akut���adverb. 1�•�still, or do something repetitively. Mapularr akut mapularr ngatja. ‘When it's calm we still go.’ Category:�Appearance.
2�•�indicates that a word is being used as a directional, as in mantanti akut, wungijalk akut and kinymalkpa muwarn akut. Kurnpirripirri Weyirra akut kilangali kapal ja bear. ‘The crocodile in on the north side, the bear is in the middle.’ Syn:�angkat. See:�akutju�‘also, too’. Category:�General.
akut la akut���phrase. over and over again. Nuka ja apurra wungpulaj. Akut la akut kinima. ‘He is a thief. He keeps on taking things.’ Akut la akut, jungkarra la jungkarra, kamamalkpa. ‘Again and again, year after year it appears.’ Category:�Activity manner.
inyjaku���noun. left side of the body, left-handed person. Pa kinypani tuka inyjaku. ‘Then she sits on the left side.’ See:�wurulwurul�‘right handed’. Category:�Other, General.
juka���dem. this, near me. See main entry: nuka. Category:�General.
mirkawk���noun. to one side of the road. Anyanyji mirkawk. ‘Get to the side of the road.’ See:�mimi�‘rib’. Category:�General.
ngatuka���dem. we here, in contrast to another group there. La ta ngatuka ngatpawani nuwutpuka ta kutpani ta nuwurrara. ‘We will be over there and your big lot are staying here.’ Category:�General. ngatuka ngatpalu ‘we lot, our group, in contrast to another’.
waka���dem. at that place (not seen). Waka kiwani tuka kunak. ‘He is there in the village.’ ngampiwi yirrik ta waka ‘I'm not sure which places over there.’ ngampi ta waka ‘which place’. Category:�General.
wakapa��� See:�ngampiwi�‘where, which’; kapa�‘there, that place distant from here’.
wurulwurul���noun. a right-handed person, 'right hand' or right hand side. Kunyayan inyurlgenyka kinypani tuka wuwun or inyjaku? ‘The one who came in did she sit on the left or right?’ wurulwurul werrk angpin amul, then wumarrk. ‘First they do a dance move on the left hand side, then down low.’ See:�wurul�‘warm over fire’; inyjaku�‘left handed’. Category:�Other, General.
wurrkara���noun. opposite, the other side. Anth: Used for the mainland when on Warruwi. It is also used to describe a part of the Martpalk town. Mata warlk kamalangali wurrkaraga tuka kurrampalk. ‘The tree is standing behind the house.’ See:�wurrkamaj yurnu�‘five’; meywarra�‘behind’. Category:�General.
wurrkara wurrkara���phrase. both ends or both sides. wurrkara wurrkara ‘each side’. wurrkara la wurrkara ‘both ends’. Category:�Location and distance.
wurrkara yurnu���phrase. five, old way of saying 'five', now people say 'wurrkamaj yurnu'. Variant:�old. See:�wurrkamaj yurnu�‘five’. Category:�Amounts.
yala���noun. out. Anmalkpanyi yala. ‘Come out.’ See:�jalaga�‘be born’; yalayala�‘outside’. Category:�General.
-ga���DIR. towards speaker or central protagonist. Inimanyka ngarrurru. ‘He brought it for us.’ Yingurrinyka ja nganaparru yinilalkuny. ‘The buffalo ran to him and he speared him.’ Yanatapa arrunnyujinyka. ‘He showed us.’ See:�warak�‘away’. Category:�General.
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