

inyalkpa wurrut���noun. a medium sized trevally, smaller than wurrut but larger than rlunguran. Caranx ignobilis and others. See:�MungkulurrutGolden Trevally; wurruttrevally (generic), a large Trevally; rlungurana small Trevally; mangaliScad, small Trevally. Category:�Sweetlips.

rlunguran���noun. Diamond Trevally, Epaulet trevally and other small trevallies. Carangoides chrysophrys, Carangoides humerosus. See:�wurruta large Trevally; inyalkpa wurrutMedium sized Trevally; rlunturranstingray type. Category:�Sweetlips.

mangali���noun. Scad, small Trevally. Syn:�mungkulurrut. See:�inyalkpa wurrutMedium sized Trevally; WurrutTrevally (generic). Category:�Sweetlips.

martali���noun. 1�•�Sea Perches and Tropical Snappers (generic). Includes Sweetlips (grunts), Fusiliers, Emperors and Jobfishes. Lutjanus spp., Haemulidae spp., Caesionidae spp., Lethrinus spp., Aprion spp.. See:�yarriSea Perch; InarrkaSea Perches Lutjanus species, Lethrinus lentjan; impurrkStriped Sea Perch. Category:�Fish.

2�•�Red Emperor, Other big red coral-reef seaperches. Lutjanus sebae, Lutjanus erythropterus. Category:�Sweetlips.

3�•�Mangrove Jack. Lutjanus argentimaculatus. Category:�Fish.

4�•�Blacktail snapper. Lutjanus fulvus. Variant:�Iwaidja: Mardali. See:�inyparlturtle hunting ground. Category:�Fish.

mirrk���noun. Dart or Golden Trevally. Trachinotus russelli, blochi or Gnathanodon speciosus. See:�ngarlawiGolden Trevally. Category:�Sweetlips. Anth: In earlier times young men were not allowed to eat this fish because it was 'too strong', it might knock them down.

ngarlawi2���noun. Golden Trevally. Gnathanodon speciosus.. See:�mungkulurrutGolden Trevally (possible); WurrutTrevally (generic); MirrkGolden Trevally. Category:�Sweetlips.

wururi���noun. 1�•� Ikaman la wururi ja nuwuran mawuruwuj la marrnguny. ‘The freshwater catfish and herring live in the fresh water and eels too.’ See:�mankuparlherring found in sea. Category:�Herring.

2�•�Oxeye Herring. Megalops cyprinoides (Megalopidae). Category:�Herring.

3�•�Fringe-finned Trevally, Small mouth scad. Absalom radiatus, Alepes sp.. Category:�Sweetlips.

wurrut���noun. 1�•�trevally (generic), Family Carangidae. See:�inyalkpa wurruta medium Trevally; rlungurana small Trevally; ngarlawiGolden Trevally; mungkulurrutGolden Trevally, Gold-spotted Trevally; mangaliScad, small Trevally. Category:�Sweetlips. Anth: In the Marriyuwi Mamurrng they dance as wurrut and paint it on their bodies.

2�•�a large Trevally such as Giant Trevally, Blue Trevally or Bludger Trevally. Caranx ignobilis, Carangoides ferdau, Carangoides gymnostethus. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wurrut. See:�alapanjaBatfish; rlunguranDiamond Trevally and other small trevallies. Category:�Sweetlips.

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