Horizontal movements
aril���coverb. 1�•�circle around, linger. Can be 'linger' or 'hang around' for people. Or for a person who keeps going up and down looking for something. Koyanti karlurri kili aril. ‘Look at the bird circling around.’ Category:�Horizontal movements.
2�•�circle around. Kerra aril. ‘He's circling, e.g. bird looking for fish.’ Category:�Horizontal movements.
3�•�cut around. Inilalkuny arilga arilwi. ‘He cut it in a circular fashion.’ kinilalkuny aril la aril Category:�Divide, cut, tear. Anth: Used in decribing how turtles, dugongs and buffaloes are cut open to remove the guts.
4�•�encircle. Category:�Horizontal movements.
5�•�surround, entry. Awuntuwutiny aril ‘They (birds) are circling them (prey).’ Category:�Horizontal movements.
arilaril���coverb. go on circling around. Category:�Horizontal movements.
1�•�go around in circles. Kawungurrin arilaril ‘They're going around and around in a circle (on their bicycles)’. Category:�Horizontal movements.
2�•� Category:�Horizontal movements.
arilaril���coverb. go on circling around. Category:�Horizontal movements.
1�•�go around in circles. Kawungurrin arilaril ‘They're going around and around in a circle (on their bicycles)’. Category:�Horizontal movements.
2�•� Category:�Horizontal movements.
ayay���coverb. 1�•�be hanging. Naka kili ayay ja manpurrwa. ‘The material is hanging there.’ Category:�Remain stationary.
3�•�float. Kinypani aya. ‘A seagull is floating in the water.’ Ja luluj kiwani aya. ‘The dog is swimming.’ Note: This can be used to refer to a person or dog swimming if they jump in off a boat. Can also be used to refer to a goanna swimming. Cannot be used for crocodiles or turtles Category:�Activity manner, Motion relating to water.
3�•�drift. Anmina "Yarrangung ayayga". ‘You could say "he drifted over this way."’ Category:�Activity manner, Horizontal movements.
jirrjirr���coverb. skid, slip. Ingurriny jirrjirr ja marryun. ‘The boy slipped.’ See:�jirr�‘have traditional knowledge’. Category:�Horizontal movements.
junta���coverb. 1�•�travel slowly. Ta karrpin junta naka ta karrarra marlakan. ‘When we say junta it means that we go along slowly.’ See:�jilik�‘travel slowly’; marlakan�‘slowly, carefully’. Category:�Horizontal movements.
2�•�lazy. Kerra juntawi. ‘He is lazy.’ Category:�Horizontal movements.
karl���coverb. crawl. Category:�Horizontal movements.
arlkarl���coverb. Category:�Horizontal movements.
arlkarl���coverb. Category:�Horizontal movements.
kawartpanyjilin���iv. Restrict:�PL subject 1�•�they are meeting. Ngatpalkpany ngarrartpanyjiliny. ‘We met along the way.’ Kawartpanyjilin tuka alan. ‘They met on the road.’ Category:�Horizontal movements.
2�•�marry. Wularrut ngarrartpanyjiliny ngapi li inyanat. ‘She and I are already married.’ See:�kiwartawkunjilin�‘mix together’; kinnyartpan�‘boil’; kiwani�‘be married’; kinimakan�‘have as spouse’. Category:�Social responsibilities and events. Anth: Doesn't mean marriage from a promise, but just getting together.
kelpun���iv. go off, disappear - i.e. focus is on change to being absent from source location. Kawalpukpun. ‘Suddenly everybody disappeared.’ Ngarrimanyju bonh karralpukpun kirrk. ‘We just take it and then all go home.’ Wularrut kinyalpung. ‘She's already gone off.’ See:�kiniwalpun�‘touch, graze’. Category:�Horizontal movements.
kerlkpun���iv. get away, get too far away to catch up with, get away (from me). inyarlkpung ‘she was already too far ahead of him, she had gotten ahead of him’; yarlkpung ‘he got ahead of him’. Kerlkpun warak ‘he has wandered off, e.g. when a toddler wanders off too far, or when a boat has floated away from its moorings and can be seen across the bay.’ Category:�Horizontal movements.
kimijakanka���iv. Do amurl dance movement that is low down and looks a bit like paddling a canoe. Kamijakanka wumarrk. ‘They do the low down amurl movement.’ See:�kimija�‘paddle canoe’. Category:�Horizontal movements.
kinimarkpukpun���tv. slow person down. Ngatpunmarkpukpun. ‘We are slowing them down.’ See:�kimarkpukpun�‘travel slowly’. Category:�Horizontal movements.
kinnyarlgunta���tv. 1�•�put away inside. For example, put a boat into the yard, put hay in a shed, put a washing machine in a house. Kinnyarlunta. ‘A man is putting something in the house, e.g. a washing machine.’ Awarluntanyiga ta walij, kawutpany ta kurrampalk, katjarlunta. ‘Put all the food inside, put it in the house, he puts it in the house.’ See:�kiwrlgen�‘go inside’; kiniyirnukpun�‘go around’. Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�VE object 2 kamannyarlgunta�•�Enter (sexually). Category:�Reproduction.
Restrict:�LL object 3: kannyarlunta�•�go into harbour. Kannyarlunta tuka Martpalk. ‘He brought the boat into Martpalk bay.’ A kannyarlunta warak palapala tuka Wiyarla. ‘Oh the barge is going into Wiyarla bay.’ Category:�Horizontal movements.
kinnyarlukpa���tv. 1�•�kick. Kurlingka arrarrkpi kamannyarlukpa chair? ‘Is the man kicking a chair?’ Innyarlukpang. Naka kiwani la kinnyatpi ngarlwak. ‘He kicked him. That one's holding his knee.’ Kapin kawunginka, innyarlukpa. ‘It's like they're fighting, he kicks him.’ Category:�Strike or chop.
2�•�tread on or stamp on something. Or just put foot on something. Iwarlukpan wukuwuk. ‘They stamped on it while it was hot.’ Karrungarlukpa waryat. ‘We step on rocks.’ Ingamurranyminy, like kingarlukpa. ‘She makes him grow up, like she puts her foot on him (his chest).’ See:�kakarlukpa warraka�‘Jakana bird’. Category:�Strike or chop.
Restrict:�MA object 3�•�dance. ngeyarlukpa, kurriyarlukpa, ngarriyarlukpa. Yanat innyarlukpangung. ‘He was dancing.’ Kinnyarlukpa Inyjalarrku. ‘He's dancing Inyjalarrku.’ Kingarlukpa ja Inyjalarrku. ‘He's dancing Inyjalarrku.’ See:�yurnu ta karrungarlukpa�‘foot’; kinilakurma�‘perform as’; wilpil�‘dance expertly’. Category:�Horizontal movements.
4�•�(siblings) precede one another in a family. Ingarlukpakpa la yamin ‘She precedes him in birth order’. Innyarlukpakpa la yamin ‘He precedes him in birth order’. See:�awuniluriny�‘the youngest son in the family’.
rlirr���coverb. 1�•�move, shift from one place to another. Warranyngiw kutpina rlirr! ‘Children, move over!’ Nganiluta la imina rlirr warak. ‘He is in my way and should move away.’ See:�yap (kimin)�‘move.location’. Category:�Horizontal movements.
2�•�move or push something along. Kumanyi rlirr nuwu ja mutika. ‘Move your car out of the way.’ Kunymanyi rlirr jaka (*ngaw) ‘Move her along (e.g. a child).’ Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�ED object 3�•�move camp. La apakawi rlirr warak ngampiwi yirrik ta waka. ‘And further on to - I'm not sure which places - over there.’ Category:�General terms, Shelter, camp, house.
milngur���coverb. limp, because of a sore foot. Kerra milngur ja marryun. ‘The boy is limping.’ Ke milngur ‘He is limping, limps’. Category:�Horizontal movements, Physical disability and injury.
niminimi���coverb. 1�•�go to back (of something). Does not mean to walk backwards or to go back where a person was before. Angarranyi niminimi. ‘Move backwards.’ kerra niminimi ‘go to the back of a group’. Category:�Horizontal movements. See:�inimi�‘lower back’; nimi�‘buttocks’.
noun. greedy (used of children). Tuka ta niminimi kata. ‘You eat too much.’ See:�atimi�‘last bit of food’. Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
pirtpirt���coverb. slither along. Arukin kerra pirtpirt parak. ‘The snake is slithering away.’ See:�pirt�‘take out’. Category:�Horizontal movements.
yili���coverb. flee. Awungurriny kili warak pata marryun. ‘The boys fled.’ awungurrina ili See:�kiliga�‘travel from, be from’. Category:�Horizontal movements.
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