Large features

Large features

anpirrk���noun. hill. See:�murrgunearthen hill; kamungsandhill. Category:�Large features.

kamung���noun. sandhill. See:�kamungkamungalong the sandhills; murrgunearthen hill; waryatmountain. Category:�Large features.

kangparrkparnjilin���iv. Restrict:�LL subject branching off road or path. See:�kiwarntarrkanyjilinmix together; kiwartawkunjilinroads running parallel or nearly parallel. Category:�Large features.

karrkaj���noun. island. Category:�Large features.

karrkajkarrkaj���noun. islands. Category:�Large features.

kartiyin���noun. bay. Category:�Large features.

kijpulgi���noun. 1�•�sandbar, sandbank. See:�irnkirrmud. Category:�Large features, Soil.

2�•�high cloud with rippled appearance, as often seen in sandbars. See:�kuwinucloudy sky. Category:�Sky.

kiwarntarrkanyjilin���iv. 1�•�colours of paint mixing together, or becoming part of a family, for example becoming an in-law. awarntarrkanyjilin ‘e.g. Barbara Golden married Johnny, Nancy's promised husband so we could say this word about Barbara and Nancy - they became close family.’ Syn:�kiwartawkunjilin. Category:�Manipulation, family, inc moieties.

Restrict:�VE subject 2: kamawarntarrkanyjilin�•�the tree limbs branch off. Category:�General terms.

Restrict:�LL subject 3: kangparntarrkanyjilin�•�branching off part of road. Syn:�kangparrkparnjilin. Category:�Large features.

larrku���noun. bay. Category:�Large features.

murrgun���noun. earthen hill. See:�kamungsandhill; waryatmountain; anpirrkhill. Category:�Large features.

walaya���noun. 1�•�cliff. Category:�Large features.

2�•�cliff area of settlement at Warruwi. Category:�Place names.

waryat���noun. 1�•�stone, rock, mountain. Anth: Most important totem of Yarrigarnkurrk totem group. Often used as name for that totem group kapa tuka waryat ‘there in the stone country’. See:�murrgunearthen hill; kamungsandhill; waryatparyatstone country. Category:�Soil, Large features.

2�•�money, cash. Kiki ja waryat? ‘How much is that (money)?’ Category:�Other.

3�•�a fish type which has a very hard skin, ?Leather fish. Anth: It has a small head and four ridges along its body. The flesh and liver are edible. Category:�Fish.

wungumpuli���noun. point or headland. Animarrajpungkuny kapa ora wungumpuli. ‘He just went over there to that point.’ wungumpulgi ‘Point or headland.’ See:�wungumpuli yitpiyitpiyounger teenage girl. Category:�Large features. See main entry: yumpuli.

wuwartpalmili���noun. edge of a cliff, a river bank. See main entry: iwartpalmili. Syn:�nungpartpalmili. Category:�Large features.

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