women held the woman while she gave birth. One held her from behind around the waist. The arms and knees were also held
3�•�interrupt person speaking, take over story. Category:�Language.
kimarlpungkun���iv. escape, run off. Maruny imarlkpungkuny parak. ‘The bandicoot escaped.’ Category:�Movement in and out.
rlitirr���coverb. 1�•�hatch. Kiwani rlitirr. ‘It is hatching out.’ Category:�Reproduction.
2�•�keep on moving along, clear (it) up. Inimangung rlitirr. ‘He kept on moving it, he cleared it up.’ Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�MA object 3�•�break through, hatch out. Can be used for anything that has eggs, e.g. birds, reptiles. Koyanti innyeny rlitirr ja ilijpakpak. ‘Look, the young (bird) has hatched out.’ Innyeny rlitirr ja kurlajuk. ‘It hatched out of the egg.’ Inyanat ingany rlitirr. ‘It (female) hatched out.’ See:�kurlajuk�‘egg’. Category:�Movement in and out.
rlurl���coverb. fill. e.g. water rise up in a spring, rice fill up in a saucepan. Person have enough to eat. Kurlingka wularrut kapin rlurlga ta pirraja? ‘Is the rice filling up the saucepan yet?’ Kangmin rlurlga ta wupaj. ‘The water is welling up (in the hole).’ Ngapi ngaminy rlurl. ‘I had sufficient to eat.’ See:�lurlpung�‘tune’. Category:�Illness, Movement in and out, Arrangement.
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