Sorrow, happiness
kangmarrangulin���iv. Restrict:�LL subject 1�•�something cause person to think back to old times and people who are no longer around. Cause is typically a type of wind, first rains of the season or a place. person. Kangmarrangulin kapa Wigu. ‘It (the wind) makes me think of Wigu.’ Kiwanipa kaniwurrun. Kangmarrangulin ta kiwani turuyga. ‘He sits and thinks. He reminisces when the first rains of the season come.’ (Ta kunak) Kangmarrangulin ja ngimalkpany inimang ilijap. ‘It reminds me of when my son was small.’ Kangmarrangulin kapa Wigu. ‘It (the wind) makes me think of Wigu.’ See:�aparranguliny�‘ripe’. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�song be well performed, move audience. Pa arrarrkpi like kimirawn, tapa karrkpin nuyu "Kangmarrangulin nuwu", kangmarrangulin nuyu. ‘Like he sings a sweet song, breaks our heart.’ Then awarranapa more singing, amiyawng, amiyawng, amiyawng parangapa la angmarrangulinganapa. ‘Then they kept singing, singing, singing until finally they could sing it well’. Arlarrarr akutju, not really angmarrangulin angarra. ‘Still it didn't sound good, didn't really go along nicely.’ Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
3�•� Kangmarrangulin Martpalk. ‘Good country, good home.’ Kunak kangmarrangulin. ‘(This is) my favourite place’. Ah, nganamurnanganiga Croker ta kangmarrangulin. ‘Oh I might go to Croker which is my favourite place.’ Category:�Goodness.
kilatparlilinymin���iv. become weak, exhausted, e.g. as one ages. Or tired of something. ilatparlilinminy ‘he got angry (i.e. he got tired of the way that they were treating him)’. See:�nulatparlilil. Category:�Healing and fitness, Sorrow, happiness. Note: Derived from adjectival noun nulatparlilil 'weak'
kinimanypukpun���tv. 1�•�pleased with (someone). Aralpa inimanypukpung. ‘It is true that he was pleased with him.’ Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
2�•� Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
kiniwurlkpungku���tv. cause to feel sorrow. Ara kurrayanti naka nuwarlkparrakan la ngeyan nganiwurlkpungkun. ‘See that old man, he makes me feel sorry (for him).’ Annyayawng aniwurruning father and mother and ingawurlkpung ta kunak. ‘He sees it (a place) and he thinks about his father and mother, so the place makes him sad.’ Walmat kiniwurlkpungku, kunak kingawurlkpungku. ‘Rain makes him sad, a place makes him sad, thinking.’ See:�kiwurlkpungku�‘feel sorry for oneself, feel sad’; wurlk�‘sorrow’. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
kingaka murr���Restrict:�GEN subject hurt emotionally. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
kinnyukpun���tv. 1�•�break, bend. Kamannyukpun yungku. ‘He's breaking up firewood.’ Oh awangkung, awangurrinykapa, apukpuning yurnu, aminy "Mm, marntingunyuny." ‘They'd go along in the boat, they turn their had, we'd think "Oh, dugong."’ Note: When hunters returned in a canoe they'd make a signal to show what they caught. Mampukpukpung mampuwarawng. ‘They broke up the wood and made a fire’. See:�iwajiyiny�‘broken’; kinnyun�‘give’. Category:�Twist, bend.
Restrict:�MA subject 2�•�break part of self. Marnti kunnyukpu. ‘(Don't carry it), you might break something (because it's too heavy. (lit: it might break you).’ Category:�Twist, bend, Physical disability and injury.
Restrict:�MA object 3�•�turn self around, turn boat or car. innyukpung, ingawkpung ‘she turned around, she turned’; kiwukpun ‘they turned around’. Koyanti innyukpung arrapalen. ‘Look, the aeroplane has turned (changed direction).’ Category:�Change stance, Manipulation.
Restrict:�MA object 4�•�play song well and move people emotionally. "Ey kangmarrangulin!" kamin nuyu ja arrarrkpi "Kangmarrangulinapa ta kukpung. ‘"Oh you really move us (with your singing)" they say to the man (singing). "We're reminded of old times when you move us."’ Kangmarrangulinapa ta kukpung. ‘We recall old memories when he moves us (with his song).’ Imiyawng innyukpung. ‘He sung and the way he played was moving’. Category:�Play, perform, joke, Sorrow, happiness.
Restrict:�MA subject ; ED object 5: katjukpun�•�heart be deeply moved, broken. Ngalyungan amirawning pata warra kamumu la atjukpung ngartu marurturt. ‘I heard the women singing and my heart was deeply moved.’ They're singing pa kinyalyu "A, apukpung ngartu marurturt." ‘They're singing as she's listening and says "Oh they broke my heart."’ Atjukpung ngaw marurturt. ‘Her heart is broken.’ See:�wurlk�‘sorrow, strong emotion’; marurturt�‘heart’. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
kingaralkinka���iv. grumble, talk on and on. Wularrut kingaralkinka. Marrik kunnyu ja kapala. ‘He is annoyed (about the treatment of the boat). He will not lend you the boat.’ Kingaralkinka. ‘He's talking and grumbling about something on and on like they stole something from him, like an axe or a rake.’ Kuna kanngaralkinka? ‘Why are you complaining so much?’ Category:�Language, Sorrow, happiness.
kiwararrken���iv. cry. Kiwararrken nuyu ja inimalkpany. ‘He is crying for his father.’ Ngapi ngawararrkeny. ‘I cried’. Awuranka awujikiny nuyu pa kiwararrken ja warranyngiw. ‘They came over and showed themselves, sat for a little while and that little child cried for them when they left.’ See:�kingutin�‘cry’; warnalay�‘cry’; kiwararrkpararrken�‘cry at length’. Category:�Automatic actions, Sorrow, happiness, Non language human voice sounds.
kiwararrkpararrken���iv. cry at length. La awararrkpararrkenang. ‘And they used to cry and cry.’ See:�kiwararrken�‘cry’. Category:�Automatic actions, Sorrow, happiness, Non language human voice sounds.
kiwirlkujpakpan���iv. sob, taking in large gulps of air at intervals, sound like hiccups. When a child is really distressed they cry like this. See:�kinimirlkun�‘moan’. Category:�Automatic actions, Sorrow, happiness, Non language human voice sounds.
kiwurlkpungku���iv. feel sorry for oneself, feel sad. iwurlkpungkun. iwurlkpungkun ‘he was feeling sorry for himself’. See:�kiniwurlkpungku�‘feel sorry for’. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
kiyirnparrki���iv. have an affectionate feeling for, feel sorry for. Ngayirnparrki ngaw walamurru. ‘I think she is a dear (digging with) digging stick (for yams).’ Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
marrmarr���coverb. happy, pleased, glad. Ngapi ngamin marrmarr. ‘I am happy.’ inymarrmarr ‘she doesn't like it (food)’. Kimin marrmarr mira. ‘He's really happy.’ See:�marr�‘want very much’. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
interjection. i'm happy about X. Category:�Language.
wirrngak���1�•�noun. breath, life or hunger. La animaj rturrkpu wirrngak. ‘He made them really upset (lit: he pulled their breath).’ See:�kinnyaka�‘throw’. Category:�Healing and fitness.
Usage:�used with kimaju 2�•�NVidiom. be hungry, feel weak and tired from hunger. Nuka ja marryun kimaju mira wirrngak. ‘This boy is very hungry.’ la wirrngak marrik anmajung ‘so you won't be hungry (later)’. Yiwaninganpi yimin, Purrup ngarrurru; marrmarr pa nuyu, arriwanala la wularrut nganamaju wirrngak ta ngapi ‘Then he said, "We did well. I'm happy because we will eat, and I will be hungry."’ See:�kiniwurlkparrki�‘hungry, have empty stomach’. Category:�Illness, Healing and fitness.
Usage:�used with kinnyatpi 3�•�NVidiom. be hungry. Naka ja kinnyatpi wirrngak ja warranyngiw murnin ja mayakpu marrik aniwurru. ‘The child feels hungry but the father isn't noticing (for example, because he's playing cards)’. Category:�Illness.
Usage:�used with kinima rturrk 'pull' 4�•�NVidiom. make upset. Restrict:�LL object La animaj rturrkpu wirrngak. ‘He made them really upset.’ Kanima rturrk ngartu wirrngak. ‘He's really making me upset (eg. by crying for along time)’. See:�rtururrk�‘wipe, graze’. Category:�General change of state, Sorrow, happiness.
Restrict:�LL object 5: kannyaka ta wirrngak�•�NVidiom. breathe, rest, take a holiday. Juka jita warranyngiw marrik angakay mira ta wirrngak. ‘This child is not breathing properly.’ Nuka ja arrarrkpi iyamany wularrut la kayirrk kannyaka wirrngakapa. ‘This man was working before but now he is having a rest.’ Ngungaka wumurra wirrngak. ‘I'm panting.’ Category:�Automatic actions, Sleep.
6�•�NVidiom. short of breath. Kanjintukun ngartuk wirrngak. ‘I'm short of breath.’ See:�mangmang�‘pant’. Category:�Sickness.
wurlk���noun. sorrow, sadness. Ta wurlk ngarrurru. ‘Our feelings / our sorrow.’ Ta wurlk ngarrurru ta karrkpin. ‘Our sorrow is great.’ Wurlk kapalkpa ngarrurru la kawararrken nuyu ja nakapa ja arrarrkpi ja imajungan. ‘Sorrow comes to us as they cry for the dead man.’ See:�kinnyukpun�‘be moved’; pulkij�‘murder’; kiniwurlkpungku�‘cause to feel sorrow’. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
coverb. Restrict:�GEN subject 1�•�be sad, sorrowful. Ingawuning wurlk ta karrkpin iwararrkenang. ‘Sorrow filled him and he was crying.’ Kelyu wurlk kingawunapa, ‘He feels sorrow hitting him.’ Kingawun ta wurlk. ‘She is sad’. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
2�•�swallow (food), also has broader meaning 'eat food'. Ngartakan wurlk walij. ‘I swallowed food.’ Ngeka wurlk nganngarajpun ‘It hurts when I swallow.’ Ma, kokanyi wurk medicine. ‘Come on, swallow the medicine.’ Category:�Illness.
Restrict:�ED object 3�•�have compassion (without oblique object pronoun), feel sorry for someone (with oblique object pronoun). Takapa ta kapatpi wurlk ngarrurru la marrik awunginkay arruntuwu. ‘They are sorry for us and will not fight us.’ Pata kapatpi wurlk. ‘They are compassionate, caring people’. Wurlk kingawunpu. ‘He feels sorry for them (his family, because he's going to die and leave them).’ Category:�Sorrow, happiness, Judgement, evaluation.
wurru���coverb. make people feel sorry for oneself. Anth: Used of a child if they cry to get pity, or an adult if they just sit and look sad to try and get food. inymanma wurru, kamanma wurru. Kamanma wurru ta wenat piyu. ‘They try to make people feel sorry for them, themselves.’ Nungmatpa warntarrtarr imanmany wurruwu. ‘Yesterday he tried to make them feel sorry for him.’ See:�kinimanma�‘persuade, stick’; wurrurru�‘rock to sleep’. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
yarli���noun. a cheerful person. Category:�Peoples and clans, Sorrow, happiness.
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