ajput���noun. 1�•�sand, beach. Ngana tuka ajput. ‘I am going to the beach’. Category:�Soil.
2�•�sugar. Ngana nganalakpalwarrki ngartu ta ajput. ‘I am going to buy myself sugar.’ Usage:�Younger speakers might not use this term but rather kakurl See:�kakurl�‘sugar, wild honey’. Category:�Introduced plants.
ingalk���noun. coarse sand like that found at Wigu, Warruwi. Category:�Soil.
ingkarl���noun. gravel. Category:�Soil.
irnkirr���noun. mud, includes mangrove mud. See:�kijpulgi�‘sandbar, sandbank’. Category:�Soil.
karlwa���noun. 1�•�yellow clay. Yamin ja kilartpin ta karlwa. ‘The other one painted himself with yellow clay.’ La anpalartpin karlwa mata murgun. ‘And paint yourself with raw yellow clay.’ La karlwa ngalartpin mata murgun. ‘And paint with clay, the raw one.’ See:�kurrut�‘red clay’; kujurn�‘white clay’; kurut�‘colour that pandanus can be dyed’. Category:�Soil, General ritual.
2�•�yellow colour. Nuwurnnyak karlwa. ‘It has yellow (stripe) (description of a fish with a single yellow stripe down the centre).’ Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items, Colours and light.
kamarkpa���iv. Restrict:�VE subject 1�•�the area is burning off, can refer to grass fires seen from far away, volanoes. Mata mirlak kamarkpa. ‘The grass is burning.’ markpany ‘area be burnt out’. Wula marlkpangung antangung ‘A volcano is burning, burning.’ See:�kamarlkpakpa�‘burning season’. Category:�Fire.
2�•�wanting a fight. Yarran markpany kirrk ta wanji la imarrk. ‘He wants to fight in his head and in his stomach.’ Ngapi kunpanawun murnin kamarlkpaga wanyji. ‘I'm going to hit you because I'm getting angry.’ Kingawun lirri marnti kulakajpun markpang. ‘He's angry it might not be good if you ask him something as he's angry. Don't go and say anything to him because he's angry, angry.’ Syn:�lirri. Category:�Hate, anger.
3�•�the ground is burning hot. Note: Can just mean that ground is hot, without any implication that burning has occurred. For example, the ground may be hot because of the sun. See:�mawatpu�‘area be burnt out’. Category:�Soil.
kijpulgi���noun. 1�•�sandbar, sandbank. See:�irnkirr�‘mud’. Category:�Large features, Soil.
2�•�high cloud with rippled appearance, as often seen in sandbars. See:�kuwinu�‘cloudy sky’. Category:�Sky.
kujurn���noun. 1�•�white clay. See:�karlwa�‘white clay’. Category:�Soil, Clothing, adornment, magic items.
2�•�salmon Gum. Eucalyptus alba var. australasica, Eucalyptus apodophylla. See:�wurriny�‘Whitewood, Salmon gum, River red gum, Ghost gum’. Category:�Trees and bushes. Note: May cover other species with smooth, dull white bark too.
kunjarrpili���noun. terraced sandstone rock like that found at Nganyamirnali (Bottle Rock). Category:�Soil.
kurrut���noun. red clay, red ochre. La kurrut inypulartpantiny. ‘And they painted her with red ochre.’ See:�karlwa�‘yellow clay’; kujurn�‘white clay’; kurut�‘colour that pandanus can be dyed’. Category:�Soil. Anth: Used for body paint.
marlamurr���noun. 1�•�grey clay or mud. Category:�Soil.
2�•�grey colour. Category:�Colours and light.
maparlarr���noun. clod of earth or mud. Category:�Soil.
ngurlk���noun. 1�•�hot sand. Kawarajpuni ta kantijawa tuka ngurlk. ‘Cook the damper in the hot-sand.’ Kaparajpung mawugany tuka ngurrk. ‘They cooked lily roots in the hot sand.’ angpany ta ngulk ‘the sand around the fire was hot’. See:�yarl�‘hot sand used for medicinal purposes’. Category:�Soil.
2�•�dust. Kimangawun ngurlk aniwujirrawntiny malany kimangawun. ‘He's coughing, he smelt the dust so he's coughing.’ Category:�Soil.
3�•�murky, stirred up water. Marntingunyuny kaningula ngurlk. ‘The dugong is stirring up the water’. Kaniwun mira ta ngurlk. ‘He stirs up a lot of mud (a dugong).’ Kanimarlkujpa. ‘He (dugong) is stirring up the water.’ See:�kaningurlkunji�‘stirred up dirty water on incoming tide’. Category:�Water bodies.
waryat���noun. 1�•�stone, rock, mountain. Anth: Most important totem of Yarrigarnkurrk totem group. Often used as name for that totem group kapa tuka waryat ‘there in the stone country’. See:�murrgun�‘earthen hill’; kamung�‘sandhill’; waryatparyat�‘stone country’. Category:�Soil, Large features.
2�•�money, cash. Kiki ja waryat? ‘How much is that (money)?’ Category:�Other.
3�•�a fish type which has a very hard skin, ?Leather fish. Anth: It has a small head and four ridges along its body. The flesh and liver are edible. Category:�Fish.
wuyak���noun. 1�•�sickness often accompanied by fever. Usage:�occurs in all three sickness constructions with kinima and kinnyetpi with MA subjects as well as kinnyaka and kimaju. Ngamaju wuyak. ‘I am sick with a fever.’ Kamanimilkun kuyak nuyu. ‘He is moaning because of his illness.’ kuyak nganiyiwakan ‘a sickness took him away from me’. See:�Lanka�‘place name’. Syn:�atjak. Category:�Sickness.
2�•�soil from a danger place from which sickness comes. Syn:�atjak. Category:�Soil.
yulngpuj���noun. dust. See:�kunak�‘dirt’. Category:�Soil.
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