arawungut���noun. a few. Category:�Amounts. See main entry: yarawungut. Category:�Appearance.
arrarawungut���noun. we are few in number, we are a small group. See main entry: yarawungut. Category:�Amounts.
awarakap���noun. one. See main entry: yarakap. Category:�Amounts.
imawurr���noun. 1�•�arm, front flipper, front leg (of animal with four legs). ngamawurr, nukpawurr, ninymawurr ‘arm ; claw’; wumawurr ‘creek ; river ; milky.way’; mamawurr ‘tree branch’; apawurr ‘arm of yam, tendril of vine (from Capell and Hinch: presumably yam vine)’; wimawurr. Category:�Limbs, Reptiles and amphibians.
2�•�number of times. Ngarrkarrk imawurr. ‘Two times (he did something).’ Ngarrkarrk nukpawurr. ‘(You did something) two times.’ Category:�Daily, Amounts.
itamuki���noun. shallow water, used in reference to turtle hunting. See:�warlwat�‘deep’. Ant:�palu. Category:�Movement of water, Landscape, Reptiles and amphibians, Distance, Amounts. Note: Measurement of depth of water.
kiniwaniki���tv. changed something by adding something to it. Awung wemin imijik iwuwanikiny Mangalpitan la Makakurr la Kawagawa. ‘They came to be birds by getting feathers. They became Jabiru, Pelican and Heron.’ iwuwanikiny See:�kiniwani�‘set’; kiningulaka�‘fix, heal’. Category:�Amounts, Manipulation.
manpala���part. both. Yunyi wanyjtupanyjut la warakparakut wutarr kuwaka kapin imurranymi awunginkay pata manpala wanpirlk yirrkju. ‘Do not plant them close to each other but put them at a distance from each other otherwise both the seeds might grow and fight each other.’ Iniwung la yamin manpala yurnparrparr yirrkju ‘They both hit each other.’ See:�napala�‘perhaps, so’. Syn:�yirrkju. Category:�Amounts.
marakap���noun. one. See:�yarakap�‘one’. Category:�Amounts.
marawungut���noun. a few. See:�yarawungut�‘a few’. Category:�Amounts.
ninyarakap���noun. one. See:�yarakap�‘one’. Category:�Amounts.
ninyarawungut���noun. a few (other than human). See:�yarawungut�‘a few’. Category:�Amounts.
nganajpa���noun. one length of dugong rope. Muka marakap nganajpa. ‘This is one length of dugong rope.’ Category:�Items for fishing, Amounts.
ngarrarawungut���noun. few. ngarrarawungutju ‘we were only few, we were only a small group’. Category:�Amounts. See main entry: yarawungut.
ngarrkarrk���noun. two. ja ngarrkarrk arrarrkpi ‘the two men (previously mentioned)’. See:�ngarrkarrk iwamurr�‘twice’; ngarrkarrk la ngarrkarrk�‘four’. Category:�Amounts.
ngarrkarrk iwamurr���phrase. two times. Ingartpirruny anjirla ngarrkarrk imawurr. ‘He threw the spear two times.’ See:�ngarrkarrk�‘two’. Category:�Amounts.
ngarrkarrk la ngarrkarrk���phrase. four. See:�ngarrkarrk�‘two’. Category:�Amounts.
ngarrkarrk la yarakap���phrase. three. Ngarrkarrk la yarakap arrarrkpi. ‘Three men.’ Ngarrkarrk la arakap waryat. ‘Three stones.’ Awuranapa pata warramungpik, ngarrkarrk la werakap. ‘They went, those 3 women.’ Category:�Amounts.
palu���noun. deep water, a depth measurement. Anth: Used in reference to hunting turtle. Once in deep water the turtle can get away. In turtle hunting palu is in contrast to itamuki, about one fathom. Warlwat mira ta palu. ‘The palu is very deep.’ See:�warlwat�‘deep’. Ant:�itamuki. Category:�Movement of water, Distance, Amounts.
warra���noun. many (used for people). Warra wingurlaj ‘Their names.’ Category:�Amounts.
wera���noun. other (people), some. See main entry: yara. See:�yara�‘some’. Category:�Peoples and clans, Amounts.
werakap���noun. one, this form is used in the expression that means 'three'. See main entry: yarakap. Category:�Amounts.
werawungut���noun. a few (people). See:�yarawungut�‘a few’. Category:�Amounts, Peoples and clans.
wurrkamaj yurnu���phrase. five. Variant:�new; old way is wurrkara yurnu. See:�wurrkara�‘opposite, the other side’; wurrkara wurrkara�‘both ends or both sides’. Category:�Amounts.
wurrkara yurnu���phrase. five, old way of saying 'five', now people say 'wurrkamaj yurnu'. Variant:�old. See:�wurrkamaj yurnu�‘five’. Category:�Amounts.
yanatinyanat���pro. the two of them (a male and a female). Yanatinyanat awuran tuka ajput. ‘The two of them went to the beach.’ Kawunimirlajun yanatinyanat. ‘He is waiting for the two of them.’ See:�yanatjanat�‘the two of them (two males)’; inyanatinyanat�‘the two of them (two females)’. Category:�Peoples and clans, Amounts.
yanatjanat���pro. the two of them (two males). See:�yanatinyanat�‘the two of them (a male and a female)’; ngapilinyanat�‘me and her’. Category:�Peoples and clans, Amounts.
yarakap���noun. one. ngarakap, nuwarakap, ninyarakap, arakap, orakap, marakap, awarakap, werakap. ngarakap ‘I'm on my own.’ See:�inyarakap�‘one’. Category:�Amounts, Daily.
yawu���part. both. Puka yawu iwumany wungpulaj. ‘They both stole it.’ Takayawu wemin kawukunjilin. ‘Those two exchange something.’ Category:�Amounts.
yirrkju���part. both. Pata ngarrkarrk arrarrkpi awayamangung kirrkju. ‘The two men were both working.’ Iwanala yirrkju. ‘Burn it all.’ Yiminy, "Punyi la Kamu ngarrunayanti! Ngarrikpakpan antajing parrwarr tuka nangartam kirrkju. ‘He said, "Father and Mother, look at me: I am spoiled, I have a hole right through my cheek."’ See:�yirrk�‘post-verbal particle, all, completive’. Syn:�manpala. Category:�Amounts.
wurrkamaj yurnu���five. Syn:�wurrkara yurnu. Category:�Amounts.
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