Land features

Land features

alan���noun. path, track, road (not footprint track). Kaningula alan karrpin, mutika alan. ‘He is making a road we call, a vehicle road.’ Tuka alan akutju angpuyarruning. ‘They followed the straight path.’ Pirr yangkungapa alan. ‘He kept following his path.’ Category:�Land features.

Restrict:�LL object 1 kannyutpa alan�•�take a particular track. Lead (OBL) on a track. Annyutpan alanapa. Annyutpan alan ja arrarrkpi. ‘The man set off on the track.’ Annyutpan alan ngarrurru. ‘He's the leader (of us). He shows us the way, he knows which way to go.’ Annyutpan parak. Kerra warak. Pa kiwuyarrun parak. ‘He set off. He's walking along. And they follow him.’ Category:�General terms.

Restrict:�LL object 2 kanima alan�•�check. Pa i: animany alan, yarrangung parak. ‘Well, that was it. He set off, he was going away.’ Category:�General terms.

atjak���noun. 1�•�pain, sickness, fever. Usage:�occurs in sickness constructions with kinima with MA subject, kinnyatpi with MA subject and kimaju. Ngamaju atjak. ‘I am sick with a fever.’ Atjak ja numurrunti. ‘It's a bad cold.’ Atjak kega. ‘A sickness is coming from overseas’. Syn:�wuyak. Category:�Sickness.

2�•�name of a place from which overwhelming sickness comes. There is an atjak place on North Goulburn Island and also Poison Island, near Croker Island. Syn:�wuyak. Category:�Land features.

kangmarryi���noun. a corner, winding. Category:�Land features.

kilakurunymin���iv. 1�•�tighten, narrow, pull together. Ilakurunyminy tuka ilalkuny. ‘It has come together where he cut himself.’ Kantakurunymin. ‘It's too narrow’. Kantakurunyminyka. ‘It's narrowed.’ See:�nulakurunarrow. Category:�Shape.

Restrict:�LL subject 2: kantakurunymin�•�flattened out area, flat area. Ant:�kangparnpalarrkpi. See:�nulakurunarrow. Category:�Land features.

kiwartawkunjilin���iv. 1�•�mixed together. -wartawkunjilin, iwartawkunjiliny it's all mixed together. See:�kinnyartawkunadd onto; kiniwartawnadd together; kiniwinyjamamix together; awkcolours of paint mixing together, or becoming part of a family, for example becoming an in-law. Category:�General.

Restrict:�PL subject 2: kawartawkunjilin�•�mix together, join together into one group, they took him into their family, they match, they are equal. For example, sheep and cows mixed together in the one group, people from the mainland and here are all mixed together, the different tribes.With human plural subject means 'they joined together' for example when two groups of people are walking along separate roads, then meet up and keep walking along together. ngartpartakawjilinka ‘Join together as family’. Wakapa awartawkunjilinang awaning. ‘They lived there together as a group.’ Syn:�kiwarntarrkanyjilin. Category:�Manipulation.

Restrict:�VE subject 3: kamawarntawkunjilin�•�a grove of trees, a group of trees growing close together. Category:�General terms.

Restrict:�LL subject 4: kangparntawkunjilin�•�roads running parallel or nearly parallel. See:�kangparrkparnjilinbranching off road or path; kawartpanyjilinthey are meeting. Category:�Land features.

kunak���noun. 1�•�ground or dirt, can also refer to the sea bottom. Kiw tuka kunak. ‘It is lying on the ground.’ See:�yulngpujdust. Category:�Land features.

2�•�camp, home. Kiwani tuka kunak ngartu. ‘He is at my camp.’ Category:�Shelter, camp, house.

3�•�country, land. Ngapi ngartu kunak kapa Wungarnpa. ‘My country is at King River.’ Category:�Land features.

Restrict:�LL subject 1 kanti kunak, kantangali kunak�•�camp semipermanently for a few months, build huts, many people camping there. Usage:�Used like a noun to refer to the camp. Wakapa kanti kunak arrarrkpi kawulangali. ‘Over there a group of people were staying in a long term camp.’ Wakapa antangaling kunak wigarra pata arrarrkpi awaning la warra kamumu la warranyngiw. ‘There were a lot of people camping there; men, women and children.’ Iwulangungapa kiyap. Anting kunak pata pukawkapa pata arrarrkpi, pata karlurri awk. ‘They were eating the fish. They had a big camp with a lot of people where they stayed for a while, all those people, all those birds.’ Category:�Remain stationary.

Restrict:�LL object 2 kannyen�•�bury.dead. Usage:�only for humans, not animals Wularrut ngungeny kunak. ‘I already buried the body.’ Kangpen kunak kirrk like ngarrkarrk la werakap kangpen kunak. ‘They buried them all, like they buried three.’ Category:�Mourning.

wungijalk���noun. 1�•�centre or main part of an area named by a particular place name, or centre or main part of any other Land gender thing. Mawng wungijalk. ‘Real Mawng, the way old people spoke.’ See main entry: ingijalk. Category:�Land features, Location and distance.

2�•�deep water, ocean. Awuran warranyngiw la ja marryun yuran wungijalk iniwunyan wurnkurrk. ‘The children went (to the beach) and one boy went out (to where it was) deep and a jellyfish stung him.’ See:�mapakapakthe ocean, the sea, the 'deep'. Category:�Water bodies.

3�•�north. Anth: The deep ocean is to the North of Goulburn Island and thus wungijalk is to the north. Category:�Cardinal directions.

wungijalk kapukpaga���the North wind, which blows from the direction of the deep ocean. Category:�Wind.

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