angparti���noun. 1�•�bow of the canoe, the part at the front. Ant:�wurlurn. See:�kapal�‘middle’; nuwutja�‘inexpert, poor fisherman’. Category:�Items for fishing.
2�•�hunter who works from the front of the canoe. This person spears the inyarlgan 'turtle or dugong'. Anth: Traditionally this person didn't really get to keep any of the meat he had speared, he only got the head. One who sits in the middle is called kapal or ja kiwani kapal. Ja angparti ja kinin kiyap yara inyarlgan. ‘The one who works from the forepart of the canoe spears the fish or the turtle.’ See:�wurlurn�‘captain of canoe’; kapal�‘hunter who sits in the middle of the canoe’; nuwutja�‘inexpert, poor fisherman’. Category:�Initiation.
3�•�Expert in a particular area. Naka ja angparti. ‘He is an expert at it.’ Category:�Initiation, Goodness.
4�•�front (of body). Akutju angparti warak ‘And again he orients himself straight ahead (after spinning around).’ Category:�Other.
arnpij���noun. a piece of loose or hanging skin. Category:�Other.
ikurru���noun. human bones. See:�iyarrmulu�‘skeleton’. Category:�Other.
ilaman���noun. voice of a person, characteristic taste of something. ngalaman, arrtaman, ngarrtaman, nukaman, nuwutaman, ninyjaman ‘female voice, flavour of crab’; wulaman ‘flavour of Land gender drinks’; mataman ‘not recognised (no other entry for it)’; nataman, ataman ‘flavour of plant foods (no other entry, just cross-reference)’; wilaman. Arralyu nuyu ilaman. ‘We hear his voice.’ Ngarrila kiyap. Marrik ilangali ilaman, arlarrarr. ‘We eat fish but it doesn't have any taste, nothing.’ Animany wulamanwulaman annyarutpanju. ‘He tasted the flavour (of the drink) but left it.’ See:�malaman�‘flavour’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Other.
impiyung���noun. what's his name? ninyimpiyung ‘what's.her.name’; piyung ‘about.that.place’. See:�piyung�‘about that place’. Category:�Other.
inyjaku���noun. left side of the body, left-handed person. Pa kinypani tuka inyjaku. ‘Then she sits on the left side.’ See:�wurulwurul�‘right handed’. Category:�Other, General.
ingijalk���noun. body, self of a person. nukijalk, nuwukijalk, ninyngijalk, wungijalk, mangijalk, akijalk, wingijalk ‘their bodies ; themselves’. wingijalkut ‘themselves’. Ngungpurrun manya or, arrarrkpi ingijalk. ‘Maybe a spirit or a real man.’ Qeqe, that's the Mawng wungijalk. ‘It's correct. It's real Mawng (I asked: is that a bit old, that word)’. Category:�Other.
ingiri���noun. skin, hide, 'skin name' (moiety, subsection), shell of a turtle, or of shellfish. ingiri ‘used to refer to shell of karrarnarn shellfish and other shellfish’. ngangiri, ninyngiri, wungiri, mangiri ‘bark’; akiri, wingiri. Ngapi ngalangali ngangiri Ngalngarrij/Ngalngarrajku. ‘My skin name/matrimoiety is Ngalngarrij/Ngalngarrajku.’ Martpoj ingiri. ‘Martpoj shell.’ See:�mangiri�‘bark’; akiri�‘skin, foreskin’; nukiri�‘your (singular) skin’; iyayik�‘bones’. Category:�Other, Shellfish.
ingurlaj���noun. name. ngangurlaj, arrkurlaj, nukurlaj, ninyngurlaj, wungurlaj, mangurlaj (token RS Elic 52), akurlaj, wingurlaj. Pa kimin parak ja ingurlaj. ‘That's how the words (of the song) should be pronounced.’ Category:�Other.
irrijpalk���noun. stretch marks. Irrijpalk yara ngarrimangung tuka yanyjuk. ‘Sometimes we get stretch marks on our breasts.’ Category:�Other, Reproduction.
iwalu���noun. be like, look like, a likeness. ngawalu ‘my person, my likeness’; ninypalu ‘person ; likeness ; look.like’; wiwalu ‘be.similar.to ; look.like ; likeness’. Ja iwalu kapin ngapi. ‘He (looks) like me.’ Ninymatpa ninypalu kinypani. ‘A (female) person from another group is there.’ Jita ninypalu kapin jita nigi. ‘Her likeness is that of her mother.’ Tumatpa wiwalu awuranka namapa awanginka. ‘The hostile group came to fight.’ ngatuka ngatpalu ‘we lot, our group, in contrast to another’. tumatpa wiwalu Category:�Other.
iwari���noun. sore on body, wound. ngawari, arrpari, ninypari ‘wound ; sore’; wiwari. Category:�Other.
iyarlmu���noun. spirit of a living person. Anth: No one knows what the spirit of a living person is like - he is just alive. The spirit of a dead person can be seen (a little white thing like a bird).= ninyjarlmu ‘3FE.POSS.spirit’; wiyarlmu. See:�manya�‘ghost, spirit, dead person’; malarlmuniny kirrkju�‘completely deaf’. Category:�Other.
iyarrmulu���noun. skeleton. See:�namajungpu�‘skeleton’; iyayik�‘bones’; ikurru�‘human bones’. Category:�Other.
iyayik���noun. bone, shells (old ones that have been bleached by the sun). atjayik ‘1pl.in.POSS.bones. Also a place name on Warruwi.’; ninyjayik, wiyayik. See:�ingiri�‘skin, shell’; iyarrmulu�‘skeleton’. Category:�Other, Shellfish.
jalarryu���noun. bare weathered bones found lying on the ground. Category:�Other.
jang wirlngukuk���noun. freckles, dark patches on the skin. Category:�Other.
kertjirtpun���iv. skin peel off, as snake sheds its skin. Arukin yartjirtpung. ‘The snake has shed its skin.’ Ampijinangapa yartjirtpuning. ‘Then he's laughing and sheds his skin (a baby).’ Karrrartjirtpun ta arrkiri. ‘Our skin peels off.’ See:�kinnyartjirtpun�‘peel off’. Category:�General, Other.
mawngku���noun. 1�•�shade, shadow. Mawngku kamawarlkanyi warak. ‘The tree's shadow is extending (as the sun moves down in the sky).’ Waryat kamangutpa mawngku. ‘The rock has a shadow.’ Category:�Other, Colours and light. Usage:�Used for shadow of non-humans. Yarlawu is used for humans.
2�•�shelter which people make to sit under. Kapumurntulku ngarrurru ta mawngku. ‘They make a shelter for us.’ Category:�Shelter, camp, house.
namajumpu���noun. skeleton. jita namajungpu. Pata namajungpu, warranyngiw la jita nigi. ‘Their skeletons, mother and child.’ See:�iyarrmulu�‘skeleton’; kungkampupu�‘skull’. Category:�Other.
ninyjayik���noun. her bone. Category:�Other. See main entry: iyayik.
ninyngijalk���noun. body. See main entry: ingijalk. Category:�Other.
nukiri���noun. your (singular) skin. See:�ingiri�‘skin’. Category:�Other.
nulakpurlak���noun. noisy. ngalakpulakpulak ‘I am a noisy person’. Yanat ja nulakpurlak. ‘He is a noisy person.’ See:�nulakpuntakpuj�‘quiet (masculine)’; nulakpurlakpurlak�‘voice heard from far away’. Category:�Other, Language.
wingijalk���noun. their bodies. See main entry: ingijalk. Category:�Other.
wirtpirt���noun. vein, sinew. Category:�Other.
wurulwurul���noun. a right-handed person, 'right hand' or right hand side. Kunyayan inyurlgenyka kinypani tuka wuwun or inyjaku? ‘The one who came in did she sit on the left or right?’ wurulwurul werrk angpin amul, then wumarrk. ‘First they do a dance move on the left hand side, then down low.’ See:�wurul�‘warm over fire’; inyjaku�‘left handed’. Category:�Other, General.
yarlawu2���noun. shadow, reflection. ninyarlawuk, arrarlawu, nuwarrarlawu (comes out as nuwarrlawu fast), nuwarlarru. Yanat yarlawuk. ‘That is his shadow.’ Nginyayawng ninyarlawu. Kapa nganngawarlkijpan parak. ‘I saw her shadow. She went past me there.’ kinyjarlkanyi kinyayan ninyjarlawu ‘Combing her hair, looking at her shadow.’ Category:�Colours and light, Other.
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