alkparn���noun. 1�•�Giant Shovelnose Ray. Rhinobatus typus. Category:�Rays.
2�•�Shovelnose Rays. Aptychotrema spp. Rhinobatus spp.. See:�walarrapalarra�‘Mayinjinaj form’; worntokporntok�‘Diamond Fish’; rlunturran�‘form of Giant Shovelnose Ray’. Category:�Rays. Anth: This one lives on the reef and in the mangrove creek.
arlitja���noun. Blue-spotted Maskray. Dasyatis kuhlii. See:�arlitju�‘Whaler sharks with black-tipped tails’. Category:�Rays. Anth: This is a stingray with a dark back with blue spots. It has two spines. It lives inshore over coral reefs. Not eaten.
inipij���noun. Coachwhip Stingray, spotted form. Himantura uarnak?. Syn:�kinykarnkarn. Category:�Rays. See:�yagaru�‘Stingray (generic)’. Anth: These live over sandflats. Their backs have a speckled appearance. The Leopard Whipray lives in deeper water and may not be as well known as the Coachwhip and Reticulate whiprays
inyjartpalmu���noun. 1�•�the dark coloured liver in a stingray which is a sign that it is not edible. See:�kurntaparr�‘light stingray liver’. Anth: When the liver of a stingray is dark it can't be eaten. Category:�Rays.
2�•�Brown stingray, Blotched Fantail Ray. Dasyatis annotatus. Taeniura meyeni,. See:�yagaru�‘Stingray, generic term’. Category:�Rays. Anth: This is a big "black" stingray. It has a long tail with one spine. It has 'black' flesh and 'no fat'. It lives in the mangroves. This is the 'mother one' (it is the largest). Although it has only one spine, it is no good to eat. When the liver is enlarged and brown ('kingana') it is inedible. However in the right season the liver becomes 'white' (pale) and at this time it can be eaten.
kinykarnkarn���noun. Coachwhip Stingray, spotted form. Himantura uarnak. Syn:�inipij. See:�yagaru�‘Stingray (generic)’. Category:�Rays.
inimany kurntaparr���pale stingray liver that is a sign that the stingray is o.k. to eat. Ngatpin "Ah inimany kuntaparr. That nungmalal". ‘We say "Oh it's pale. That ones good (to eat)"’. See:�inyjartpalmu�‘dark stingray liver’. Category:�Rays.
kuywala���noun. Cowtail Stingray. Pastinachus sephen. See:�yagaru�‘stingrays and rays (generic)’. Category:�Rays. Anth: This is black. It has a flat tail with one sting. It is regarded as good food.
rlunturran���noun. big form of Giant Shovelnose Ray. See:�alkparn�‘Giant Shovelnose Ray’; rlunguran�‘a small Trevally’. Category:�Rays.
mankimanki���noun. 1�•�barb in a stingray's tail. Category:�Rays.
2�•�stingray bush. Category:�Trees and bushes.
manyjirr���noun. Blue-spotted Fantail Ray. Taeniura lymma, ?Dasyatis kuhlii. Nakurrututu kinyjurlu kingatpi warranyngiw ingurlaj manyjirr. ‘Nakurrututu is pregnant, she has a child whose name is Manyjirr.’ See:�yagaru�‘stingrays’; warntilili�‘ray type that is has blue spots like manyjirr but smaller’. Category:�Rays. Anth: This is a small stingray. It has a flat tail with two spines. It has blue spots on its back. It lives in shallow water over sandy areas amongst coral reefs. It is not eaten
manganyparlirr���noun. Brown stingray, Brown Reticulated Stingray. Dasyatis fluviorum, Dasyatis leylandi. Manganyparlirr inyalyungan kamaju. Inypaning inypararrkenang. ‘Manganyparlirr heard they were injured. She sat and cried.’ See:�yagaru�‘stingrays and rays (generic)’. Category:�Rays. Anth: This lives inshore, over muddy bottoms and mangrove flats. It has one sting. The wing flaps are pointed so that it has a 'diamond' shape. It is eaten.
marukuk���noun. Porcupine Ray ('sandpaper ray'). Urogymnus asperrimus. Ja mun nuyu ja marukuk. ‘Marukuk is one of the ones with lumps on its back.’ See:�mun nuyu�‘Black Blotched Stingray’. Category:�Rays. Anth: This is a big dark stingray with short tail, no spines, thorns on its back. It lives in seagrass areas. Good to eat.
mun nuyu���noun. Black Blotched Stingray. Taeniura meyeni. Kurriwanala ja irratat ja mun nuyu la kutpawirtpalinypun la yunyi kutartpikpin la kurrimang mun nuyu. ‘When you eat the meat mun-nuyu stingray, wash your hands, do not rub the fat into your hands or you will get warts from (the stingray).’ See:�marukuk�‘Porcupine Ray’. Category:�Rays. Anth: A type of stingray which has a warty back and no barb in its tail.
murtij���noun. Estuary Stingray; 'yellow river stingray'. Dasyatis fluviorum, ?Himantura fai. Category:�Rays. Anth: This is a yellow-brown stingray. It has one sting. The wing-flaps are rounded in shape. It is big, up to 120cm wide. It lives inshore, in mangrove swamps and estuaries and it also goes upriver to fresh water. This is one of the favourite food species.
ngarnampala���noun. White-spotted Eagle Ray. Aetobatus narinari. See:�yagaru�‘stingray’. Category:�Rays. Anth: Sometimes it can be seen jumping right out of the water. This is a large ray which lives offshore in deeper water. It sometimes comes in close to shore.This is eaten.
walarrapalarra���noun. Diamond Fish. Variant:�Mayinjinaj term; not commonly used. See:�alkparn�‘Giant Shovelnose Ray’. Category:�Rays. Anth: The old people used to use this term.
warntilili���noun. unidentified ray type that is has blue spots like manyjirr but smaller. Dasyatis kuhlii. See:�manyjirr�‘Blue-spotted Fantail Ray’. Category:�Rays.
warrjarra���noun. Manta Ray, Devil rays. Manta birostris, Mobula spp.. See:�yagaru�‘stingray’. Category:�Rays. Anth: This is a big ray that lives mostly offshore in deeper waters. It rarely comes inshore into shallow water. It is eaten
wiringki���noun. the characteristic slippery, mucousy coating associated with the smell of stingray. Ja kiyap naka jara nuwurnyak wiringki. ‘The fish is slippery.’ wiringki nuyu Naka ja murtij ja imurra wiringki nuyu. ‘The murtij stingray has a lot of slipperyness.’ See:�ikurri�‘odour’. Category:�Rays, Properties of surface.
wurrkinkin���noun. Mangrove Whipray, 'white tail' stingray. Himantura granulata. Category:�Rays. Anth: This has a white tail and "dots" on its back. It has one or two spines. It lives over mud flats near mangroves and over sand flats near coral reef
yagaru���noun. stingrays and rays (generic). Kawarra yiyi ngarrurru yagaru. ‘They hunt stingray for us.’ See:�warrjarra�‘Manta Ray’; ngarnampala�‘White-spotted Eagle Ray’; manyjirr�‘Blue-spotted Fantail Ray’; inipij�‘Coachwhip Stingray, spotted form’; inyjartpalmu�‘Brown Stingray, Blotched Fantail Ray’; kinykarnkarn�‘Coachwhip Stingray, spotted form’; kuywala�‘Cowtail Stingray’; manganyparlirr�‘Brown stingray, Brown Reticulated Stingray’. Category:�Rays. Anth: Category includes; inipij, kinykarnkarn, inyjartpalmu, kuywala, manyjirr, manganyparlirr, ngarnampala, wajarrang, alkparn Anth: This is a biological classification. It is based on 'family resemblance'. Their body shape is wide and flat; they have no bones. There is also a functional component to this classification. Stingrays and rays are regarded as different from other kinds of fish. The flesh has a very different texture and flavour to that of bony fishes and there are special methods of preparation for eating. Relatively few of the rays and stingrays are regarded as edible. Those with no spines or only one spine are eaten; those with two spines are not eaten. They are eaten seasonally, when the liver is 'fat'.
yalmalirnkarrk���noun. Green Sawfish. Pristis spp. and Anoxypristis spp. incl Pristis zijsron. Category:�Rays.
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