Hate, anger
jil���coverb. 1�•�cool, cold. kimit jil., kinymit jil. Kangmin jil ta wupaj. ‘The water is cool.’ Inymit jil. ‘She's cold.’ Kapit jil. ‘The food is cool.’ Category:�Temperature.
2�•�at peace, all is well with. Kiwani kimin jil kirrk. ‘He is at peace.’ Kimin jil. ‘He's even tempered.’ See:�irruk�‘cold’. Category:�Hate, anger.
iljil���coverb. be at peace, not angry. Kawani iljil kirrk. ‘They are living peacefully.’ Category:�Hate, anger.
iljil���coverb. be at peace, not angry. Kawani iljil kirrk. ‘They are living peacefully.’ Category:�Hate, anger.
kamarkpa���iv. Restrict:�VE subject 1�•�the area is burning off, can refer to grass fires seen from far away, volanoes. Mata mirlak kamarkpa. ‘The grass is burning.’ markpany ‘area be burnt out’. Wula marlkpangung antangung ‘A volcano is burning, burning.’ See:�kamarlkpakpa�‘burning season’. Category:�Fire.
2�•�wanting a fight. Yarran markpany kirrk ta wanji la imarrk. ‘He wants to fight in his head and in his stomach.’ Ngapi kunpanawun murnin kamarlkpaga wanyji. ‘I'm going to hit you because I'm getting angry.’ Kingawun lirri marnti kulakajpun markpang. ‘He's angry it might not be good if you ask him something as he's angry. Don't go and say anything to him because he's angry, angry.’ Syn:�lirri. Category:�Hate, anger.
3�•�the ground is burning hot. Note: Can just mean that ground is hot, without any implication that burning has occurred. For example, the ground may be hot because of the sun. See:�mawatpu�‘area be burnt out’. Category:�Soil.
kila���iv. 1�•�hot, heat, cook, burn. kamala, iwany, it cooked, mawany ‘HH Text 1’; angpany ‘HH Text 1’; apany ‘it cooked’; ilangung ‘he was burning (Warruwi BLPC 2:20)’; angkang ‘AD Tape 1991 3B’. Ara iwany yungku mawij. ‘Alas, little brother has burned himself in the fire.’ Tuka malangung mata yungku iwuwunyantung wurul ja iwiya. ‘Then they would heat it through on the fire.’ Kanta ta kunak. ‘The ground is hot (because it is burning)’. See:�kinila�‘eat’; kiniwunya�‘cook’. Category:�Sickness, Cooking, Fire.
2�•�have fever. Category:�Sickness.
3�•�angry. Ngala wanyji. ‘I'm getting angry (Lit:I'm nearly burning)’. Ngala mira marnti kunpun. ‘I'm getting really angry I might hit you.’ See:�kamarkpa. Category:�Hate, anger.
kilirrinymin���iv. angry, (sun) be hot. Nakapa ilirrinyminy ngaw. ‘He was angry with her.’ Qe, kangarra warak kinyjirrinymin parakapa jita muwarnapa. ‘We're going along and the sun's starting to get hot now.’ See:�lirri�‘angry’; nulirri�‘dangerous, angry, cheeky’. Category:�Hate, anger.
kiniluntu���tv. 1�•�scold, growl (Aboriginal English). Marryun ja numurrunti kiwuluntu akut. ‘The boy who was naughty, they keep on scolding.’ Kawuniluntu wumurra. ‘He growls at them (scold them).’ Only nuyipa kuniluntuwa. ‘It's only him who growls at you (you don't get involved and argue back so you are good and peaceful).’ See:�kantuntun�‘earth shake’. Category:�Language, Hate, anger.
2�•�make sorcery on. Iniluntungung mankarni. ‘The medicine man made sorcery on him.’ Category:�Sorcery.
kiniyarnpunya���tv. annoy. Iniyarnpunyan. ‘He annoyed him.’ Category:�Hate, anger.
kinnyarnama���tv. 1�•�dislike him, hate him. Nuka ngernama. ‘I dislike that person.’ Category:�Hate, anger.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kannyarnama�•�want to do something. "Makiny, ngapi ngungarnama." iminy. ‘"No, I don't want to." he said.’ See:�kiningaka�‘not know or dislike because of being from different areas’; kinimiyarma�‘like, love’. Category:�Hate, anger.
kirrwara���noun. back (of the body), back of inanimate object. Ngamaju tuka kirrwara ‘I have something wrong with my back.’ Parang apa kunjurrngpung marnti kayirrkju kunjarray anjamang warlk kanpu tuka kirrwara. ‘I have commanded you lest you go cutting trees and harm your back.’ Mampuwarawng yungku la iwuwunyantung tuka kirrwara. ‘They lit a fire and heated the outside part of it.’ See:�Inypajiyiny kirrwara�‘shellfish type’; Murwala�‘pandanus palm’. Category:�Organs and torso.
coverb. Restrict:�female subject 1�•�menstruate. inypani kirrwara ‘she is menstruating’. See:�kinyurntulwarran; kinnyurntulwarran. Category:�Reproduction.
2�•�turn back on someone, a sign of anger. Arrkinkay arrarrkpi arryakay kirrwara la atjing. ‘We might have an argument with a man, turn our backs on him and walk away.’ Category:�Hate, anger.
3�•�turn back on someone, can be a way of being rude. Kun kirrwara. ‘When you sit in front of someone with your back facing then and don't show you know that he is behind you.’ Kapin kuni kirrwara la nuyimung. ‘Turn so you're facing away from each other.’ Kinnyun kirrwara la yamin ‘They're putting their backs to one another.’ Category:�Change stance. Note: Difference between CC with kinnyaka and kinnyun seems to be that one with kinnyun can be used simply to describe a movement rather than an emotion.
Restrict:�FE subject 4�•�fall backwards onto back. Qe, Imurnanganiny parakju ta yarlkeny. ‘Yes,he went back and went in.’ Ngapi mawarlkanyi inyurakan kirrwara. ‘I fell, I fell onto my back.’ Ant:�marrwakara. Category:�Vertical motion.
lirri���noun. 1�•�trouble associated with arguing or fighting. Yanat kanimalngajpun lirri ngarrurru. ‘He is making more trouble for us.’ Larla wularr ngawu katja ngungatpi karrkpin ta lirri la arrkpana arriwalawkula arrungpanawun manjat ngartu. ‘Sisters come with me and we will straighten out the trouble I am in.’ Takapa anturrangkenang lirri. ‘That's how they make trouble.’ Awaningan pata arrarrkpi awk awuran nuyu lirri ja Kortaweli. ‘Those men went to pay back Kortaweli.’ See:�kilirrinymin�‘be angry’; kamarkpa�‘smoulder’; kilurrangken�‘jump, fly, hop in’. Category:�Fight. Note: All uses seem to involve a verb directly or with ta
2�•�enemy. Usage:�with oblique pronoun Nuka ja lirri wu. ‘He is their enemy.’ See:�anpulirri�‘warriors’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
coverb. 1�•�tell somebody off. Kerra lirri. ‘He growls somebody.’ Category:�Language, Judgement, evaluation.
2�•�want to hit or kill someone. Kinyaka lirri. ‘He tries to hit her.’ Category:�Hate, anger. Anth: For example, the close blood relatives of a deceased try to hit the wife of the deceased, blaming her for his death. People hold them to try and stop them. After that the wife is (theoretically) clear of blame.
3�•�make trouble for other people by fighting with a third group. Kawunnyaka lirri. ‘He's angry with them.’ Naka kawunnyaka lirri. ‘He makes trouble for them.’ Kinnyaka lirri. ‘He makes trouble.’ Category:�Fight, Hate, anger. Note: canonical agreement
Restrict:�GEN subject 4�•�angry. Ingakangung lirri. ‘He was angry.’ Ingakan lirri or kingawun lirri, the same. ‘He gets angry.’ Kingakan ja lirri. ‘He's angry.’ Category:�Hate, anger.
Restrict:�GEN subject 5�•�be very angry. Kingawun lirri ngaw, inypaniwu ‘He's angry at her, he will hit her.’ Kingawun nuyu lirri. ‘He is angry at him.’ Kingawunpu lirri. ‘He's angry and them.’ Category:�Hate, anger.
6�•�make trouble. Kurrungulawu lirri, ay kiki? ‘You make trouble with them, ey what?’ Inyi kurrungulawn lirri. ‘Don't make trouble with other boys.’ Category:�Fight.
marr���noun. like very much, people or food. Jaka jita marr marryun. ‘She (likes) boys too much.’ Naka ja marr yirratat kinila ‘He likes eating a lot of meat.’ See:�arr�‘keep, want’; marrmarr�‘happy’. Category:�Desire.
coverb. 1�•�want to be with somebody a lot, be fond of somebody (literally: sees me too much). Nakapa marryun anyak ngannyayan marr. ‘The little boy wants me very much.’ See:�kima�‘auxiliary verb’. Category:�Desire.
2�•�be very annoyed, against something. Nganama marr. ‘I will be annoyed about it.’ See:�kiyintukun�‘be against something’. Category:�Hate, anger, Judgement, evaluation.
ninyjirri���noun. 1�•�dangerous, angry. Category:�Hate, anger. See:�ninyminyjiny�‘peaceful person’.
2�•�hot sun. Category:�Sky.
ninyjirri jita muwarn���phrase. See:�wuwukuwuk�‘feel hot to touch’.
ninymirriyangkat���noun. tame, safe. See:�numirriyangkat�‘tame, safe’. Category:�Hate, anger.
ngalirri���noun. I am an angry person, a dangerous person. See:�nulirri�‘dangerous, angry, cheeky’. Category:�Hate, anger.
tuminyjinyut���noun. they are cowards, scared to fight, peaceful people. See main entry: numinyjiny. Category:�Hate, anger.
wurlurlu���adverb. until. Awaningan wurlurlu inyuryiliny jita muwarn. ‘They stayed there until the sun set.’ Wurlurlu awaninganapa inymalkpany wu ja jarrang. ‘They sat long enough until the horse came up to them.’ Category:�Activity manner.
coverb. 1�•�grow, become big. Kerra wurlurlu warak ja ingijalk ja pinana. ‘The banana fruit is growing bigger.’ Category:�General, Size and weight.
2�•�take hold of, embrace, capture. Inimany wurlurlu, innyakan. ‘He grabbed him around the middle and threw him down.’ Yimurnanganyangapa yilatpakpanyapa yiwumany wurlurlupa pata warra mijmij. ‘Then he was returning and coming down, and the sandflies captured him.’ Jita warrawurnji inyimany ja arrarrkpi, inyimany arrarrkpi. ‘The man grabbed the girl, he embraced her.’ Note: Not hug though, just grabbing around her. See:�kiniwuyatpi�‘hold in arms’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
Restrict:�MA subject 3�•�feel pain in the stomach. Atiwany walij pa yalyungan iniwuning wurlurlu. ‘He ate some food and then he felt a pain in his stomach.’ Category:�Sickness.
Restrict:�MA subject 4�•�feel the desire for revenge. Nakapa ja arrarrkpi nakapa ngeyan nganiwun wurlurlu nuyu malanypi la ngiwanawun. ‘That man I see I feel something, revenge against him and later on I will kill him (because 2 to 3 years ago he killed my brother).’ See:�arrarr�‘coverb, have diarrhoea’. Category:�Hate, anger. Note: oblique object pronoun probably only used with second sense
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