Reptiles and amphibians

Reptiles and amphibians

ajirr���noun. lower flipper and half of one side of muli, the bottom part of the turtle. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians. See:�mulilower part of turtle; atjirrregion name.

alapika���noun. turtle type. Kutpunpanarutpa awangalmen ngarrurru pata alapika pata wilinjinyut. ‘Leave those small turtles alone so they will become plentiful for’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

arukin���noun. 1�•�snake, generic term. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

2�•�Rainbow serpent. See:�KarringitpalkaRainbow serpent. Category:�General.

3�•�rainbow. Category:�Sky.

4�•�kurnapipi ceremony. Kawurtin jita arukin. ‘They have gone inland for the kurnapipi’. Syn:�karlurri, kurnapipi. Category:�General ritual.

imarnawuji���noun. back flippers of a turtle. See:�kawikawika crab's small walking legs. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

imawurr���noun. 1�•�arm, front flipper, front leg (of animal with four legs). ngamawurr, nukpawurr, ninymawurr arm ; claw; wumawurr creek ; river ; milky.way; mamawurr tree branch; apawurr arm of yam, tendril of vine (from Capell and Hinch: presumably yam vine); wimawurr. Category:�Limbs, Reptiles and amphibians.

2�•�number of times. Ngarrkarrk imawurr. ‘Two times (he did something).’ Ngarrkarrk nukpawurr. ‘(You did something) two times.’ Category:�Daily, Amounts.

inimiyarnpalarr���noun. large green-back turtle. See:�manpirigeneric for green-back turtle. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

inyarlgan���noun. turtle or dugong (generic term). See:�marntingunyunydugong. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

inyampurrawa���noun. the underneath breast plate of a turtle. When cutting up the meat it refers to the upper half of the abdomen. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

Inyjalarrku���noun. 1�•� Category:�Song and dance.

2�•�White freshwater tortoise. See:�mangilifreshwater tortoise. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

inyparl���noun. turtle hunting ground: place where turtles are likely to be found when hunting. Awurli tuka ngarriwarnangajpun inyparl. ‘Alright, we call that 'inyparl'’. See:�Martaligeneric for many reef fishes. Category:�Landscape, Reptiles and amphibians.

irminy���noun. tender meat inside the turtle, inside from the flipper. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

irrkpalk1���noun. turtle meat from the breast and flippers. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

irrwuluk���noun. a very big majirnti (hawksbill) turtle. See:�majirntihawksbill turtle. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

itamuki���noun. shallow water, used in reference to turtle hunting. See:�warlwatdeep. Ant:�palu. Category:�Movement of water, Landscape, Reptiles and amphibians, Distance, Amounts. Note: Measurement of depth of water.

juti���noun. Goanna type. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

kaluwa���noun. 1�•�black-and-white mud snake, lies inside the mud holes amongst the mangrove roots. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

2�•� See:�wirngijpirngijsnake eel type. Category:�Herring.

karlki���noun. tadpole. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

kanalk���noun. undeveloped turtle eggs inside the mother. Anth: They are yellow and edible. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

kantawulmurra���noun. turtle, small hawksbill. See:�majirntilarge hawksbill turtle. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

kantawumurra���noun. turtle of similar size to Majirnti, but may be a different species. See:�majirntilarge hawksbill turtle. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

katiwirtpalakan ngarrurru yurnu���noun. gecko lizard. See:�katiwirtpalagather together. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians. Note: This string of words does not have any literal meaning.

kartawuj���noun. small green-backed turtle. See:�manpirigreen-backed turtle. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

kawikawik���noun. 1�•�a crab's small walking legs. Category:�Crustaceans.

2�•�front or back flippers of a turtle. See:�imarnawujiback flippers of a turtle. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

kawirrji���noun. coloured goanna. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

kayalk���noun. green tree snake. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

kinimalkpa���tv. 1�•�be father or father's sister to. Nuka ja ngapi nganimalkpany. ‘This is my father.’ ngapi nganimalkpany ‘my father’. kayirrk la kaniwurrun apa yamin ja inimalkpany kimin "warranyngiw pa ngartu". ‘and then he thinks, the father and he says "Oh, it could be my child."’ Syn:�kinima, kimalkpa. Category:�family, inc moieties.

2�•�take out, make come out. Ma kurrungmalkpanyi ta ayuk! ‘Go on, do it the old way! (dance)’. See:�kinimafather to; kimalkpaarrive, come out; kelkpabare young, lay eggs. Category:�Manipulation.

Restrict:�LL object 3�•�(turtle) make noise or surface. La ja kanimalkpa mira ilijap putarr. ‘And the little one makes a big noise (the baby dugong or the turtle?).’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Reptiles and amphibians.

kinnyarajpun���tv. 1�•�roast. Usually refers to roasting on hot sand. ngawarajpuning. Kamu la larla kawani kaparajpun ta mawugany tuka ngurrk. ‘Mother and older sister are roasting the lily roots in the hot sand.’ Kaparajpung karwuluk. ‘They are roasting karwuluk yams.’ Kinnyarajpun marrwakara. ‘He's roasting a goanna.’ Category:�Cooking. Note: Basic meaning is to roast on hot sand. Cannot be used to refer to cooking in the oven.

2�•�warm with hot sand. Awuntanarajpukpun ngarrurru pata warrarrawurnji. ‘Our girls will sit on the hot sand.’ Category:�Illness.

Restrict:�GEN subject 3: kingarajpun�•�ache, feel pain, hurt. Ngapi nganngarajpuning. ‘I was aching, it was causing me to ache’. Nganngarajpun tuka ngayigi. ‘I have a toothache.’ Kani jarrang ngannyarlukpan, nganngarajpun. ‘A horse kicked me here, it hurts.’ See:�kimajutired, sick, dead. Category:�Discomfort and pain. Variant:�Iwaidja: ardajbun.

Restrict:�GEN subject, FE object 4: kinyngarajpun�•�used of turtle which comes up on the beach but does not lay eggs. Kinyngarajpun jita manpiri. ‘That turtle dug a hole but is not laying eggs.’ Kinyngarajpukpun. ‘She dries herself out using the sand.’ Syn:�kerajpun. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

kolomomo���noun. fresh water crocodile. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

kurnpirripirri���noun. salt water crocodile. See:�muwarnbe, fly. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians. Anth: belongs to yarriyarniny, muwarn, (sun) side of ngarranarrajku

kurntaman���noun. frill-necked lizard. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

rlokrlok���noun. skink. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians. Note: Mentioned in Berndt and Berndt (1970) yitpiyitpi song cycle

majirnti���noun. large hawksbill turtle. Anth: Blood of turtles used as contraceptive for dogs, can also cause them to miscarry. See:�irrwuluk; kantawumurraturtle of similar size (possibly different species); kantawulmurrasmall Hawksbill turtle. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

marlya���noun. 1�•�crocodile nest. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

2�•�hole dug in the ground to take upright sticks to make a shelter. Category:�Shelter, camp, house.

mamurlarr���noun. turtle shell. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

manjururrk���noun. python. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians. Anth: This snake is the (non-cheeky) Yirridja moiety member in the Kurnapipi ceremony.

manjurrang���noun. a very big green-back turtle. See:�manpirigreen-back turtle. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

manpiri���noun. green-back turtle. Miri iwumajpungka, iwatpangka, ngatpin "Aa, manpiri iweny." ‘If they lifted up the paddle, we'd think "Ah, they got a turtle."’ Note: When hunters returned in a canoe they'd make a signal to show what they caught. See:�kartawujsmall green-backed turtle; manjurranglarge green-backed turtle; inimiyarnpalarrlarge and long green-backed turtle; molkokajlarge green-backed turtle; munmasmall kind of turtle. Anth: belongs to yarriyarnkuk, waryat side of martkumartku. Flowering of the wattles itpalk, karawu and wirarrwirarr are a sign for the time of year when manpiri have a lot of fat in them, so it's good to hunt them. Note: Generic term for turtle too. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

manuk���noun. slow-moving non-poisonous black water snake. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians. Anth: This is a sacred snake that is not allowed to be killed.

mangili���noun. fresh water tortoise. See:�nyarlganlarge long-necked tortoise; inyjalarrkuwhite tortoise. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians, Medicine. Anth: the water in which mangili have been is said to have healing properties.

marrawaj���noun. 1�•�turtle meat from the breast. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

2�•�blanket or skirt which can be wrapped around the waist made from narranarra leaves, and is waterproof. This name is also used to refer to skirts made of pandanus. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.

marrjarn���noun. 1�•�tortoise burrow or airholes. The 'nest' made by a fresh water tortoise in a mud hole when the water of the billabong recedes. Also used to refer to the airholes visible at the top of the mud that indicate a tortise burrow is underneath. Anth: The nest can be detected by poking a stick into the ground and feeling the 'give' of the hole and the hardness of the tortoise's back. Mangili kerra juju la kangmin parak ta wupaj la kaniyawun kaningula marrjarn kiw. ‘The tortoise goes about but when the water dries up, he digs a hole, makes a nest and stays there.’ Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

2�•�crocodile nest; the place where a crocodile lays and leaves her eggs. See:�mikinycrocodile burrow. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

marrnganga���noun. a type of goanna which lives in the mangroves and spends a lot of time in the water. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

marrwakara���noun. goanna species. See:�wulaksmall goanna. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

coverb. Restrict:�MA object lie on stomach, fall forwards onto stomach. kingawun marrwakara She lay on her stomach. Marryun iniwuning marrwakara. ‘The boy was lying on his stomach.’ Iniwung marrwakara ‘He fell forwards onto his front.’ Ant:�kirrwara. Category:�Change stance, Vertical motion.

martjawarrawarra���noun. a very large alapika turtle. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

mikiny���noun. crocodile burrow, hole where he sleeps. This is different from marrjarn where the eggs are left. See:�marrjarntortoise burrow, crocodile nest. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

minyngurri���noun. Flat-tail sea-snake. Anth: Lies on the beach, can't move around. Very poisonous. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

mirrkpirrk���noun. fat piece over the stomach of turtle and dugong. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians, Mammals.

mirtan���noun. 'small liver', a part of the liver considered a delicacy for the old people. Category:�Mammals, Reptiles and amphibians.

molkokaj���noun. a big manpiri or green back turtle. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

mularrik���noun. frog. Juka mularrik. ‘This is a frog.’ Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

muli���noun. meat from the lower half of a turtle, may be just the one lower flipper with meat from surrounding area. Yi nuka ja ngapi ja muli ngartu. ‘The flipper is for me.’ See:�warriparrimuli fat; ajirrlower flipper meat. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

munma���noun. small turtle species. Anth: Lays small eggs. See:�manpirigreen-backed turtle (generic); inimiyarnpalarrlarge and long green-backed turtle. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

narlngarr���noun. a goanna type. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians. Anth: It has very fine markings on its back and 'no fat' in its tail. It is found on the mainland.

nawanpal���noun. 1�•�wide. See main entry: nuwanpal. Category:�Size and weight.

2�•�one of two main bones in a turtle's arm. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

3�•�large flat type of clapsticks. See:�nganangkaclapsticks; palapalalarge flat surface. Category:�Tools, men's, Play, perform, joke. Anth: The large flat clapstick is also referred to as nigi while the smaller one is malijpakpak.

nawartakorlayi���noun. a very large nawayati turtle. See:�nawayatiturtle type with big head. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

nawayati���noun. turtle type with a big head. See:�nawartakorlayia very large nawayati turtle. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

nyarlgan���noun. a large long-necked tortoise. See:�mangilifreshwater tortoise. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians. Anth: It lives in fresh water and is larger than a mangili tortoise.

ngorrkngorrk���ideophone. sound of frog calling. Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Reptiles and amphibians.

ngungkijpungkij���noun. Blue-tongue lizard. Tiliqua scinocoides. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

wararru���noun. dugong or turtle hide. Nuka ja marntingunyuny kinnyatpi ja karrkpin ja warurru. ‘The dugong has a thick hide.’ Category:�General, Mammals, Reptiles and amphibians.

warriparri���noun. fat from the hindquarters (muli) of the turtle. See:�muliback part of turtle. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians. Anth: Only old people are allowed to eat it.

wulak���noun. small species of goanna. See:�marrwakaralarge goanna. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

wulminkaykay���noun. file snake. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

wulut���noun. turtle soup. Anth: Soup made from blood and juices in the turtle shell. Made after cooking and removing meat and abdominal viscera. Wulut nguntijpun. ‘I'm carrying turtle soup.’ Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

yanpiyanpi���noun. King Brown snake. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians. Anth: Was eaten to bring on labour.

yanyjukyanyjuk���noun. 1�•�small tree lizard. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

2�•�small plant found on sand dunes. Variant:�Iwaidja: Yandjukyandjuk. Category:�Small plants.

yurluwu���noun. black whip snake. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

yuryur���noun. young goanna. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

yuwti���noun. goanna species which spends a lot of time in the water. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

Parent category:
