

arri���coverb. sleepy, as in the morning when you've slept late, as opposed to kingawun ngurrij which is used when you're sleepy in the evening. Nguruju arij. ‘I am sleepy.’ See:�ngurrijsleepy, sleep; kiwrujusleep in, sleep late. Category:�Sleep.

jinyngu���noun. unlit. Muka mata yungku mata jinyngu. ‘This firewood is unlit.’ Category:�Fire.

coverb. dark , in darkness, in the dark. Usage:�occurs with kerra and kiwraka. With kiwraka it means 'get up when it is still dark' or 'go off early in the morning' Yarran jinynguga. ‘He came after dark’. yurakangung jinynguga ‘he was up early in the morning’. Ant:�kiwruju. See:�walngakpalngakdaybreak when visibility is improving but not perfect. Category:�Sleep.

karrng���coverb. snore. Yukarrng (Yung karrng) ‘He was snoring.’ Category:�Sleep.

kertpirran���iv. 1�•�relax, feel relieved of tension and feel better. Pata awungkang apurra marlu, marrngarla yirrk, ngatpin awutikinang la ta kamalkpa kamin awartpirrany. ‘When they went out in rough winds and heavy seas we used to say they were all tied up (tensed up) and when they arrive they say they were untied (relieved).’ Awartpirran yirrk. ‘They relax (fully) (after doing some work).’ Karlapuk ma nganaw nganartpirran. ‘Quiet, I'm going to lie down and relax now.’ See:�kinnyartpirrauntie. Category:�Anxiety, shame, Sleep.

2�•�move slowly. Be slow to go and start doing something. Imajpungkun, kertpirran marlakan. ‘He gets up, taking it easy, very slowly.’ Nuyi ta kanngartpirran. ‘You're a slow mover.’ Category:�Activity manner.

kinikpi���tv. wake (person), disturb (birds). A! Kurrimany la inikping. ‘Oh! Get him or he'll wake him up.’ Ngarrutpin parakapa kinnyayan mirlarrmirlarr ngarrikpi kimajpungkin. ‘We approach him, he sees the phosphorescence, we disturb him and he moves off.’ Malany nungpakapa inyngikpung. ‘Then she tried to wake the other one up.’ Category:�Sleep.

kinilarrutpa���tv. Restrict:�MA object stay overnight, camp. Iwularrutpan arka. ‘They camped overnight along the way’. See:�kiwutpacamp overnight. Category:�Sleep.

kiw2���iv. 1�•�lie, sleep. Ngapi marrik ngawng. ‘I won't go to sleep / I'm not lying down.’ Yanat marrik yung. ‘He won't go to sleep / He's not lying down.’ Kiw warak nungunji. ‘It has black stripes (description of Trumpeter fish, Pelates quadrilineatus’. See:�kiwrnparrasleep. Category:�Remain stationary, Sleep.

2�•�be, stay. Usually for things on the ground. Wakapa kiw ja jurra. ‘The book is lying there’. Kanipa ta wularrut kani ja nguya yung ju jal ‘Here, only one clan lived for a long time’. Ta waliwali ta kanyu ta apaka la kani ta karrkpin. ‘The corals are there are they take up a large area.’ See:�kimirlkpungenturn body around; kiwunbe. Category:�Waiting, doing nothing.

3�•�be owned, takes oblique pronoun to encode possessor. See:�kiwrlkatindisappear, get lost; kinnyungive. Category:�Holding, sticking.


kiwrnparra���iv. sleep. yurnparrang he went to sleep; yurnparray He's not sleeping.. Wularrutapa yurnparrang ja warranyngiw. ‘The child is asleep now.’ See:�kiwa little of; ngurrijsleep; kiwtpinsleep for some time. Category:�Sleep, Remain stationary.

kiwruju���iv. sleep in, sleep late. yurujungan he slept in. Ngapi ngurujungan. ‘I slept late.’ yurajungan ‘he slept in’. Awutpiny awurakat jinyngu la ngarripa ngarrurujung. ‘They slept then got up early while we were still asleep.’ Ant:�jinyngu. Category:�Sleep.

uruju���lv. See:�arrisleepy.

kiwtpin���iv. lie for some time, sleep for some time such as a night. yutpiny he slept the night, stayed the night. Awutpiny ngulamngulam wenat awuran apumany ta kuli awaning apulangung. ‘They slept (and) in the morning they went and got yams (and then) sat and ate them.’ mutpiny ‘it (wood) lay there for a while, burning down’. yutpiny iwany kirrk ‘it (tortoise) lay there for a while, cooking’. See:�kiwrnparrasleep. Category:�Sleep.

kiwutpa���iv. camp overnight. See:�kiwutpinapproach quickly; kinilarrutpastay overnight; katiwujpapack up and leave, move house. Category:�Sleep.

ngurrij���noun. 1�•�sleep. Naka ja wumurra ngurrij. ‘He sleeps a lot.’ Tukapa ta ngurrij. ‘It's sleep-time (said to kids)’. And nukapa ja jara kiwani kuyuk ngurrij ‘And this other one is feeling sleepy.’ Annyayawng pa ngurrij. ‘He saw they were asleep.’ See:�kiwrnparrasleep. Category:�Sleep.

2�•�a day of twenty-four hours. Ngampiwi ja naka ja arrarrkpi yuran? Yuran ngarrkarrk ngurrij la iwamurnanganiga. ‘Where has that man gone? He has gone for two days and then he will return.’ Wimurra ngurrij la iwamurnanganiga. ‘It will be many days before he returns.’ Kingawun mira, ay kingawun mira ja ngurrij. ‘She sleep all day.’ See:�warntatarrdaytime. Category:�Daily.

NVidioms. 1�•�sleep. Wularrut yung ngurrij. ‘He has gone to sleep already’. Yung angkat ngurrij. ‘He is fast asleep.’ Category:�Sleep.

2�•�sleep, go to sleep. Wularrut yurnparrang ngurrij. ‘He has gone to sleep already.’ Category:�Sleep.

Restrict:�GEN subject 3�•�want to sleep, feel sleepy, for example in the evening. kiwruju arri is used when you are sleepy after getting up in the morning. nganngawun ngurrij I'm sleepy / I want to sleep.. Wularrut ingawung ngurrij ja ngapi ja warranyngiw. ‘My child wants to go to sleep, is sleepy.’ Kinyngawun mira ngurrij. ‘She's very sleepy.’ Ngeyan kingawun ngurrij. ‘I see he's sleepy.’ See:�arrisleepy. Category:�Sleep.

purup���coverb. 1�•�bend over. Anmina purup. ‘You bend over’. Syn:�punim. Category:�Change stance.

2�•�sleep a night, camp. Category:�Sleep.

3�•�put down, put into lying position. Mamputpan purup putmanta. ‘They put the case on its base (from a standing position on its side)’. Iwutpan purup ja warranyngiw. ‘They laid the child down.’ Kamannyutpa purup. ‘The grass falls over (at the end of the wet season)’. See:�kinnyutpaput down, write down. Category:�Manipulation.

4�•�lower pitch in song. Arriwanutpa purup parak. ‘We go down in pitch.’ Category:�Play, perform, joke.

tirr���coverb. 1�•�look for something. Naka anngarray tirr. ‘You might look for it.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.

2�•�alive, awake. Naka kiwani tirr. ‘He is alive, awake.’ Category:�Sleep, Illness and death.

wayway���coverb. groaning or talking in one's sleep. Yung yarrangung wayway. ‘He was lying groaning in his sleep.’ Category:�Language, Sleep.

wirrngak���1�•�noun. breath, life or hunger. La animaj rturrkpu wirrngak. ‘He made them really upset (lit: he pulled their breath).’ See:�kinnyakathrow. Category:�Healing and fitness.

Usage:�used with kimaju 2�•�NVidiom. be hungry, feel weak and tired from hunger. Nuka ja marryun kimaju mira wirrngak. ‘This boy is very hungry.’ la wirrngak marrik anmajung ‘so you won't be hungry (later)’. Yiwaninganpi yimin, Purrup ngarrurru; marrmarr pa nuyu, arriwanala la wularrut nganamaju wirrngak ta ngapi ‘Then he said, "We did well. I'm happy because we will eat, and I will be hungry."’ See:�kiniwurlkparrkihungry, have empty stomach. Category:�Illness, Healing and fitness.

Usage:�used with kinnyatpi 3�•�NVidiom. be hungry. Naka ja kinnyatpi wirrngak ja warranyngiw murnin ja mayakpu marrik aniwurru. ‘The child feels hungry but the father isn't noticing (for example, because he's playing cards)’. Category:�Illness.

Usage:�used with kinima rturrk 'pull' 4�•�NVidiom. make upset. Restrict:�LL object La animaj rturrkpu wirrngak. ‘He made them really upset.’ Kanima rturrk ngartu wirrngak. ‘He's really making me upset (eg. by crying for along time)’. See:�rtururrkwipe, graze. Category:�General change of state, Sorrow, happiness.

Restrict:�LL object 5: kannyaka ta wirrngak�•�NVidiom. breathe, rest, take a holiday. Juka jita warranyngiw marrik angakay mira ta wirrngak. ‘This child is not breathing properly.’ Nuka ja arrarrkpi iyamany wularrut la kayirrk kannyaka wirrngakapa. ‘This man was working before but now he is having a rest.’ Ngungaka wumurra wirrngak. ‘I'm panting.’ Category:�Automatic actions, Sleep.

6�•�NVidiom. short of breath. Kanjintukun ngartuk wirrngak. ‘I'm short of breath.’ See:�mangmangpant. Category:�Sickness.

wurrurru���coverb. Restrict:�LL object rock to sleep. Wurupurup karrpin pu "Ma kungpuni wurrurru". ‘Sometimes we say to them "Rock him to sleep".’ Kangawun wurrurru, ‘she is rocking him to sleep, comforting him’. Kangawun wurrurru nuyu/ngaw. ‘She rocks him to sleep.’ See:�wurrumake people feel sorry for oneself. Category:�Manipulation, Sleep.

Parent category:

Human body actions