

arukin���noun. 1�•�snake, generic term. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

2�•�Rainbow serpent. See:�KarringitpalkaRainbow serpent. Category:�General.

3�•�rainbow. Category:�Sky.

4�•�kurnapipi ceremony. Kawurtin jita arukin. ‘They have gone inland for the kurnapipi’. Syn:�karlurri, kurnapipi. Category:�General ritual.

ilijpakpak���noun. young of a species, singular. See:�ilijpularr; ilijapsmall; malijpakpakused to refer to the smaller nawanpal clapstick. Category:�Size and weight, General. Note: Edible gender form atijpakpak is used to refer to the fingers.

ilijpularr���noun. many young of animals. ninyjijpularr many small crabs; wulijpularr tributary; malijpularr small.intestines, small chips of wood; atijpularr young.plant (OBS) ; fingers (old); wilijpularr many young birds or turtles. See:�wulijpularr; malijpularr; atijpularr; wilijpularr; ilijpakpakone young; ilinjinyutsmall things. Category:�General.

irratat���noun. meat, includes the 'meat' of shellfish. Kaniyalgan karlurri. ‘He hunts game.’ See:�mayirratatpenis. Category:�General, Shellfish.

iwarak���noun. 1�•�footprints, tracks. arrkparak, wiwarak. Katjutpa yurnu iwarak nganaparru. ‘The buffalo left tracks.’ Yarran parakapa innyeyawng iwarak. ‘He went along and then he saw the tracks.’ See:�yurnufoot, hand, tracks; artparakwell. Category:�Limbs.

2�•�flipper marks. Category:�General.

iwerr���noun. dry. lean meat, ninyperr dry; wuwerr, mawerr dry; aperr dry; wiwerr. Category:�General, Properties of surface.

iyirriki���nouns. pieces, bits, scraps. mayirriki sawdust, finely scraped wood; ajirriki left-over crumbs or scraps of food, flour, yam etc., scraps of vegetable food, bits of vegetable food. Category:�General, General terms. Ta ajirriki naka jara walij awk. ‘Ajirriki is bits of (vegetable) food.’

karlurri���noun. 1�•�bird. Usage:�Takes plural agreement when plural unlike karlurri, and most other non-human terms Wimurra pata karlurri tuka Wartpen. ‘There are lots of birds on Wartpen island.’ Ngawuneyawng wimurra pata karlurri. ‘I saw a lot of birds.’ Kinyarra murlmurl jita karlurri. ‘Diving bird.’ Category:�Small birds.

2�•�generic term used for all types of animals or meat that does not include fish. Wakapa ta ilij kawunnyutpa ja nakapa ja karlurri. ‘Over there is where that creature put them all.’ Imurra ja karlurri tuka mantanti. ‘There's a lot of animals on the mainland.’ Ngawuneyawng wimurra: (then list animals) ‘I saw a lot: (then give list, you can't say pata karlurri here and mean 'animals' rather than 'birds')’. See:�kurrulawagenseafood; arukinserpent; kurnapipiceremony. Category:�General.

3�•�ceremony type. Yirritja side ceremony comparable to Kunapipi. Kayirrkju kiwurtin parak tuka karlurri. ‘Only now are they going inland to the ceremony.’ Inyuran jita karlurri. ‘The ceremony has moved.’ Category:�General ritual.

kurrulawagen���noun. Sea animals, Seafood. See:�karlurriland animals. Category:�General.

mamuli���noun. 1�•�large male animal. Category:�General.

2�•�greedy, lustful. Category:�Desire, Peoples and clans.

marriwi���noun. 1�•�tree species. Antiaris toxicaria. Ngana ngiwalalku marriwi ‘I'm going to get bark for making rope.’ Category:�Trees and bushes, Dye and fibre plants. Anth: The bark is stripped and dried and rolled into string to make fishing nets and to attach to turtle harpoon. Also used to make wurlungunngun dilly bags.

2�•�string belt worn around the waist, made from the marriwi tree. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.

3�•�the fold of fat around the stomach of dugong, pig or goat. Category:�General.

merrkmerrk���noun. 1�•�soft meat just behind the ribs of an animal, the flank. Category:�General.

2�•�shell fish which is like kalannyun but shell is twisted. Category:�Shellfish.

minirr���noun. 1�•�mould. Manimany minirr mata warlk. ‘The tree has mould on it.’ Category:�General.

2�•�the slimy encrustment of things that remain in the water for a long time, scum. Naka kapala wularrut inimany minirr. ‘The boat already has some scum underneath it.’ Category:�General.

nguyuyi���adverb. a group, school, herd of dugong, porpoises, cattle, buffalo. Ngatpunayawng marntingunyuny awarrangung nguyuyi. ‘We saw a school of dugong.’ Ngatpunayawng kawu nguyuyi pata nganaparru. ‘We saw a herd of buffalo lying there.’ Awurli ta, la ta wimurra, naka ngatpin 'nguyuyi' pata wimurra kawani purrkut. ‘Alright, if there's a lot of people then we say 'big group' there are many.’ See:�murrpujgo in group (human); kawanpanidugong group. Category:�General, Appearance.

wararru���noun. dugong or turtle hide. Nuka ja marntingunyuny kinnyatpi ja karrkpin ja warurru. ‘The dugong has a thick hide.’ Category:�General, Mammals, Reptiles and amphibians.

weringki���noun. when you got an animal, when you open the guts you find it is very greasy in there, this grease is called weringki. May only be found in grazing animals. Category:�Divide, cut, tear, General.

yaliwiyutjaliwiyut���noun. all creatures. Category:�General.

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