Remain stationary
arak���coverb. 1�•�separate people who must avoid being close to each other because of their family relation by sitting or sleeping between them. Nganaw arak. ‘I'll sit between them (to separate them because they had a mother-in-law/son-in-law relationship)’. Anpanaw arakpu, kani! ‘You sleep between them, here!’ Kanyu arak wumawurr. ‘The milky way (lit: the creek that lies across)’. Category:�Remain stationary, Anxiety, shame. Note: People who are opposite sex siblings, in an iji-ngaya relationships or are mawawiny to one another cannot sleep lying next to one another so another person must sleep between them.
2�•�travel by boat between two points. kiw warak. ‘He travelled across the sea in a boat.’ Innyakan parak, kiw warakparak. ‘He set off in a boat, he's travelling across a stretch of sea.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle.
2a�•�be striped. Kingurrin arak karlwa. ‘It has yellow stripes.’ Category:�Properties of surface.
Restrict:�MA object 3�•�to set off in a boat. Used for boats with engines. Innyakan parak pa kerra warak. ‘He left in a boat, went off.’ Arriwaka warak. ‘We're going to travel by boat, you and me, go by sea.’ Innyakan parak ja kapala. ‘He went by sea by himself.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle. See:�warak�‘coverb’; warakparak�‘reduplicated form of coverb warak’.
Restrict:�MA object 4�•�cross sea in a boat. Awulatikin la innyutpan arak. ‘They went across (in a boat).’ And karrayan "Innyutpan arak. Kapala. Kerra warak" ‘We see it and say "Somebody's crossing (between north and south Goulburn islands). There's a boat. It's travelling along."’ Innyakan parak innyutpan arak. ‘The boat launched and crossed over between the two pieces of land.’ See:�warak (kinnyaka)�‘launch boat’. Category:�Travel by vehicle.
5�•�be in the way of somebody or about to cross paths with them. If that person is a family relation you shouldn't be near to somebody will say this to you so you can go around them. Inyi kutpa arak! ‘Don't cross his path!’ Kiw arak. Ngannyutpan arak. ‘He's in the way. He's blocking my path (a crocodile in a creek).’ Arta nukapa ngannyutpan arak ja marnmarn la kunuka nuyu. ‘Oh, this is not the way to get across (lit. it is blocked for me this way), Marnmarn, what are we doing?’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point, Anxiety, shame.
Restrict:�VE 6�•�put something across as bridge. Nganyutpan arak. ‘I put (the wood, plank) across.’ Category:�Transfer.
arakarak���coverb. put across. Ngyutpan arakarak. ‘I cut across the wind in the boat (so that the waves wouldn't toss the boat around so much)’. Iniwarlkarriny parak innyutpan arakparak. ‘He launched his canoe and crossed to the other side’. Mannyutpan arakarak. ‘He put (the planks) across.’ Category:�Travel by vehicle.
warakparak��� Note: reduplicated form of coverb warak See:�arak�‘a coverb combining with kiw, kinnyaka and kinnyutpa’.
ayay���coverb. 1�•�be hanging. Naka kili ayay ja manpurrwa. ‘The material is hanging there.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
3�•�float. Kinypani aya. ‘A seagull is floating in the water.’ Ja luluj kiwani aya. ‘The dog is swimming.’ Note: This can be used to refer to a person or dog swimming if they jump in off a boat. Can also be used to refer to a goanna swimming. Cannot be used for crocodiles or turtles Category:�Activity manner, Motion relating to water.
3�•�drift. Anmina "Yarrangung ayayga". ‘You could say "he drifted over this way."’ Category:�Activity manner, Horizontal movements.
kal���coverb. lie with head on a pillow. Palungang ja katju kal. ‘A pillow is what we lie (our head) on.’ Syn:�kilakpalkarin. See:�kalkal�‘fish at full tide’. Category:�Remain stationary.
kamaniwarnukpun���tv. Restrict:�VE object lie stretched out, bend down. Arukin maniwarnukpung tuka alan. ‘The snake lay stretched out on the path.’ Yarran parak maniwarnukpung. ‘He bent over.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
kilakpalkarin���iv. lie (with head on a pillow). Variant:�Ngurtikin form. See:�kiwarlkarrin�‘have been put high up’. Syn:�kal. Category:�Remain stationary.
kilangali���iv. 1�•�stand. karrkangali, kilangaliya ‘come for a visit from that area, homeland or not (same verb?) c.f. kilangali’; katangali. Ilangaling yalayala tuka skurl. ‘He was standing outside the school.’ awulangaling ‘they were staying’. See:�kamalangaliki�‘trees be clumped’; kiliga�‘travel from, be from’; kinilangani�‘stand up’; kilarrajpen�‘stand up, stand still’; imalmakpany�‘perform’. Category:�Remain stationary.
2�•�stay, be, katangali ‘It is standing’; kamalangali ‘It is standing’. Wakapa awunlangaling pata arrarrkpi yiwulangungapa kiyap. ‘The people were staying there and eating the fish.’ awunlangaling ‘They were staying’. See:�mulil�‘ceremony’; minyngu. Category:�Remain stationary.
3�•�be born, more polite than kilurrangken. Variant:�Ngurtikin form. Ilangalingan ja warranyngiw. ‘The child is born.’ Kurlingka inyjangalingan warrawurnji (or) marryun? ‘Did she give birth to a girl or a boy? (lit. was a girl born, or was it a boy?)’ Kula kayirrk iwalangali ja warranyngiw? Iwalurrangken? ‘Is the child being born now? About to be born?’ See:�kilurrangken�‘jump, be born’; kelkpa�‘bare young, lay eggs’; kiwarntangaliki�‘someone who is sleeping with their legs elevated’. Category:�Reproduction.
Usage:�with PP suffix 4�•�have come from place, in journey. Nuka ngampiwi kilangalinganka? ‘But where has he come from?’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
kilangali tuka wurak���phrase. the child is in utero. Naka warranyngiw kilangali tuka wurak. ‘She is with child.’ Category:�Reproduction.
5�•�be child of. nukapa pata kawulangali Marrawal la Narul. ‘That man's children are Marrawal and Narul.’ Category:�family, inc moieties.
6�•�be part of a certain human grouping. Anth: This includes being in a matrimoiety grouping, semi-moiety (skin) grouping, clan group. Being a participant in a ceremony. Ngapi ngalangali ngangiri Ngalngarrij/Ngalngarrajku. ‘My skin name/matrimoiety is Ngalngarrij/Ngalngarrajku.’ Ja kimaju karriwunyaka nuyu irrkpalakaj la karrangali minyngu. ‘When someone dies, we smoke his possessions and have a minyngu.’ Category:�Peoples and clans, family, inc moieties, General ritual.
Restrict:�GEN subject ; FE object 7: kinyngalangali�•�huge. inyngalangaling. Category:�Size and weight.
kilarrajpen���iv. stand up. Stand still, as opposed to move. Awungurrinka awularrajpeny. ‘They ran to him and stopped’. Warranyngiw kutarrajpena! ‘Children stand up!’ See:�kilangali�‘be born’. Category:�Remain stationary, Waiting, doing nothing.
kiliga���iv. travel from, be from. Stand. ngati, ankingan, inyjinganka ‘she came from (her homeland)’; ilinganka ‘he came from’; kilinganka ‘he is coming from’. Juka kapa inyjinganka Wumara ngungpurrun arakap ngarru kunak apa. ‘Her, she came from Wumara. I think we come from the same area.’ Karrkpurnangani akutju tuka arrkinganka tuka kamalangali muka. ‘Now we're back at the same place we left, where this tree is.’ Awulingan inimany wurlurlu. ‘They stood there and he hugged him.’ See:�awulingan�‘be siblings’; kilangali�‘be born’; ingalkpany�‘To have been born in a place, have grown up in a place’; kinyji�‘choke’; yili (kingurrin). Category:�Peoples and clans, Remain stationary.
kilintin���iv. have legs wide apart. Category:�Remain stationary. Note: May be in kiniwuta paradigm like kimilinta
kimin���iv. 1�•�be. Usage:�with modifier complement Kimin numalal. ‘He is good.’ Kamamin rlaw mata warlk. ‘The wood is bent.’ Ngaminang warranyngiw. ‘I was a child.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
2�•�do. angminy. Kuna nuyu ja arrarrkpi kimin? ‘Why is the man doing that?’ wakapa Wangarran kangurtiny parak kapa angminy parak wawurri. ‘Wangarran stretches right inland, part of it is inland (it's a large area).’ kangminka ‘the road comes towards us, possibly down a slope’. Category:�General terms.
3�•�say something, tell a story, talk a language, talk, call someone or something by name. Make a noise (of nonhuman subjects). mamam ja ngapi ngamin nuyu ‘My Mamam, I call him 'Mamam'.’ Ngaminy nuyu arlarrarr. ‘I said to him there is nothing here.’ Malany apumanpuning apinang "Rtol!" ta malngpi. ‘As they were biting them the malngpi nuts went "Crack!"’ See:�kinini�‘say something’. Category:�Language.
4�•�go. Nganukiya ngampiwi nganamin parak ta alan. ‘Show me where to take the path.’ Qe yarranka iminyka kapa Kunpalanya. ‘So he went to Oenpelli.’ Category:�General terms.
Restrict:�LL subject 5: kangmin�•�it's happening, that's how it is. Ya, nungpakapa angminang ta wularrut. ‘Yes, that's how it has been for a long time.’ Iyarlmu kangmin kirrk. ‘Spirit children, those ones.’ Kayirrkapa kangmin akutju ta nungpaka ngarrayan ta kingurrin. ‘Today those things happen when we see it moving.’ See:�imina�‘modal particle’; kinginka�‘speak’. Category:�Remain stationary.
kanilalku (kunak)���lie on side. See:�kiw kinilalku�‘lie on side’. Category:�Remain stationary.
kiniwarlka���tv. 1�•�sit on. Karrpani karriwarlka ja purrpurruka. ‘We are sitting on top of the material bag.’ Nganngawarlka. ‘She's sitting on me.’ Syn:�kiniwarlkatpa. Category:�Remain stationary, Location and distance.
Restrict:�GEN subject 2: kingawarlka�•�be the boss of land, look after land, own land. Kingawarlka ‘He's the head man, he looks after the land.’ Wularrut ngapi nganngawarlka ta kunak. ‘I am based on this land, I am in control of this land.’ Kingawarlka ta kunak. ‘He looks after the land.’ Like yanat nuyu pa ta kunak. Kingawarlka ta kunak. ‘Like it's his land. He's the boss of that land.’ Kingawarlka ta yanat ta nuyu ta kunak. ‘He's the boss of this, his land.’ Marrakarrak kingawarlka ta kunak. ‘His son is (now) the boss of he land.’ Nganngawarlka ta kunak. ‘I am in control of this land.’ Kingawarlka ta kunak. ‘He is one of the main owners of this land.’ Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
kiniwarlkatpa���tv. sit on it. Category:�Remain stationary. Carmelo nganiwuni. Malany nganiwarlkatpan. ‘Carmelo went to hit me. He sat on me, he overpowered me.’ See:�kiniwarlka�‘Used to refer to a man's brother-in-law or a pair of brothers-in-law’.
kiniwuyatpi���tv. hold in arms, put arm around. Ngawng ngiwuyatpang. ‘I lay with my arm around him.’ See:�kinilagatpi�‘hold in arms or on hip’; wurlurlu (kinima)�‘embrace’. Category:�Remain stationary.
kingurlkparryu���iv. 1�•�lie on back. kakurlkparryu. Iningalkpung ja manpiri waliman imajungan apa la inimirlkpungeny ingurlkparryungan. ‘They clubbed the turtle with an axe and turned it over onto its back.’ Warranyngiw ja kingurlkparryu nakapa karriwunya wurul akutju nuyu ja iwamurranymin marrik imi wungpulaj marrik imi itpirrk. ‘We warm the young infant over the fire so that when he grows up he will not steal or be naughty.’ Ingurlkparryungan kiw. ‘He is lying on his back.’ See:�kiningurlkparryutpa�‘put on back’. Category:�Remain stationary.
Restrict:�LL subject 2: kangurlkparryu�•�level ground. Category:�Landscape.
kakurlkparryu���noun. palm of hand. Category:�Limbs.
kiw2���iv. 1�•�lie, sleep. Ngapi marrik ngawng. ‘I won't go to sleep / I'm not lying down.’ Yanat marrik yung. ‘He won't go to sleep / He's not lying down.’ Kiw warak nungunji. ‘It has black stripes (description of Trumpeter fish, Pelates quadrilineatus’. See:�kiwrnparra�‘sleep’. Category:�Remain stationary, Sleep.
2�•�be, stay. Usually for things on the ground. Wakapa kiw ja jurra. ‘The book is lying there’. Kanipa ta wularrut kani ja nguya yung ju jal ‘Here, only one clan lived for a long time’. Ta waliwali ta kanyu ta apaka la kani ta karrkpin. ‘The corals are there are they take up a large area.’ See:�kimirlkpungen�‘turn body around’; kiwun�‘be’. Category:�Waiting, doing nothing.
3�•�be owned, takes oblique pronoun to encode possessor. See:�kiwrlkatin�‘disappear, get lost’; kinnyun�‘give’. Category:�Holding, sticking.
kiwani���iv. 1�•�sit, live, stay. ngawani, karr(k)pani, ngatpani, kanpani, kutpani, kinypani, kangpani, kawani. ngatpaninganpipa ‘we sat for a while.’ awaningan ‘he stayed there for a short while’; karrkpani. Tuka ta kunak ta kiwani. ‘That is the place where he lives.’ Kangpani nuyu kalamparak ‘He's sweating’. Category:�Remain stationary.
2�•�not do anything, in contrast to others. Not do what the other does. La inyjakujpinyju kinypani. ‘And she just sits without saying anything.’ Category:�Waiting, doing nothing.
3: kawani�•�be married, be husband and wife. Syn:�kawartpanyjilin. Yitpulij nuyu ngapi ngatpaning ja nuwarlkparrakan ‘Yitpulij, he's the man I was married to, that old man’. ja ngatpani ‘my husband’. See:�kiwanpani�‘sits up (child)’. Category:�Social responsibilities and events, family, inc moieties.
part. used to link sentences, as a discourse marker. Awaningan pata wera
kiwanpani���iv. 1�•�sits up (used of child who is able to sit up). Nuka ja warranyngiw wularrut kiwanpani. ‘This child is already sitting up.’ Category:�Remain stationary, Illness and death.
2�•�come from, habitually live at. Ngarri ta ngatpanpani ta ngatpuran Warruwi. ‘We are people who live at, who come from Warruwi.’ See:�kawanpani�‘dugong group’; kiwani�‘sit’. Category:�Peoples and clans.
kiwarnpani���iv. sit back on heels (a polite way of sitting). Jaka jita warramumpik kurrinyanti kinyparnpani. ‘Look at that woman sitting on her heels, sitting politely.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
kiwarntangaliki���iv. 1�•�used to describe someone who is sleeping with their legs up, for example lying on their back with knees bent and feet on the floor. Category:�Remain stationary.
Restrict:�VE subject 2: kamawarntangaliki�•�scattered trees in the distance. Ta kamawarntangaliki naka mata warak kamalangali mata warlk. ‘When (we say) kamawarntangaliki it means that the trees are standing in the distance.’ See:�kilangali�‘be born’. Category:�General terms.
kiwrnparra���iv. sleep. yurnparrang ‘he went to sleep’; yurnparray ‘He's not sleeping.’. Wularrutapa yurnparrang ja warranyngiw. ‘The child is asleep now.’ See:�kiw�‘a little of’; ngurrij�‘sleep’; kiwtpin�‘sleep for some time’. Category:�Sleep, Remain stationary.
kunak���noun. 1�•�ground or dirt, can also refer to the sea bottom. Kiw tuka kunak. ‘It is lying on the ground.’ See:�yulngpuj�‘dust’. Category:�Land features.
2�•�camp, home. Kiwani tuka kunak ngartu. ‘He is at my camp.’ Category:�Shelter, camp, house.
3�•�country, land. Ngapi ngartu kunak kapa Wungarnpa. ‘My country is at King River.’ Category:�Land features.
Restrict:�LL subject 1 kanti kunak, kantangali kunak�•�camp semipermanently for a few months, build huts, many people camping there. Usage:�Used like a noun to refer to the camp. Wakapa kanti kunak arrarrkpi kawulangali. ‘Over there a group of people were staying in a long term camp.’ Wakapa antangaling kunak wigarra pata arrarrkpi awaning la warra kamumu la warranyngiw. ‘There were a lot of people camping there; men, women and children.’ Iwulangungapa kiyap. Anting kunak pata pukawkapa pata arrarrkpi, pata karlurri awk. ‘They were eating the fish. They had a big camp with a lot of people where they stayed for a while, all those people, all those birds.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
Restrict:�LL object 2 kannyen�•�bury.dead. Usage:�only for humans, not animals Wularrut ngungeny kunak. ‘I already buried the body.’ Kangpen kunak kirrk like ngarrkarrk la werakap kangpen kunak. ‘They buried them all, like they buried three.’ Category:�Mourning.
kurr���coverb. 1�•�stand upright. Malany jalakaraj kilangali kurr. ‘The fish spear is standing upright.’ Kilangali kurr. ‘He is standing up straight.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
2�•�spear at close range. Kimit kurr. ‘He spears something at close range such as a fish or crab.’ Category:�Pierce, shoot.
3�•�walk along with a walking stick, because of difficulty walking. Kerra kurr. ‘He walks with a stick.’ See:�jurr (kerra)�‘limp’. Category:�Walking.
4�•�kick. Malany innyarlukpat kurr. ‘He kicked him.’ Nuka ja pujurlung kinnyarlukpat kurr kamawarlkanyi warakapa. ‘This bottle is kicked and it's falling off.’ See:�wurrkurr. Category:�Strike or chop.
kuyuk���coverb. look down, for example to avoid staring impolitely at someone approaching, or because one is sleepy. And nukapa ja jara kiwani kuyuk ngurrij ‘And this other one is feeling sleepy.’ Nuyi kanpunayan, kunpayan la kanmit kuyuk ‘They'll look at you. They look at you and you bow your head (in shame).’ Category:�Remain stationary.
larr���coverb. 1�•�lean against something while standing. Ngapi nganalangali larr. ‘I will stand against, lean against the wall.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
2�•�sit on something, lean on something while sitting. Kiwani larr. ‘He's sitting on something / He's sitting and leaning on something.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
3�•�lie on edge of something, can also be lean while lying. Kiw larr. ‘It's lying on the edge (e.g. of a road or a carpet)’. Category:�Remain stationary.
4�•�lean while walking. Kerra larr, kerra larrtarr. ‘He's leaning while walking.’ Category:�Walking.
Restrict:�MA object 5�•�finish, complete. Wularrut iniwung larr ta iyamangung. ‘He has finished what he was doing already.’ And imirawng kirrkapa iniwung larr. ‘And he sang it and he finished it.’ Iwany kirrk, imirawng kirrk, iniwung larr. ‘When it was all burnt he sang and finished singing the song.’ See:�kiniwularrun�‘finish’. Category:�Activity manner.
ngarlwak���noun. 1�•�knee cap. Kimaju tuka ngarlwak. See:�kartawarr�‘knee joint’. Category:�Limbs.
2�•�mud Mussel, lives in mangroves, in mud. Polymesoda erosa. Variant:�Iwaidja: ngarlwak. Kuwanama ngartu ngarlwak. ‘Get me some Mud Mussels.’ Ngarlwak mampulalkungung muki. ‘Ngarlwak was used to cut umbilical cords.’ Category:�Shellfish. Anth: Good to eat.
coverb. Restrict:�MA object 1�•�sit cross-legged, literally: bend knees. Ngarri ngarryukpuning ngarlwak ‘We sat cross-legged.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
2�•�die, polite way of describing someone's death. innyukpung ngarlwak ‘he died, polite (lit: he kneeled down or collapsed)’. ingawkpung ngarlwak ‘she died.’ See:�kartawarrkartawarr�‘kneel’; mirnta�‘die in old age’. Category:�Illness and death.
yarakap ngarlwak���phrase. only child. inyalkpany yarakap ngarlwak. ‘She has only one child, an only child.’ Category:�Ages.
parrparr���coverb. 1�•�be extended, cover a large area. Kutpayanti mata miyurrk kamaw parrparr. ‘Look at the smoke, it stretches a long way.’ Nuka kiw parrparr. ‘He's lying down.’ Manjat tuka kanyu parrparrwu. ‘The one who's straight to them.’ See:�parr�‘peel back, become unstuck’; arr�‘stretch’. Category:�Size and weight.
2�•�be extended, cover a large area, stretch out. La mata karlagarla naka kapa Wartpen, mutpiny parrparr warak. ‘His tail stretched up to Wartpen.’ Category:�Remain stationary, Size and weight.
3�•�stretch, extend. Kurlingka kutpan parrparr ja manpurrwa? ‘Did you stretch out that material?’ Category:�Manipulation.
4�•�make correct, write down correctly. Angamany ngaw ngaralk pa angutpan parrparr warak ta wulinjinyut la ta wumun ta ngaralk. ‘She got my words and put them down correctly, the easy parts and the hard parts of the language.’ Ngungpanutpa parrparr tuka ajput ora ta waryat. ‘I'll straighten up the sand and the rocks.’ Karryutpa parrparr warak ‘We keep the pitch straight (not particularly high or low like the other two of the three types of tunes)’. Category:�General change of state, Goodness.
5�•�extend. ja kingurrit parrparr ‘it's roots’. Category:�Plant parts, Size and weight.
rtaj���coverb. stare at, look directly at (while facing). Innyayawng rtaj. ‘He stared at him.’ Inyi kunyayataj ‘Don't stare at her.’ Jarrang la leopard kawulangali, kinnyayen la yamin kinnyayat rtaj la yamin. ‘There are horse and leopard looking at each other, staring at each other.’ Syn:�maralangkat. Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, Remain stationary.
Parent category: