iwajiyiny���iv. 1�•�break. Tuka ta nuyi nujigi anpajiyiny ‘Your tooth is broken.’ Marnti nuyi iwajiyiny. ‘You might break it.’ Malililut mata warlk, kamawajiyi. ‘The wood is soft (rotten), it's falls apart (when you touch it).’ See:�iwajinypajiyi�‘break’; inimungkurrukpu�‘break neck’; kinnyukpun�‘break’; inypajiyiny kirrwara�‘shellfish type’. Category:�General, Physical disability and injury.
Restrict:�LL subject 2�•�border exist. kangpajiyin ‘there's a border (between the land of two clans)’. Category:�Walking, Social responsibilities and events.
jarrart���coverb. limp, because of a sore hip or leg. Koyanti kerra jarrart parak. ‘Look at him limping along.’ "Warlk nganngeny", "Aku parant". Kerra jarrart. ‘"A stick poked me". "Oh, I see.". He's limping.’ Category:�Walking.
juju���coverb. 1�•�walk. Kurrayanti ja marryun anyak kerra juju! ‘Look at the little boy walking!’ Kerra juju warak. ‘He's going a long way.’ Syn:�pulpul. Category:�Walking.
2�•�travel back and forth between two places some distance apart (e.g. Warruwi and the mainland). La warak ta ngalangali jujuga. ‘I have to travel back and forth a big distance.’ Category:�General terms.
jurlkaj���coverb. run. Aminy jurlkaj parak pata marryun. ‘The boys ran away.’ Category:�Walking.
yurlkajjurlkaj���coverb. run about. Category:�General terms.
jurr���coverb. 1 ke jurr�•�fall, fall over once. Marnti ying jurr. ‘It might fall.’ Yara tuka wurl ta anyung ta wupaj tuka maryawu kamalangali la kama jurr mata mawiya kawani purlup pata arrarrkpi pata kiwatpi jilimin nakapa kiniwunpu ja jilimin. ‘Sometimes in a waterhole where there are Paperbark trees growing and the fallen leaves are in the water then people with ringworm will swim to cure themselves.’ Ngapi ngana ngiwayalma kunjing ja yurat jurr. ‘I'm looking for a key that was lost.’ See:�yurrjurr�‘fall off’; kamawarlkanyi�‘fall’; kurr�‘stand upright’. Category:�Vertical motion.
2 kerra jurr�•�limp or hop along, for example because of a sore foot. kerra jurr ‘He is limping.’ Category:�Walking.
Restrict:�unclear 3 kinnyaka jurr�•�drop off. Atjakat jurr ta walij. ‘It dropped off the food (the barge)’. Category:�Transfer.
karliwirrk���coverb. Restrict:�MA object run away from. Ngapi ngimany karliwirrk. ‘I ran away from it.’ Kumanyi karliwirrka! ‘Run fast!’ Koka ta kanyiga! ‘Hurry!’ Category:�Walking.
kanimarrajpun���tv. Restrict:�LL object walk, travel on foot (but also includes other types of movement.) Anth: Used to specify that someone going by foot rather than using another mode of transport. Ngungmarrajpung ajput. ‘I walked on the sand/beach.’ Ngungmarrajpung yulngpuj. ‘I'm walking in a lot of dust.’ Arta yirrik ankakujpina la ngungpurrun wularrutapa ja arukin ngungpurrun kanimarrajpunka yanatapa arrunpaningartpanpun aralpa. ‘Won't you be quiet! Probably the snake is already coming to get us.’ See:�kanimarajpi�‘feel about with hands or feet’. Category:�Walking.
kapurlngen���iv. Restrict:�ED subject move in a wobby way, feel dizzy. Kapurlngeken. ‘He walks wobbly.’ Ngaya ngalyu kapurlngeken ‘Daughter, I feel wobbly.’ Jaka kapurlngeken. ‘That woman is wobbly.’ See:�kiniwurlnga�‘circle’. Category:�Discomfort and pain, Walking.
kangpurlngen OBL wanji���NVidiom. feel dizzy. Kangpurlngen ngartu wanji. ‘My head feels dizzy.’ Category:�Discomfort and pain.
kerra���iv. 1�•�walk along, walk around. iwanarra ‘he's going around, walking, not in a car.’ Wiyarla nganarra. ‘I'm going off on a walk to Wiyarla’. Note: Both ke: and kerra can occur with -ga and warak. Ma, yarranyi juju. ‘Come on, he must walk.’ Ngapi ja nganimalkpany marrik yarrang akak. ‘My father doesn't scavenge.’ Category:�Walking.
Restrict:�LL subject 2�•�people behave, or do things a certain way, over a period of time. Pa pirr kanngarra warakapa. ‘Keep going that way.’ See:�ke�‘go’. Category:�General terms. angarrangung angarran
kangarra yala���phrase. level, cleared ground.
kangarra yala yirrk���iv. open country.
kangarra warak���phrase. area goes up to. Category:�Landscape.
kurr���coverb. 1�•�stand upright. Malany jalakaraj kilangali kurr. ‘The fish spear is standing upright.’ Kilangali kurr. ‘He is standing up straight.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
2�•�spear at close range. Kimit kurr. ‘He spears something at close range such as a fish or crab.’ Category:�Pierce, shoot.
3�•�walk along with a walking stick, because of difficulty walking. Kerra kurr. ‘He walks with a stick.’ See:�jurr (kerra)�‘limp’. Category:�Walking.
4�•�kick. Malany innyarlukpat kurr. ‘He kicked him.’ Nuka ja pujurlung kinnyarlukpat kurr kamawarlkanyi warakapa. ‘This bottle is kicked and it's falling off.’ See:�wurrkurr. Category:�Strike or chop.
larr���coverb. 1�•�lean against something while standing. Ngapi nganalangali larr. ‘I will stand against, lean against the wall.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
2�•�sit on something, lean on something while sitting. Kiwani larr. ‘He's sitting on something / He's sitting and leaning on something.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
3�•�lie on edge of something, can also be lean while lying. Kiw larr. ‘It's lying on the edge (e.g. of a road or a carpet)’. Category:�Remain stationary.
4�•�lean while walking. Kerra larr, kerra larrtarr. ‘He's leaning while walking.’ Category:�Walking.
Restrict:�MA object 5�•�finish, complete. Wularrut iniwung larr ta iyamangung. ‘He has finished what he was doing already.’ And imirawng kirrkapa iniwung larr. ‘And he sang it and he finished it.’ Iwany kirrk, imirawng kirrk, iniwung larr. ‘When it was all burnt he sang and finished singing the song.’ See:�kiniwularrun�‘finish’. Category:�Activity manner.
ngulinguli���coverb. swagger while walking, alternately putting one shoulder forward and then the other (swagger and strut). kerra ngulinguli ‘He swaggers while walking.’ Category:�Walking.
pulpul���coverb. walk around. Ya kayirrk la kingulkpungenapa tuka wurak ngaw. Wakapa ta kimurranymin wularrut kingurlkpurrngen. Yi ta kani ta tuka wurak ngaw jita nigi. Qe, ta nungpakapa ta kangamarrajpukpun kinyarra pulpul but ta wupaj marrik angalijpu. ‘After that he turns around in her stomach. When he grows he moves around in the mother's stomach. And she still can't go off walking to collect water.’ Ya ngawuneyawng marryunmarryun warrawurnji, pata kawarra pulpul. ‘Yes, I look at the boys and girls wandering around.’ Category:�Walking. Syn:�juju.
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