Pierce, shoot
kantakparrki���iv. Restrict:�LL subject (Spear) land by becoming lodged in the ground. mamurnanganiny anjirla antakparrkjiny waka wiyu tuka ilangaling. ‘it bounced back and lodged in the ground next to where he stood.’ Kantakparrki tuka kunak (*ta kunak) ‘It cut into the ground.’ Kantakparrki ta kunak. ‘A spear is lodged in the ground.’ See:�kinilakparrki�‘cut meat out of a clam’. Category:�Pierce, shoot.
kinilalku���tv. 1�•�cut. ilalkany ‘he cut himself’; arralalku, AD Text16, kurrilalkung, Yinkarnarrk. Inilalkuny manjawak. ‘He cut it with a knife.’ mampulalkuny ‘they cut it down (tree)’. Kilalku. ‘He cut himself once (eg with a knife).’ See:�kinilalken�‘ask’; kanilalkpa�‘cutting across country’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
2�•�spear (with a shovel spear). Inilalkuny rlama. ‘He speared it with a shovel spear.’ See:�kinirrka�‘spear fish’; rlama�‘shovel spear’; irrkaka�‘man hunting with a spear’. Category:�Pierce, shoot.
kanilalku (kunak)���lie on side. See:�kiw kinilalku�‘lie on side’. Category:�Remain stationary.
kiningartparrki���tv. shoot successfully in head, e.g. Buffalo or crocodile. Iningartparrkiny tuka wanji. ‘He shot it in the head’. Nukapa ja murtij arriwangarinji la arriwangartparrki ja murrkaj kayirrk la arriwanala. ‘We will squeeze (the fluid out of the cooked) stingray, melt the fat over the fire (mix it) and then eat it.’ See:�kingartpara�‘shoot’. Category:�Pierce, shoot.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kaningartparrki�•�tv. make a mark to identify a place. See:�kawulartparrki�‘be countrymen’. Category:�Weak impact.
Restrict:�GEN subject 3 awunngartparrkang�•�tv. own land. Wenatapa awungartparrkang tukapa ta kunak. ‘They owned this land.’ Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
kinirrkpun���tv. sew. Ingirrkpuning jalwarra. ‘She was sewing the trousers.’ "Arriwerrkpun arriwayalma inyarlgan, kiyap, karnjawarra arriwanama." ‘"We will make a canoe and then we will go looking for turtles or fish or get crabs."’ Wilamapa inirrkpung. ‘Bark canoes, he made.’ See:�kinirrka�‘spear fish’; irrkaka�‘man hunting with a spear’. Category:�Pierce, shoot.
kinnyarnaken���tv. 1�•�shoot, spear, nail, crucify. Used for when something narrow pierces something. Anth: Also used for hammering in a nail. Used to describe the fact that nails were put into Christ during crucifixion. Also used to describe what they used to do to corpses when they were hung up in a tree - they would pierce the soles of the feet with lots of small holes. Also used for when sharp grass seeds get stuck in your clothes. Kinnyarnaken Manimunak ‘He shot some Magpie geese.’ Kiwarnaken manpiri. ‘They spear turtles.’ Nakapa ja arrarrkpi katjarnaken hammer ‘That man is building with a hammer.’ Category:�Pierce, shoot.
Restrict:�MA object 2: kingarnaken�•�weave, make basket or mat. Kangamiyarma iwangarnaken ‘She wants to make a basket.’ Ingarnakeny la marrik ingawularruni. ‘She made some of a basket but didn't finish it.’ Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�LL object 3: kannyarnaken�•�look for an animal or eggs in soft ground by poking the ground with a sticks. Anth: This is a technique used for hunting freshwater tortoise or looking for turtle eggs. Angarnakenang. Ingamangung ngartu mangili. ‘She was hunting by poking with a stick and brought me freshwater tortoise.’ Kangparnaken iweny. ‘They hunt them and then spear them (mangili).’ Kunak kannyarnaken. ‘He's poking in the ground with a stick, looking for animals under the ground.’ See:�kawarnakanyjilin�‘fight with spears’. Category:�Hunting.
Restrict:�VE object 4�•�feel sharp or stabbing pain. Ngannyarnaken ‘I feel a sharp or stabbling pain.’ Category:�Discomfort and pain, Hunting.
kinnyen���tv. 1�•�harpoon, pierce, inject, stab, shoot. yany. Innyeny nganaparru. ‘He shot the buffalo.’ Kumanyi ja kuling pa larla iwangen manpiri. ‘Take the rudder so older sister can harpoon the turtle.’ ta kunak kanin parak ‘it's roots go a long way into the ground’. ngarrungeny ‘we push (a stick) into the sand (to look for turtle eggs)’. See:�amurl�‘dance movements’. Category:�Pierce, shoot.
2�•�sew the needle. Iwenang yangali warra kamu. ‘The women were making baskets.’ Category:�Pierce, shoot.
Restrict:�GEN subject 3 kingen�•�decide, feel like, want (with non-concrete object of desire). Arrarrkpi ja iwangen minyngu. ‘The man who runs the funeral.’ iwangen, kunngen, nganngen, kinyngen, kunngeniny, kannyeni, annyeni, . Kunngen. ‘You want to date her.’ Kiki la kungeniny ta ngurrij pa apurnungani tuka kunak. ‘When do you want to go home? (lit: How many days until you want to go back home?)’ Arrarrkpi ja iwangen. ‘The man who decides what day a funeral will finish on.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Desire. See:�kilangan�‘feel like (doing something)’.
kinnyirnparrki���tv. pierce nose. Kawa pata arrarrkpi kawunpirnparrki. ‘The men go and pierce their noses.’ Category:�Pierce, shoot, Clothing, adornment, magic items.
kingartpara���iv. fire shot. Ngarrkartparawng. ‘We fired a shot.’ See:�kingartparra�‘grey haired’; kiningartparrki�‘shoot successfully in head’. Category:�Pierce, shoot.
kingartpirrun���iv. throw something such as a spear with aim to hit something. Ay, naka marryun ingartpirrung. ‘That boy threw a spear.’ Ngapi ngartpirrun ngimarkujpany ta waryat. ‘I threw a rock, I'm the one that hit him.’ Kayirrk la awunimirtpany wanyji pa ingartpirrung mata warlk inyiwung jita murlu. ‘Then he crept up close to them and threw the log and hit her on the nose.’ See:�kinnyartpirra�‘untie’; kinnyaka�‘throw’. Category:�Pierce, shoot.
kurr���coverb. 1�•�stand upright. Malany jalakaraj kilangali kurr. ‘The fish spear is standing upright.’ Kilangali kurr. ‘He is standing up straight.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
2�•�spear at close range. Kimit kurr. ‘He spears something at close range such as a fish or crab.’ Category:�Pierce, shoot.
3�•�walk along with a walking stick, because of difficulty walking. Kerra kurr. ‘He walks with a stick.’ See:�jurr (kerra)�‘limp’. Category:�Walking.
4�•�kick. Malany innyarlukpat kurr. ‘He kicked him.’ Nuka ja pujurlung kinnyarlukpat kurr kamawarlkanyi warakapa. ‘This bottle is kicked and it's falling off.’ See:�wurrkurr. Category:�Strike or chop.
parrwarr���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�have hole right through. Kantaji parrwarr. ‘There was a hole right through it.’ Kantaji parrwarr. ‘A cave you can go right through (and come out the other side)’. Wugarra yiwuwany nuyu la yiwaning antajing nuyu parrwarr ta nangartam nuyu. ‘They at a lot of his cheek and there was a hole right through his cheek.’ Category:�Smaller features, Shape.
Restrict:�MA object 2�•�look right through something to the other side, look a long way. Innyayantung parrwarr. ‘He could see through it (a hole in a log).’ Innyeyantung parrwarr. ‘He looked a long way.(e.g. about 200m, peering down from school donger to see if shop is open)’. Karrayan kantaji parrwarr ja jurra. ‘We can see through the hole in the paper’. See:�mirrarra�‘see reflection in water or see into clear water’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
3�•�look a long way. Inyukeny parrwarr. ‘She looked a long way/ through a hole?’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
4�•�put something right through something so it comes out the other side. Ngeny parrwarr. ‘I put it right through it.’ Innyeny parrwarr. Category:�Pierce, shoot.
wirrirri���coverb. 1�•�hanging together, strung together, bunched together. Kernti wirrirri ngarrurru pinana. ‘Our bananas are hanging together in a bunch.’ Category:�Arrangement.
2�•�string together. Kurryena wirrirri ja kiyap ngarrurru la papurli ngarrurru. ‘String our fish together and take them (back) strung together.’ See:�papurli�‘carrying pole’; papurli (kiniwun)�‘carry threaded on pole’. Category:�Pierce, shoot, Arrangement.
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