angparti���noun. 1�•�bow of the canoe, the part at the front. Ant:�wurlurn. See:�kapal�‘middle’; nuwutja�‘inexpert, poor fisherman’. Category:�Items for fishing.
2�•�hunter who works from the front of the canoe. This person spears the inyarlgan 'turtle or dugong'. Anth: Traditionally this person didn't really get to keep any of the meat he had speared, he only got the head. One who sits in the middle is called kapal or ja kiwani kapal. Ja angparti ja kinin kiyap yara inyarlgan. ‘The one who works from the forepart of the canoe spears the fish or the turtle.’ See:�wurlurn�‘captain of canoe’; kapal�‘hunter who sits in the middle of the canoe’; nuwutja�‘inexpert, poor fisherman’. Category:�Initiation.
3�•�Expert in a particular area. Naka ja angparti. ‘He is an expert at it.’ Category:�Initiation, Goodness.
4�•�front (of body). Akutju angparti warak ‘And again he orients himself straight ahead (after spinning around).’ Category:�Other.
arrapujpa���noun. song man. Kawaga arrapujpa la pata kiwatlukpa kamirawn la kiwarlpukpa. ‘The songman and the dancers come and they sing and dance.’ Category:�Initiation.
jirrk���ideophone. noise made by clapsticks. Category:�Non language human voice sounds.
noun. leader of ceremony (the one who has the clapsticks). See:�mardamarda�‘boss worker in Martayin’; jirr�‘hold tightly’. Category:�Initiation.
jirrk mardamarda���phrase. person who takes the place of the leader of the ceremony if he is not able to be present. See:�mardamarda�‘boss worker in Martayin’. Category:�Initiation.
jirrk mardamarda���phrase. person who takes the place of the leader of the ceremony if he is not able to be present. See:�mardamarda�‘boss worker in Martayin’. Category:�Initiation.
kapal���noun. 1�•�the middle, in between, in the middle. Category:�Location and distance.
2�•�a plain, open flat country, includes floodplain. See:�kap�‘small bare patch without plants’. Category:�Landscape.
3�•�seat in middle of canoe or dinghy. Nganpaningan tuka kapal. ‘I'm sitting in the middle of the canoe.’ Category:�Items for fishing.
4�•�the hunter who sits in the middle of the canoe. See:�wurlurn�‘captain of canoe’; angparti�‘hunter who sits at front of canoe’. Category:�Initiation.
kurlawutu���noun. first year initiate kurnapipi. See:�kurnapipi�‘big ceremony that is run by the duwa side’. Category:�Initiation, General ritual.
lajkurrungu���noun. mardayin initiate. See:�Mardayin�‘ceremony type and the name for the special dillybag from the ceremony’. Category:�Initiation.
mardamarda���noun. the boss worker in the Mardayin. See:�jirrk�‘ceremony leader’; jirrk mardamarda�‘substitute ceremony leader’. Category:�Initiation. Anth: He has the clap sticks, sings and dances, he passes his position to his sons
nagumtuj���noun. the first son in the family to be initiated into mardayin or wuwarr ceremonies, to become namangkalarra. Variant:�term of address. See:�namangkalarra�‘Wuwarr initiate’. Category:�Initiation.
namangkalarra���noun. Wuwarr initiate. See:�nagumtuj�‘first initiated son’. Category:�Initiation.
wareng���noun. 1�•�one who has completed the initiation ceremonies of the kurnapipi. Category:�Initiation.
2�•�Wareng partner, alternative marriage choice, cooks for her partner. Anth: If a wareng is hurt his male partner must be paid 'damages' Category:�Initiation.
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