Size and weight
anyak���noun. 1�•�small amount of, a piece out of, few. Anyakju ngimiyarma ‘I only want a small piece’. Pata tuwuran wapaka awaning anyak. ‘The ones belonging to that place were few.’ Category:�Size and weight.
2�•�young, small. Ja pipij anyak marrik ilangalinga la naka ingurrinang. ‘The small child wasn't sitting down, he was running (about).’ Category:�Illness and death.
adverb. a little bit. Awurtpiny parak anyak. ‘They moved a bit closer.’ Category:�Activity manner.
anyak la anyak���adverb. little by little. Pa nungpakapa ngarrini monmonpu anyak la anyak. ‘So we're explaining this to them little by little.’ Category:�Activity manner.
apaka���noun. length, breadth, distance, size. Ya. Wakapa, kani la apaka inyangkung ‘Yes, over there, here and further on, she travelled back and forth, getting the language.’ Kani Maningrida ta outstation ngaw apaka wakapa kawani arrarrkpi. ‘The outstation where people live is further on from Maningrida.’ Apaka Wunguk yurtiny nungmatpa karrkaj yurtiny. ‘He landed further on, at Wunguk, on that other island.’ See:�kinnyaka�‘build’; wapaka�‘at that place, far distant’. Category:�Location and distance, Size and weight.
apangkun���noun. huge, large. Category:�Size and weight.
arkalu���noun. light in weight. See main entry: yarkalu. Category:�Size and weight.
arr���coverb. 1�•�keep, hang onto, stick, stay attached for a while. Kanyu arr. ‘It (the drip) is stuck on (and will stay there for a few days)’. Ngapi ngaw arr. ‘I am keeping that / I still want that’. Nuyi kanyu arr. ‘You are keeping that / You still want that.’ See:�arrarr�‘tease, have diarrhoea’; marr�‘like very much’; kinnyatpi�‘have’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
2�•�too long, very long. Katju arr ta tuka. ‘This thing is very long/ too long.’ Category:�Size and weight.
3�•�pull, tow or drag something e.g. tow a car or drag a boat on a rope. Aminy arr warakapa mata mara marukiny warak tuka kamung.. ‘They pulled it down the sandhills.’ Parangapa aminang arr karrurru. ‘Then they would put up the sails. (i.e. stretch them)’. Ngamin arr. ‘I am stretching (myself)’. See:�kimilitpakan�‘stretch arms or legs out’. Syn:�kinilagalun. Category:�Manipulation.
4�•�drag. Kerra arrarr warak. ‘He drags it away (eg. croc with bone).’ Category:�Manipulation.
5�•�pull, stretch. Inimangung arrga. ‘He was pulling it in this direction.’ Kinima arr. ‘He drags it (e.g. a croc with a bone)’. See:�parrparr�‘be extended, cover a large area’. Category:�Manipulation, Automatic actions.
aturtpuj���noun. short. Category:�Size and weight. See main entry: ilurtpuj. Category:�Size and weight.
awalijap���noun. small, used to refer to the fingers. Category:�Size and weight. See main entry: ilijap.
awalinjinyut���noun. small, small things. See main entry: ilinjinyut. Category:�Size and weight.
awarntulyak���noun. long, tall. Category:�Size and weight. See main entry: yarntulyak.
ilarrkupanya���noun. long, tall. La ilarrkupanya angkat iwararrkenang. ‘It's a long cry, he starts to cry harder.’ Ilarrkupanya ja arrarrkpi. ‘He's a tall man.’ See:�walarrkpaj�‘place be far’; marnturrkpaj�‘a person who walks a long way’. Category:�Size and weight.
ilijpakpak���noun. young of a species, singular. See:�ilijpularr; ilijap�‘small’; malijpakpak�‘used to refer to the smaller nawanpal clapstick’. Category:�Size and weight, General. Note: Edible gender form atijpakpak is used to refer to the fingers.
ilinjinyut���noun. small things, nonhuman. wulinjinyut, malinjinyut, awalinjinyut ‘small yams such as mayuparl’; wilinjinyut ‘small people’; Syn:�ilijap; Ant:�imun. See:�awalinjinyut�‘small, small things’; ilijpularr�‘many young of animals’; nawaralinjinyut. Category:�Size and weight.
ilinjinyut imun���phrase. the little and big things, all things. Kawunpun la wemin. Kiwatpi wemin, ja ilinjinyut imun kawunpun la wemin ‘They're sharing it. They've all got some, big and small things, they're sharing.’ Category:�Shelter, camp, house.
ilurtpuj���noun. short. nukurtpuj, ninyjurtpuj, wulurtpuj ‘short stretch’; malurtpuj, aturtpuj; Ant:�yarntulyak. See:�ninyjurtpuj; wulurtpuj; malurtpuj; aturtpuj; nuwartpalurtpuj�‘become short’; kinilurtpujpa�‘make short’; kilurtpujpin�‘become short’. Category:�Size and weight.
imun���noun. big, important. ninymun ‘ninymun jita warramumpik’; wumun ‘a big stone or wide road’; mamun, apun, wiymun, wimun. wumun ta waryat ‘a big stone’. Wumunapa ta nungpanpal ta alan. ‘The road is big and wide.’ Ant:�ilinjinyut. See:�wimunpimun�‘important people, community leaders’; kapumunkapumun�‘important people, community leaders’. Category:�Size and weight.
imunimun���noun. reduplicated form, seems to mean much the same.
karrkpin���noun. big, important, superordinate category. Ingawuning wurlk ta karrkpin iwararrkenang. ‘Sorrow filled him and he was crying.’ Ta waliwali ta kanyu ta apaka la kani ta karrkpin. ‘The corals are there are they take up a large area.’ Nuka ja karrkpin ja arrarrkpi. ‘He's an important man.’ Syn:�kilyakut. Category:�Size and weight.
kerntulyakpin���iv. become tall, become long. yarntulyakpin. See:�kinnyarntulyakpa�‘lengthen’; yarntulyak�‘long’. Category:�Size and weight.
kerkalanymin���iv. become light in weight. Kinyarkalanyminy. ‘She's a light girl (or baby).’ Nganarkalanymin. ‘(You take half my load so) I'll have a lighter load (lit. I'll be lighter).’ See:�yarkalu�‘lightweight’; kinnyarkalanyma�‘lighten’. Category:�Size and weight.
kilakpiwen���iv. become heavy. Koyanti ilakpiwany ja marryun. ‘Look, that boy has become heavy.’ See:�kinilakpiwa�‘strengthen, make heavy’; nulakpi�‘heavy’. Category:�Size and weight.
kilangali���iv. 1�•�stand. karrkangali, kilangaliya ‘come for a visit from that area, homeland or not (same verb?) c.f. kilangali’; katangali. Ilangaling yalayala tuka skurl. ‘He was standing outside the school.’ awulangaling ‘they were staying’. See:�kamalangaliki�‘trees be clumped’; kiliga�‘travel from, be from’; kinilangani�‘stand up’; kilarrajpen�‘stand up, stand still’; imalmakpany�‘perform’. Category:�Remain stationary.
2�•�stay, be, katangali ‘It is standing’; kamalangali ‘It is standing’. Wakapa awunlangaling pata arrarrkpi yiwulangungapa kiyap. ‘The people were staying there and eating the fish.’ awunlangaling ‘They were staying’. See:�mulil�‘ceremony’; minyngu. Category:�Remain stationary.
3�•�be born, more polite than kilurrangken. Variant:�Ngurtikin form. Ilangalingan ja warranyngiw. ‘The child is born.’ Kurlingka inyjangalingan warrawurnji (or) marryun? ‘Did she give birth to a girl or a boy? (lit. was a girl born, or was it a boy?)’ Kula kayirrk iwalangali ja warranyngiw? Iwalurrangken? ‘Is the child being born now? About to be born?’ See:�kilurrangken�‘jump, be born’; kelkpa�‘bare young, lay eggs’; kiwarntangaliki�‘someone who is sleeping with their legs elevated’. Category:�Reproduction.
Usage:�with PP suffix 4�•�have come from place, in journey. Nuka ngampiwi kilangalinganka? ‘But where has he come from?’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
kilangali tuka wurak���phrase. the child is in utero. Naka warranyngiw kilangali tuka wurak. ‘She is with child.’ Category:�Reproduction.
5�•�be child of. nukapa pata kawulangali Marrawal la Narul. ‘That man's children are Marrawal and Narul.’ Category:�family, inc moieties.
6�•�be part of a certain human grouping. Anth: This includes being in a matrimoiety grouping, semi-moiety (skin) grouping, clan group. Being a participant in a ceremony. Ngapi ngalangali ngangiri Ngalngarrij/Ngalngarrajku. ‘My skin name/matrimoiety is Ngalngarrij/Ngalngarrajku.’ Ja kimaju karriwunyaka nuyu irrkpalakaj la karrangali minyngu. ‘When someone dies, we smoke his possessions and have a minyngu.’ Category:�Peoples and clans, family, inc moieties, General ritual.
Restrict:�GEN subject ; FE object 7: kinyngalangali�•�huge. inyngalangaling. Category:�Size and weight.
kilurtpujpin���iv. become short. ilurtpujpiny. Nakapa ilurtpujpiny ja iwiya. ‘His hair is shorter.’ See:�ilurtpuj�‘short’; kinilurtpujpa�‘make short’. Category:�Size and weight.
kilyakut���noun. big. Usage:�Not as common as karrkpin Nakapa ja kilyakut. ‘It was a big one.’ See:�karrkpin�‘big’. Category:�Size and weight.
kinilakpiwa���tv. make stronger or heavier. Inilakpiwany ja waliman. ‘He made the axe stronger.’ See:�kilakpiwen�‘become heavy’. Category:�Size and weight.
kinilurtpujpa���tv. shorten, abbreviate. Inilurtpujpany ja manpurrwa. ‘He shortened the cloth.’ See:�ilurtpuj�‘short’; kilurtpujpin�‘become short’. Category:�Size and weight, General change of state.
kinnyarntulyakpa���tv. 1�•�lengthening, make taller. Annyarntulyakpany alan. ‘He lengthened the path.’ Category:�Properties of surface.
Restrict:�LL object 2: kannyarntulyakpa�•�long. angparntulyakpakpangung See:�kerntulyakpin�‘lengthen’; yarntulyak�‘long, tall’. Category:�Size and weight.
kinnyarkalanyma���tv. make lighter (in weight). Ngerkalanyma ja kakurl. ‘I am making the sugar lighter.’ See:�yarkalu�‘lightweight’; kerkalanymin�‘lighten’. Category:�Size and weight.
malakpi���noun. heavy. Category:�Size and weight. See:�nulakpi�‘heavy’. Category:�Size and weight.
malakuru���noun. narrow. See main entry: nulakuru. Category:�Size and weight.
malijap���noun. small, little. See:�malinjinyut�‘small things’. See main entry: ilijap. Category:�Size and weight.
malijpakpak���noun. young VE class. See main entry: ilijpakpak. Category:�Size and weight.
malinjinyut���noun. small things. Category:�Size and weight. See:�malijap�‘small, little’.
mamik���noun. a short, stout person. Ant:�warlarr. Category:�Size and weight, Peoples and clans.
mamun���noun. big, important. See:�mamunpun�‘big-eye’. See main entry: imun. Category:�Size and weight.
marntulyak���noun. long, tall. See:�yarntulyak�‘long, tall’. Category:�Size and weight.
markalu���noun. light in weight. See:�yarkalu�‘lightweight, weak’. Category:�Size and weight.
napanpal���noun. wide. Category:�Size and weight. See:�nuwanpal�‘wide’.
natakpi���noun. heavy. See:�nulakpi�‘heavy’. Category:�Size and weight.
natakuru���noun. narrow. See main entry: nulakuru. Category:�Size and weight.
nawanpal���noun. 1�•�wide. See main entry: nuwanpal. Category:�Size and weight.
2�•�one of two main bones in a turtle's arm. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
3�•�large flat type of clapsticks. See:�nganangka�‘clapsticks’; palapala�‘large flat surface’. Category:�Tools, men's, Play, perform, joke. Anth: The large flat clapstick is also referred to as nigi while the smaller one is malijpakpak.
ninyalijap���noun. young, small. Category:�Size and weight, Illness and death. See main entry: ilijap.
ninyarntulyak���noun. tall, long. See:�yarntulyak�‘long, tall’. Category:�Size and weight.
ninyarkalu���noun. light in weight. See:�yarkalu; ninyjakpi�‘heavy’. Category:�Size and weight.
ninyjakpi���noun. 1�•�heavy. See:�nulakpi�‘heavy’; ninyarkalu�‘light in weight’. Category:�Size and weight.
2�•�important. See:�nulakpi�‘important’. Category:�Goodness.
ninyjakuru���noun. narrow. See main entry: nulakuru. Category:�Size and weight.
ninyjurtpuj���noun. short. See main entry: ilurtpuj. Category:�Size and weight.
nulakpi���noun. heavy, important. nukakpi, nuwutakpi, ninyjakpi, nuntakpi, malakpi, natakpi. See:�anpulakpi. Nulakpi ja arrarrkpi. ‘He is an important man.’ Nulakpi ja arrarrkpi. ‘He's a business man.’ Kaniwurrun kirrk. Nulakpi ja arrarrkpi. ‘He knows everything. He's an important man.’ See:�kilakpiwen�‘become heavy’; kinilakpiwa�‘make strong, heavy’; ingurlyak�‘important’; nuntakpi; ngalakpi�‘I am heavy’; kilakpiwen�‘become heavy’; malakpi�‘heavy’. Category:�Size and weight, Goodness.
nulakuru���noun. narrow, tight. ninyjakuru, nuntakuru, malakuru, natakuru. Nulakuru ja dress. ‘The dress is too tight.’ Nuntakuru ta alan. ‘The track is very narrow (e.g. trees are growing in from the sides)’. malakuru mata warlk ‘a narrow stick or tree’. See:�kilakurunymin�‘tighten, narrow, pull together’. Ant:�nuwanpal. Category:�Size and weight.
nuntakpi���noun. 1�•�heavy. Category:�Size and weight. See main entry: nulakpi.
2�•�important. Nuntakpi kunak. ‘Land that is special because of things people have done in the past, e.g. a ceremony ground or Goulburn Island which is special because of people's efforts in the past.’ Nuntakpi ta wulatpiyi. ‘It is an important.’ Category:�Goodness.
nuntakuru���noun. narrow. See main entry: nulakuru. Category:�Size and weight.
nuwanpal���noun. wide. ninypanpal, nungpanpal, nawanpal, napanpal. Wumunapa ta nungpanpal ta alan. ‘The road is big and wide.’ See:�nawanpal�‘turtle armbone, flat clapsticks’; murntulwanpal�‘wide bodied canoe, car’; nuyalwanpal�‘wide expanse of sea’; nulakuru�‘narrow’. Category:�Size and weight.
nuwartpalurtpuj���noun. short. See:�ilurtpuj�‘short’. Category:�Size and weight.
ngalakpi���noun. i am heavy. See:�nulakpi�‘heavy’. Category:�Size and weight.
ngurlungurlu���coverb. become bigger, fatter. Kurrayanti ja warranyngiw kerra ngurlungurlu warak. ‘See how that child is getting bigger.’ See:�iwurraj�‘fat, big’. Category:�General, Size and weight.
parrparr���coverb. 1�•�be extended, cover a large area. Kutpayanti mata miyurrk kamaw parrparr. ‘Look at the smoke, it stretches a long way.’ Nuka kiw parrparr. ‘He's lying down.’ Manjat tuka kanyu parrparrwu. ‘The one who's straight to them.’ See:�parr�‘peel back, become unstuck’; arr�‘stretch’. Category:�Size and weight.
2�•�be extended, cover a large area, stretch out. La mata karlagarla naka kapa Wartpen, mutpiny parrparr warak. ‘His tail stretched up to Wartpen.’ Category:�Remain stationary, Size and weight.
3�•�stretch, extend. Kurlingka kutpan parrparr ja manpurrwa? ‘Did you stretch out that material?’ Category:�Manipulation.
4�•�make correct, write down correctly. Angamany ngaw ngaralk pa angutpan parrparr warak ta wulinjinyut la ta wumun ta ngaralk. ‘She got my words and put them down correctly, the easy parts and the hard parts of the language.’ Ngungpanutpa parrparr tuka ajput ora ta waryat. ‘I'll straighten up the sand and the rocks.’ Karryutpa parrparr warak ‘We keep the pitch straight (not particularly high or low like the other two of the three types of tunes)’. Category:�General change of state, Goodness.
5�•�extend. ja kingurrit parrparr ‘it's roots’. Category:�Plant parts, Size and weight.
rtalk���coverb. 1�•�very large. Kapala kiw rtalk. ‘The boat is very large.’ Kurrampalk katju rtalk. ‘The house is a very large one.’ Category:�Size and weight.
Restrict:�MA object 2�•�begin, start. Wularrut iwumany rtalk. ‘They have begun already.’ Kayirrk la yanat akutju Nangarrij inimany rtalk Namarrkuranymak. Inimany rtalk Yalarrkuku imirawning. ‘After that Nangarrij Namarrkuranymak started again. He started singing Yalarrkuku.’ Category:�Activity manner.
warlarr2���noun. a tall person. See:�mamik�‘short’; warlarrparlarr�‘ugly’. Category:�Size and weight, Peoples and clans.
werkalinut���noun. light in weight. Category:�Size and weight.
wirriwirri���noun. poor-conditioned, skinny. Naka ja marryun ja wirriwirri. ‘He is very skinny boy.’ Maka mata kamarnti mata wirriwirri mata mangko. ‘There are some mangoes in poor condition.’ Category:�Size and weight, Peoples and clans.
wulijap���noun. small, small amount. See:�wulinjinyut�‘small things’. Category:�Size and weight. See main entry: ilijap.
wulinjinyut���noun. small things. Wulinjinyut ta wumawurr. ‘The lesser tributaries of a river.’ See:�wulijap�‘small, small amount’. Category:�Size and weight.
wulurtpuj���noun. short, e.g. story, stretch of landscape type. See main entry: ilurtpuj. Category:�Size and weight.
wurlurlu���adverb. until. Awaningan wurlurlu inyuryiliny jita muwarn. ‘They stayed there until the sun set.’ Wurlurlu awaninganapa inymalkpany wu ja jarrang. ‘They sat long enough until the horse came up to them.’ Category:�Activity manner.
coverb. 1�•�grow, become big. Kerra wurlurlu warak ja ingijalk ja pinana. ‘The banana fruit is growing bigger.’ Category:�General, Size and weight.
2�•�take hold of, embrace, capture. Inimany wurlurlu, innyakan. ‘He grabbed him around the middle and threw him down.’ Yimurnanganyangapa yilatpakpanyapa yiwumany wurlurlupa pata warra mijmij. ‘Then he was returning and coming down, and the sandflies captured him.’ Jita warrawurnji inyimany ja arrarrkpi, inyimany arrarrkpi. ‘The man grabbed the girl, he embraced her.’ Note: Not hug though, just grabbing around her. See:�kiniwuyatpi�‘hold in arms’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
Restrict:�MA subject 3�•�feel pain in the stomach. Atiwany walij pa yalyungan iniwuning wurlurlu. ‘He ate some food and then he felt a pain in his stomach.’ Category:�Sickness.
Restrict:�MA subject 4�•�feel the desire for revenge. Nakapa ja arrarrkpi nakapa ngeyan nganiwun wurlurlu nuyu malanypi la ngiwanawun. ‘That man I see I feel something, revenge against him and later on I will kill him (because 2 to 3 years ago he killed my brother).’ See:�arrarr�‘coverb, have diarrhoea’. Category:�Hate, anger. Note: oblique object pronoun probably only used with second sense
wumun���noun. big, important. See main entry: imun. Category:�Size and weight.
wurt���noun. tiny, young. Kurrayanti warrawurnji wurt. ‘Look at the tiny girl (very young infant).’ Category:�Size and weight.
yarntulyak���noun. long, tall. ngawarntulyak, arrarntulyak, ngarrarntulyak, nuwarntulyak, nuwurrarntulyak, ninyarntulyak, arntulyak, marntulyak, awarntulyak, werntulyak. Nuwurri ta nuwurrarntulyak. ‘You lot are tall.’ Karrawarutpa katju anyak arntulyak. ‘We leave the food for a little while (5-10 minutes).’ See:�kerntulyakpin�‘lengthen’; kinnyarntulyakpa�‘lengthen’; yarntulyarrkut�‘long haired’; ilurtpuj�‘short’. Category:�Size and weight.
yarntulyarrkut���noun. long sleeved shirt, long pants, long haired, long grass etc. Used to specify either that something which can be short or long happens to be long, or to emphasise that something is very long. arntulyak (e.g. road), marntulyarrkut (e.g. grass, spear), awarntulyarrkut (e.g. Karwuluk yam). yarntulyak jalwarra ‘long pants’. yarntulyak ja iwiya. ‘long haired’. marntulyarrkut mirlak ‘long grass’. See:�yarntulyak�‘long’. Category:�Hair, Size and weight.
yarkalu���noun. light in weight or weak not strong. ngarkalu, arrarkalu, ngarrarkalu, nuwarkalu, nuwarrarkarlu, ninyarkalu, arkalu, markalu, awarkalu, werkalinut (*werkalu). Wenat werkalinut. ‘They are weak.’ See:�awarkalu�‘light in weight’; kinnyarkalanyma�‘make lighter (in weight)’; kerkalanymin�‘become light (in weight)’. Category:�Size and weight.
Parent category: