Vertical motion
jirl���coverb. drip, bleed. Ta walmat kilatpa yara ta kurrampalk ta kantajiki nakapa kili jirl. ‘When the rain falls, a house with holes in it drips (leaks).’ Yara ta warramumpik ta kakalalku yurnu naka kinyjangali jirl. ‘When a woman cuts her finger it drips (blood).’ Kantangali jirl kangurrin. ‘It's dripping petrol, it's running out (said about a leaky car)’. Category:�Vertical motion, Automatic actions.
jurr���coverb. 1 ke jurr�•�fall, fall over once. Marnti ying jurr. ‘It might fall.’ Yara tuka wurl ta anyung ta wupaj tuka maryawu kamalangali la kama jurr mata mawiya kawani purlup pata arrarrkpi pata kiwatpi jilimin nakapa kiniwunpu ja jilimin. ‘Sometimes in a waterhole where there are Paperbark trees growing and the fallen leaves are in the water then people with ringworm will swim to cure themselves.’ Ngapi ngana ngiwayalma kunjing ja yurat jurr. ‘I'm looking for a key that was lost.’ See:�yurrjurr�‘fall off’; kamawarlkanyi�‘fall’; kurr�‘stand upright’. Category:�Vertical motion.
2 kerra jurr�•�limp or hop along, for example because of a sore foot. kerra jurr ‘He is limping.’ Category:�Walking.
Restrict:�unclear 3 kinnyaka jurr�•�drop off. Atjakat jurr ta walij. ‘It dropped off the food (the barge)’. Category:�Transfer.
kamatangaliki���iv. Restrict:�VE obj tree fall over. Category:�Trees and bushes, Vertical motion.
kamawarlkanyi���iv. Restrict:�VE subject fall, fall down. mawarlkanyiny, mawarlkanya, manawarlkanyi. Ngarrkarrk mutika mawarlkanyi. ‘Two cars have crashed.’ Yanat animany karrkarrk la mawarlkanyiny. ‘He missed his footing and fell.’ Yarntakpungapa wakapa mawarlkenyiny mata warral. ‘He chopped down that Warral tree there.’ See:�kiwrlgen�‘enter, go in’; kangulkpuni�‘fall’. Category:�Vertical motion.
kapirrk���coverb. 1�•�trip over. Kinyimany kapirrk. ‘He tripped her over.’ Nganngamany kapirrk ta waryat. ‘A rock tripped me over.’ Inyngamaj kapirrk orka. ‘She tripped her a bit.’ Category:�Throw, trip, Vertical motion.
Restrict:�MA subject 2�•�trip over (habitually). Kinyima kapirrk. ‘She trips over (a lot).’ Category:�Vertical motion.
karrkarrk���coverb. Restrict:�LL object 1 kanima yarrkarrk�•�miss what was said. Ngapi ngungmany karrkarrk. ‘I missed what you said.’ See:�karrk�‘scratch (redup is arrkarrk or yarrkarrk)’. Category:�Language, Activity manner.
Restrict:�LL object 2 kanima yarrkarrk�•�slip. Yanat animany karrkarrk la mawarlkanyiny. ‘He missed his footing and fell.’ Kanima arrkarrk ‘It slips (e.g. a car stuck in a bog).’ Category:�Vertical motion.
3 kinnyen karrkarrk�•�scrape. Kanin karrkarrk.
kerukin���iv. climb. -aruki-. Nakapa kalmaya yarukiny nuwu. ‘That green ant's climbed up on you.’ Yarukikinang yarukikiny yarukiny yuranapa. ‘He climbed and climbed, he climbed still further, and climbed again.’ ja karrarukin ‘we sing higher’. Category:�Vertical motion.
kilatpa���iv. go down, go towards sea. Ilatpan parak tuka ajput. ‘He went down to the beach’. Karlurri kilatpa tuka kunak la kilangali. ‘A bird comes down and stands on the ground.’ Walmat kilatpan yunyi kanpani la oryak. ‘Rain fell so don't sit there it's wet.’ See:�kiwrtin; kinnyutpa; kinyjatpa tirip�‘late afternoon’. Ant:�kiwrtin. Category:�Vertical motion, Motion relating to water.
kilurrangken���iv. 1�•�jump, fly, hop in. (Moon) rise. jurrk ‘jump!’; ilurrang ‘he jumped, he was born’; inyjurrangken ‘a girl is born’; An-kurrangke-na-ga. Koyanti karlurri kilurrangken ‘Look a bird's flying.’ Ankurrangkenaga. ‘You jump in.’ Ja kurrana kilurrangkenka kinnyutpa mapularr. ‘The full moon rose and made the sea calm (the sea is often calm when there is a full moon in the sky)’. See:�jurrk�‘jump! (ideophone)’; awulurrangkekenyjing�‘try and take over somebody else's place’; kelkpa�‘bare young, lay eggs’; kilangali�‘participate in ceremony’. Category:�Vertical motion, Movement in and out.
2�•�be born. Usage:�A commonly used term but not considered as polite as ilangalingan. Ilurrang kingurlkparryu. ‘She gave birth to a baby.’ Kurlingka warrawurnji inyjurrang? ‘Was it a girl that was born?’ Takapa anturrangkenang lirri. ‘That's how they make trouble.’ See:�lirri�‘trouble’; kawulurrangkeken. Category:�Reproduction. Anth: Traditionally older women held the woman while she gave birth. One held her from behind around the waist. The arms and knees were also held
3�•�interrupt person speaking, take over story. Category:�Language.
kinimalapa���tv. 1�•�put curse on or 'sing' someone. Nuka inimalapany. ‘He has sung him.’ Syn:�kinimalanyi. Category:�Sorcery.
2�•�drive. Restrict:�MA object Sarah ingamalapangung mutika. ‘Sarah was driving the car.’ Category:�Vertical motion.
kinnyutpa���tv. 1�•�put down, write down. With oblique object means 'put away for' or 'keep for'. kurriyutpan, iwutpan, ngyutpan ‘I put it, Capell and Hinch Text 1’; kotpa murr ‘You are holding it tight’. Wakapa ngyutpan ja waliman. ‘I put the axe there.’ kiwutpa ingurlaj ‘they give him a name’. Note: 'mata' comes out as 'pata'. Kutanutpa mata dinghy ‘Hold the dinghy on its side.’ Kamannyatpi rlaw, kammanyutpa manjat. ‘He bends the (spear shaft) with his hands, he makes it straight.’ See:�kinilutpa�‘put down, drop off’; kinnyarutpa�‘leave’; purup�‘put into lying position (kinnyutpa)’; put�‘put it there! put it down!’; kilatpa�‘go down’; kinyngarnutpa�‘sun begins to go down’; kinimirrawun�‘write, draw, mark’; kirirrk�‘put’; kinnyaka yara�‘collect or save something’. Category:�Manipulation.
Restrict:�MA object 2�•�stop doing what you're doing. Innyutpanapa la ngatpiny, ‘He stopped singing and he said,’ Category:�Activity manner.
Restrict:�ED object 3 katjutpa�•�bird or plane land on ground. Category:�Vertical motion, Weak impact.
innyutpan kurrana���NVidom. new moon appear. See:�kinymarlkurranken�‘new moon appear’. Category:�Longer.
kannyutpa alan���NVidiom. go along path/road, travel route. Annyutpangung parak alan. ‘He was going along the path.’ Ma! Arrungutpanyi alan! ‘Come on! Let's take the path, start off.’ Category:�Movement relating to fixed point.
kannyutpa wularri / wulatpiyi���make a law, put into the law. Annyutpan wulatpiyi wularrut marrik arrungukpu. ‘He put that law there for us a long time ago and we must not break it.’ Category:�Social responsibilities and events.
katjutpa yurnu���NVidiom. bird or aeroplane land, leave tracks. Ja karlurri katjutpa yurnu. ‘The bird comes down and puts his foot on the ground.’ Katjutpa yurnu yiwarak nganaparru. ‘The buffalo left tracks.’ Katjutpa ta yurnu ta kunak. ‘He made a footprint.’ Category:�Vertical motion, Weak impact.
mannyutpan larnngalk���NVidiom. pick up a sound whose source is not visible.. Work out where someone is from sound they are making. Work out what people are doing from sound they are making. mannyutpan larnngalk ‘he tried to listen’. "A" mannyutpan mata larnngalk. ‘"Ah ha!" he picked up the sound.’ Category:�Cognitive senses and attention.
katjutpa yurnu���NVidiom. bird or aeroplane land, leave tracks. Ja karlurri katjutpa yurnu. ‘The bird comes down and puts his foot on the ground.’ Katjutpa yurnu yiwarak nganaparru. ‘The buffalo left tracks.’ Katjutpa ta yurnu ta kunak. ‘He made a footprint.’ Category:�Vertical motion, Weak impact.
kirrwara���noun. back (of the body), back of inanimate object. Ngamaju tuka kirrwara ‘I have something wrong with my back.’ Parang apa kunjurrngpung marnti kayirrkju kunjarray anjamang warlk kanpu tuka kirrwara. ‘I have commanded you lest you go cutting trees and harm your back.’ Mampuwarawng yungku la iwuwunyantung tuka kirrwara. ‘They lit a fire and heated the outside part of it.’ See:�Inypajiyiny kirrwara�‘shellfish type’; Murwala�‘pandanus palm’. Category:�Organs and torso.
coverb. Restrict:�female subject 1�•�menstruate. inypani kirrwara ‘she is menstruating’. See:�kinyurntulwarran; kinnyurntulwarran. Category:�Reproduction.
2�•�turn back on someone, a sign of anger. Arrkinkay arrarrkpi arryakay kirrwara la atjing. ‘We might have an argument with a man, turn our backs on him and walk away.’ Category:�Hate, anger.
3�•�turn back on someone, can be a way of being rude. Kun kirrwara. ‘When you sit in front of someone with your back facing then and don't show you know that he is behind you.’ Kapin kuni kirrwara la nuyimung. ‘Turn so you're facing away from each other.’ Kinnyun kirrwara la yamin ‘They're putting their backs to one another.’ Category:�Change stance. Note: Difference between CC with kinnyaka and kinnyun seems to be that one with kinnyun can be used simply to describe a movement rather than an emotion.
Restrict:�FE subject 4�•�fall backwards onto back. Qe, Imurnanganiny parakju ta yarlkeny. ‘Yes,he went back and went in.’ Ngapi mawarlkanyi inyurakan kirrwara. ‘I fell, I fell onto my back.’ Ant:�marrwakara. Category:�Vertical motion.
kiwrtin���iv. land, go towards coast, go inland, go upwards. yurtiny ‘he came up onto the beach, he landed (on the beach)’; murtiny ‘it is washed up on the shore (a tree)’; awurtiny ‘they came ashore’. Ngapipa nganurtin wawurri nganuraka tuka kunak. ‘I am going to land, come in to land, (and then) go on to the camp.’ Awuranka (awurtiny). ‘They were coming in towards us, towards the coast.’ Kawurtin jita arukin. ‘They have gone inland for the kurnapipi’. wakapa Wangarran kangurtiny parak kapa angminy parak wawurri. ‘Wangarran stretches right inland, part of it is inland (it's a large area).’ Ngungpanunma nuwu ta yurtiny nawunawu. ‘I'm going to tell you about how a whale was washed ashore.’ See:�kilawurtin�‘the tide is coming in’. Ant:�kilatpa. Category:�Vertical motion, Motion relating to water.
marrwakara���noun. goanna species. See:�wulak�‘small goanna’. Category:�Reptiles and amphibians.
coverb. Restrict:�MA object lie on stomach, fall forwards onto stomach. kingawun marrwakara ‘She lay on her stomach’. Marryun iniwuning marrwakara. ‘The boy was lying on his stomach.’ Iniwung marrwakara ‘He fell forwards onto his front.’ Ant:�kirrwara. Category:�Change stance, Vertical motion.
matmat���coverb. fly. Karlurri ja kingurrin matmat. ‘It is the birds which fly.’ "Makiny la arrkpanawunju karlurri arrkpanarra matmat yurrng nuyu ja arrkpana arrungpayalgan arranama ja kiyap." ‘"We will have to change into birds and fly in the sky to hunt for our fish."’ Category:�Vertical motion.
par���coverb. slip. Kurrayanti yanat iwanamit par. ‘Look at him, he will slip.’ See:�warpar�‘take down’. Category:�Vertical motion.
tiyip���coverb. 1�•�go down little by little. Ja arrarrkpi kilatpa tiyip. ‘He went down (a slope, or down from a tree, not just towards coast or in water)’. Ja manpurrwa kilatpa tiyip. ‘The piece of clothing falls down (e.g. skirt that's too big)’. Inyjatpan tirij jita muwarn. ‘The sun went down.’ Category:�Vertical motion.
2�•�go down. Kerra tiyipka. ‘He's going down, e.g. a cliff’. Category:�Vertical motion.
3�•�bring down, bring towards coast. Innyakan tirip parak. ‘He brought her down to the coast.’ La apakan tirip apuwung tukapa katangali ta kurrampalk. ‘They lowered the height of the house.’ Awunpaka tirip pata warramumpik la warra punyikarlu. ‘The took everybody down to the shore, the women, children and old people.’ See:�kimirawn�‘sing’. Category:�Manipulation.
4�•�make lower. La apakan tiyip apuwung tukapa katangali ta kurrampalk. ‘They lowered the house’. Category:�Manipulation.
wurlwurl���coverb. 1�•�sink down. Kerra wurlwurl warak. ‘He drowns.’ Kurrayanti ja arrarrkpi ja kerra wurlwurl warak murnin nakapa ja nulakpi ja arrarrkpi. ‘See that man sinking down because he is a heavy man.’ Syn:�wurlkurl (kerra). See:�kurlkurl�‘hidden away, locked up’; kurl�‘drown’. Category:�Vertical motion, Motion relating to water.
2�•�Dunk someone like kids do, without intending to drown them. See:�wurlkurl�‘sink down’; wurlpurl�‘tie up canoes and leave them in the water’; purl�‘drown’. Category:�Motion relating to water.
wuwutuwut���coverb. low flying. Kingurrin wuwutuwut ja arrapalen. ‘The plane is flying low.’ See:�wumarrkwumarrk�‘bottom of, lower edge of’. Category:�Vertical motion.
yurrjurr���coverb. 1�•�fall off. Marrany yurrjurr "Ma arrkpana, mawuga arriwanama." ‘It falls off (the ngarntawl seed), "O.k. lets go and get mawuga crabs".’ Category:�Vertical motion.
2�•�save money. Kingaka yurrjurr ja rrupiya. ‘She saves her money.’ Category:�Other.
Restrict:�ED object 3�•�unload. Kapaka yurrjurr Nagalarramba ‘They're unloading their stuff at Nagalarramba.’ See:�jurr�‘fall’. Category:�Vertical motion.
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