
J - j

ja���art. masculine gender article. Koyanti ja arrarrkpi. ‘Look at the man.’ Angpangala kapin kujpagarri kimin ja kanila angkat. ‘She (the emu) drinks like the wallaby which keeps on drinking.’ See:�matanoun class marker.

ja katiwarrama walij���phrase. one who distributes food, store worker. Category:�Peoples and clans.

ja katiwunyaka walij���phrase. one who cooks food, cook. See:�kiniwunyakakeep cooking. Category:�Peoples and clans.

ja katjaka kurrampalk���phrase. one who puts houses together, builder. Category:�Peoples and clans.

ja kawunnyukiki warranyngiw���phrase. one who teaches children, teacher. Category:�Peoples and clans.

jaka���dem. that. Jaka jita warramumpik inyuran kapa kinypani Putawin. ‘That woman has gone to Darwin (and) is staying there.’ See main entry: naka.

jakalang���noun. Tuna. Thunnus species. See:�marrwiwiSkipjack tuna, Stripey tunas, Mackerels. Category:�Fish.

jal���part. only, just. Malany jal arrunngatpung malurtpuj. ‘We only had a short one.’ See:�-yuonly, just. Category:�Appearance.

jala���noun. throwing net. A big net that is not left in the water, just used to throw out and bring back in. Kurrula kilawurtinyka la ngatja ngatpakapa jala, ngarriwun kiyap. ‘The tide comes in and we go off and throw the jala net, and catch fish.’ Category:�Items for fishing.

jalaga���coverb. be born. Malany naka kayirrk putarr tuka arrarangpi wularrut amurranymekpiny wimun amalkpany jalaga pa kayirrk la iniyarlmany mirnta yamin. ‘When years back we went along, long ago when the kids had grown up, come out of childhood into adulthood. After that he got old and died.’ See:�yalaout. Category:�Reproduction.

jalaj���noun. dingo, wild dog. Category:�Mammals. See:�lulujdog.

jalakaraj���noun. pronged fishing spear. Iwumany ja jalakaraj. ‘They took a spear.’ Kiningula jalakaraj ‘He is making a fishing spear.’ Naka ja jalakaraj la pukijuku. ‘That is a jalakaraj spear and a pukijuku spear.’ Category:�Tools, men's.

jalarryu���noun. bare weathered bones found lying on the ground. Category:�Other.

jalngarr���noun. 1�•�observation post or seat in a tree. Used when waiting to trap geese. Muka mata jalngarr kamalangali. ‘This is an observation post.’ Category:�Hunting.

2�•�pilot's seat in an aeroplane. Category:�Other.

jalwarra���noun. trousers. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.

jarlan���coverb. (beating in) through. Walmat kimin jarlan. ‘The rain is beating through (the window).’ Category:�Weather, Shelter, camp, house.

jarlarr���crossreference. See:�yarlarrseparate.

jarljarl���noun. musical beat, rhythm. Mana jarljarl kita. ‘The guitar is beating out (the tune).’ See:�lurlpungtune. Category:�Play, perform, joke, Mourning.

jamalak���noun. Western Arnhem Land dance. Explanation by Frank Ambidjambidj (1976): 'The singers and dancers come from Croker, Maningrida, Oenpelli. They dance and sing. One will say 'he is a good dancer' and hit him in fun. People will give material, put it around his neck and pull it. It is his then. They have had Jamalak at Croker and Goulburn these last two years'. kani awuntuwuning Jamalak ngarrkarrk jungkarra. ‘They were holding the Jamalak for two years.’ See:�juruwarrijoking partner. Category:�General ritual. Anth: Involves throwing flour, water or mud at dancers or audience.

jampakang���noun. sheet iron. Category:�Other.

jampakumirrang���noun. fine cut tobacco. Category:�Toxic plants.

jampang���noun. tamarind. Tamarindus indica. Category:�Trees and bushes, Plant food.

janiki���noun. Johnny cake. Category:�Plant food, Introduced plants.

jang���noun. a place of special significance, eg one related to certain species of animal life. Secret dreaming place where you shouldn't go as you you might cause something bad to happen. Syn:�nyunyuk. See:�iyarliyarlincrease centre; marrarawk jangspecial coral you don't want to hit when you're out in your boat because if you do you will disturb Marrarawk and lightning will hit you. The coral looks like a man.. Category:�Landscape, Supernatural.

jang wirlngukuk���noun. freckles, dark patches on the skin. Category:�Other.

jangkurri���noun. peanuts. Category:�Plant food, Introduced plants.

jarnkalk���coverb. Restrict:�LL object go down another path. La angpangama jarnkalk parak ta tora angpangunma. ‘She'll tell another story (later).’ Angpangama jarlkalk parak. ‘She go and turn down another road.’ Angamany alan parak. ‘She starts to walk on the road.’

Jarnpiny���noun. an open part of the Kurnapipi ceremony. After the Kurnapipi is over the women are painted with clay and after the Jarnpiny they can eat 'big things' - turtle, dugong, large fish. Kiwuma ja jarnpiny nakapa kangkuwularrun kirrk malany kiwulapa ja iymun. Next Saturday awuntalartpan kayirrk la kangpuyirrmirawn pu ta wanji pa nuyu iwakaka yirrk pu ja imun nuyu marrik awuniwu warra kulawurtu. ‘They have the Jarnpiny and when they have finished they can eat the big things. Next Saturday they will paint themselves and hold their heads and sing so they can cast out all those big things so they can't hurt the initiates.’ See:�kurnapipibig ceremony that is run by the duwa side. Category:�General ritual.

jap���crossreference. See:�yapmove location.

japaka���dem. that, far distant. Japaka kinyarra warak. ‘That woman, in the distance, is going (that way).’ Category:�Location and distance.

japanmani���noun. stick which is stood up in the women's ceremony area in the kurnapipi ceremony. See:�kurnapipibig ceremony that is run by the duwa side. Category:�General ritual. Usage:�outside or inside word

japirlanta���noun. pannikin. Category:�Other.

japiri���noun. large mat. Category:�Shelter, camp, house.

jarakij���noun. Moray Eel. Siderea sp. (Muraenidae). Category:�Herring.

jarrang���noun. horse. Category:�Introduced animals.

jarrart���coverb. limp, because of a sore hip or leg. Koyanti kerra jarrart parak. ‘Look at him limping along.’ "Warlk nganngeny", "Aku parant". Kerra jarrart. ‘"A stick poked me". "Oh, I see.". He's limping.’ Category:�Walking.


jarripang���noun. trepang. Category:�Shellfish.

jarrk���crossreference. See:�yarrkbe open.

jarrk���coverb. 1�•�break, split open. Kuwuni jarrk! ‘Cut that (paper, or shirt or anything)’. Syn:�yarrk. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.

Restrict:�LL object 2�•�make room (for OBL). Kurrungpuni jarrk! ‘Get off the road (a car's coming). (Lit: make room!)’ Kurrungpuni jarrk nuyu mutika. ‘Make room for the car.’ See:�yarrk; kannyarlandivide, halve. Category:�General terms.

3�•�cut in half. Karlanti jarrk. ‘Cut it in half (paper or clothing, or dividing a crab into half so each can take half.)’ Manpurrwa, korranti jarrk. ‘Divide the clothes in half.’ Korlanti jarrk, like nuyi.... ‘Divide them in half, like you...’ Category:�Divide, cut, tear.

jarrkjarrk���coverb. split open. Ngarringula ngarriyarlan jarrkjarrk kirrk. ‘We open it, and make it split right open’. See:�yarrk (kinilalku)split; karten yarrkjarrkone who uses a different pronunciation. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.

jat���coverb. interfere with, exhort, pry into, pass judgment upon, talk severely to. Karrpunini jat. ‘We (incl) are talking severely to them.’ Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.

yatjat���coverb. keep talking to someone severely. Ininang yatjat. ‘He was passing judgment on him.’ marrik ngarrunini yatjat ‘we cannot pass judgement’. Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.

jatulk���coverb. straighten out, stretch out legs. Kimit jartulk ‘He stretches out his legs.’ Category:�Change stance.

jaw���crossreference. See:�yawsoak.

jawirna���noun. friend. See:�ngantakalifriend. Category:�Peoples and clans.

jawok���noun. Common Koel. Eudynamys scolopacea. Anth: named after its call Category:�Small birds.

jenmal���noun. person who lisps, has nonstandard pronunciation, talks too softly etc. ngaljenmal FE.person.with.strange.pronunciation. Category:�Peoples and clans.

jerniman���noun. fleas. See:�imilirrflea. Category:�Insects.

jijiji���interjection. expression used to call a dog. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.

jijirok���noun. brackish water from a paperbark tree. See:�maryawupaperbark tree. Category:�Water bodies.

jikirtijikirtij���noun. Willy Wagtail, Black butcherbird, generic for shrike-thrushes and flycatchers. Rhipidura leucophrys. Pata wiyiniyirrk mira pa jikirtij-jikirtij la walarrk amalkpany nuyu mampartpungka anjirla ipururr la wularrut atjayawng ta mawngku ja jikirtij-jikirtij nuyu ja Kortaweli. ‘First Willy Wagtail and Night Hawk got there, they took their spears and first Willy Wagtail saw Kortaweli's shelter.’ Category:�Small birds.

jikuna���noun. schooner. Category:�Other.

jil���coverb. 1�•�cool, cold. kimit jil., kinymit jil. Kangmin jil ta wupaj. ‘The water is cool.’ Inymit jil. ‘She's cold.’ Kapit jil. ‘The food is cool.’ Category:�Temperature.

2�•�at peace, all is well with. Kiwani kimin jil kirrk. ‘He is at peace.’ Kimin jil. ‘He's even tempered.’ See:�irrukcold. Category:�Hate, anger.

iljil���coverb. be at peace, not angry. Kawani iljil kirrk. ‘They are living peacefully.’ Category:�Hate, anger.

jilik���coverb. travel slowly. Atpanarra jilik parak. ‘We will travel slowly’. See:�pirrikpislowly, lazily; juntatravel slowly. Category:�Activity manner.

jilimin���noun. skin conditions such as ringworm and tinea. Kawani purlup pata arrarrkpi pata kiwatpi jilimin nakapa kiniwunpu ja jilimin. ‘People with ringworm will swim (in waterholes with Paperbark leaves in them) to cure themselves.’ Category:�Sickness.

jirl���coverb. drip, bleed. Ta walmat kilatpa yara ta kurrampalk ta kantajiki nakapa kili jirl. ‘When the rain falls, a house with holes in it drips (leaks).’ Yara ta warramumpik ta kakalalku yurnu naka kinyjangali jirl. ‘When a woman cuts her finger it drips (blood).’ Kantangali jirl kangurrin. ‘It's dripping petrol, it's running out (said about a leaky car)’. Category:�Vertical motion, Automatic actions.

jirla���noun. salt. Category:�Cooking.

jirlijirlikang���noun. pistol. Category:�Other.

jimatpi���part. not. Usage:�Malalkukuj dialect, not commonly heard Jimatpi iwatping. ‘They haven't got him.’ See:�marriknot.

jimurru���noun. South-east trade winds. Anth: These blow from the Martpalk side of Warruwi across to Wiyarla during the dry season (April/May - September). Apumirlajuning jimurru. ‘They were waiting for the south-east trade winds.’ Jimurru, ja kimurnanganiga ja walmat. ‘During the South-east trade winds time, when the rains comes back.’ See:�marluwind; parrawest wind; mantanti kapukpagasouth wind. The wind which comes from the direction of the mainland. Category:�Wind.

jinyngu���noun. unlit. Muka mata yungku mata jinyngu. ‘This firewood is unlit.’ Category:�Fire.

coverb. dark , in darkness, in the dark. Usage:�occurs with kerra and kiwraka. With kiwraka it means 'get up when it is still dark' or 'go off early in the morning' Yarran jinynguga. ‘He came after dark’. yurakangung jinynguga ‘he was up early in the morning’. Ant:�kiwruju. See:�walngakpalngakdaybreak when visibility is improving but not perfect. Category:�Sleep.

jirnumpu���noun. 1�•�king fish. Anth: When it is calm and people see the king fish jumping they know that the winds will soon blow, so they go hunting. See:�kinumpuBlack Marlin, Blue Marlin; marlimarliYellowtail Kingfish; Kurrukurrukbig ocean fishes. Category:�Tuna.

2�•�Large striped mackerels, Spanish Mackerel. Scomberomerus commerson, Scomberomerus semifasciatus. See:�katapangaBlack Marlin. Category:�Tuna. Anth: These are the largest mackerels. They are thick-bodied with lateral stripes. They are excellent eating. They are present during the cold months of the dry season

3�•�mackerels, tunas, billfishes (generic). Families Scombridae. Category:�Fish.

jir���coverb. hold firmly, tightly. Malany innyatpung jir ja waliman. ‘He held the axe tightly.’ Category:�Holding, sticking.

jirr���coverb. 1�•�hold tightly. Angkat yimin innyatpiyang jirr. ‘He always held him tightly (i.e. captive)’. Category:�Holding, sticking.

Restrict:�LL object 2�•�have traditional knowledge. Anth: For example what a father explains to his son about his land, its place names and dreamings. Kurrungpanatpi jirr la tuka ta katpin nuwurru. ‘Carry on this knowledge that we have told you.’ Kannyatpi jirr. ‘He knows, understands (traditional knowledge)’. Kannyatpi jirr ta kunak. ‘He knows about the place’. See:�jirrkceremony leader; jirrjirrskip, slide. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.

jirring���noun. wooden spoon, stirring rod. Category:�Fire.

jirriyingking���noun. tiny bright blue kingfishers: azure kingfisher, little kingfisher,Forest Kingfisher. Alcedo azurea, Alcedo pusilla, Halycon macleeayii. See:�karlurrkarlurrkBlue-winged kookaburra. Category:�Small birds.

jirrjirr���coverb. skid, slip. Ingurriny jirrjirr ja marryun. ‘The boy slipped.’ See:�jirrhave traditional knowledge. Category:�Horizontal movements.

jirrk���ideophone. noise made by clapsticks. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.

noun. leader of ceremony (the one who has the clapsticks). See:�mardamardaboss worker in Martayin; jirrhold tightly. Category:�Initiation.

jirrk mardamarda���phrase. person who takes the place of the leader of the ceremony if he is not able to be present. See:�mardamardaboss worker in Martayin. Category:�Initiation.

jit���coverb. 1�•�fish on a moonless night. Warra kamumu awuran jit. ‘The women have gone fishing (on a moonless night).’ Category:�Hunting.

2�•�light bark torches. Jit kiwiyitpa ‘They lit bark torches.’ Category:�Fire.

3�•�use torches for light. Kampuwarawnapa kawa jit kiwuyirran. ‘They light them and go along with torches providing illumination.’ Kampuwarawn, kawapa jit kampuyirran. ‘They light them and go along with torches providing illumination.’ Category:�Fire.

jita���art. feminine gender article. Jaka jita ninyparlkparrakan. ‘That is the old lady.’ Wularrutpa inyuran jita warramumpik jita ingamany mira kiyap. ‘The woman who got a lot of fish has already gone.’

jitpuruluk���noun. Butcherbirds (generic), Grey butcherbird, Pied butcherbird, Cracticus torquatus, Cracticus nigrogularis. Anth: This bird makes its call and tells us that someone has caught inyarlgan See:�wartwartblack and white bird species. Category:�Small birds.

jirt���coverb. Restrict:�MA object light a fire. Ma kokanyi jirt! ‘Light the fire!’ Category:�Fire.

jornjorntok���noun. bird species. Category:�Small birds.

jorok���coverb. teach traditional, ethical values. Awaning awalangaling jorok. Aminang pu "yunyi kula ja karrkpin ja kiyap la katpunun la nuwurrimung". ‘They used to teach traditional values. They used to say to them "Do not eat the big fish and share (food) with each other".’ Category:�Language.

ju���part. only, just. See:�-yuonly, just. Category:�Appearance.

juju���coverb. 1�•�walk. Kurrayanti ja marryun anyak kerra juju! ‘Look at the little boy walking!’ Kerra juju warak. ‘He's going a long way.’ Syn:�pulpul. Category:�Walking.

2�•�travel back and forth between two places some distance apart (e.g. Warruwi and the mainland). La warak ta ngalangali jujuga. ‘I have to travel back and forth a big distance.’ Category:�General terms.

juk���coverb. spit. Ilangalingan iminy juk. ‘Then he spat.’

juka���dem. this, near me. See main entry: nuka. Category:�General.

julapa���noun. tobacco tin, tobacco packet. Category:�Toxic plants.

jularra���coverb. go naked. Ja marryun anyak yarrangung jularra. ‘The little boy was going about naked.’ Category:�Shelter, camp, house.

julu1���noun. matches. Category:�Fire.

julu2���noun. gulf lobster. Category:�Crustaceans.

jurlkaj���coverb. run. Aminy jurlkaj parak pata marryun. ‘The boys ran away.’ Category:�Walking.

yurlkajjurlkaj���coverb. run about. Category:�General terms.

jurlngarr���coverb. melt, soften. kangmin jurlngarr ta irruk. ‘The ice is melting.’ Kangmit jurlngarr. ‘It's melting.’ Syn:�yurlirr. See:�yurlngarrjurlngarrcrush. Category:�General change of state.

jurlup���coverb. splash. Iminy jurlup. ‘He splashed (in the water).’ See:�irrwasplash. Category:�Movement of water.

jumpirlang���noun. spear type. Category:�Tools, men's.

junta���coverb. 1�•�travel slowly. Ta karrpin junta naka ta karrarra marlakan. ‘When we say junta it means that we go along slowly.’ See:�jiliktravel slowly; marlakanslowly, carefully. Category:�Horizontal movements.

2�•�lazy. Kerra juntawi. ‘He is lazy.’ Category:�Horizontal movements.

jungkarra���noun. year. Usage:�Used in special idiom with kinnyaka with MA subject and MA object to mean 'X number of years pass' Kinnyaka yarakap jungkarra. ‘As one year passes.’ Awulangaling yarakap jungkarra. ‘They were there for one year.’ See:�kurranamonth; kinnyaka kurranameasure of time; walmatway of measuring years by counting rainy seasons. Category:�Longer.

jungkarra la jungkarra���idiom. year after year. Akut la akut, jungkarra la jungkarra, kamamalkpa. ‘Again and again, year after year it appears.’ See:�akut la akutrepetitively. Category:�Activity manner.

jungku���noun. hat. Nganartalku jungku marnpularr. ‘I am wearing an old hat.’ See:�kingartalkuwear hat. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.

jungkulu���noun. very fine, small rice. Category:�Plant food, Introduced plants.

jur���coverb. Restrict:�MA object joke. Malany kuma jur. ‘You are joking.’ kumany jur. ‘you joked’. See:�juruwarrijoking partner. Category:�Play, perform, joke.

juruwarri���noun. joking partner. Anth: People who you joke with and throw things at in jamalak. Juruwarri is speaker's wiwi but is of a different totem (i.e. matriline) to speaker. So they are not a close wiwi as they cannot be actual mother's mother or daughter's daughter. Usage:�address or reference See:�jurjoke; wiwimother's mother and siblings, (a woman's) daughter's children (reciprocal); jamalakdance type. Category:�family, inc moieties, Play, perform, joke.

jurr���coverb. 1 ke jurr�•�fall, fall over once. Marnti ying jurr. ‘It might fall.’ Yara tuka wurl ta anyung ta wupaj tuka maryawu kamalangali la kama jurr mata mawiya kawani purlup pata arrarrkpi pata kiwatpi jilimin nakapa kiniwunpu ja jilimin. ‘Sometimes in a waterhole where there are Paperbark trees growing and the fallen leaves are in the water then people with ringworm will swim to cure themselves.’ Ngapi ngana ngiwayalma kunjing ja yurat jurr. ‘I'm looking for a key that was lost.’ See:�yurrjurrfall off; kamawarlkanyifall; kurrstand upright. Category:�Vertical motion.

2 kerra jurr�•�limp or hop along, for example because of a sore foot. kerra jurr ‘He is limping.’ Category:�Walking.

Restrict:�unclear 3 kinnyaka jurr�•�drop off. Atjakat jurr ta walij. ‘It dropped off the food (the barge)’. Category:�Transfer.

jurra���noun. any type of thing made of paper such as a photo, a poster, a book, a letter, a scrap of paper, a manuscript etc. Category:�Other.

jurri���noun. parrot species. Category:�Small birds.

jurrk���coverb. drop off in car. Anpanamin nuyu Jonah kunpannyaka jurrk. ‘You tell Jonah to drop you off.’ Category:�Transfer.

ideophone. ideophone for jumping. Jurrkpi iwumany yanatjanat. ‘They both sprang and grabbed it.’ See:�kilurrangkenjump. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.

jurrupi���noun. Banteng cattle. Category:�Mammals.

juti���noun. Goanna type. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

jutu���noun. a stick or post marking a position in the water or used to tie boats to. Annyanyji kunjarrnganya mata jutu nuyu arrkanawunpura mata kupuny ngarrurru. ‘Go and put the pole in the ground so we can tie our canoe to it.’ Category:�Items for fishing.

jurtjurt���noun. Osprey. Pandion haliaetus. See:�jurtjurt katin nuyu yurnuLeatherjacket fish. Category:�Small birds.

jurtjurt katin nuyu yurnu���noun. leatherjacket fish. See:�jurtjurtChicken Hawk. Category:�Fish.

juwang���noun. large axe head. Variant:�Said to be ngurtikin word. See:�walimanaxe. Category:�Tools, men's.