amama���coverb. absent. Kerra amama. ‘He is absent.’ Kawarramama warrwak kawaga. ‘They're looking for food, later they'll come back.’ Category:�Concealment.
kilakujpakpa���iv. plead guilty (by not speaking up about it). Ilangaling ilakujpakpany. ‘He pleaded guilty.’ See:�kilakujpin�‘be quiet’; kinilakujpa�‘kiss, stop from crying’. Category:�Language, Concealment.
kilakutpakpa���iv. have a secret about oneself, keep a something about oneself secret. Kutpina nuyu nakapa ja kilakutpakpa. Nakapa ja kamaniwakpi, ja Nawayati. ‘You talk to him, he's got a secret. He plays didjeridoo, Nawayati.’ Category:�Concealment.
kinilagurrun���tv. Deceive, trick, do something different to what was expected. Nuka inilagurruning. ‘He was deceiving him.’ Iningikjung ngartu, nganilarung. ‘He deceived me.’ Ngantularung. ‘You lied to me.’ See:�kiningikjun�‘trick’; lagarr�‘lie, deceive’; kunakay�‘excuse me’. Category:�Language, Concealment, Judgement, evaluation.
kinilakpalkpa���tv. pass on secret information. Speak out about hidden matter, confess. Anth: When someone tells someone something secret, or hidden about what someone did. Inilakpalkpany kirrk. ‘He told him all about it.’ Kayirrk iminypu "Naka inimany wungpulaj". Kinilakpalkpa. ‘Now he says to them "That one stole (something)". He tells him (the secret).’ inyngalalkpany ‘she told her a secret’. See:�kinilakpa�‘answer’. Category:�Language, Concealment.
kinilakpuya���tv. cover. Inilakpuyany kirrk ja warranyngiw. ‘He covered the child completely.’ Ngarrilakpuyakapa maryawu. ‘We cover the tortoises with paperbark.’ ngalakpuyeny ‘he covers himself’; kawulakpuyen ‘They cover themselves.’. La marrik awunpulakpuyanjingka. ‘And they don't cover us with sand (we do it ourselves).’ See:�kanilakpunya. Category:�Concealment.
kinimurntulku���tv. Restrict:�MA object 1�•�trap fish. Iwumurntulkuny ja kiyap. ‘They trapped fish (by blocking the creek).’ See:�murntulkuj�‘a sheltered place’. Category:�Hunting.
Restrict:�ED object2 katimurntulku�•� Apumurntulkuny nuyu. ‘They trapped him (e.g. a bull).’ Pulikang ngawunpanalunta la ngapamurntulku wu ngungpanama put ‘We fence in the cows and block them in and lock them in.’ Apumurntulkuny merrk where ilangaling ja kiyap, inside. ‘They built a barrier of leaves, trapping the fish.’ Category:�Holding, sticking, Concealment.
Restrict:�ED object 3�•�cover, protect, make windbreak. Apumurntulkuny ta jampakang. ‘They make a windbreak of corrugated iron.’ Walmat katimurntulku ngaw jita muwarn. ‘The rain (or rain cloud) covered up the sun.’ Yanat kinimurntulku ja tarpaulin la iniwutiny ‘He put up a tarpaulin and tied it on.’ Category:�Manipulation.
kiniwarlunyja���tv. hide something. iniwarlujiny, yingawarlujiny, yiwuwarlujakangung ‘they hid them (fish)’. Ngungpurrun rrupiya iniwarlunyjiny. ‘I think he hid the money.’ iwumangung ja kiyap iwuwurlujakangung kirrk. ‘They collected all the fish and hid them all’. Yiwarlunjiny wukaj wurlmutpurlmut. ‘They hid him inside where it was dark.’ See:�kiwarlunyjin�‘hide’. Category:�Concealment, Manipulation.
kiniyalma���tv. look for, not find. Awungkung iwuyalmangung ja marryun anyak. ‘They were going along looking for the little boy.’ La nguran ngayirtpalinypun ngamurnanganinyka nginyjalmany. ‘Then I went and washed my hands, came back and couldn't find it.’ Arlarrarr atiyalmany ta yurnu. ‘Nothing, he didn't find her footprint.’ See:�kinnyalima�‘seek out’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Concealment.
kiniyurlka���tv. 1�•�bury, cover, plant. Usage:�Can be used for burying humans or animals, unlike -e kunak inypuyurljiny ‘they buried her’; iwuyurljiny ‘They buried him’; kiniyurkaka. Atiyurkangung ta walij. ‘He was planting the food (yams).’ Nungmatpa karrkaj ingayalmany mirnta waka wiyu inypuyurljiny Ilarryarru pa kinyu pata pukapa. ‘And on the other side, when she died, they buried her at Ilyarru, she's lying there. They were there’. Kurlajuk kingayurlka. ‘She (turtle) buries her eggs.’ See:�kiyurjin�‘be buried’; kiwrlkatin�‘disappear’. Category:�Manipulation, Concealment.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kaniyurlka�•�cover with sand. Ngapi Inyjalarrku ngamirawng. Ngarrunjurjiny arakap tuka Nawurlany nuyu. ‘I sang Inyjalarrku song. We covered the area where Nawurlany's things were.’ Angamany mangayurrkjiny nuyu wun ja luluj. ‘She grabbed it and threw it in the dogs eyes.’ Katiyurlka. ‘He plants food, or puts food in sand to cook it.’ Category:�Concealment.
Restrict:�LL object 3: kaniyurlka�•�make a smoke signal. Kaniyurlka nuyu. ‘He sends him a smoke signal.’ Kangpuyurlka. ‘They send a smoke signal.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds, Fire.
kiwarlunyjin���iv. hide. kiwarlunyjiny ‘he hid’. Ngarruran ngarriyalmany la iwarlunyjingan. ‘We went and searched for him because he had hidden.’ Inyparlunyjikinang ngaw tuka warlk. ‘She's hiding from her behind the tree.’ See:�kiniwarlunyja�‘hide something’. Category:�Concealment.
kiwrlkatin���iv. disappear, get lost. iwanurlkatin, yurlkatingan, yurlkating, yurkatina. Awurlkatinganapa arrkpanuken. ‘They've disappeared so we'll go and look for them.’ Arrayawng la yurlkatingan. ‘We saw him but he disappeared.’ See:�kiniyurlka�‘bury, cover, plant’; kiw�‘a little of’. Category:�Concealment.
kurlkurl���coverb. hidden away from view, stuck somewhere where no one can see you, in jail, stuck. Pa awuntuwinypuningapa nukang weringki nuyu ta awaning kurlkurl tuka wurak nuyu. ‘They were washing them because of it's stomach grease, from them being stuck inside its guts.’ See:�wurlwurl�‘sink down, dunk’; wurlkurl�‘sink down, uneven ground’; kurl�‘drown (submerge with the intention to kill)’. Category:�Concealment, Holding, sticking.
la yirrk���part. never. Ngakamarrang mirrik ngeyanti la yirrk. ‘Ngakamarrang didn't ever see him.’ See:�la�‘sequential marker’. Category:�Concealment.
nawurnirri���noun. without, not having, not possessing. See:�nuwurnirri�‘without, not possessing’. Category:�Holding, sticking, Concealment.
ninypurnirri���noun. without, not having, not possessing. Juka jita ninypurnirri warranyngiw. ‘She does not have have any children.’ See:�nuwurnirri�‘without, not possessing’; ninypurnnyak�‘she has, possesses’. Category:�Holding, sticking, Concealment.
yarryarr���coverb. Disappear into grass. Category:�Grasses, Concealment.
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