General terms
ke���iv. go. Marrik yang. ‘He is not going.’ Yuran Wiyarla kiwani. ‘He has gone to stay at Wiyarla.’ Awangkung apuwuning karwuluk. ‘They used to go digging yams.’ Marryun awuran pu kiyap pata tuwarlkparrakanut. ‘The boys went after fish for the old people.’ See:�kerra�‘go around’. Category:�General terms.
alaj���prep. accompaniment, with. Napa ngatpin "Mawarlkanyi alaj waliman" ‘About that we say "She fell over with an axe".’ Algaj ngaw Ngalwangari ngarruran. ‘We went with Ngalwangari (group of 3 or more altogether).’ Nakapa ja alaj ngaw jakapa Tasha ‘He also had (a daughter) Tasha.’ See:�alalajalalaj�‘how and when’; rtil�‘together, accompanying’. Category:�General terms.
alalajalalaj���adverb. how and when. La marrik ngungpurru mira malany inyarran alalajalalajkayu kanipa. ‘I don't remember very clearly, where, how and when she travelled until she got here.’ Inyarran alalajka... kanipa. ‘She came along little by little until she reached here.’ Inyarran alalajkayu... inymalkpany. ‘She travelled bit by bit and then arrived here.’ See:�alaj�‘with’; alalaj�‘spread lies about person’. Category:�General terms.
alan���noun. path, track, road (not footprint track). Kaningula alan karrpin, mutika alan. ‘He is making a road we call, a vehicle road.’ Tuka alan akutju angpuyarruning. ‘They followed the straight path.’ Pirr yangkungapa alan. ‘He kept following his path.’ Category:�Land features.
Restrict:�LL object 1 kannyutpa alan�•�take a particular track. Lead (OBL) on a track. Annyutpan alanapa. Annyutpan alan ja arrarrkpi. ‘The man set off on the track.’ Annyutpan alan ngarrurru. ‘He's the leader (of us). He shows us the way, he knows which way to go.’ Annyutpan parak. Kerra warak. Pa kiwuyarrun parak. ‘He set off. He's walking along. And they follow him.’ Category:�General terms.
Restrict:�LL object 2 kanima alan�•�check. Pa i: animany alan, yarrangung parak. ‘Well, that was it. He set off, he was going away.’ Category:�General terms.
arlarng���coverb. 1�•�to be ignorant of something or be confused about something. Ngapi ngawani arlarl la marrik ngungmanyi. ‘I am ignorant (of that) because I didn't get it properly (before).’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
2�•�wander off into the bush: getting lost or hiding. Kerra arlarng. ‘He wandered off (e.g. a very small boy, might wander off into the bush)’. Kapa kinyarra arlarlng. ‘She went off that way.’ kinyarra arlarl ‘she got lost (e.g. in the bush)’. Category:�General terms.
3�•�go the wrong way or drive off the road accidentally. Ingawkpung atkurrin arlarng ‘She turned and took us the wrong way (or maybe just drove off the road accidentally).’ Category:�General terms.
4�•�send someone away, lead someone somewhere, lead someone astray. Innyakanka arlarng. kingakaga arlarng ‘She is sending the little boy away (because she is busy working).’ Innyakan arlarngka ja yaliwi. ‘He took him the wrong way.’ Kinnyakaga arlarng. ‘He's taking him the wrong way.’ Like warramumpik maangawurru ja road when she go, kinyarra arlarlng kawunngaka arlarlng parak. ‘Like a woman who doesn't know which road to take. She goes the wrong way. and they get lost.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, General terms.
Restrict:�GEN subject 5: kingaka arlarng�•�be lost, confused, oblivious, led astray. Nganngaka arlarl. ‘I'm lost (eg in the bush).’ Ngampiwi kanmin parak? Kunngaka arlarlng ta waka? ‘Where did you go? Did you wander off over there?’ Pata kawunngaka arlarl nukawk apa ja kawarra raw kiwula yaliwi. ‘They are lost and confused, those ones keep drinking that rubbish stuff (grog).’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention, General terms.
6�•�get confused with dance steps. Yara ta kawuli arlarng ta kiwarlukpa. ‘Sometimes they get it a bit wrong, the dancing.’
arlarngarlarng���coverb. Category:�Play, perform, joke.
jarrk���coverb. 1�•�break, split open. Kuwuni jarrk! ‘Cut that (paper, or shirt or anything)’. Syn:�yarrk. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
Restrict:�LL object 2�•�make room (for OBL). Kurrungpuni jarrk! ‘Get off the road (a car's coming). (Lit: make room!)’ Kurrungpuni jarrk nuyu mutika. ‘Make room for the car.’ See:�yarrk; kannyarlan�‘divide, halve’. Category:�General terms.
3�•�cut in half. Karlanti jarrk. ‘Cut it in half (paper or clothing, or dividing a crab into half so each can take half.)’ Manpurrwa, korranti jarrk. ‘Divide the clothes in half.’ Korlanti jarrk, like nuyi.... ‘Divide them in half, like you...’ Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
jarrkjarrk���coverb. split open. Ngarringula ngarriyarlan jarrkjarrk kirrk. ‘We open it, and make it split right open’. See:�yarrk (kinilalku)�‘split’; karten yarrkjarrk�‘one who uses a different pronunciation’. Category:�Divide, cut, tear.
juju���coverb. 1�•�walk. Kurrayanti ja marryun anyak kerra juju! ‘Look at the little boy walking!’ Kerra juju warak. ‘He's going a long way.’ Syn:�pulpul. Category:�Walking.
2�•�travel back and forth between two places some distance apart (e.g. Warruwi and the mainland). La warak ta ngalangali jujuga. ‘I have to travel back and forth a big distance.’ Category:�General terms.
yurlkajjurlkaj���coverb. run about. Category:�General terms.
ke���iv. go. Marrik yang. ‘He is not going.’ Yuran Wiyarla kiwani. ‘He has gone to stay at Wiyarla.’ Awangkung apuwuning karwuluk. ‘They used to go digging yams.’ Marryun awuran pu kiyap pata tuwarlkparrakanut. ‘The boys went after fish for the old people.’ See:�kerra�‘go around’. Category:�General terms.
kerra���iv. 1�•�walk along, walk around. iwanarra ‘he's going around, walking, not in a car.’ Wiyarla nganarra. ‘I'm going off on a walk to Wiyarla’. Note: Both ke: and kerra can occur with -ga and warak. Ma, yarranyi juju. ‘Come on, he must walk.’ Ngapi ja nganimalkpany marrik yarrang akak. ‘My father doesn't scavenge.’ Category:�Walking.
Restrict:�LL subject 2�•�people behave, or do things a certain way, over a period of time. Pa pirr kanngarra warakapa. ‘Keep going that way.’ See:�ke�‘go’. Category:�General terms. angarrangung angarran
kangarra yala���phrase. level, cleared ground.
kangarra yala yirrk���iv. open country.
kangarra warak���phrase. area goes up to. Category:�Landscape.
kililmikpin���iv. tremble. Amurtpiny awulilmikpinang la amarkpungkuny awungurriny parak. ‘They were afraid (and) trembling and went and ran away.’ See:�nulilil�‘newborn child’. Category:�General terms, fear, shock, surprise.
kimin���iv. 1�•�be. Usage:�with modifier complement Kimin numalal. ‘He is good.’ Kamamin rlaw mata warlk. ‘The wood is bent.’ Ngaminang warranyngiw. ‘I was a child.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
2�•�do. angminy. Kuna nuyu ja arrarrkpi kimin? ‘Why is the man doing that?’ wakapa Wangarran kangurtiny parak kapa angminy parak wawurri. ‘Wangarran stretches right inland, part of it is inland (it's a large area).’ kangminka ‘the road comes towards us, possibly down a slope’. Category:�General terms.
3�•�say something, tell a story, talk a language, talk, call someone or something by name. Make a noise (of nonhuman subjects). mamam ja ngapi ngamin nuyu ‘My Mamam, I call him 'Mamam'.’ Ngaminy nuyu arlarrarr. ‘I said to him there is nothing here.’ Malany apumanpuning apinang "Rtol!" ta malngpi. ‘As they were biting them the malngpi nuts went "Crack!"’ See:�kinini�‘say something’. Category:�Language.
4�•�go. Nganukiya ngampiwi nganamin parak ta alan. ‘Show me where to take the path.’ Qe yarranka iminyka kapa Kunpalanya. ‘So he went to Oenpelli.’ Category:�General terms.
Restrict:�LL subject 5: kangmin�•�it's happening, that's how it is. Ya, nungpakapa angminang ta wularrut. ‘Yes, that's how it has been for a long time.’ Iyarlmu kangmin kirrk. ‘Spirit children, those ones.’ Kayirrkapa kangmin akutju ta nungpaka ngarrayan ta kingurrin. ‘Today those things happen when we see it moving.’ See:�imina�‘modal particle’; kinginka�‘speak’. Category:�Remain stationary.
kiniyirnukpun���Restrict:�MA object tv. go around. kingayirnukpun ‘she is going around it’. Iniyirnukpuningka ja kapala. ‘The boat was coming around the point.’ Nuka Wigu kiniyirnukpunka. ‘It (the boat) is coming around the point at Wigu towards us.’ Right around iniyirnukpung innyeyawng. ‘He went right around it and looked at it.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
Restrict:�GEN subject, MA object 2: kingayirnukpun�•�tv. road make a wide arc, like on the way to Amartjitpalk. Coastline arc inwards as it does from a point to the middle of a bay. Arrampij kingayirnukpun Warltangayin. ‘From Arrampij you go around the point to Wartlangayin.’ See:�kinnyarlgunta�‘enter harbour’. Category:�General terms.
kinnyaka���tv. 1�•�throw (out), push (over), knock over, drop off (in car), pile up. kokanyi. Muka mata mawngku kamangakaga. ‘The shade's come over us.’ Ngamangawunapa, ngyeka ja mangawj. ‘As I cough, I cough up flem.’ Nukawk ja manpurrwa kinnyalmuni - nganti innyakakan? ‘All the clothes are untidy - who threw them everywhere?’ See:�kerwen�‘throw with aim’; kingartpirrun�‘throw spear’; kinnyakataka�‘hurry’; jurrk�‘drop off in car (coverb)’; kiniyiwaka�‘take by pulling, snatch’; kunakay�‘excuse me’. Category:�Throw, trip.
2�•�argue. Yanatapa yinyakakangung la yamin. ‘They struggled repeatedly with each other.’ Kinyaka la yamin. ‘They're arguing ( a man and a woman).’ Iwakangung la wemin. ‘They were throwing the ball to each other.’ Category:�Fight.
3�•�go in opposite directions, separate. innyakan ya yamin ‘they went in different directions’. Malany kayirrk karrungayan Weyirra la Warruwi angakan la anyamin. ‘So now you can see that North Goulburn Island and South Goulburn Island have moved apart.’ Category:�General terms.
4: katjaka�•�build (a building); build, or be built out of, or build a structure. atjakan ‘he built it’; apakan ‘they built it’; ngartakan. Wangaran awuranapa karntirrkan apa mampumanyka mampulalkungung ta takapa ta church apakan ta kantirrkan. ‘They went over to Wangaran. They brought the Cypress Pine over and cut it and made the church building out of Cypress Pine.’ La apakan tirip apuwung tukapa katangali ta kurrampalk. ‘They lowered the height of the house.’ About tukapa yarl ta kangpaka warrawurnji. ‘About this cone of sand that they build for the girl.’ See:�apaka�‘length, breadth, size’. Category:�Manipulation.
5�•�sort out, throw around. Kinnyaka manpurrwa. ‘He threw clothes all over the place.’ Nukawk ja manpurrwa kinnyalmuni - nganti innyakakan? ‘All the clothes are untidy - who threw them everywhere?’ Warranyngiw inyi korratakaka ta apariyirrk from mainland ‘Children, don't throw around the food from another place, the mainland.’ Category:�Manipulation. Note: Edible object form used to refer to household possessions in general.
Restrict:�VE object 6: kamannyaka�•�go line fishing. Usage:�Usually accompanied by wakij, before or after verb, but kamannyaka alone is usually interpreted the same Ngatpakan wakij, ngarrimany wirlmu. ‘We went fishing and got a barramundi.’ Ngatpana ngatanaka wakij Nganyamirnali. ‘We will go (and) cast out a fishing line at Nganyamirnali (ie. go line fishing).’ Angkuwurulpung mampakan mampulalkukunyapa mata nakawkapa mata nganykarrarr. ‘They cleaned up, cut them down and then cut them up into small pieces, all those mangroves.’ See:�yaw (kamannyaka)�‘cast net’. Category:�Hunting.
Restrict:�LL object 7: kannyaka nuyu�•�make trouble for other people by doing something to someone. Annyakan kirrkpu. ‘He caused a lot of trouble for them.’ See:�lirri�‘trouble, enemy’. Category:�Fight.
Restrict:�LL object 8 Kannyaka kirrk nuyu�•�stuff up, ruin everything for somebody. Kungakan kirrk nuyu nuyipa ‘You have spoilt it all for him.’ Nuyipa kungakan kirrk nuyu, pa awunginkan. ‘You ruined everything for him so they fought.’ Category:�Goodness.
9�•�collect turtle eggs. Anth: Turtle eggs are collected by digging them out of the sand near the sea. Kunuka ja kurlajuk kokan? ‘What type of eggs did you get?’ Category:�Hunting.
10�•�clear up area. Kinnyaka rubbish. ‘He cleans up rubbish.’ Syn:�kaniwurulkpun. Category:�Activity manner.
Restrict:�ED object 11 katjaka�•�put on cermonial bands such as ayukayuk and panang. Category:�General ritual.
Restrict:�MA subject, VE object 12 kamannyaka�•�have a serious meeting in which people put forward important and forthright points of view. Like kapin ngarri warakapa ta kamannyaka la wemin ja kiwarlkparran ja kawa pata kawaga pata wimunpimunawk. ‘Like when we exchange strong words with balanda people, with all the important White people who come here (for meetings).’ Kamannyaka la ngarrimung. Kamannyaka la yamin. Category:�Language.
13�•�spend money. Kingama ja rrupiya, kingakaka yirrk, la kinypani arlarrarr. ‘When she gets paid, she spends it until there's nothing left.’
kinnyaka yara���Restrict:�MA object collect money by saving it in the bank or putting it together for a common purpose. Kiki ja arriwaka yara rrupiya? ‘How about we save some money?’ Arrapaka yara. ‘We're collecting food together for a common purpose.’ Syn:�kinnyutpa. Category:�Holding, sticking.
kingaka murr���Restrict:�GEN subject hurt emotionally. Category:�Sorrow, happiness.
-aka ta kanyiga���phrase. hurrry! See:�kinnyakataka�‘hurry’. Category:�Language.
kinnyalima���tv. 1�•�head to. Variant:�Ngurtikin form. Inyminang ngaw "Annyanyji kolimanyi Ngantumak." ‘She was saying to her "Off you go! Go to your husband!".’ Kurrunalimany punyi. ‘We sought you out, father (in prayer).’ See:�kiniyalma�‘look for’. Category:�General terms.
Restrict:�LL object 2 kannyalima�•�head towards place, look for place. Karrayanju yara ja kamaniyitpa ke kannyalima warakapa Weyirra. ‘We see sometimes his lights as he goes towards Weyirra.’ Well wakapa tuka ngampi kiwani kannyalima warakapa tuka Alarlyin kiwani, wa:pa ta wungurlaj. ‘Well, he's going over there to where he lives, Alarlyin is the name of that place.’ Category:�General terms.
kinnyarutpa���tv. 1�•�leave thing, leave person. Also used for leave spouse or spouse die. Awunilutpan awunnyarutpan. ‘He dropped them off but he just left them there (he never returned to pick them up again as expected.)’ Kunnyarutpa, marrik kanimiyarma. ‘He'll leave you, he doesn't want to go.’ nganyarutpan ‘he left me, i.e. died’. See:�kinnyutpa�‘put down’. Syn:�kinilutpa. Category:�General terms, Illness and death. Note: Different to -lutpa which means 'drop off person with intention to come back later and pick up'
2�•�let (do). Ant:�kinnyutpa. Iwarutpanyi yarranyi ta kani. ‘They should have left him wandering around here.’ Kutpunpanarutpa awangalmen ngarrurru pata alapika pata wilinjinyut. ‘Leave those small turtles alone so they will become plentiful for us.’ Category:�Judgement, evaluation.
Restrict:�LL object 3: kannyarutpa�•�leave a place. Ngeyawng kapala annyarutpan kerra warak Maningrida. ‘I saw them leave for Maningrida.’ Annyarutpan alan la kerra warak tora. ‘He left the path and is going another way.’ Category:�General terms.
kingarrarramin���iv. move slowly. Karrkpin "Nakapa kingarrarramin ja kiyap kega". ‘We say, "That fish is coming towards us slowly."’ Category:�Activity manner, General terms.
kingurrin���iv. 1�•�move quickly. Meanings include: run, fly, (animal) move or swim about in water, (wood) float along in water. Yarakap arrarrkpi ngarraryawng ingurrinang. ‘We saw a man running.’ Kayirrk ta tuka ta Mawng ta karrkinka tuka ta Mawng ta karrkurrin ‘Today the Mawng we speak is fast.’ Kingurrikpin kinimarrawurlngaka. ‘He's running around in a circle.’ kamangurrin ‘when someones waving a torch around quickly’. Kakurrin ta marlu. ‘The wind's blowing.’ Restrict:�liquid subject, mostly LL subject Category:�General terms.
2�•�rivlet, rainwater, creek, river flow. Cannot be used for billabongs. Maningul kamangurrin (pirlpirl) ‘Blood's flowing out.’ See:�kiwryi�‘swim, bath, wash (self)’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
Restrict:�VE subject 3 kamangurrin�•�be light-headed, dizzy, having a feeling of going round and round in the head. Ngapi kamangurrin. ‘I feel dizzy.’ Iwaninganju kamangurrin. ‘Suddenly he felt dizzy.’ Wularrut mangurrinang la kayirrk arlarrarr. ‘I was dizzy before but now nothing.’ Category:�Discomfort and pain.
Restrict:�VE subject 4 kamangurrin�•�not see properly, see black or see stars. Kamangurrin ngartu ta wun. ‘My vision goes black / I see stars’. Kamangurrin ngartu wun. ‘Like drunk, or if you stand up and everything goes black.’ Kamangurrin nu wun. ‘You can't see properly (temporarily)’. Category:�Discomfort and pain, Cognitive senses and attention.
kiyirrngun���iv. move, shake. Ngayirrnguny. ‘I moved (a muscle in my body).’ Awuyirrnguny la awuyirrnpungkuny. ‘They moved a bit and sat quietly.’ Malany ngalyung ta atjirringunang parang la nguran ap. ‘I felt the movement (of the tremor) and so I sat down.’ See:�kiniyirrngun�‘move, shake’. Category:�General terms.
kiyulu���iv. move. Awunpayawng pata arrarrkpi awuyulungan. ‘They saw the men moving.’ See:�kiniyulun�‘cast off shell’. Category:�General terms.
rlirr���coverb. 1�•�move, shift from one place to another. Warranyngiw kutpina rlirr! ‘Children, move over!’ Nganiluta la imina rlirr warak. ‘He is in my way and should move away.’ See:�yap (kimin)�‘move.location’. Category:�Horizontal movements.
2�•�move or push something along. Kumanyi rlirr nuwu ja mutika. ‘Move your car out of the way.’ Kunymanyi rlirr jaka (*ngaw) ‘Move her along (e.g. a child).’ Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�ED object 3�•�move camp. La apakawi rlirr warak ngampiwi yirrik ta waka. ‘And further on to - I'm not sure which places - over there.’ Category:�General terms, Shelter, camp, house.
warrajparray���coverb. Dance moving arms from side to side (used in Inyjalarrku dance). Fabric wave in the breeze, leaves on a tree wave in the breeze. Kawulangali warrajparray kiwarlukpa ‘They dance moving their hands from size to side.’ Category:�Play, perform, joke, Wind, General terms.
yap2���coverb. move from one spot to another, move location, move oneself to another spot and stay there for a while, shift camp. amijap ‘they moved camp (because someone had died)’. Amajpungkiny parak aminy jap parak pata Wamirunmu awaning. ‘The people who were staying at Wamirunmu got up and shifted camp.’ Kayirrk la yarran imijaparak tuka marapa seat, kawani. ‘Later on he moved to another seat.’ See:�rlirr�‘move, change location’. Category:�General terms, Shelter, camp, house.
Parent category: