
Y - y

ya���interjection. an exclamation denoting agreement or approval. See:�yoyes. Category:�Language.

yadajyadaj���noun. Butterflyfish. Chaetodon spp. (Chaetodontidae).. See:�wunkulinycoral fishes (generic). Category:�Fish.

yagaru���noun. stingrays and rays (generic). Kawarra yiyi ngarrurru yagaru. ‘They hunt stingray for us.’ See:�warrjarraManta Ray; ngarnampalaWhite-spotted Eagle Ray; manyjirrBlue-spotted Fantail Ray; inipijCoachwhip Stingray, spotted form; inyjartpalmuBrown Stingray, Blotched Fantail Ray; kinykarnkarnCoachwhip Stingray, spotted form; kuywalaCowtail Stingray; manganyparlirrBrown stingray, Brown Reticulated Stingray. Category:�Rays. Anth: Category includes; inipij, kinykarnkarn, inyjartpalmu, kuywala, manyjirr, manganyparlirr, ngarnampala, wajarrang, alkparn Anth: This is a biological classification. It is based on 'family resemblance'. Their body shape is wide and flat; they have no bones. There is also a functional component to this classification. Stingrays and rays are regarded as different from other kinds of fish. The flesh has a very different texture and flavour to that of bony fishes and there are special methods of preparation for eating. Relatively few of the rays and stingrays are regarded as edible. Those with no spines or only one spine are eaten; those with two spines are not eaten. They are eaten seasonally, when the liver is 'fat'.

yagirl���noun. currant. Category:�Plant food, Introduced plants.

yakjak���coverb. shake. Kayirrk la kamin yakjak. ‘Then they winnow it.’ See:�wirrakwheat. Category:�Manipulation.

yala���noun. out. Anmalkpanyi yala. ‘Come out.’ See:�jalagabe born; yalayalaoutside. Category:�General.

yalala���crossreference. See:�yalayalaoutside.

Yalama���name. one of the five clans on Warruwi, came after Mangalara and Murawn. Category:�Dreamtime names.

yalamari���noun. tree orchid. Dendrobium affine, Cymbidium canaliculatum, Geodorum neocalendonicum?. Yalamari ja kernti tuka warlk. ‘Orchids can grow up in a tree.’ See:�ilatjilatalso used as a fixative for paintings. Category:�Small plants, Tools, men's. Anth: Used as a 'glue' for bark paintings. It is pounded on a rock and then put on the bark before it is painted. It makes the paint stick.

yalamparr���noun. bee. Category:�Insects. Variant:�Ngurtikin term.

yalangkarrijalangkarri���noun. dragonfly. Category:�Insects.

Yalarrkuku���noun. song name. Category:�Play, perform, joke.

yalawan���noun. spear type. Category:�Tools, men's.

yalawurn���noun. spear barbs. Category:�Tools, men's.

yalayala���noun. outside, open area, do something openly, in public rather than in secret. Awaning yalayala. ‘They were sitting outside.’ ngawu yalayala! ‘Come outside (speaker is outside, hearer is inside)’. See:�yalaout; wukejinside. yalayala and yalayalaya, used to mean 'openly' Category:�Location and distance.

yaliwi���noun. worthless, useless, no-good. ngaliwi, arraliwi, ngarralawi, nuwaliwi, nuwarraliwi, ninyaliwi, aliwi, maliwi, awaliwi, weliwi. See:�ninyaliwiworthless, no good. Nuyi ta nuwaliwi nukarri. ‘You have problems with your legs.’ Nuwurru nuwurraliwi. ‘You lot are naughty (e.g. kids who have made a mess)’. See:�yaliwiyutevil things.

yaliwiyut���noun. evil things. yaliwiyut ‘evil things’. pata yaliwiyut ‘the evil people’. See:�yaliwibad; -utplural. Note: Lexicalised form, doesn't take plural prefix.

yaliwiyutjaliwiyut���noun. all creatures. Category:�General.

yalmalirnkarrk���noun. Green Sawfish. Pristis spp. and Anoxypristis spp. incl Pristis zijsron. Category:�Rays.

yalmunyjarr���coverb. have a toothache. Kimaju yalmunyjarr. ‘He is suffering with toothache.’ Category:�Sickness.

Yalngarri���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

yalngkarr���noun. black wattle. Acacia auriculiformis. See:�wirarrwirarralso possibly A. auriculiformis. Category:�Trees and bushes.

yaltany���noun. yam with a root like nut grass. Aponogeton elongatus?. Category:�Tubers, Plant food.

yarl���noun. heaped up cone of sand used in ceremonies of first menstrual period and after childbirth. Anth: The sand is heated and the woman sits on it, and later it is heaped up and covered with ironwood leaves. Yarl kanyu ngarrurru. ‘We were all born here (lit: our yarl is here)’. See:�warlktree (generic term); iyarliyarlincrease centre; yarlyarlincrease centre; ngurlkhot sand. Category:�Medicine, General ritual.

yarlarr���coverb. go separate ways. Awarran jarlarr pata wigarra yirrk arrarrkpi weminpi la wemin. ‘Each lot of the company went separate ways.’ Awuran jarlarr. ‘They were separated.’ See:�kapijarlangkenscatter. Category:�Movement relating to moving object.

yarlarrjarlarr���coverb. go in many different directions. Category:�Movement relating to moving object.

yarlatij���noun. 1�•�backbone. Muka mata yarlatij ngarrurru arrarrkpi la karlurri. ‘This is the backbone of both people and animals.’ Category:�Organs and torso.

2�•�belonging to the same subsection of a moiety, tribal brothers. Mamurra yarlatij. ‘We are tribal brothers.’ Category:�family, inc moieties.

yarlawu1���noun. fish trap in the shape of a long tube that was used in creeks. Anth: It was made from winti bamboo vine. Awaning awulangalingapa yarlawu mampakangung jaw mampakangung jaw. Ngulamngulam mampartpungkang aminang akut iwumangung ja kiyap. ‘They camped there and they put their nets in. Every morning they could take out their nets and bring in some fish.’ See:�arnakujfish trap type. Category:�Items for fishing.

yarlawu2���noun. shadow, reflection. ninyarlawuk, arrarlawu, nuwarrarlawu (comes out as nuwarrlawu fast), nuwarlarru. Yanat yarlawuk. ‘That is his shadow.’ Nginyayawng ninyarlawu. Kapa nganngawarlkijpan parak. ‘I saw her shadow. She went past me there.’ kinyjarlkanyi kinyayan ninyjarlawu ‘Combing her hair, looking at her shadow.’ Category:�Colours and light, Other.

yarli���noun. a cheerful person. Category:�Peoples and clans, Sorrow, happiness.

yarlkinyarlkiny���noun. glands at the front of the throat which swell up when we are sick. Category:�Head.

yarlmeny���iv. rise again, come back to life after death. Imajungan yarlmeny akutju. ‘He died and is alive again.’ Iwanarlmen. ‘He will come back to life again.’ Kamarlmen akutju. Kamamalkpa akutju. ‘The (plants) come bark again (after dying off in the dry season). They come out again.’ See:�kingalmenmultiply. Category:�Automatic actions.

yarlyarl���noun. an increase centre for a given species. See:�yarlsand cone. Category:�General ritual, Landscape.

yamin���pro. anyamin, mamin, atjamin. 1�•�third person reciprocal pronoun. Iniwung la yamin. ‘They were hitting each other.’

2�•�third person contrastive pronoun. Iwaning la yamin. ‘Each were sitting (separately).’

3�•�serial pronoun. Malany yamin ali Nangila. ‘It is Nangila's turn (to do it).’ Nuka karlurri ja yamin kerra tuka kurrula? ‘Is this bird a seabird?’ See:�yanatthird person pronoun.

yampala���noun. Suckerfishes: Cobia, Remora and the Slender Suckerfish. Echeneis naucrates, Remora remora, ?Rachycentron canadus. Category:�Fish. Anth: This one attaches itself to sharks, dugong, rays. Cobia is eaten but Remora is not.

Yampartpalakpikpin alapika���noun. place name. Category:�Place names.

yampurlpurl���noun. 1�•�spoonbill and ibis generic. Category:�Small birds.

2�•�Royal (black-billed) spoonbill. Platalea regia. Anth: Can be eaten See:�inymangararrksacred ibis (white). Category:�Small birds.

Yampurrwarna���noun. large mayuparl yam. Cartonema parviflorum, Cartonema spicatum. See:�Mayuparlyam type. Category:�Tubers, Plant food.

yanat���pro. third person MA cardinal pronoun, can encode subject or object. inyanat, anyanat, manat, atjanat, wenat. Yanat kiwani. ‘He is there.’ Yanat iwumany parak. ‘They took him away.’ See:�yaminthird person masculine pronoun.

yanatinyanat���pro. the two of them (a male and a female). Yanatinyanat awuran tuka ajput. ‘The two of them went to the beach.’ Kawunimirlajun yanatinyanat. ‘He is waiting for the two of them.’ See:�yanatjanatthe two of them (two males); inyanatinyanatthe two of them (two females). Category:�Peoples and clans, Amounts.

yanatjanat���pro. the two of them (two males). See:�yanatinyanatthe two of them (a male and a female); ngapilinyanatme and her. Category:�Peoples and clans, Amounts.

yanpiyanpi���noun. King Brown snake. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians. Anth: Was eaten to bring on labour.

yanyjuk���noun. breast, milk (of any mammal). See:�iwururrksucculent juicy, wuwururrk 'breasts full of milk'. Category:�Organs and torso, Secretions and substances.

yanyjukyanyjuk���noun. 1�•�small tree lizard. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

2�•�small plant found on sand dunes. Variant:�Iwaidja: Yandjukyandjuk. Category:�Small plants.

Yanyma���noun. dog name. Category:�Dreamtime names.

yangakjangak���noun. mouth condition, thrush or inflammation of the mouth and gums. Usage:�used with kiniwun, kinima, kinnyatpi with MA subject and experiencer object, also used with kimaju Wurupurup ta karruniwun yangakjangak tuka ngaralk karrpaju. ‘If we get yangakjangak then there is something wrong with the tongue.’ Category:�Sickness.

yangali���noun. basket, dilly bag. Generic and also used for large baskets made from pandanus, with or without handles. Yangali nuwurnyak irwu/iwu. ‘A basket with a handle.’ Category:�Tools, women's.

yangkarlpinji���noun. fighting spear. Category:�Tools, men's.

yarnangkat���noun. strong, brave, hard (to touch), alive. Also 'stiff' as in difficult to move such as a door handle. Also 'stuck' as in jammed. When referring to people this can mean 'strong' which is positive but can also mean 'hard' as in 'unsympathetic' or 'ungenerous' as well as . arrarnangkat. Nuwarnangkat nukparrk. ‘Your (faith) is strong.’ marnangkat ‘stuck, strong, can't pull bit off for firewood’. See:�kernangkayinstrengthen; kinnyarnangkatamake strong; wernangkatstrong, brave, hard (to the touch), alive; awarnangkatstrong, hard; ninyarnangkatalive, hard, brave, strong. Category:�Goodness, Judgement, evaluation.

yarnawu���noun. 1�•�bamboo that grows in freshwater on the mainland. Phragmites karka. Variant:�Iwaidja: Yarnawu. See:�mankolebamboo. Category:�Trees and bushes.

2�•�a type of spear on the mainland. It has a sharp end, no wire and is light in weight. It is used for hunting kangaroo or wallaby, or for fighting. Category:�Tools, men's.

yarntulyak���noun. long, tall. ngawarntulyak, arrarntulyak, ngarrarntulyak, nuwarntulyak, nuwurrarntulyak, ninyarntulyak, arntulyak, marntulyak, awarntulyak, werntulyak. Nuwurri ta nuwurrarntulyak. ‘You lot are tall.’ Karrawarutpa katju anyak arntulyak. ‘We leave the food for a little while (5-10 minutes).’ See:�kerntulyakpinlengthen; kinnyarntulyakpalengthen; yarntulyarrkutlong haired; ilurtpujshort. Category:�Size and weight.

yarntulyarrkut���noun. long sleeved shirt, long pants, long haired, long grass etc. Used to specify either that something which can be short or long happens to be long, or to emphasise that something is very long. arntulyak (e.g. road), marntulyarrkut (e.g. grass, spear), awarntulyarrkut (e.g. Karwuluk yam). yarntulyak jalwarra ‘long pants’. yarntulyak ja iwiya. ‘long haired’. marntulyarrkut mirlak ‘long grass’. See:�yarntulyaklong. Category:�Hair, Size and weight.

yap1���noun. fish (generic). See:�japcoverb. Variant:�ngurtikin term. Syn:�kiyap. Category:�Fish.

yap2���coverb. move from one spot to another, move location, move oneself to another spot and stay there for a while, shift camp. amijap ‘they moved camp (because someone had died)’. Amajpungkiny parak aminy jap parak pata Wamirunmu awaning. ‘The people who were staying at Wamirunmu got up and shifted camp.’ Kayirrk la yarran imijaparak tuka marapa seat, kawani. ‘Later on he moved to another seat.’ See:�rlirrmove, change location. Category:�General terms, Shelter, camp, house.

yara1���noun. 1�•�some, other. ninyara, mara, awara, tora, wera. Yara ja kiyap kiw. ‘There is some fish’. Yiwuwany anyak ja yirratat la yara yiwumany parak tuka kunak, ‘Then they ate a little meat and they took the rest to the camp,’ See:�numatpaother; werasome (plural), other (plural). Category:�Appearance. Note: Masculine form yara is sometimes used for things of any gender.

adverb. sometimes. Yara kawa kampuma mata merrk. ‘Sometimes they go and get leaves.’ See:�toraothers, sometimes; wurupurupsometimes. Category:�Longer.

yarakap���noun. one. ngarakap, nuwarakap, ninyarakap, arakap, orakap, marakap, awarakap, werakap. ngarakap ‘I'm on my own.’ See:�inyarakapone. Category:�Amounts, Daily.

yarat���coverb. Restrict:�MA object 1�•�make a mistake. Ngapi ngimany jarat. ‘I made a mistake.’ Kinima yarat. Category:�Waiting, doing nothing.

Restrict:�LL object 2�•�be in wrong place. Ngungmany jarat. ‘I was in the wrong place.’ Category:�Waiting, doing nothing, Landscape.

yaratjarat���coverb. keep making a mistake. Category:�Waiting, doing nothing.

yarawungut���noun. a few. nuwurrarawungut, ninyarawungut, arawungut, marawungut, awarawungut, werawungut. Arawungut ta ngarrkinka ‘We only speak a few words (of Djambarrpuyngu).’ See:�ngarrarawungutwe are few in number; arrarawungutwe are few in number, we are a small group. Category:�Appearance.

yarkalu���noun. light in weight or weak not strong. ngarkalu, arrarkalu, ngarrarkalu, nuwarkalu, nuwarrarkarlu, ninyarkalu, arkalu, markalu, awarkalu, werkalinut (*werkalu). Wenat werkalinut. ‘They are weak.’ See:�awarkalulight in weight; kinnyarkalanymamake lighter (in weight); kerkalanyminbecome light (in weight). Category:�Size and weight.

yaryak���noun. wet, person who talks and laughs too much. ninyarak, aryak, maryak, awaryak, weryak. Naka ja yaryak. ‘Those are wet (clothes).’ Ngaryak ta ngawiya. ‘My hair is wet.’ Nuyi ta nuwaryak. ‘You talk and laugh too much (a bit rude) (or can mean: you are all wet).’ See:�keryakpinbecome wet; kinnyaryakpamake wet. Category:�Properties of surface.

yarri���noun. Sea Perches or Gold-spotted Sweetlips. Lutjanus spp.. Kingurrin arak karlwa. ‘It has yellow stripes.’ Syn:�impurrk. See:�martaliSea perches; inarrkaSeabream or Emperor. Category:�Fish.

yarrk���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�lie open, be a gap, open space. Takapa kanyu yarrk. ‘It is lying open.’ kanyu yarrk ‘a space in an area’. Angpanaw yarrk ngartu ‘Leave a space for me (to sit)’. See:�jarrkmake room; ngatngattear, split. Category:�Landscape, Movement relating to fixed point, Physical stance.

2�•�ask a favour of, request. Yunyi kuwin jarrk. ‘Don't ask him for it (just now).’ Category:�Language.

3�•�taste something sweet. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.

4�•�detect sound from far away. Innyet jarrk. ‘He heard.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.

5�•�split, cut in half. Kuwuk jarrk manpurrwa. ‘You tore the piece of clothing/cloth’. aniwuk jarrk ‘the axe split the island in half’. See:�kannyarlandivide, halve. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.

yarrkjarrk���break, split open, gut. Iniwung yarrkjarrk ja kapala la kunuka yirrik iniwung innyartpungkuny worri ta waka. ‘It tore the boat open and all that, broke it and then lifted it up onto the dry land there.’ See:�karten yarrkjarrkone who uses a different pronunciation. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.

yarrkaj���noun. Longbum. Terebralia semistriata. Variant:�Iwaidja: Ilyajbu. See:�wumunpanjiLongbum. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Meat goes brown when cooked.

yarrkarrk���crossreference. See:�karrkscratch.

yarrmanaya���noun. Larger Hardyheads, ?Small garfishes. family Atherinidae. See:�imanganajsmall Hardyheads. Category:�Fish.

yarrunan���noun. a person talking to their punyi or wirlupirlu about their own brother or sister. See:�yarrunparrkia person talking to their kamu or yiji about their own brother or sister. Category:�family, inc moieties.

yarrunparrki���noun. a person talking to their kamu or yiji about their own brother or sister. See:�yarrunana person talking to their punyi or wirlupirlu about their own brother or sister; anpulawnutoldest sibling. Category:�family, inc moieties.

yarryarr���coverb. Disappear into grass. Category:�Grasses, Concealment.

yatjat���crossreference. See:�jatinterfere with.

yartjart���coverb. go fishing by moonlight. Malany kawa yartjart. ‘They are fishing by moonlight.’ Kawarra yartjart pata marryun. ‘The boys go fishing by night.’ Category:�Hunting.

yartparrawarra���noun. one who excels in playing the didgeridoo. Category:�Play, perform, joke.

yaw���coverb. 1�•�immerse, soak, water (plant). Wenat apakangung jaw. ‘They were soaking (the yams).’ Jukapa kinypani ta kakaka yaw yurnu, tuka wurl. ‘This one's sitting and paddling her feet, in the billabong.’ Ta kinjapurr ta karrkpelkpin mira wuwukuwuk karriwaka yaw ja pipij tuka wupaj akut. ‘The kinjapurr is when we get very hot, its hot, and we dip the baby in water frequently.’ Note: Coverb and verb stressed like one word Category:�Manipulation.

Restrict:�VE object 2�•�cast nets or fishing line. See:�wakijline fish.

yawyaw���coverb. soak. Category:�Hunting, Items for fishing.

yawak���noun. leech. Hirudinea. Category:�Insects, Medicine.

yawu���part. both. Puka yawu iwumany wungpulaj. ‘They both stole it.’ Takayawu wemin kawukunjilin. ‘Those two exchange something.’ Category:�Amounts.

yaya���interjection. oh no! Category:�Language.

yi1���part. Okay, yeah. Yi nuka ja ngapi ja muli ngartu. ‘The flipper is for me.’ Parang inymurnanganyang parak yi. ‘Then she was going back.’ See:�iyiyes; yoyes. Category:�Language.

yi2���dem. Demonstrative referring to movement, or ideophone for the type of movement she demonstrates? Tuka ngatpinang "Yi" ta ngarrunpatpang kapa ‘We go "Yi." and they hold us there.’ Syn:�yiyi. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.

yikjik���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject water well up from a hole dug in a soak or bubble up like in a spa. Water spout up from body of water, sea etc. ta wupaj angmalkpangung kirrka. Angmalkpangung yikjik. ‘The water kept on rising up. It was bubbling up and was turbulent.’ Category:�Motion relating to water.

yili���coverb. flee. Awungurriny kili warak pata marryun. ‘The boys fled.’ awungurrina ili See:�kiligatravel from, be from. Category:�Horizontal movements.

ying���iv. He might go. See main entry: ke.

yirurryirurr���coverb. dressed up ready for a ceremony with ochre, bands etc. Wularrut anmany yirurryirurr. ‘You are already dressed for the ceremony.’ Kima yirurryirurr. ‘He's dressed up (ceremonially).’ See:�kinimanmakpa(female) be prepared for the dance. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.

yirrik���part. might, perhaps. Nungpaka yirrik aralpa. ‘Perhaps it is true.’ Used between words in a list See:�kunuka yirrikwhatever; ajirrikperhaps. Category:�Language.

yirrirri���2�•�coverb. watch carefully. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.

Restrict:�VE object 1�•�coverb. signal with a fire stick. Ta karrpin anngawuni yirrirri naka karrpuntangkatpa ta kawarra jinyngu wupurrk. ‘When we say anngawuni yirrirri it means that we are signalling to them as they come along in the dark at night.’ See:�kirrirriwe are going home (call). Syn:�kinnyayanayan. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.

yirrkju���part. both. Pata ngarrkarrk arrarrkpi awayamangung kirrkju. ‘The two men were both working.’ Iwanala yirrkju. ‘Burn it all.’ Yiminy, "Punyi la Kamu ngarrunayanti! Ngarrikpakpan antajing parrwarr tuka nangartam kirrkju. ‘He said, "Father and Mother, look at me: I am spoiled, I have a hole right through my cheek."’ See:�yirrkpost-verbal particle, all, completive. Syn:�manpala. Category:�Amounts.

yiyi2���part. yes, I know. Yes, I agree. Syn:�yi. Category:�Language.

yiyi1���coverb. go hunting along the seashore and mangroves in knee-deep water for example for stingray. Ngarrangung yiyi warra mirrala. ‘I went hunting along the coastline among the small mangrove trees.’ Kawarra yiyi, iwerrka kiyap ngarru. ‘They went hunting in shallow water and speared fish for us.’ Category:�Hunting.

yo���interjection. yes. See:�yio.k.. Category:�Language.

delight, amazement. Anth: Said as a group after a performance, in place of clapping Category:�Language.

yuku���noun. spear type. Category:�Tools, men's.

yulmarr���noun. bone needle. Category:�Tools, women's.

yulngpuj���noun. dust. See:�kunakdirt. Category:�Soil.

yurlirr2���noun. creeper type. See:�wintibamboo vine; nganypakanarmband type. Category:�Small plants.

yurlirr1���coverb. 1�•�melt, soften. Kimin jurlirr ja murrkaj. ‘The butter is melted.’ Angminy jurlirr. ‘It melted.’ Category:�General, Properties of surface.

2�•�(dead animal) swell up. Kimit jurlirr. ‘It's all swollen up (dead animal).’ See:�jurlngarrmelt, soften; yurlngarrjurlngarrcrush.

yurlirrjurlirr���coverb. break up, soften up. Category:�General, Properties of surface.

yurlngarrjurlngarr���coverb. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�water be everywhere, for example because of a spill or a leak. Kangmin yurlngarrjurlngarr. ‘Water's spilled everywhere.’ Category:�Arrangement.

2�•�crush up, break into little pieces. Yara ja kakurl wurlumunwurlumun kayirrk la ngarrima yurnu ngarru ngarriwun yurlngarrjurlngarr. ‘Sometimes the sugar is lumpy then we take it in our hands and break it up.’ See:�jurlngarrmelt, soften; yurlirrmelt, soften. Category:�Manipulation, Arrangement.

yurluwu���noun. black whip snake. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

yumalngaj���noun. hard working hunter, someone who spends a lot of time hunting and travels a long way looking for particular types of food. inymalngaj I suggested this and it was accepted but not repeated, prob NG not that familiar with the word.. Iwuning ta walij kunukawk pa yangkungapa nuka yumalngaj. ‘They gave him all sorts of food. He used to go for it, he was a hard working hunter.’ See:�kiwmalngajpunmake more of; kinimalngajpundescend from (people). Category:�Goodness, Peoples and clans, Hunting.

yumparljumparl���noun. walking stick. Category:�Tools, women's.

yumparrparr���noun. 1�•�giant. Anth: Yumparrparr is a giant who meets people when they die. You can see him as a shooting star at night. Category:�Peoples and clans. Note: Generic term for a giant but used in many myths as a proper name because the actual name cannot be spoken.

2�•�meteor. Category:�Sky.

yumpuli���noun. face, beak, point. ngumpuli, ninyumpuli, wungumpuli, mumbuli end of stick; mampuli, wimpuli. See:�wungumpulipoint of land; mampulibow of canoe; mumpuli marrunyfish name. Category:�Head.

yunyi���part. do not, don't, negator of verbs and also sometimes nouns. Nganyamiyarma mata murntulwanpal mata mamarrk la yunyi mata malakuru. ‘I want the canoe to be wide across the body and don't make it narrow.’ Yunyi kuwin jarrk. ‘Don't ask him for it (just now).’ Yuwunyi kulangung. ‘You should not have been eating that!’ See:�marriknegator for verb; inyido not. Category:�Language.

Yungiyirk���noun. place name. See:�wamawunplace/ coral name. Category:�Place names.

yungku���noun. fire, firewood. See:�warlktree (generic term). Category:�Fire.

yurnturrpalili���noun. kind, friendly. ninyjurnturrpalili. Category:�Peoples and clans, Goodness.

yurnu���noun. foot, hand, extremity, footprint, tracks. Atimany ngaw yurnu ‘They're holding hands’. Awuran tuka wurl awukany ajirrik yurnu nuyu. ‘They went to a billabong, they looked for what might be its footprints.’ See:�yurnu ta karrungmarranyihand; yurnu ta karrungarlukpafoot; warlktree (generic term); iwarakfootprints. Category:�Limbs.

wurrkamaj yurnu���five. Syn:�wurrkara yurnu. Category:�Amounts.

inyngen yurnu���NVidiom. a girl's first period. Pata warrarrawurnji kakenpu yurnu. ‘Girl's have their first period ceremony.’ Category:�Reproduction.

kinnyatpi yurnu���NVidiom. shake hands. Kapatpi wu la wemin yurnu, kamin marrmarr. ‘They shake hands and they're happy.’ Category:�Holding, sticking, Social responsibilities and events.

yurnu ta karrungarlukpa���phrase. foot, the one we walk on. ta yurnu ja karrungarlukpa ‘foot’. Kurlingka kili lintij ta yurnu ta kannyarlukpa. ‘Is he just playing with his feet?’ See:�kinnyarlukpawalk; yurnufoot, hand, extremity, footprint, tracks. Category:�Limbs.

yurnu ta karrungmarranyi���phrase. hand, the extremity we wave with. See:�kanimarranyiwave; yurnufoot, hand, extremity, footprint, tracks. Category:�Limbs.

yupirlk���noun. False Trumpet shell, Staghorn Murex. Syrinx aruanus, Chicoreus cornucervi. Variant:�Iwaidja: Ldurldu; Wunba; Yurnku. yupirlk nuwurnyak ilarri ‘yupirlk with legs’. Yupirlk, imawurr wularr ‘Yupirlk with lots of arms (used this to describe Staghorn Murex)’. yupirlk ja iwugi ‘an old yupirlk (used to describe photos of Onion-shaped Cask Snail of Sabine's)’. Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Old people ate yupirlk but only the False Trumpet shell, not the Staghorn Murex. Yupirlk were used to carry water like Ngarlawi. Yupirlk is found at Yumarlakaka, Wigu and Alwampi. Note: Berndt and Berndt (1970) mentions use of 'conch shell' jubilk in music.

yura���coverb. 1�•�take responsibility for. Yanat piyu imany yura. ‘He himself took the responsibility.’ Category:�Social responsibilities and events.

2�•�burn (something which is cooking). Nuka kinin yura. ‘It (meat) is burning (on the fire).’ Ara katin yura ta walij. ‘The food is burning (on the fire).’ See:�kimaauxiliary verb. Syn:�wungkirl kinnyen. Category:�Cooking.

yurgun���noun. raw, uncooked, unripe. murgun, awurgun. Category:�Cooking, Properties of surface. Ant:�yurrurt, awurrurt.

yurk���noun. grave, burial place. Iwutpan tuka yurk. ‘They put him in a burial place.’ Category:�Mourning.

yurwun���crossreference. See:�yurgunraw, uncooked, unripe.

yuryur���noun. young goanna. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

yurrgali���noun. witchetty grub. See:�mayaranyedible grub. Category:�Insects.

yurriyij���noun. steam. Category:�Water bodies.

yurrjurr���coverb. 1�•�fall off. Marrany yurrjurr "Ma arrkpana, mawuga arriwanama." ‘It falls off (the ngarntawl seed), "O.k. lets go and get mawuga crabs".’ Category:�Vertical motion.

2�•�save money. Kingaka yurrjurr ja rrupiya. ‘She saves her money.’ Category:�Other.

Restrict:�ED object 3�•�unload. Kapaka yurrjurr Nagalarramba ‘They're unloading their stuff at Nagalarramba.’ See:�jurrfall. Category:�Vertical motion.

yurrk���noun. lungs. Category:�Organs and torso.

yurrmuyurrmu���noun. Giant Threadfin, name also used for other Threadfins: Northern Threadfin, Gunther's threadfin and Black-finned Threadfin. These are sometimes called Salmon. Leptobrama muelleri, Eleutheronema tetradactylum, Polydactylus plebius, Polydactylus multiradiatus, Polydactylus nigripinnis.. Category:�Mullets.

yurrng���noun. high up, on top of. Nakapa ja yurrng parak. ‘The one at the top (picture of fish at the top of the page)’. See:�wumarrklow lying area; wirtbe up in, be up on; kiniyurrngpuncommand, force. Syn:�wanji. Category:�Location and distance.

yurrumu���noun. patrilineal name. See:�namanamajpatrilineal clan; nguyapatrilineal clan. Category:�Dreamtime names, family, inc moieties.

yurrurt���noun. ripe, cooked. murrurt ripe; awurrurt ripe. Ta kanyu alan naka karrpin pu kurryakatakanyi jurrup. ‘When it is on the side we say to the others 'Hurry, it is cooked'.’ Ant:�yurgun. See:�kiwrrurtpincook, ripen, become ready. Category:�Cooking.

yurrwiri���noun. white ashes of a burnt-out fire. Yarran iwany iyarrkpunyjiliny yurrwiriyu yung. ‘They burned it all up until there were only ashes left.’ See:�mawatpuash. Syn:�manganypum. Category:�Fire.

yurryurr���noun. small mud crab. Scylla serrata?. Category:�Crustaceans. Anth: It has 'yellow fat' inside. The best time to catch them is when the tall grass seeds are maturing. It is then soft with plenty of fat.

yutjut���coverb. Restrict:�MA object put down a sign for someone else to follow. Inilanganiny yutjut. ‘He put down a sign for them to follow.’

yurtujurtu���noun. Cowrie shell. Cypraea spp. including Cypraea arabica. Variant:�Iwaidja: Yurtujurtu. Kiw tuka waryat. ‘It lives on the rocks (near to karrarnarn oysters).’ Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Not good to eat.

yuwak���noun. purple pea yam. Vigna vexillata. Variant:�Iwaidja: Yawarr; Nayuwak. See:�artunyoung, fresh Yawak yam; IwakPalm type; iyalkyam type. Category:�Tubers.

yuwti���noun. goanna species which spends a lot of time in the water. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

yuwunyi���crossreference. See:�yunyinegation.