

kajarlat���noun. large mullet, possibly large Blue-tail Mullet, while smaller specimens are warrgirra. Valamugil buchanani. See:�wutamullet; walkavery small mullet; warrgirrasmall mullet. Category:�Mullets. Anth: Found in the deep ocean.

kantikikpuliwanyji���noun. small size Sand mullet (death taboo term). Myxus elongatus. See:�wutaa very large mullet, Diamond Mullet. Syn:�warrgirra. Category:�Mullets. Anth: This is a nickname used because the 'real' name is under death taboo.

Kurrukurruk���noun. military seapike, bonito; frigate mackerel. Sphyraena putnamiae, Auxis spp.. See:�jirnumpuMackerels; ngajapirnBarracuda and possible Giant and Striped seapikes. Category:�Mullets.

nankurta���noun. Diamond-scale Mullet. Liza vaigiensis. See:�wutavery arge mullet. Category:�Mullets. Anth: "Round nose". This is small, with a squared-off tail. It lives in muddy estuarine waters in mangrove creeks and rivers upstream to the intertidal zone. It lies in the muddy shallows with nose and eyes sticking up out of the water. Note: This seems to be the only mullet name linked clearly with a species name.

nurulyak���noun. mullet in good condition that is especially tasty and is found in creeks, Greenback mullet. Liza subviridis. See:�wutavery large mullet; walkavery small mullet; warrgirrasmall mullet. Category:�Mullets. Anth: Has a lot of 'fat' in it. Come about July when the walurru wattle and mangoes begin to bloom.

ngajapirn���noun. Barracuda. This name may also cover the Giant Seapike and the Striped Seapike. Sphyraena barracuda, ?Sphyraena jello, ?Sphyraena obtusata.. See:�KurrukurrukMilitary Seapike. Category:�Mullets.

walka���noun. a very small mullet. Liza alata, Mugil species, ?Valamugil buchanani. See:�wutamullet; kajarlatLarge mullet; warrgirasmall mullet; nurulyakmullet in good condition. Category:�Mullets. Anth: This lives in the estuary and intertidal zone of the river. It is small and lives in schools.

warrgirra���noun. Small mullet, may be used for smaller specimens of Blue-tail Mullet. Mugilidae, Liza tade, ?Valamugil buchanani. See:�kajarlatLarge mullet, possibly larger Blue-tail Mullets; kantikikpuliwanyjismall Sand mullet; wutavery large mullet, Diamond Mullet; walkavery small mullet; nurulyakmullet in good condition. Category:�Mullets. Anth: They go about together in a school.

wuta���noun. a very large mullet, Diamond Mullet. Liza alata. Variant:�Iwaidja: Wuda. See:�walkavery small mullet; warrgirrasmall mullet; nangkurtamullet with black scales; kajarlatvery large mullet; nurulyaknice fat mullet; kantikikpuliwanyjideath taboo name for small mullet. Category:�Mullets.

yurrmuyurrmu���noun. Giant Threadfin, name also used for other Threadfins: Northern Threadfin, Gunther's threadfin and Black-finned Threadfin. These are sometimes called Salmon. Leptobrama muelleri, Eleutheronema tetradactylum, Polydactylus plebius, Polydactylus multiradiatus, Polydactylus nigripinnis.. Category:�Mullets.

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