

alurlgwi���noun. a small prawn. Category:�Crustaceans.

imuyuk���noun. crab sections used for bait. Category:�Crustaceans.

julu2���noun. gulf lobster. Category:�Crustaceans.

kanyngan���noun. red crab fat. See:�wilngukfat of red coloured crab. Category:�Crustaceans.

karnjawarra���noun. 1�•�mud crab, large mangrove crab. Scylla serrata. Category:�Crustaceans.

2�•�crab (generic). Category:�Crustaceans.

katu���noun. small mangrove crab. Portunidae spp. not pelagicus. Category:�Crustaceans. Anth: Now used just for bait but were previously eaten too.

kawikawik���noun. 1�•�a crab's small walking legs. Category:�Crustaceans.

2�•�front or back flippers of a turtle. See:�imarnawujiback flippers of a turtle. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.

kiniyulun���tv. cast off the old shell and leave the new, soft one. Kiniyulun ja mawuga. ‘The mawuga crab is shedding its old shell.’ See:�kiyulumove; ninypimpimsoft crab shell (feminine). Category:�Divide, cut, tear, Crustaceans.

kulaw���noun. pearl. Category:�Crustaceans.

kurrmala���noun. hermit crab. Anth: Can be eaten and also used as bait. Category:�Crustaceans.

marlajak���noun. prawn. Category:�Crustaceans.

martjiwiny���noun. a crab with white milky substance inside it. Category:�Crustaceans.

mawuga���noun. small red and green mangrove crab. Sesarma sp.. Marrany yurrjurr "Ma arrkpana, mawuga arriwanama." ‘It falls off (the ngarntawl seed), "O.k. lets go and get mawuga crabs".’ Kiniyulun ja mawuga. ‘The mawuga crab is shedding its old shell.’ Category:�Crustaceans.

mirninyaki���noun. Blue swimmer crab. Portunus pelagicus. Category:�Crustaceans.

mirrurn���noun. Horn-eyed Ghost Crab. AType of shore crab often found just above the high tide mark on sandy beaches. Ocypode ceratophthalma. Anth: Used for bait. Wigarra yirrk mirrurn. ‘There are many sand crabs.’ Juka jita mirrurn. ‘This is a mirrurn crab.’ Category:�Crustaceans.

morngany���noun. large mud crab. Scylla serrata?. Ngawu la juka jita morngany kinyu tuka kantaji. ‘Come, there is a big crab here in this hole.’ Category:�Crustaceans.

nawurl���noun. crab hole. Ngawu la ngungayawng nawurl la wukej kinypani karnjawarra. ‘Come here, I have seen a crab hole with a crab inside.’ Category:�Crustaceans.

ninyjililut���noun. 1�•�soft. See:�nulililutsoft, like a baby. Category:�Properties of surface.

2�•�soft-shelled crab. See:�ninypimpimsoft crab shell. Category:�Crustaceans.

3�•�refers to a rising star before its starts to twinkle. Category:�Sky.

ninymawurr���noun. arm, claw of crab. See main entry: imawurr. Category:�Crustaceans.

ninypimpim���noun. soft crab shell. See:�ninyjililutsoft-shelled crab; kiniyuluncast off shell. Category:�Crustaceans.

nganyjarlwiny���noun. crayfish. Panulirus versicolor ; Palinirus ornatus. See:�wititpakcrayfish. Category:�Crustaceans.

wamarn���noun. crabs a similar size to a shore crab or rock crab but they can live in mangroves or rocks. Menippidae ; Xanthidae (some). Category:�Crustaceans. Anth: It has one big claw and one small one. It lives in mangroves and on the rocks. It is good bait and the arms are good to eat.

watpirrijpatpirrij���noun. shore crabs. These usually live in rocks and are good bait. Grapsidae. Category:�Crustaceans.

weliweli2���noun. soldier crabs, sheep crab (local name). Mictyris sp.. Category:�Crustaceans.

wilnguk���noun. fat of red coloured crab. Kurrana kimaju la ilnguk kiningula la karrila ja karnjawarra. ‘When the moon dies the crab makes the red fat and then we eat it.’ See:�kanynganred crab fat. Category:�Crustaceans.

wititpak���noun. crayfish. See:�nganyjarlwinycrayfish. Category:�Crustaceans.

wiyirr���noun. Barnacle. Megabalanus sp.. Variant:�Iwaidja: munangmunang. Category:�Shellfish, Crustaceans. Anth: Grows on rocks, turtles and even whales.

yurryurr���noun. small mud crab. Scylla serrata?. Category:�Crustaceans. Anth: It has 'yellow fat' inside. The best time to catch them is when the tall grass seeds are maturing. It is then soft with plenty of fat.

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