Movement relating to moving object
kanilalkpa���Restrict:�LL object cutting across country. Can be cutting ahead of someone or just taking a short cut off the road. Anilalkpany. ‘He cut ahead of us (taking a short cut)’. Anilalkpany ta alan. ‘He took a short cut down a road.’ Ngamilang nguntalkpany. ‘I went too fast and missed a bit (lit: took a shortcut)’. See:�kinilalku�‘cut’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Movement relating to moving object, Language.
katingarukpun���tv. Restrict:�ED object turn a corner, change direction. Nuka ngeyawng yarran parak atingarukpung parak. ‘I saw him turning (that corner).’ Atingarukpung. ‘He bent it.’ Category:�Movement relating to moving object.
kinilagatpi���tv. 1�•�hold in front of body, in arms or on hip. Kinilagatpi ja warranyngiw. ‘He is holding the child in his arms.’ Ingagatpung jara ja ingarkpany yurrng ‘She carried him in her arms and the other one she carried on her shoulders.’ Kingalagatpi ja warranyngiw. ‘She is nursing the child.’ See:�kinnyarkpa�‘carry on back/shoulders’; kiniwuyatpi�‘hold in arms’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
2�•�meet. Nginyjagatpung jita ngatingan tuka ta karrungpunwilpin. ‘I met my sister at the river crossing.’ Category:�Movement relating to moving object.
3�•�surround. Ya imalkpanykapa ja namapapa awunilagatpung. ‘Yeah, the group of fighters arrived and he surrounded them.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
kinilanganakpi���tv. chase. Inilanganakpangung parak. ‘He was chasing him away.’ Category:�Movement relating to moving object, Manipulation.
kinilulku���tv. 1�•�stay with, stick with, follow. Kiwraka la karrilulku. ‘He goes ahead and we keep up with him, follow him.’ Category:�Holding, sticking.
Restrict:�MA object 2�•�not understand. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention. See:�kilulku�‘stuck’; kilulkuntulku�‘stuck, trapped’. Syn:�kinilulkuntulku. Category:�Movement relating to moving object.
kinilulkuntulku���tv. 1�•�keep up with, stick with. Kiwraka la karrilulkuntulku. ‘He leads and we go along with him.’ Syn:�kinilulku. Category:�Movement relating to moving object.
2�•�be not able to comprehend it, understand it. Kawani kiwululkuntulku. ‘They do not comprehend it, they are stuck in their thinking about it.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
kiniwarlkijpa���tv. 1�•�go past. Wularrut iniwarlkijpany parak. ‘He has already passed him.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Movement relating to moving object.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kaniwarlkijpa�•�cross creek or road. Marrik ngungparlkijpay wumawurr. ‘I am not crossing over the creek.’ Wumawurr ngungparlkijpa warak. ‘I'm going away from the creek. (You might say this over the two-way radio if the creeks a few hundred metres away and you're going away from it, without having crossed it.)’ Kaniwarlkijpa (ta) (alan). ‘He's crossing the road.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
kiniwarrartpi���tv. 1�•�meet, come across each other while both are travelling. awuntuwarrartpung, inyngawarrartpung, kunpawarrartpi ‘NG explained it as similar in meaning to 'kunpayan' or 'nganamalkpa nuwu'’; kunparrartpung ‘NG explained this as similar to 'I met you'’. Iniwarrartpung la yamin imalkpany nuyu. ‘They found each other, came across each other.’ Category:�Movement relating to moving object.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kaniwarrartpi�•�be close to place. Kangkuwarrartpi kunak. ‘They're close to that place/camp/home.’ Kangkuwarrartpipa ta kurrampalk, mawngku. ‘They are walking close to that house, shelter.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
kiniyarrun���tv. 1�•�follow, chase. Iniyarruning. ‘He was following him.’ Awuniluriny. Warrwak imalkpanyka. Awuniluriny. Warrwak Awuniyarrungka ‘He's the youngest son. He's the one who came after (all the others).’ Category:�Movement relating to moving object.
Usage:�object is track or route 2�•�take a particular route, follow a track. Pa angpuyarruning parak ajputajput. ‘They followed a beach route.’ Ta nungmatpa alan inyi kurrungjarrun. ‘Don't take the other road.’ Tuka ta alan arrungpayarrun. ‘We'll take this road.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
3�•�go after something, go for. Apuyarruning ta kurnpi. ‘They were going after wild plums.’ yuran maniyarruning parak mata warral ‘he went to the Warral tree (planning to chop it down)’. La ngungpurrun ngapi ngeyarrukuning ja warrwak. ‘But maybe I like the younger brother.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Hunting, Desire.
4�•�become like. Kingayarrun kirrk waryat. ‘It camouflages itself (follows the rocks: a stone fish)’. See:�kiwnmin�‘be similar’. Category:�General.
kiniyirlwarrki���tv. go ahead of. Iniyirlwarrkang yarrangung parak. ‘He was going ahead of them.’ Category:�Movement relating to moving object.
kiwraka���iv. -uraka. 1�•�go first, go ahead, go in front, be in front. Nganuraka, ngarruraka. Yanat wularrut yurakan. ‘He has already gone ahead.’ wularrut mira pata namumuyak pata awurakangung ‘a long time ago those dreamtime people who came before us’. kawuraka ta kurrampalk ‘they're in front of the house’. Ant:�kinilurrku. Category:�Movement relating to moving object, Location and distance.
2�•�go home. Anth: Used in saying goodbye. Ngarri ta warrwak mira ngarrurakangung. ‘We were the last people that got back.’ yurakan ‘he went home’. See:�jinyngu�‘dark’; warrwak�‘afterwards’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point. Note: Can mean 'go ahead' in a temporal sense too
ninyaryak���noun. 1�•�wet. Category:�Properties of surface.
2�•�'runs around' with men. See:�yaryak. Category:�Movement relating to moving object.
rtil-wi-rtil-wi���adverb. come together to live together as a group, or as a family, Atjayamaniny rtilwirtilwi ‘We worked together’. Inilalkuny arilga arilwi. ‘He cut it in a circular fashion.’ See:�rtil�‘together’. Category:�Movement relating to moving object, family, inc moieties.
yarlarr���coverb. go separate ways. Awarran jarlarr pata wigarra yirrk arrarrkpi weminpi la wemin. ‘Each lot of the company went separate ways.’ Awuran jarlarr. ‘They were separated.’ See:�kapijarlangken�‘scatter’. Category:�Movement relating to moving object.
yarlarrjarlarr���coverb. go in many different directions. Category:�Movement relating to moving object.
yarlarrjarlarr���coverb. go in many different directions. Category:�Movement relating to moving object.
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