Strike or chop

Strike or chop

apartpuning���iv. Restrict:�ED subject bump into rock or tree while walking. Kinyjangali la inyuranka angamarrajpungka apartpuning ngaw. ‘She's standing and then she comes walking along and bumps into something.’ See:�mawartpalmunibump, bump together. Category:�Strike or chop. Note: Could be related to katingartpuni 'stubb toe' or wartpi 'fight'. Other words to do with blows with similar form.

kempurranyin���iv. smite his chest. Category:�Strike or chop, Organs and torso.

kerntakpun���iv. chop down (a tree), knock over a person. Yarntakpuning kakurl. ‘He was chopping down (a tree) for sugarbag.’ Nuyimung anngarntakpuni mata warlk. ‘It is your turn to cut the tree.’ Nganarntakpunju warlk pa awanuryi. ‘I'll just chop (it) down and they'll be swamped (Crow story).’ Category:�Strike or chop.

kinimarkujpa���tv. crack, pound, punch. imarkujpangung He was hitting himelf with a blunt instrument. Kawarra kiwumarkujpakpa karrarnarn. ‘They are cracking open oysters.’ Like kinimarlkujpa waryat, kiningartpuni. ‘Like he hits him with a rock, he hits him on the head.’ Iwulalkungung ja murgala kayirrk la iwumarlkujpangung kirrk. ‘They would first cut down the pandanus and then pound it up.’ Category:�Strike or chop.

kiningalkpun���tv. 1�•�crack, pound, smash, whack head, e.g. cracking a turtle head to kill it. Ingangalkpuning ja karrarnarn. ‘She was cracking the oyster shells.’ Jara ja arrarrkpi yuranka iningalkpung. ‘Another man comes along and hits him on the head.’ Qeqe. Kinyalkpun la inyamin. ‘Yes. They are each hitting themselves on the head.’ See:�kingalkpuncrack head; ingalkpanybe from place; kiwirnngalkpuna burning coal fire. Category:�Strike or chop.

Restrict:�MA object 2�•�sing and play accompaniment with clapsticks. Iwanaga ja arrapujpa iwaningalkpun ja manyardi. ‘The song man will come and perform the song cycle.’ Anngalyunyi kiwungalkpukpun nganangka, kawaga kamirawnka. ‘Listen to the clapsticks. They're coming this way.’ ja ngarringalkuny parak ‘when we do the song’. Category:�Play, perform, joke, Song and dance. Note: Old word for singing with clapsticks, now people just use kamirawn

Restrict:�MA object 3�•�cutting oneself in mourning. Category:�Mourning. Note: This sense has also been recorded for kingalkpun

Restrict:�PL subject 4: kawunpungalkpun�•�they are fighting with sticks. Category:�Fight.

kiningartpuni���tv. 1�•�throw something at someone (obj), hitting them on the head and potentially knocking them down. kungartpuni, karringartpuni. Kiningartpuni. ‘He throws something at him, hitting him on the head.’ Like kinimarlkujpa waryat, kiningartpuni. ‘Like he hits him with a rock, he hits him on the head.’ Marnti kunyngartpuning! ‘You might hit him on the head! (if you throw stones)’. Category:�Manipulation, Head.

2�•�make someone stop doing something ; Kimin nuyu ja arrarrkpi ja nulawnut "Ngapi marrik nganpurru marnti kunngartpuning." ‘He's say, this older man "You don't know the knowledge, I can easily talk to you straight words (give you a talking to)"’. Category:�Judgement, evaluation.

Restrict:�ED object 3: katingartpuni�•�stub toe. Apartpuniny ngartu. ‘I hit my toe on something.’ Category:�Limbs, Strike or chop.

Restrict:�ED object 4: katingartpuni�•�throw stones at somebody. Ngapi ngartpirrun ngimarkujpany ta waryat. ‘I threw a rock, I'm the one that hit him.’ Category:�Manipulation.

kiniwartpalwani���tv. 1�•�hit on forehead. Marryun iniwartpalmuniny waryat. Malany imajung. ‘The boy hit him on the forehead with a stone. It hurt him.’ See:�mawartpalmunibump together. Category:�Strike or chop.

Restrict:�MA subject ; MA object 2: kiniwartpalwani�•�there is a thunderhead building up in the sky. Iniwartpalwaniny kiwani turuy. ‘A thunderhead has developed from which there is distant thunder and lightning.’ Syn:�kiniwartpalmuni. Category:�Rains, Sky.

kiniwelkpun���tv. touch, purposefully bump or jab. Kawuntuwelkpun la wemin. ‘They touch each other.’ Kayirrk la ingawelkpung ‘After that she nudged him.’ Kutpali wuyuwuyu. Kurriwelkpun ja kurlajuk. ‘You go looking for eggs with a stick. Then touch the eggs (with your short stick).’ See:�kinnyatpitouch. Category:�Strike or chop.

kiniwun���tv. 1�•�hit, impact on, harm, kill. kurriwungka ‘you killed it’. Katiwun taka ta kantijawa. ‘He hits the bread.’ Marrgij inyjuwung. ‘They attacked her magically’. See:�kiniwunpunring. Category:�Strike or chop.

2�•�make like (adjective), change to be like (adjective). Iniwuning ilurtpuj. ‘He was making it short.’ Ngannyawun rlaw. ‘I'm bending the wood.’ kampuwun kupuny ‘they make canoes’. Maniwung mata majarr. ‘He's speaking loudly.’ Category:�General change of state.

Restrict:�ED object 3: katiwun�•�hunt yams or other vegetable tubers. Awuran apuwung ta karwuluk. Apumanyka ta apun la ta awalinyjinyut (ta karwuluk). ‘They went out to get some yams. They brought big ones and small ones.’ yiwuwuning kiyap ‘they were catching fish.’ See:�kaniyawundig with a stick. Category:�Hunting.

Restrict:�MA object 4: kiniwun�•�ring (on phone). Usage:�used with oblique pronoun Ingawung ngartu. ‘She rang me up .’ Ngiwung parakpu ‘I called them up.’ Kuwanawun? ‘Are you going to make a call?’ Syn:�kilakpalolen. Category:�Language.

Restrict:�FE object 5: kinyiwun�•�clap hands. Kinyiwun yurnu. ‘He's clapping his hands.’ Category:�Non language human voice sounds.

Restrict:�MA subject 6 kiniwun�•�rain on. Arruniwuning walmat ja karrkpin. ‘It was raining hard (on us).’ Katangali. Katiwun walmat nuka, pa kapurranymin. ‘It stands there. Rain falls on it and it grows. (a yam)’. See:�walmatrain. Category:�Rains.

Restrict:�MA subject 7�•�cure (sickness). Kawani purlup pata arrarrkpi pata kiwatpi jilimin nakapa kiniwunpu ja jilimin. ‘People with ringworm will swim (in waterholes with Paperbark leaves in them) to cure themselves.’ Nukapa ja wurakpa ja kiniwun ja namurarri. ‘The wurakpa tree cures wasting sickness.’ Ja wanpirlk, kiniwun wurnkurrk, nuyu. ‘The seed cures colds, it's used for that.’ Category:�Medicine.


kiniwunpun���tv. hit repeatedly, knock, ring bell. katiwunpun he is knocking (on a door). Kiniwunpun ja bell. ‘The church bell is ringing.’ See:�kiniwunhit. Category:�Strike or chop.

Restrict:�MA subject 2: kinyiwunpun�•�tv. contractions make themselves felt. Warramumpik kinyiwunpun. ‘A woman feels contractions.’ Ja warranyngiw wularrutapa kinywunpun jita nigi. Kanimiyarma iwalurrangken. ‘The child is now causing the mother pain. He wants to be born.’ Nuwurri kurrungpurrun jita warramumpik ta kinyalkpa ja warrayngiw nakapa kinnyiwunpun werrk warrwakapa la kapalkpa ta atjak la kinyjangen mirayu. ‘�€š�„úYou(plural) know how a woman who bears a child has ( early) labour pains first and afterwards suffering comes and she has severe labour pains.�€š�„ù’. Category:�General. Note: Means woman feels pain in her stomach and back. Not used for baby kicking.

kiniwurtpulmuni���tv. Restrict:�LL object, splash water, for example if you jump into the water or hit the water with your hands. Kaniwurtpulmuni ta wupaj. ‘He hit the water.’ See:�kiniwartpalmunihit on forehead. Category:�Strike or chop.

kiniyirnpulanyi���tv. hit on nose. Hit someone's head from the front. Imurnanganinyka yukeny arlarrarr inyuran jita warrwak la jita wulku jita pulkijapa inymajungan murnin inyiyirnpulanyiny. ‘He returned and saw that the younger sister had gone but the older one really was dead because he had hit her on the nose.’ Kiniyirnpulanyi. ‘He's hitting him on the nose.’ Inyiwung ta murlu. ‘He hit her on the nose.’ See:�imungkurriyibreak neck. Category:�Strike or chop, Head.

kinnyarlukpa���tv. 1�•�kick. Kurlingka arrarrkpi kamannyarlukpa chair? ‘Is the man kicking a chair?’ Innyarlukpang. Naka kiwani la kinnyatpi ngarlwak. ‘He kicked him. That one's holding his knee.’ Kapin kawunginka, innyarlukpa. ‘It's like they're fighting, he kicks him.’ Category:�Strike or chop.

2�•�tread on or stamp on something. Or just put foot on something. Iwarlukpan wukuwuk. ‘They stamped on it while it was hot.’ Karrungarlukpa waryat. ‘We step on rocks.’ Ingamurranyminy, like kingarlukpa. ‘She makes him grow up, like she puts her foot on him (his chest).’ See:�kakarlukpa warrakaJakana bird. Category:�Strike or chop.

Restrict:�MA object 3�•�dance. ngeyarlukpa, kurriyarlukpa, ngarriyarlukpa. Yanat innyarlukpangung. ‘He was dancing.’ Kinnyarlukpa Inyjalarrku. ‘He's dancing Inyjalarrku.’ Kingarlukpa ja Inyjalarrku. ‘He's dancing Inyjalarrku.’ See:�yurnu ta karrungarlukpafoot; kinilakurmaperform as; wilpildance expertly. Category:�Horizontal movements.

4�•�(siblings) precede one another in a family. Ingarlukpakpa la yamin ‘She precedes him in birth order’. Innyarlukpakpa la yamin ‘He precedes him in birth order’. See:�awunilurinythe youngest son in the family.


kurr���coverb. 1�•�stand upright. Malany jalakaraj kilangali kurr. ‘The fish spear is standing upright.’ Kilangali kurr. ‘He is standing up straight.’ Category:�Remain stationary.

2�•�spear at close range. Kimit kurr. ‘He spears something at close range such as a fish or crab.’ Category:�Pierce, shoot.

3�•�walk along with a walking stick, because of difficulty walking. Kerra kurr. ‘He walks with a stick.’ See:�jurr (kerra)limp. Category:�Walking.

4�•�kick. Malany innyarlukpat kurr. ‘He kicked him.’ Nuka ja pujurlung kinnyarlukpat kurr kamawarlkanyi warakapa. ‘This bottle is kicked and it's falling off.’ See:�wurrkurr. Category:�Strike or chop.

mawartpalmuni���iv. Restrict:�VE subject bump, bump together. Yanat la inyanat mawartpalmuni ‘Him and her bumped together.’ Ngeyawng mawartpalmuni. ‘I saw him bump into something.’ Ingurriny parak ja arrarrkpi tuka warlk mawartpalmuni. ‘The man runs into a tree and bumps into it.’ See:�kiniwartpalwanibump forehead; apartpuningbump into; kiniwartpalmunithunderhead develop. Category:�Strike or chop.

nyol���coverb. pound until fine or soft in texture, also refers to fine-textured material. Arrapanawun nyol ta kurnpi la arrapanala. ‘We will pound the wild plums (until they are) soft and then we will eat them.’ Category:�Strike or chop.

parlk���coverb. hit against something with intent to kill. For example whack a goanna against a tree. Category:�Strike or chop.

pawurr���coverb. 1�•�speak against. Yanat iniwuk pawurr orka. ‘He spoke against him.’ Category:�Fight.

2�•�hit accidentally. Nawumut iniwuk pawurr. ‘Nawumut hit him accidentally.’ Category:�Strike or chop.

pilkpuj���coverb. beat, whip. Yanat iniwuning pilkpuj. ‘He was beating him.’ Category:�Strike or chop.

rtap���coverb. 1�•�explode. Iwany rtap. ‘It exploded.’ Category:�General.

2�•�pop out. Wanyji ngulamngulam la mamit rtap mata wun. ‘Close to morning his eyes popped out.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.

3�•�break. Ara iniwung rtap ngartu! ‘Oh, he broke my (belonging)!’ Ipijipij ja karrkpin naka karriwu rtapartap. ‘Ipijipij is what we say when we break something into pieces.’ See:�ipijipijpieces. Category:�General change of state.

4�•�get and break. Awungurrinang la awuniwuning igarnpa, awunimurnanganyang awunimangung rtap. ‘They were running and he was hitting them with his tail, bringing them back and breaking them up.’ Category:�General change of state, Manipulation.

5�•� Inimany rtap. ‘He ate it, including eating nuts and cracking them open with your mouth.’ Category:�Illness, Pressing.

6�•�break by kicking. Innyarlukpan rtap. ‘He broke it by kicking it.’ Category:�Strike or chop.

Restrict:�LL object 6�•�slip. Parang la awunyjilinang malany annyarlukpanrtap ja Yumparrparr. ‘As they fought Yumparrparr slipped.’ angpannyarlukpa rtap wanji nuyu Category:�Waiting, doing nothing, Movement relating to fixed point.

7�•�bite into something (e.g. bush peanut), breaking it open with a noise. Apumanpunik rtap la akin akinkangung. ‘They bit on them and it made a sound.’ Category:�Illness, Pressing.

rtapartap���coverb. keep on breaking, break completely. Iniwung rtapartap. ‘He broke it into pieces.’ Category:�General change of state.

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