

alwirrgukalwirrguk���noun. a parasite that grows on a tree trunk and is used as a poultice. Category:�Insects.

ilarranypany���noun. 1�•�centipede. Category:�Insects.

2�•�shape of small spiral starter piece of a basket, yangali. This shape is a spiral like muki but is elongated. Anth: The name refers only to the initial few layers of coils that are made to start off the basket. See:�mukiround starter spiral for basket. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items.

imilirr���noun. head lice eggs. See:�kurrpunghead lice (generic); jernimandog fleas. Category:�Insects.

imurtpurrk���noun. worm. Category:�Insects.

itpiyitpi���noun. grasshopper. See:�wungumpuli yitpiyitpiyounger teenage girl. Category:�Insects. Note: Yitpiyitpi song on Le Brun Holmes record. Seems to be Feminine due to some mythological associations. See also Berndt and Berndt (1970) for discussion and transcription of some itpiyitpi songs

jerniman���noun. fleas. See:�imilirrflea. Category:�Insects.

kalmaya���noun. green tree ant. Oecophylla smaragdina. Variant:�Iwaidja: Kardngka buyi (may refer to ant nest). Nukapa kalmaya yarukiny ngartu. ‘That ant's climbed up on me.’ Category:�Insects, Medicine.

kariri���noun. water beetle. Category:�Insects. Note: Mentioned p.572 of Berndt and Berndt (1970) as gariri 'crickets' in Mawng and Kunwinjku

karr���noun. spider. Category:�Insects.

kurli���noun. Cicada, blue grasshopper. Category:�Insects.

kurrpung���noun. head lice (generic term). See:�imilirrhead lice eggs; martajanbig head lice; mulunymulunysmall head lice; murrkurakpubic lice. Syn:�wulkpung. Category:�Insects, Discomfort and pain.

magarlmarr���noun. 1�•�large khaki or brown coloured ant hills. See:�wuyanthill type; wampamanthill type. Category:�Insects.

2�•�khaki to brown colour. Category:�Colours and light.

martajan���noun. large head lice. See:�kurrpunghead lice (generic); mulunymulunysmall head lice. Category:�Insects.

mayarany���noun. a type of edible grub which lives in the roots of trees and ant hills. See:�yurrgaliwitchetty grub. Category:�Insects.

mijmij���noun. sandfly. Syn:�wurri. Category:�Insects.

minang���noun. tick. Category:�Insects, Discomfort and pain.

mirniwurrurru���noun. caterpillar. Category:�Insects.

mirrinnyak���noun. 1�•�Brolga, Saurus crane. Grus rubicundus, Grus antigone. Juka jita mirrinyak kinyjangali. ‘There is a brolga over there.’ See:�wukurlEastern Reef Egret, black form. Category:�Large birds.

2�•�a large lanky mosquito type. Mirrinyak nukapa ja pirl ja ngili. ‘The mirrinyak mosquito is a lazy one.’ Mirrinyak ja wirl ja ngili. ‘The mirrinyak is a type of mosquito that is a nuisance (it keeps following someone).’ See:�ngilimosquito, Ibis type. Category:�Insects.

mulunymuluny���noun. 1�•�a tree with edible red-brown fruit found in the jungle. Anth: They grow outside but near the edge of the jungle, or near a cliff. Aidia racemosa, Drypetes deplanchei, Ganophyllum falcatum. Category:�Trees and bushes, Plant food.

2�•�small head lice. See:�martajanlarge head lice; kurrpunghead lice (generic). Category:�Insects.

muntamunta���noun. march fly (big variety). See:�witjinmarch fly. Category:�Insects.

munyngan���noun. brown and black striped large wasp. Category:�Insects.

murrkurak���noun. public lice. See:�kurrpunghead lice (generic). Category:�Insects, Discomfort and pain.

muwarn���noun. 1�•�sun. See:�rturrkget very hot. Category:�Sky.

2�•�timepiece - i.e. clock or watch. Category:�Other.

3�•�bee, fly. Anth: It is around in the very hot season and makes a humming sound, and does not have a sting. See:�kurnpirripirrisalt water crocodile. Category:�Insects.

nyinnyin���noun. white ants. Category:�Insects.

ngalkarn���noun. a large black ant species. Category:�Insects.

ngalngkurrk���noun. large red ant, red meat ants. Category:�Insects.

ngili���noun. 1�•�mosquito. Category:�Insects.

2�•�Glossy Ibis. Plegadis falcinellus. See:�mirrinnyakbrolga, mosquito type. Category:�Small birds.

ngulurrumumu���noun. dragon-fly. Category:�Insects.

rrurulng���noun. 1�•�a centipede-like insect which lives in pandanus. Nuka ja rrurulng ja kapin yalarranypany. Malany ilijap malany kinila murgala. ‘The rrurulng is like a centipede. It is small and it eats pandanus.’ Anth: It is said that if these insects are touched it will cause fits. See:�warntayufit, like an epileptic fit. Category:�Insects.

2�•�a special sort of pandanus which grows like a fan with a stem. Category:�Palms.

wampam���noun. anthill type. See:�wuyanthill type; magarlmarrbrown anthill type. Category:�Insects.

warnany���noun. 1�•�beeswax, plasticine. Category:�Insects.

2�•�string covered with beeswax used to make maykuk, used to 'curse' someone. See:�maykuktoken of deceased. Category:�Clothing, adornment, magic items, Sorcery.

welep���noun. butterfly, moth. Category:�Insects.

winta���noun. scarab beetle. Category:�Insects. Anth: Has three dark stripes across its back.

winyjulam���noun. hairy caterpillar. Category:�Insects. Anth: Causes an allergic rash.

witjin���noun. 1�•�march fly, a type of biting fly that is a similar size and appearance to a normal fly. See:�muntamuntamarch fly (big). Category:�Insects.

2�•�group of people. Anth: The witjin group of people come from around Alligator River. Category:�Dreamtime names. Note: Also totem related to waryat section but slightly different.

wirtu���noun. maggot. Category:�Insects.

wugi���noun. mangrove worm. Teredo spp.. Category:�Insects, Medicine.

wuk1���noun. small black ant. Kapin wuk. ‘A very large number of people, just like ants!’ Category:�Insects.

wulkpung���noun. head lice. See:�kurrpunghead lice (generic). Category:�Insects.

wurnngulk���noun. flying insects that creates nests on trees that gives a bad sting. Medium brown with yellow stripes on body, about 1-2 cm long with very narrow wings. See:�wurnkurrksnot. Category:�Insects.

wurri���noun. sandfly. Variant:�Mayinjinaj term. Syn:�mijmij. Category:�Insects.

wuy���noun. anthill, antheap. Termitaria. See:�wampamanthill type; magarlmarrbrown anthill. Category:�Insects, Medicine. Anth: Used to treat diarrhoea, heart pain. Preparation: break big handfuls and place in mouth. Light brown mounds are crushed and rubbed onto stomach and groin of pregnant women when fishing, to protect the unborn child's spirit from the Rainbow Serpent. Widows and widowers also drink wuy dissolved in hot water.

yalamparr���noun. bee. Category:�Insects. Variant:�Ngurtikin term.

yalangkarrijalangkarri���noun. dragonfly. Category:�Insects.

yawak���noun. leech. Hirudinea. Category:�Insects, Medicine.

yurrgali���noun. witchetty grub. See:�mayaranyedible grub. Category:�Insects.

Parent category:



Bees and honey