Bees and honey

Bees and honey

iyakirn���noun. honeycomb wax. Category:�Bees and honey.

kakurl���noun. sugar, wild.honey. This is the big name for all types of wild honey. Yangkung kakurl yarntakpung. ‘He used to go off and get honey.’ See:�mawurluhoney type; kupulakhoney type; wirlanwild honey hive; wirnamuhoney type; wimparrhoney type; ajputsand, beach; karlakurrtoo sweet. Category:�Bees and honey.

kirluwukpin���iv. gather honey in the comb. Nguran ngarluwukpinang. ‘I went getting honey comb.’ Category:�Bees and honey, Hunting.

kupulak���noun. type of wild honey which is dark in colour. See:�kakurlsugarbag type. Category:�Bees and honey.

napurlkarr���noun. a very big sugar-bag, honey-comb. Napurlkarr ja kupulak. ‘This is a very big kupulak sugar-bag.’ Category:�Bees and honey.

nimi���noun. 1�•�the blocked off end of the honeycomb in the tree. Arrungpayarrun arrkpanarra arrkpamalkpa ngaw ta nimi. ‘We will follow it along (ie. with the axe) until we come to the end of it.’ See:�inimi amparlarrpeople from the topside of Alligator River. Category:�Bees and honey.

2�•�the underneath side. Kamalangali mata warlk la arrkpana arrkanamajpungku nimi ngaw. ‘We will lift up the underneath part of the tree.’ Category:�Location and distance.

3�•�buttocks. See:�niminimigo to back (of something); mimirib. Category:�Organs and torso.

wirlan���noun. wild honey hive. Found on Goulburn Island. There is brown wax inside the tree. The honey part is called kakurl. See:�kakurlsugarbag type. Category:�Bees and honey.

wimparr���noun. honey type. See:�kakurlwild honey. Category:�Bees and honey.

wirnamu���noun. wild honey that grows in mangroves. Category:�Bees and honey.

wirrali nuyu���noun. 1�•�part of the honeycomb which does not have honey in it. Category:�Bees and honey.

2�•�the 'brown part' inside the fish. Category:�Fish bodyparts. Anth: Young men are not allowed to eat them. They might get white hair too quickly.

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