Organs and torso

Organs and torso

akiri���noun. 1�•�skin of yam, grain, etc. See main entry: ingiri. Category:�Plant parts.

2�•�foreskin. Category:�Organs and torso.

arlamun���noun. 1�•�kidney. Naka arlamun murrkaj. ‘That is kidney fat.’ Category:�Organs and torso.

2�•�Cheeky yam type. Tacca leontopetaloides. Variant:�Iwaja: Ijupalij. Ngungpuning ngimany arlamun. ‘I was digging and got an arlamun yam.’ Arlamun, ja karrila, arlamun. ‘Arlamun is the one we eat, arlamun’. Karrapa arlamun, ta walij. ‘We get arlamun, the plant food.’ Category:�Plant food, Tubers. Anth: Cooked by first heating shells such as Ngarlwak in the fire and then mixing them with arlamun and cooking them more.

aparrk���noun. 1�•�penis. Syn:�warla. See main entry: imarrk. Syn:�mazyirratat. Category:�Organs and torso. Note: not used to refer to yams at all.

2�•�cut of dugong meat. Category:�Mammals, Organs and torso.

igarnpa���noun. leg, lap, tail (of snake), side fins of a fish. Usage:�Used as reference point for 'lap': where a child sits. ngagarnpa, arrkarnpa, ngarrkarnpa, nukarnpa, nuwurrkarnpa, ninykarnpa, wungarnpa, magarnpa, akarnpa, wigarnpa. See:�wungarnpanarrow section of water, place name; magarnpafishing line, burning stick used as torch; magarnpa wularrtree roots; akarnpayam root, not the part that is eaten; ilarrihis leg. Category:�Organs and torso.

ijij���noun. anus. Category:�Organs and torso.

ilurlmu���noun. 1�•�waistline. Category:�Organs and torso.

2�•�thickest part through the centre of a fish. Category:�Fish bodyparts.

imarrk���noun. belly, stomach, abdomen. Considered the seat of emotions. Usage:�more polite than kurak ngamarrk, arrkparrk, ngatparrk, nukparrk, wimarrk, ninymarrk her belly, stomach, womb; wumarrk below, under, area below, low lying area, beyond the horizon; mamarrk main body of canoe, may include bottom and middle part but kapal is used to refer specifically to the middle of the canoe.; aparrk penis. Kimin iljil imarrk. ‘He is at peace.’ La wularrutapa imurranyminangka tuka ngatparrk. ‘And he's already growing up in our belly.’ Angmalkpa tuka mamarrk. ‘Water is coming in to the middle of the canoe.’ See:�wimarrkbellies, stomachs; ninymarrkbelly, stomach, womb; wumarrkbelow; mamarrkbottom of canoe; aparrkpenis; kurakshit. Category:�Organs and torso, Items for fishing.

inimi���noun. spine. nganimi, arrkimi, ngarrkimi, nukimi, nuwutimi, ninyimi, wunimi main.part.of.creek (not source or mouth); manimi tree.trunk; atimi last bit of food; winimi. See:�mimirib; niminimigo to back (of something); ninynimilower part of the back; nginpurlupper back area. Category:�Organs and torso.

inimi amparlarr���people from the topside of Alligator River. See:�niminimigo to back; nimibuttocks. Category:�Peoples and clans.

irigigi���noun. collarbone. Category:�Organs and torso. Syn:�mamungaparl.

iwik���noun. scrotum. Category:�Organs and torso.

kalagala���noun. tail, including fish tail. See:�kinilagalundrag, push. Category:�Organs and torso, Fish bodyparts.

kalannyun���noun. 1�•�Window Pane Oyster, a large flat round oyster. Typelacuna placenta. Variant:�Iwaidja: kalanyun. Nuka ja kalannyun. ‘This is kalannyun.’ Anth: Traditionally used to cut the umbilical cord of newborns. Category:�Shellfish.

2�•�shoulder blade. See:�mukibelly button. Category:�Organs and torso.

3�•�hard cash, money. Syn:�rrupiya. Category:�Other.

kapu���noun. vulva. Category:�Organs and torso. Variant:�vulgar term. Syn:�kurning.

katinikiniki���tv. Restrict:�ED object carry a lot of things on head and/or back. Nangujapa atinikininy. ‘Yesterday he carried a lot of things.’ Kiwunikiniki. ‘They carry things.’ kerra kati nikiniki ‘he's getting big and strong’. See:�atinikanikangbe huge from eating a lot; kininikihe is carrying it on his shoulders. Category:�Manipulation, Head, Organs and torso.

kempurranyin���iv. smite his chest. Category:�Strike or chop, Organs and torso.

kirrwara���noun. back (of the body), back of inanimate object. Ngamaju tuka kirrwara ‘I have something wrong with my back.’ Parang apa kunjurrngpung marnti kayirrkju kunjarray anjamang warlk kanpu tuka kirrwara. ‘I have commanded you lest you go cutting trees and harm your back.’ Mampuwarawng yungku la iwuwunyantung tuka kirrwara. ‘They lit a fire and heated the outside part of it.’ See:�Inypajiyiny kirrwarashellfish type; Murwalapandanus palm. Category:�Organs and torso.

coverb. Restrict:�female subject 1�•�menstruate. inypani kirrwara ‘she is menstruating’. See:�kinyurntulwarran; kinnyurntulwarran. Category:�Reproduction.

2�•�turn back on someone, a sign of anger. Arrkinkay arrarrkpi arryakay kirrwara la atjing. ‘We might have an argument with a man, turn our backs on him and walk away.’ Category:�Hate, anger.

3�•�turn back on someone, can be a way of being rude. Kun kirrwara. ‘When you sit in front of someone with your back facing then and don't show you know that he is behind you.’ Kapin kuni kirrwara la nuyimung. ‘Turn so you're facing away from each other.’ Kinnyun kirrwara la yamin ‘They're putting their backs to one another.’ Category:�Change stance. Note: Difference between CC with kinnyaka and kinnyun seems to be that one with kinnyun can be used simply to describe a movement rather than an emotion.

Restrict:�FE subject 4�•�fall backwards onto back. Qe, Imurnanganiny parakju ta yarlkeny. ‘Yes,he went back and went in.’ Ngapi mawarlkanyi inyurakan kirrwara. ‘I fell, I fell onto my back.’ Ant:�marrwakara. Category:�Vertical motion.

kumpil���noun. chest. Category:�Organs and torso. Note: Also a women's dance move that goes with Inyjalarrku

kurning���noun. vulva. Category:�Organs and torso. Variant:�polite term. Syn:�kapu.

kurrana���noun. 1�•�moon, month. Ja kurrana kilurrangkenka kinnyutpa mapularr. ‘The full moon rose and made the sea calm (the sea is often calm when there is a full moon in the sky)’. Kurrana kimaju la ilnguk kiningula la karrila ja karnjawarra. ‘When the moon dies the crab makes the red fat and then we eat it.’ Kurrana kaniyirran kurrula kinymalarrijpikpin. ‘The moon's shining and the sea's sparkling.’ See:�kinyjunmarryunnew moon; kinymarryunnew moon; kinymarlkurrankennew moon appear; jungkarrayear. Category:�Sky, Longer.

2�•�uterus. Category:�Organs and torso.

kinnyaka kurrana���measure of time. Restrict:�people as subject - always PL Ngarriyakangung ja kurrana kiki yirrik? ‘The months pass, how many is it?’ See:�ta arryakan ja kurranasome time ago. Ta awunnyukikiyang ta awuyamangung ta arryakan ja kurrana ta nungmalal yirrk angminy. ‘The work experience program held earlier this year was very popular.’ See:�jungkarrayear. Category:�Longer.

majarr���noun. throat, front of neck, part of trunk, voice; top of trunk or bottom of trunk, not sure. Maniwung majarr. ‘He's got a sore voice.’ Maniwung karrkpin mata majarr. ‘He spoke with a loud voice.’ Pata wera mampumarlalkuny majarr ngaw. ‘They cut it off at the trunk.’ See:�mangawjthroat, sore throat; imungkurryuwuback of neck. Category:�Organs and torso, Plant parts.

malawurtwarrki���noun. large intestine. Syn:�wurriwurri nuyu. See:�malijpularrsmall intestines. Category:�Organs and torso.

malijpularr���noun. 1�•�the small intestines. Mata nigi la malijpularr. ‘The stomach and intestines.’ See:�malawurtwarrkilarge intestine; wurriwurri nuyularge intestine. See main entry: ilijpularr. Category:�Organs and torso.

2�•�many small chips of wood. Category:�Fire.

mamungaparl���noun. collarbone. Category:�Organs and torso. Syn:�irigigi.

marawam���noun. buttocks. Variant:�Light Mawng. Syn:�mununy. Category:�Organs and torso.

marurturt���noun. heart. See:�kinnyukpunheart be deeply moved, broken. Category:�Organs and torso. Variant:�Ngurtikin form is mawurturt.

mayirratat���noun. penis. See:�aparrkpenis; irratatmeat. Category:�Organs and torso.

mimi���noun. 1�•�rib. Mawajiyiny nuyu mata mimi. ‘His rib is broken.’ See:�inimilower back; nimibuttocks. Category:�Organs and torso.

2�•�side of the road. Takapa mimi ngaw ta alan. ‘That is the side of the road.’ See:�mirkawkone side of road. Category:�Location and distance.

3�•�mimi spirit. imurra ja mimi ‘there are many carved mimi figures (in the arts centre)’. Category:�Dreamtime names.

miwing���noun. hips. La tuka miwing ngarru anyakut ‘And on our hips a bit too.’ See:�wirtakurlhip joint. Category:�Organs and torso. Anth: In sign language hitting the hip refers to spouse.

muki���noun. 1�•�belly button, umbilical cord. Mampulalkungung nuyu mugi. ‘They cut his umbilical cord.’ Mamarlintuny mata muki ‘The bit of umbilical cord breaks off.’ See:�kalannyunoyster type (used to cut umbilical cord); mamurrnglocal ceremony. Category:�Organs and torso. Anth: The small dilly bag with the bit of umbilical cord was often sent to a certain relative for them to keep. It was also sent in preparation for a mamurrng ceremony. Then later a child's father would get some shell from their country or bones of a fish they caught and send that for a mamurr ceremony. Now a bit of the child's first hair in beeswax is used.

2�•�shape of small spiral starter piece of a basket, yangali. This shape is perfectly round whereas ilarranypany is elongated. See:�ilarranypanyelongated starter spiral for basket. Category:�Tools, women's. Anth: The name refers only to the initial few layers of coils that are made to start off the basket.

murlirrk���noun. shoulder. Category:�Organs and torso.

mununy���noun. buttocks. Syn:�marawam, wutiputim, nimi. Category:�Organs and torso.

namangajijij���noun. small intestine. Category:�Organs and torso.

nimi���noun. 1�•�the blocked off end of the honeycomb in the tree. Arrungpayarrun arrkpanarra arrkpamalkpa ngaw ta nimi. ‘We will follow it along (ie. with the axe) until we come to the end of it.’ See:�inimi amparlarrpeople from the topside of Alligator River. Category:�Bees and honey.

2�•�the underneath side. Kamalangali mata warlk la arrkpana arrkanamajpungku nimi ngaw. ‘We will lift up the underneath part of the tree.’ Category:�Location and distance.

3�•�buttocks. See:�niminimigo to back (of something); mimirib. Category:�Organs and torso.

ninyimi���noun. her lower back. See main entry: inimi. Category:�Organs and torso.

ninymarrk���noun. belly, stomach, womb. See main entry: imarrk. Category:�Organs and torso.

ninynimi���noun. lower part of the back. See:�inimilower back. Category:�Organs and torso.

ngalgij���noun. liver. Category:�Organs and torso.

ngalmarr���noun. 1�•�cave or hollow, snake hole. Ngarruran ngarrurlgeny tuka ngalmarr. ‘We went into the cave.’ See:�kantajikinostrils. Category:�Smaller features.

2�•�hollow in tree, hole in tree. Nungpurnyak ngalmarr ngaw mata warlk. ‘The tree has a hollow.’ See:�kilajihollow, hole. Category:�Plant parts.

3�•�vagina. Category:�Organs and torso.

nganpiny���noun. armpit. Syn:�any. Category:�Organs and torso.

nginpurl���noun. upper back area. Yunyi nganatpi la ngamaju tuka nginpurl. ‘Don't touch me as my (upper) back is hurting.’ See:�inimispine. Category:�Organs and torso.

warla���noun. penis. Syn:�aparrk. See:�warla nuyumale. Category:�Organs and torso.

wanparntuk���noun. groin. Ngawelkpin wanparntuk. ‘My groin is swollen.’ Punyi nganimarkujpa wanparntuk. ‘Father, I have got growing pains, (literally, my groin is breaking me-like someone opening oysters).’ Wanparntuk arruniwun. ‘My (glands in my) groin are hurting me.’ Category:�Organs and torso.

wimarrk���noun. bellies, stomachs. awunpularruwunwimarrk ‘my mother's land’. See:�inilarruwunmother's clan/ land. Category:�Organs and torso. See main entry: imarrk.

wirtakurl���noun. hip joint. See:�miwinghips. Category:�Organs and torso.

wurak���noun. guts. Usage:�less polite than imarrk mata wurak ‘tummy, guts’. Kani tuka kurak. ‘Here where the insides are (of a tortoise)’. Mamurra wurak ‘big belly (a nickname for people with big bellies)’. See:�kurakshit; imarrkstomach; kamanilanta wurakHairfin Goby (fish type). Category:�Organs and torso.

wurriwurri nuyu���noun. large intestine. Syn:�malawurtwarrki. See:�malijpularrsmall intestines. Category:�Organs and torso.

wutiputim���noun. buttocks. Variant:�Murron clan term. See:�mununybuttocks. Category:�Organs and torso.

wuwuj nuyu���noun. bladder, urinary or gall bladder. Category:�Organs and torso. Anth: When preparing a turtle and removing abdominal viscera one must be careful that the wuwujnuyu 'gall bladder' does not break into the part to be cooked and eaten.

wuwururrk���noun. breasts which are full of milk. Category:�Organs and torso. See main entry: iwururrk.

yarlatij���noun. 1�•�backbone. Muka mata yarlatij ngarrurru arrarrkpi la karlurri. ‘This is the backbone of both people and animals.’ Category:�Organs and torso.

2�•�belonging to the same subsection of a moiety, tribal brothers. Mamurra yarlatij. ‘We are tribal brothers.’ Category:�family, inc moieties.

yanyjuk���noun. breast, milk (of any mammal). See:�iwururrksucculent juicy, wuwururrk 'breasts full of milk'. Category:�Organs and torso, Secretions and substances.

yurrk���noun. lungs. Category:�Organs and torso.

Parent category:

Bodyparts (people)